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 Message Boards » » So, I've lost 8 pounds Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Woke up this morning and 4 of them came man??? Pretty sure that is because I crave salt super crazy bad.

I'm trying to win the $200 in the work challenge, random weight gains are not helping me.

Also, anyone have any suggestions for tennis shoes with narrow heels? My heels look like they've gone through the shredder.

[Edited on April 24, 2018 at 7:10 PM. Reason : ]

4/24/2018 7:09:50 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Don't weigh yourself daily. It'll just drive you crazy. Maybe once every week or two.

Pay more attention to how your clothes are fitting than the scale.

4/24/2018 7:19:06 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Did you poop it out?

4/24/2018 7:20:12 PM

Meredith "Angel"
7599 Posts
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Water weight gain. I'm on a no carb, no dairy, no sugar, nothing processed diet and one day I weigh and I've lost 4 pounds, the next day I've lost 6. They tell me only to weigh one day a week but sometimes I need the reassurance of progress. Are you drinking lots of lemon water?

4/25/2018 7:00:12 PM

Meredith "Angel"
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I crave salt, too. Try switching to sea salt.

4/25/2018 7:00:47 PM

All American
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I've started a program where I need to weigh daily, for the point of understanding how my weigh fluctuates daily.

I have started adding a lemon and lime to my water. I drink a lot more water doing that.

My official weigh in days are Wednesday, and I did lose 2 pounds overall this any negative weight is good by me.

4/25/2018 8:26:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Don't weigh yourself daily. It'll just drive you crazy. Maybe once every week or two."

haha i weigh myself pretty near daily. it doesn't fluctuate a lot. i also usually know just by how I feel what the scale is gonna say, +/- about 1 lb, maybe even a half pound.

if i gain 3-5 lbs, I feel like hell. i can't imagine how people gain dozens of pounds.

[Edited on April 25, 2018 at 8:56 PM. Reason : 2# per week is prob about the most you should lose, anyway]

4/25/2018 8:55:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if i gain 3-5 lbs, I feel like hell [unless it is muscle]. i can't imagine how people gain dozens of pounds."

4/26/2018 12:46:12 AM

All American
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Did you exercise, or sweat a lot before the weight came back? I'm about 15 pounds heavier than I used to be because I don't sweat my weight off like I did at my old job.

4/26/2018 1:02:26 AM

All American
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Fatties will fat.

4/26/2018 1:08:37 AM

All American
7946 Posts
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As someone who use to be fat(lost 150+ lbs), you have to think of it as more of a vicious cycle than anything.

You eat.
You feel bad about yourself.
What makes me feel better? Oh yeah, food.
Rinse. Repeat.

Plus when your body gets used to running on garbage you don't really feel as bad when you put garbage in your system.

Now that I'm down to a healthier weight, I can absolutely tell when I gain a couple of pounds or when I eat something I shouldn't.

Also to those that weigh themselves daily, be careful with that. When I was losing weight I got a little addicted/obsessed with the scale. To the point that if it went up or plateaued for a day or two I would workout even harder or eat even less to the detriment of my overall health. Also ended up losing a lot of muscle because I got fixated on crushing cardio to make the scale move.

4/26/2018 9:52:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I've started a program where I need to weigh daily, for the point of understanding how my weigh fluctuates daily."

Pretty sure that would slowly drive me insane.

I lost 30 pounds last fall by not stressing about weighing and just making reasonable choices about food and exercise. I never stepped on the scale once. I only know how much I lost based on doctor visits.

4/26/2018 9:54:08 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Are you sure you don't just have a shitty scale?

4/26/2018 10:56:53 AM

All American
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I weight myself daily (and usually more) during the cut I've been on since last August and don't have any issues. It's interesting to see it fluctuate during the day based on activities, what you ingest, etc. Only record it first thing in the morning via the MyFitnessPal app & only pay attention to the long term trend. Haven't lost much strength either as I've tried to reach my macro balance everyday. I do have at least one day a week when I don't count, and on trips I tend to not count either---helps keep the sanity to overindulge a little.

4/26/2018 1:06:08 PM

All American
1509 Posts
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^^ I definitely can shift my weight up or down 3-4 lbs just from moving it around, catching the edge of a tile, etc.

But I also will gain 3-4 lbs easy if I eat a lot of salt. Pickled did it, pretzels do it. Just gotta know it'll even out. Best of luck! I'm trying to fight off diabeetus through weight loss instead of Metformin. I'm about 34 lbs down, almost entirely from watching what I eat and a slight focus on increased activity. You can do it.

4/26/2018 8:28:17 PM

All American
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Well, as of the weigh in for our work challenge today I'm back to 8 lbs. I'm sure the excessive alcohol intake last night helped in the deyhdrating me part, but hey, I'll take it.

