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 Message Boards » » People who say "Happy Memorial Day" Page [1]  
Sprots Talk Mod
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Do you also say "Have a great funeral"?

5/25/2020 5:48:39 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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when I die I want my funeral to be great. what's wrong with that?

but yeah i'd be taken aback if someone said happy memorial day... i don't think i've ever encountered that.

5/25/2020 5:58:01 PM

7830 Posts
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My neighbor literally just passed by the patio and said “happy memorial day”. I think thats the first I have heard it too.

5/25/2020 6:22:53 PM

All American
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I yell happy Monday at people, what gives?

5/25/2020 7:31:16 PM

All American
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It's a day off of work. Of course it's happy.

5/26/2020 9:09:39 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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no, there's a hefty fuckin' fee

5/26/2020 11:17:41 AM

All American
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There was a podcast that I was listening to yesterday with a vet that served in Afghanistan and some sort of civilian that was an expert on war history. The civilian said pretty clearly that he appreciates the work of soldiers that do their best to defend the country, but that his presence in Afghanistan from a political or historical point of view didn't make sense.

The vet gets all mad and accuses him of slandering his war record by saying that he was useless, and that his job was to defend his country and that's what he did. The guest repeated by saying that he had tons of respect for the military but that it was the people sending them over that weren't doing their jobs.

Vet gets angry and for the most part stops talking.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with the expert opinion. I actually feel pretty much the same way. Getting into the military isn't like the movies, you don't just walk in and sign a piece of paper. It's a very tough process and a lot of people have their dreams crushed in their military career. They wake up and train and work hard everyday and are very valuable assets to our country. I have a ton of respect for our military service members. However, it shouldn't be viewed as unpatriotic to say that Afghanistan and Iraq were total cluster fucks that shouldn't have happened. Hell, even Vietnam at some level made sense in terms of the use of boots on the ground.

Maybe Grumpy can chime in here with his opinions, but if you invade a country like Afghanistan fighting insurgents, how are you ever going to achieve a victory without actually occupying the territory?

[Edited on May 26, 2020 at 12:19 PM. Reason : a]

5/26/2020 12:11:49 PM

Tom Joad
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Oh that's easy. You achieve victory by "winning hearts and minds."

5/26/2020 1:39:11 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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That's cool and completely off-topic, banjoman. Go post in a veterans day thread.

5/26/2020 2:37:10 PM

All American
42556 Posts
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Dear Leader said it, and I trust him, not some leftist students on a college message board. He knows what's best for America and Americans.


5/26/2020 2:40:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » People who say "Happy Memorial Day" Page [1]  
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