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 Message Boards » » Terminator Series General Discussion Page [1]  
All American
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I think it's time to create a thread to discuss this series of films, which of course, should be considered as the one of the greatest sci-fi movie series in human movie industry. Arguably Star War series is a competitor, but Arnold is becoming a legend through this series. He will be remembered forever not as an action star, but as the leading role of Terminator episode, and he's still productive--two new episodes are still coming according to sources.

I like robots.

8/17/2016 7:29:52 AM

All American
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shoot, buddy, you are very strange and have strange ideas.

Star Wars is "arguably" a competitor? You're out of your goddamn mind. Star Wars surpasses Terminator in every respect, whether you're talking about box office earnings, merchandising, or sheer cinematic quality. You just can't put Terminator on that level. It's okay to love Terminator, but to say something like fucking Star Wars is "arguably a competitor" is sheer madness.

Arnold is "becoming" a legend? Arnold was already a legend by the time he starred in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. None of the subsequent Terminator movies can hold a candle to the first two, and in no way have they enhanced his star power--in no way!

Now, with all that said: I thought Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was not a worthy follow-up to T2, and Terminator Salvation was simply a wretched fucking movie. But I actually kinda liked Terminator Genisys, especially Emilia Clarke's surprisingly good performance as Sarah Connor and the fundamental changes to the timeline.

I think what Terminator needs is a solid crossover film with the Alien and/or Predator franchise. I'd really like to see a Terminator Alliance movie with Skynet working with the human resistance to fight off a worldwide xenomorph infestation. It'd be cool if the Terminators were the basis for Weyland-Yutani's synthetics!

8/17/2016 8:38:31 AM

All American
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I know Star War series is like God-made movie to American people and I watched it since childhood as well in China, since it's so famous around the globe and the topic is incomparable.

But you underestimate Terminator series too. Because to me honestly speaking, Star War is just a tale of the future. It's like Hollywood has tons of money to spend but they don't know where to waste it so they just burn the money into a story called Star War.

Terminator is so real. It's based on the real high technologies scientists and engineers are developing every day in their labs, for example-- robotics and automation, computer vision, pattern recognition, computer networks, intelligent system, AI, etc. And all these technologies are illustrated so well through the robot Terminator and the legendary actor Arnold. And he's really back last yr in the new episode, the Genisys. If he didn't reboot it, he will be remembered still as an action star like Jackie Chan or the Rock. A legendary killer like Chow-Yun fat. But this guy put his career into a whole new level.

Also it's a great sci-fi story, a drama of the future forecast in a dark way no other movies can be compared with in my mind. The Matrix series is arguably a competitor. And I'm glad it's still going on. They are making new ones. So the story is not dying like the Matrix. I predict boldlyin the next one, John Corner's mother will get mad and become a Terminator.

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 9:03 AM. Reason : add another note]

8/17/2016 9:00:30 AM

All American
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^That stuff is true about the Terminator movies in general but as a whole they come nowhere near the phenomena that is Star Wars. People quote multiple Star Wars movies all the time. There are people that are registered as "Jedi" as their religion in the census. People have Star Wars themed weddings. The light saber duels in the original trilogy, as well as the "I am your father" scene are some of the most parodied/referenced scenes in cinematic history. You don't see that kind of stuff for the Terminator series. Admittedly, I would say that a big part of it is due to Star Wars being family friendly, so part of its success is merchandising and putting it all over kids stuff. The only sci-fi franchise that might come even close to toppling Star Wars is Star Trek, but that is a long shot to say the least. Also, I have no idea what the hell you mean by John Connor's mother becoming a Terminator.

Quote :
"I'd really like to see a Terminator Alliance movie with Skynet working with the human resistance to fight off a worldwide xenomorph infestation. It'd be cool if the Terminators were the basis for Weyland-Yutani's synthetics!"

Although that does sound awesome in theory, you know damn right that Hollywood would fuck it up and it would be awful. They can't get an AvP movie right (even though they tried twice), so there is no way they could throw in Terminators too and have it be a good movie. The last standalone Predator movie (the one with Adrian Brody) was actually pretty good, but outside of that we haven't seen anything good from either of their franchises since 1990.

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 10:03 AM. Reason : ]

8/17/2016 10:01:51 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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The terminator series are the worst Arnold Schwarzenegger films.

8/17/2016 10:37:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Also, I have no idea what the hell you mean by John Connor's mother becoming a Terminator."

Because John Connor himself became a Terminator in the Gynesis. Did you watch that film by any chance?

Star War is a popcorn movie, like Donald Trump, while Terminator is a high-end movie, like Ted Cruz or Hillary.

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 10:50 AM. Reason : add another note]

8/17/2016 10:48:54 AM

All American
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wtf is it with Frosh trying to one up everybody? Why don't you try coming up with your own ideas you coward.

That being said, this
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"I think what Terminator needs is a solid crossover film with the Alien and/or Predator franchise. I'd really like to see a Terminator Alliance movie with Skynet working with the human resistance to fight off a worldwide xenomorph infestation. It'd be cool if the Terminators were the basis for Weyland-Yutani's synthetics!

sounds like a mess of sub plots and story lines because you are gonna have to explain why they are all coming together or nothing is gonna make any sense. It would fit well in the grind house exploitation genre. Would be cool to see.

The problem with the Terminator movies is that the bar is just set so unbelievably high, that if it does not accomplish the task of being as entertaining as the first two then most people are gonna just say "eh, what's the point" and move on. Everyone pretty much agrees that Genisys was an entertaining flick, but as a Terminator movie it should have been more given the type of universe and source material that it already has to work with.