Overall, from my heaviest I'm probably down close to I mean, I've been doing things.

4/27/2018 12:13:26 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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It sucks that you've lost like $11. I hope you find it.

4/27/2018 12:27:06 PM

All American
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^^ The alcohol probably made you retain water though, so you might be down more than 8 pounds in reality.

4/27/2018 12:32:24 PM

All American
2281 Posts
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pics or it d... never mind

4/27/2018 8:57:42 PM

114576 Posts
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never mind +1

4/27/2018 9:37:49 PM

All American
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i have been trying to lose weight as well and know how hard it can be

congrats on your progress sawahash

4/27/2018 10:19:17 PM

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I'm down in the 180s

that's good for me I guess

I'm usually at like 200-205 but I've held steady around 187 for a while now

4/27/2018 10:52:00 PM

All American
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This is going to be a little bit of a blog post...

I'm not sure how much I've gone into it, but a little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

So for those who don't know that much about diabetes they base your diagnosis off your a1c levels. Your a1c is what your 3-month blood sugar level average is. An a1c 5.6 and below is considered a normal level. 5.7 to 6.4 is considered pre-diabetic, and anything from 6.5 or above is considered diabetic.

When I was diagnosed my a1c was over a 10, which was bad, very bad. Now, there were two major factors for why I have diabetes. One, it's genetic, it runs in my family on my mom's side. My grandfather had it, and my mom was just recently diagnosed with it. The second and more obvious reason is that of my weight. Now I also have polycystic ovarian syndrome which is another endocrine disorder that can affect your insulin levels.

Basically, even if the rest of my life I maintained a healthy diet and stayed active, I would eventually end up with diabetes. However, I was diagnosed so early because of my weight.

Anyway, when I first was diagnosed I was put on a medicine. I took the medicine as directed and I didn't really change my diet. 3 months later, when I went back to the doctor, I had dropped 20 pounds and my a1c went down to a 6.1. This was great! The medicine helped my body start working correctly and I was able to shed the weight with absolutely no effort on my part other than taking a pill every night before bed.

Obviously, though, I was still overweight. I could only blame those 20 extra pounds on my diabetes, the rest of the weight I had to blame for my lack of exercise and poor diet.
Occasionally, I would drop 5 pounds after a week of crash dieting, but then I would gain it back as soon as I lost my motivation. I pretty much just hung out at around that 20 weight loss.

Well, flash forward to the beginning of this year. I found my wedding dress and went to have it altered. I realized that while the dress "fit" I would not be able to comfortably sit down or breath in it. I set out a goal to lose 10 pounds to loosen up the dress a little. I also went to the doctor and my a1c had gone back up to 6.9 and my cholesterol had gone back up.

On top of that, several people at my school decided to finish out the school year with a weight loss challenge based on body weight percentage loss. The pot for the challenge is over $200. There added a little more motivation.

Anyway, yesterday I went to the doctor again. In these past three months, I have lost 14 lbs, my a1c is down to a 5.6, my cholesterol is back down to normal, and I've been told to cut my blood pressure meds in half. I am tickled over this. I am proud of myself.

Let me tell you what I have done to achieve this...
-First, I haven't forbidden myself any food. I have just made the choice to limit them.
-My doctor has instructed me to keep each meal under 50 carbs, so I have done that. In fact, for the most part, I try to only get my carbs from veggies and occasionally fruit. Fruit is still "bad" for diabetics, because even though it's "good carbs" it still has a lot of sugar in it, and your body views all sugars as equal.
-I have also made the effort and started to enjoy exercise. On days where it has been nice out and I had more time in the evenings, I would go for a 3 or 4-mile walk. I don't mean a stroll around the park, I mean like really pushing myself and working up a sweat (remember, I have not been exercising regularly at all since I have graduated from high school, so a vigorous walk will raise my heart rate and help me out). On days where I didn't have much time or the weather was not so great, I would find a quick 30-minute aerobics video on YouTube and follow that.
-I also drink water like a fish. I have always liked drinking water, but I have found that throwing in a few lemon and lime slices to the water really helps increase the intake.

I have had some setbacks, like horrible blisters on my heels which made walking nearly impossible for about a week and a half, or being super hungover and eating everything in sight, or falling into the temptation of eating 2 HappyCake cupcakes in one day.

However, unlike the past, I made a conscious choice about what I did after that. In the past I would say, eh I'll just finish out this week and eat what I want then Sunday I'll go back to the grocery store and start all over. But these past couple of months I kept repeating to myself that "one meal doesn't make you fat just like one meal doesn't make you skinny." Something about drilling that into my brain has made it so much easier to continue to make a healthy choice after I may have slipped and had a bad meal, or day, or weekend.

