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 Message Boards » » What does it feel like when you build a sentence? Page [1]  
All American
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This is a pretty vague question, but when you're speaking--or writing, I'm not picky--what does it feel like in your head? What's the best metaphor for how you experience that cognitive process?

Let me be real specific about this. When I say sentence, I mean a unit of language that expresses a single thought. I'm not interested in what it feels like to build up a paragraph or to compose a long argument. I don't really care about what the sentence is or what context your example applies to--I just want to read a thoughtful description of what your experience is.

For example, I've had someone tell me it's like she can "see" the idea she wants to communicate on the other side of a gap. There are a few words in the gap, and as she "jumps" to one to choose it, she can see more choices for the next words until she reaches the other side. Obviously, she isn't playing Pitfall every time she says something, but when she really focuses on the process, that's how it feels.

How about you? Written or spoken, don't give a shit.

7/11/2017 8:33:18 AM

All American
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7/11/2017 11:19:38 AM

no u
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it's just there

7/11/2017 11:21:14 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Shit just comes out, man.

7/11/2017 11:25:34 AM

148801 Posts
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Quote :
"For example, I've had someone tell me it's like she can "see" the idea she wants to communicate on the other side of a gap. There are a few words in the gap, and as she "jumps" to one to choose it, she can see more choices for the next words until she reaches the other side."

what kinda drugs were involved

7/11/2017 12:32:22 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 11, 2017 at 12:54 PM. Reason : ]

7/11/2017 12:51:56 PM

All American
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I fucking hate it when people spell loose instead of lose. It brings out muh triggers

7/11/2017 1:33:28 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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Quote :
" What's the best metaphor for how you experience that cognitive process?"

Tuning an image/photograph or adding flavor to something I've cooked.

7/12/2017 12:00:55 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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I don't know, but I generally read it across my mind as I say it. It's why I can't stand to not know how to spell something because my brain won't be able to read it and I'll have trouble saying it.

Anybody else like this?

7/14/2017 9:26:31 PM

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It feels like success.

7/14/2017 9:46:18 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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bump out of interest

5/22/2018 11:20:31 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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With both speaking or writing, the best metaphor I can think of is an amusement park ride - like a roller coaster, though for some reason in my head it's always underground. At any rate, some fast thing on a rail. Now, I'm on a rail, relying on momentum and frequently with no choice where to go, but occasionally there are splits in the track - different options for words or structures - and I have to make a decision quite quickly to flip the switch and go down that path, which will eventually have its own splits, etc.

Sometimes I take the wrong one and the sentence can't work itself to a good conclusion, which kills the momentum. In writing, it means I have to interrupt an otherwise smooth flow of typing to rework the whole thing from the beginning, which for me is laborious and almost never as good as it would have been had it just flowed correctly to begin with. In speaking, it frequently results in me just sort of trailing off and hoping that everyone gets the gist.

5/22/2018 12:08:45 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » What does it feel like when you build a sentence? Page [1]  
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