It is kind of a shame because the idea behind Genisys was pretty sweet. The script just needed polishing up a bit. It would have been so much better to give Cameron the writes back and to just see what he could have done with it.

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"That stuff is true about the Terminator movies in general but as a whole they come nowhere near the phenomena that is Star Wars."

T2 is probably the best action movie of all time. That means something.

Quote :
"The light saber duels in the original trilogy, as well as the "I am your father" scene are some of the most parodied/referenced scenes in cinematic history. "

Ahem... I'll be back?

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 11:02 AM. Reason : a]

8/17/2016 10:53:15 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"T2 is probably the best action movie of all time. "

No. Just no.

8/17/2016 10:54:49 AM

All American
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wtf, ask anybody that watches movies for a living.

8/17/2016 10:56:04 AM

All American
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Action movie with guns and rocket launcher.
Kungfu movie is not included.

8/17/2016 10:56:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"T2 is probably the best action movie of all time. That means something."

I will 100% agree with you on that, but Star Wars is a freaking cultural phenomena. Yes, I get that the "I'll be back" quote is very popular and parodied quite a bit but not nearly to the level of Star Wars.

8/17/2016 11:16:40 AM

All American
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I watched T-800 vs T-1000 every once in a while. But I never want to watch scenes from Star War.

Yes, this means something.

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 11:22 AM. Reason : Also, T-800 vs T-X and T-800 vs T-3000]

8/17/2016 11:21:13 AM

All American
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I am still amused that people haven't figured out that shoot is a troll alias yet.
Move along; nothing to see here.

8/17/2016 12:04:07 PM

All American
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I'm not trolling. I'm pretty serious although this is Entertainment board.

8/17/2016 12:05:30 PM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"one of the greatest sci-fi movie series in human movie industry"

2 great movies, 2 shit movies, and 1 meh movie that made it so the stories of the first two no longer happen? To each his own I guess but I disagree with your standards of greatness.

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"Star War is just a tale of the future."

Except that it was "A long time ago..."

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"a drama of the future forecast in a dark way no other movies can be compared with in my mind"

No other movies can compare to people in the future fighting a machine or army of machines? You mean like The Matrix, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and many, many more?

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"The problem with the Terminator movies is that the bar is just set so unbelievably high"

Movies 3 & 4 were enough to lower the bar for 5, and it still wasn't great.

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"Ahem... I'll be back?"

Oh, you mean the line Arnold uses in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE he's ever been in? That line became popular through Arnold self-reference, not as just a line from this series.

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"I watched T-800 vs T-1000 every once in a while. But I never want to watch scenes from Star War."

If given the choice I would always choose to watch Luke vs Vader at the end of Empire over any Terminator fight.

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"Arnold is becoming a legend through this series. He will be remembered forever not as an action star, but as the leading role of Terminator"

Was he even in movies 3 & 4? Wasn't it just digital recreation of his face on someone else's body? This was after Salvation:
"In an interview with Good Morning America, the star spoke about his decision not to appear in the film. “Thank God,” he said. “It sucked.”

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 3:40 PM. Reason : -]

8/17/2016 3:36:44 PM

All American
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BanjoMan said:
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"wtf is it with Frosh trying to one up everybody? Why don't you try coming up with your own ideas you coward."

I honestly don't even know what you're trying to say, but fuck you, I hope you get hit by a car and your dog dies anyway.

8/17/2016 3:52:53 PM

All American
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Hold on, hold on. I know it's scorcher today outside.

8/17/2016 4:09:37 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Yeah, " I'll be back" is originally a line from Commando, AKA the greatest action movie ever.

[Edited on August 17, 2016 at 5:06 PM. Reason : Let off some steam]

8/17/2016 5:06:12 PM

All American
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First Blood II is close but still can't be compared.

8/17/2016 5:30:24 PM

All American
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Here is a famous clip of Arnold discussing the origin of "I'll be back" while on the Terminator set with James Cameron.

He specifically mentions how thankful he was for listening to Cameron because the line became one of the most well-known in cinematic history.

8/18/2016 6:38:37 AM

Mr. Joshua
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T1 and T2 were fucking great. T2 ends with the logical conclusion of the series. That's why every sequel has included shitty writing/retconning to justify its existence and original cast members passing on the script.

Unfortunately the franchise cannot self terminate and will continue on until increasingly bad box office returns lower it into a cauldron of molten steel.

8/18/2016 9:51:00 AM

The E Man
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i really enjoyed sarah connor chronicles but fucking fox

8/18/2016 12:57:59 PM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"Yeah, " I'll be back" is originally a line from Commando"

Pretty sure Terminator came out first. But if Arnold hadn't continued to use it, I don't think it would be what it is.

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"Film producers wanted to make a movie about classical music composers starring Leonardo Dicaprio, Hugh Grant and Arnold Schwarzenegger. They ask Leo who he wants to be and he answers "I want to be Beethoven because he's the most well known". Next they ask Grant and he says "I want to be Mozart because he's the most charming." Lastly they ask Arnold and he says "I'll be Bach""

[Edited on August 18, 2016 at 3:01 PM. Reason : -]

8/18/2016 3:00:29 PM

All American
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that is a very chicken or the egg way of looking at it. One could easily say that he kept using it because of the recognition that it brought him in T1 and T2. Sort of how bands always have to play their hit songs, no matter how old they get.

Regardless of how you want to see it, it all originated from that film/film series.

8/18/2016 4:29:05 PM

All American
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Today is the Judgement Day!

8/29/2016 1:38:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Anyone else creeped out when the T1000 says "He's a good looking boy"?

9/13/2016 7:19:53 PM

 Message Boards » Entertainment » Terminator Series General Discussion Page [1]  
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