Anyway, I am currently in 1st place in the work competition. I am waiting to the end of the month to try on my wedding dress again to see how it fits. Clothes that I thought had fit me, actually do fit me now. Clothes that I had tucked away in the back of the closet for "one day these will fit me again" are starting to fit me again. People are really starting to notice a difference in my appearance.

But the best thing about it all, and I know it sounds cliche, but I just love the way I feel. I have noticed that I stand up straighter, I don't feel so bloated, I do actually have more energy, and I just generally feel lighter. I don't know, I feel like I have found something that sticks. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have been so vocal about things now. People who interact with me daily know what I'm doing. They are being a huge support to me.

Ok, so that is my blog post. Sorry, I know tww is not a blog, but this just felt like the right place to share with people.

tl;dr - I've lost a lot of weight, my health is improving, clothes are fitting better, I feel better, and I'm in 1st place in the weight lost competition

5/8/2018 6:02:38 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28390 Posts
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[Edited on May 8, 2018 at 6:14 PM. Reason : But seriously, TWW is not a blog.]

5/8/2018 6:14:41 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Didn't read it, but GG!

5/8/2018 6:51:58 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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That's amazing! What an accomplishment, especially at a time when you have so much going on that it would be easy to fall into stress-eating. You should be proud!

5/8/2018 7:14:09 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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I watched Obesity: Post Morten.

Mind blown!

5/9/2018 12:14:32 AM

All American
1668 Posts
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Quote :
"being super hungover and eating everything in sight"

Totally feel you on that one. Alcohol is my hardest vice to overcome. It just sabotages you coming and going, calories and sugar on the front, and the hangover binge and inability to workout the day after. It's just hard to say no all the time. If I feel like i've had a great week then I should celebrate and treat myself a little. OR if I've had a bad week, I feel like I have an excuse to have a drink or two... which quickly becomes 3 or 4 or more if I'm out with friends and can get home without driving.

Congrats on your progress! The struggle is real!

5/9/2018 6:11:03 AM

Meredith "Angel"
7599 Posts
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I lost 8 in week one and 0.4 in week 2, thanks mostly to beer. I need a zero carb beer.

5/9/2018 7:28:04 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Congrats Sawah!

5/9/2018 8:10:17 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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^^Smirnoff makes a spiked seltzer that has 90 calories and 1 carb. That's as close to zero as you can get

5/10/2018 9:22:17 AM

Meredith "Angel"
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^Thanks so much!

5/10/2018 2:23:11 PM

26632 Posts
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vodka and soda water

5/10/2018 3:06:42 PM

All American
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^that is also one of my go to's

Just gotta add lime

5/10/2018 9:36:02 PM

All American
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January 10th I weighed myself. Today, when I weighed myself, I was 21.4 pounds lighter than I was on January 10.

5/23/2018 1:41:23 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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5/23/2018 1:56:24 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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21.4 lbs is a lot of poop

5/23/2018 2:19:21 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28390 Posts
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Clearly some of it was pee.

5/23/2018 2:40:07 PM

All American
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I'd like to think is was a combination of both.

I googled "where does the fat go when you lose weight"
Apparently you breath it out. I may pass out occasionally as I hyperventilate while i try to get the fat out

5/23/2018 8:03:10 PM

All American
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5/23/2018 8:43:12 PM

All American
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5/24/2018 11:44:36 AM

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5/24/2018 11:47:16 AM

All American
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^^ good thing I'm working on life improvements

5/24/2018 11:58:48 AM

All American
42557 Posts
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^ that's great!

5/24/2018 1:05:48 PM

All American
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Maybe it's in my head or maybe it's really happening but it seems like strangers are nicer to me in public.

5/26/2018 3:12:26 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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It’s not in your head.

I have to do this annual presentation that’s not really a big deal.

But I’ve put on about fifteen pounds since last year, so now I’m actually gonna have to do the presentation instead of giggling and shoulder-shrugging my way throught it.

5/26/2018 4:23:43 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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^^That's definitely a thing. People are for sure nicer to me when I'm on the thinner end of the spectrum.

5/26/2018 7:51:12 PM

All American
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I'm down 30 lbs. My engagement ring and wedding dress are too big.

6/29/2018 6:46:27 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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awesome. what changes did you make to achieve that?

i'm down 55 lbs by restricting my caloric intake and exercising some. no particular diet.

6/29/2018 8:39:01 PM

All American
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I'm eating the way a diabetic is supposed to eat and taking my medicine. I'm also being a little more active. I tend to be more active in the summer months normally. Basically just not eating as much. I'm remembering that just like one meal won't make me skinny, one meal also won't make me fat, so if I have an off day or off meal, I remember that I haven't just ruined everything. I've lost 5 pounds in this past 3 weeks.

6/29/2018 9:50:46 PM

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