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All American
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Is coming I think.
It's gonna be mainly between the free world and the Communists.
I project the coming time is about in 4 years. Starts from South China Sea, then potentially goes global. The mainland China, the communist party, always want to swallow Taiwan. And the date is becoming sooner and sooner. The economy is really going very bad there, so the last fight before dying is gonna be the resolution. Actually they have been preparing for this for years.
The trade conflict between China and US is growing, and cold war has started cited from some experts. The next step will be serious combat.
Hope it's only my deep concern.

11/6/2018 5:41:49 PM

All American
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"The Communists" ?

You realize that the only countries in the world that are still Communist are China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and Laos, right? Of those countries, only China and North Korea have any real standing military. Unless things go nuclear, China is the only one that would potentially pose a threat. So that means in your fantasy situation, it is China vs. The World. Yeah they could do some damage in Asia I guess, but if it is one country vs the world, I don't think they'll last long.

11/6/2018 6:42:20 PM

All American
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Those are the ones claiming that they are communists. But Russia, Cambodia, and other few countries are hiding their identities behind the curtain. In the pacific region, it could be Russia+China VS US+Japan+India or someone else. Anyway, south China sea is a dangerous war zone already.

11/6/2018 6:52:36 PM

All American
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Chinese military is still many years behind the US however that does not mean they are a paper tiger. They want to exhort their power in the South China sea and surrounding areas such as the nine dash line. I don't believe a direct war between China or Russia will happen. The world is too intertwine economically that even a winning side will suffered. A proxy war however can happen where US backed one side and China the other. In this scenario both super powers will maintain a detente while indirectly maintaining their influence.

11/7/2018 1:29:53 AM

All American
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Communist China is going downside, it's more like a paper tiger than a super power. And the global economy is not so intertwined as in the past decade. US seems losing interest in the cooperation of Pacific regions, as Trump won't attend APEC summit this month. World is still separated in pieces, and going back to the original scenario--1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers. The war between mainland and Taiwan seems approaching, and US is very likely to be got involved.

Also the Korean Peninsula is still vulnerable.

11/7/2018 11:03:02 AM

All American
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Why would China wants to pick a fight with the US? The politburo are damn well aware their position in power is the stability of the Communist party and the stability of the Communist party is to maintain economic stability for the people. skip towards the end of this video and tell me how fast China has become an economic power house. The Chinese does not care how they are long as wealth is maintained. A war with the US will certainly call for reign regime change.

[Edited on November 7, 2018 at 6:42 PM. Reason : beer]

11/7/2018 6:41:35 PM

All American
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Well, this passage shows you the Chinese dream won't come true anymore. The middle class is quickly in decline. Things are changing very fast. When the people realize that they are actually struggling, the revolution will be the only choice.

11/7/2018 7:33:02 PM

All American
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i believe this topic was addressed by tom clancy already

11/14/2018 7:53:15 PM

All American
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Definitely not within 4 years, probably not 'til A.D. 2101 war was beginning.

11/14/2018 8:17:08 PM

All American
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What happen?

11/14/2018 8:54:37 PM

148800 Posts
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Amazon HQ2 will be ground zero

11/14/2018 8:59:26 PM

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11/14/2018 9:08:51 PM

All American
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At least the new Cold War seems to be on the way, like this book implies

Putin, Xi are like their predecessors---Stalin and Mao. Some sort of tensions are forming now. This time is about the pacific region.

11/15/2018 12:15:57 PM

26632 Posts
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i usually don't pay for early access games but i may try this out

11/15/2018 12:57:40 PM

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