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All American
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Syracuse (2-2)




NC State (3-1)

 Saturday, September 30th, 12:20pm
TV: ACC Network


9/27/2017 11:22:06 AM

All American
3864 Posts
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I'm getting good at this

9/27/2017 11:22:28 AM

5880 Posts
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9/27/2017 11:29:31 AM

11094 Posts
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Will there be hellis? I'm confused. Go Pack

9/27/2017 11:36:07 AM

oh we back
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9/27/2017 11:42:24 AM

All American
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9/27/2017 12:20:48 PM

All American
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If we've learned anything from DD's time here, we know we got this game. Next week is a different matter.

9/27/2017 12:44:51 PM

no u
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i hope the team with the block S wins

9/27/2017 1:50:40 PM

All American
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This is going to be the trust test on whether or not Doeren has grown as a coach and if our program has gotten over the hump.

Winning a big game is great, but you can't let it be your SB and then turn around the next week and lose to a team you're supposed to beat. The goal is to beat the teams you're supposed to beat and then hope for some upsets to pad the W column to separate average seasons from good seasons.

Beating FSU was great, but we're 13 point favorites to Syracuse, we can't lose this one if we want to land a good bowl game and keep the positive momentum going.

I have no expectations that we'll win this game. I feel like we'll start slow and they'll come out passing it a bunch trying to exploit our crappy secondary.

Hope I'm wrong and we come out and score early and often to put pressure on their team and the defense comes away with a couple of big turnovers. Problem is we've never seen how Doeren responds to a big FSU was his first big win.

9/27/2017 2:06:15 PM

Sa Da Tay
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plz 2 not have big win hangover, k thx.

9/27/2017 3:40:57 PM

Not an alcoholic
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^^isn't them passing a bunch just what they do?

9/27/2017 4:10:38 PM

oh we back
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31-21, cuse with the backdoor cover imo

9/27/2017 4:30:18 PM

All American
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Are we not throwing to our TE's because our skill guys are just more reliable? Or is it a system thing?

9/27/2017 4:53:51 PM

All American
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do we have a pass catching TE?

9/27/2017 5:00:47 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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We are throwing to Samuels all the time

9/27/2017 5:04:20 PM

All American
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Randy moss jr. transferred for a reason. Successful application of the Drinkwitz system is not predicated on the use and enjoyment of a tight end.

[Edited on September 27, 2017 at 7:18 PM. Reason : D]

9/27/2017 7:17:55 PM

oh we back
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We have Cole Cook who has a few catches I believe. But yeah. We just don't utilize a traditional TE in the pass game much.

9/27/2017 8:00:08 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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This would be such a State game to lose

9/27/2017 9:56:40 PM

2953 Posts
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talent aside, florida state was a favorable matchup and syracuse is an umfavorable matchup.

9/27/2017 11:28:58 PM

?? ????? ??
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^Talent aside? How is a matchup favorable or unfavorable if you don't judge the talent? Teams are talented in different ways which creates different kinds of matchups, so how can you ignore the talent? Either we're talented at doing the thing they aren't good at stopping/talented at stopping the thing they're supposedly good at doing, or we aren't.

9/28/2017 12:22:48 AM

All American
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I mean the Samuels pass last week went to Parham (TE). So our TEs do catch the ball. But right now we have much more talent at WR, RB and JSam than TE with the departure of Moss and McKever.

9/28/2017 12:35:10 AM

2953 Posts
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^^ schemes and tendencies. defenses that are aggressive amd built around pass rush leave themselves vulnerable to a quick pass offense like ours while defenses like bc that are more disciplined in coverage fare better.

fsu can destroy a team that has a traditional offense with runs and deep pa passes.

our defense is suited for stopping teams that rely on the run and vulnerable to pass heavy teams like cuse.

talent is important but matchups are just as important which is why i feel more comfortable against fsu than syracuse or bc. fsu is the 3rd most talented team in the country.

clemson d is also a good matchup for us.

9/28/2017 1:44:40 AM

2953 Posts
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If you're playing our offense, the best thing to do would be rush 3 drop 8 into a shallow zone and have your lbs follow hines and samuels, corners jam the wrs and safeties wide and shallow. Give Finley all day but keep your dbs sitting on everything short.

On offense, abandon the run and use the short passing game as the run. make our guys tackle your guys in space on the boundary. use that to setup a deep pass every 3 or 4 plays.

FSU does the opposite of what is ideal against us on both sides of the ball making them the perfect matchup despite being the most talented team on our schedule. They are aware but they think their talent will overcome playing into our hands. They think they can assert their will in the run game and that their pass rush will somehow get home against our quick pass. It never does.

Clemson's d plays into our hands but everyone else seems to game plan for us.

[Edited on September 28, 2017 at 2:49 AM. Reason : front 7 talent is neutralized when you just throw it out to the boundary right away.]

9/28/2017 2:48:23 AM

All American
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We usually lose after beating FSU but we shall see.

9/28/2017 12:30:06 PM

All American
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We're 1-5 in games following FSU wins since 1998 during regular season.

2012 - W against Maryland (finished season 4-8), 20-18
2010 - L against Clemson (finished season 6-7), 13-14
2006 - L against Wake Forest (finished season 10-3), 23-25
2005 - L against Boston College (finished season 9-3), 10-30
2001 - L against Maryland (finished season 10-2), 19-23
1998 - L against Baylor (finished season 2-9), 30-33

IMO the only games we should have taken care of business after FSU games were Clemson and Baylor. Small sample size and all but its definitely in play.

Think it'll be a close one - something like 27-24 Pack.

9/28/2017 12:47:13 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Cuse lost to Middle Tennessee, who got curb stomped by the other P5 teams they played (Vandy and Minnesota where they scored a combined 9 points). I think we'll be ok. Our DLine should have a field day and I don't think our offense will have much trouble moving the ball.

9/28/2017 12:52:35 PM

oh we back
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^^yeah that's what happens when you're largely a mediocre program. when you usually lose more ACC games than you win it shouldn't be too shocking that we lose any ACC game regardless of what we did in the previous week. that said, obviously "hangover" games can happen. i think it helps that this is a home game.

[Edited on September 28, 2017 at 12:56 PM. Reason : arrows]

9/28/2017 12:56:07 PM

All American
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DD on if its a trap

9/28/2017 1:02:03 PM

All American
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9/28/2017 1:37:03 PM

Black and Proud
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The unis look amazing

9/28/2017 6:18:25 PM

All American
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9/28/2017 6:36:47 PM

Black and Proud
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9/28/2017 6:40:16 PM

All American
12280 Posts
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gray uni's? queue up the dancing L

9/28/2017 6:44:46 PM

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9/28/2017 7:20:02 PM

All American
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I hope their spread quick passing game doesn't take our best player Chubb out of the game.

9/28/2017 9:39:50 PM

11094 Posts
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I like those unis. Maybe it's just me.

9/29/2017 8:39:47 AM

5880 Posts
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Whats our record in alternative jerseys?

[Edited on September 29, 2017 at 9:01 AM. Reason : sp]

9/29/2017 8:49:41 AM

All American
10713 Posts
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I love that helmet

9/29/2017 8:57:41 AM

4373 Posts
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those uni's are ugly af

9/29/2017 9:09:01 AM

oh we back
25876 Posts
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^^^idk, pretty sure we beat Cuse in 'em last year or the year before.

helmet's fine...wolf head is infinitely better than block s. the jerseys themselves....meh, whatever.

wolf head > block s

[Edited on September 29, 2017 at 11:33 AM. Reason : k]

9/29/2017 11:33:13 AM

Sa Da Tay
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yea I was digging tuffy last week on the helmet too.

9/29/2017 12:05:58 PM

All American
28596 Posts
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The jerseys!! The helmets!!! RAWR RAWR!!@!

9/29/2017 12:41:42 PM

Black and Proud
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I'm surprised there's so much distaste for "grey" I'd have thought it'd be neutral at best

9/29/2017 1:00:25 PM

11094 Posts
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I love the wolf head as well. My favorite logo we have. That's why I think our bball floor is fantastic.

9/29/2017 1:34:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Ugh Tuffy head is awful on the helmet, but hey at least it's not full body Tuffy or the sad wolf eyes helmet.

I, too, think it looks great on the basketball court, and this helmet looks a billion times better than the white one. A red one would look better as well. I just don't like it at all on white.

9/29/2017 1:43:28 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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Quote :
"Will there be hellis? I'm confused. Go Pack"


9/29/2017 1:50:03 PM

oh we back
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^^block S is just too generic and, well, blocky looking to me. and then the N and C inside of it kinda just make it look like a red rectangle from a distance. i like the wolf head mostly because it's unique and seems to stand out a little more.

9/29/2017 2:00:54 PM

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[Edited on September 29, 2017 at 2:05 PM. Reason : sd]

9/29/2017 2:05:31 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^i personally think the diamond logo is the best helmet we've ever had, but I think the Tuffy head would look much, much better on red than on white.

As long as we don't bring back the one with the tiny full body Tuffy. That looked like a damn joke.

9/29/2017 2:10:25 PM

All American
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Definitely want to see Tuffy on the red helmet.

I personally like the block S. Just don't think its necessarily the best on a classically styled helmet. Plenty of ways to freshen up the look.

9/29/2017 4:00:02 PM

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