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This relates to the UK, of course, but it is a mirror of what is happening here in the US.

British Authorities impose "free speech zones"

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"Five anti-war activists demonstrating against a ban on unauthorised protests near Parliament have been arrested.

A ban on protests within half-a-mile of Westminster which have not been cleared by police came into force at midnight.

However, about 50 people wearing black gags to symbolise the "infringement" of their right to protest have gathered in Parliament Square in defiance.

Ministers say planned protests can be held but the rights of protesters and workers in the area must be balanced.

But campaigners say the move restricts an established right to protest.

More than a dozen police officers were at the scene, and arrests were made around an hour after the protest begun.

'Draconian law'

Lindsey German, convener of the Stop the War Coalition, said the ruling meant police could now decide who was allowed to demonstrate, which was "totally unacceptable".

"Anyone speaking through a megaphone will be arrested under this draconian new law. Parliament should be doing more important things than stopping people staging legitimate protests," she said.

Lauren Booth, sister of Tony Blair's wife Cherie, joined the protest and said the law should be "overturned".

"This is all about silencing critics of the war in Iraq and ID cards and denying people the right to free speech," she said.

"If you heard on television that someone in another country were banned from gathering near a government building to stage a legitimate protest you would probably think thank goodness that kind of thing doesn't happen in this country."

So, in order to protest and exercise your right to freedom of speech, you have to get PERMISSION from the government first. That sounds like freedom of speech to me. The same kind of "freedom" you would expect in communist Russia or some dictatorship.

8/4/2005 11:11:37 AM

All American
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are salisburyboy's threads always like this?

8/4/2005 11:18:34 AM

All American
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^^ hey faggot, the reason for permission is this:

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"Ministers say planned protests can be held but the rights of protesters and workers in the area must be balanced."

8/4/2005 11:21:14 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^^^No, you need permission to protest within half-a-mile of Westminster. This is a single section of the city. "Traditional protest venue Trafalgar Square" is not included in the ban. These anti-war activists didn't have permission, in fact they didn't even apply for it.

[Edited on August 4, 2005 at 11:24 AM. Reason : zionist plotting]

8/4/2005 11:23:56 AM

All American
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man he keeps lobbing them over the plate and we keep knockin them outta the park

8/4/2005 11:26:23 AM

All American
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i mean, they all seem unfounded and pretty dumb

just another conspiracy theorist

8/4/2005 11:29:24 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Unfortunately thats how he looks at the world. Whenever any event happens he finds some ridiculous way to tie it to the unseen Jew conspiracy that only he and a few other internet people know about.

8/4/2005 11:35:39 AM

All American
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i just wonder when this Police State of Tyranny is coming. it just is taking its sweet time.

8/4/2005 11:37:19 AM

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"U.S. strips more freedom from citizens than terrorists ever could

Saturday, August 06, 2005
Roger Duncan


How can we legitimately claim that we're preserving freedom when our response to terrorism is the exactly opposite of that?

After the collapse of the twin towers, our Congress, in a patriotic fervor (more exactly described as a mad panic), passed sweeping legislation that did more to strip away freedom from the American people than 1,000 flying bombs. The Patriot Act. The very name is cynical.


Ironic that we're actually called to sacrifice portions of our freedom for the Patriot Act, and the justification is that it preserves freedom. Talk about Orwellian.

Bush and his cronies are therefore, logically, the real enemies of freedom. Lest you think me a member of the John Kerry fan club, I think it's fair to say that there are no greater enemies of freedom than the liberals. I just think that, in this case, ol' W is giving them a run for their money.

So, let's be honest with ourselves in this debate. Let's not lie and proclaim "Give me liberty or give me death!" when what we really mean is "I'm a coward; I surrender the freedoms my forefathers died for in order to save my miserable hide!" Is that not, after all, exactly what we mean?

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, "1984"."

[Edited on August 6, 2005 at 3:11 PM. Reason : 1]

8/6/2005 3:10:59 PM

All American
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" just wonder when this Police State of Tyranny is coming. it just is taking its sweet time."

Just wait for the police to get out of the Krispy Kreme.

8/6/2005 3:45:31 PM

All American
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"what we really mean is "I'm a coward; I surrender the freedoms my forefathers died for in order to save my miserable hide!" "

haha, wow

this is only applicable to those who truly believe that Bush is the venomous hate monger of doom that he is made out to be by nutjobs.

8/7/2005 2:56:00 AM

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Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US

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"The war plans represent a historic shift for the Pentagon, which has been reluctant to become involved in domestic operations and is legally constrained from engaging in law enforcement. Indeed, defense officials continue to stress that they intend for the troops to play largely a supporting role in homeland emergencies, bolstering police, firefighters and other civilian response groups.

But the new plans provide for what several senior officers acknowledged is the likelihood that the military will have to take charge in some situations, especially when dealing with mass-casualty attacks that could quickly overwhelm civilian resources.


Nonetheless, when it comes to ground forces possibly taking a lead role in homeland operations, senior Northcom officers remain reluctant to discuss specifics. Keating said such situations, if they arise, probably would be temporary, with lead responsibility passing back to civilian authorities.

Military exercises code-named Vital Archer, which involve troops in lead roles, are shrouded in secrecy. By contrast, other homeland exercises featuring troops in supporting roles are widely publicized.

8/9/2005 11:23:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Indeed, defense officials continue to stress that they intend for the troops to play largely a supporting role in homeland emergencies, bolstering police, firefighters and other civilian response groups.

But the new plans provide for what several senior officers acknowledged is the likelihood that the military will have to take charge in some situations, especially when dealing with mass-casualty attacks that could quickly overwhelm civilian resources."

Since the article makes it clear that the military is legally constrained from engaging in law enforcement, I'm rather puzzled as to why this worries you. Clearly local emergency response units anywhere would be incapable of handling a mass casualty attack. This is simply contengency planning that could be used to aid deployment of the National Guard if additional manpower were needed. However, logic and rational thought have never kept you from worrying before.

Do you consider it "martial law" when the National Guard assists in hurricane cleanup?

[Edited on August 10, 2005 at 12:09 AM. Reason : .]

8/10/2005 12:06:13 AM

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"Globalists Seek To Sanitize Internet

This years Bilderberg Group meeting -- which was held on May 5-8, 2005 at the Dorint Softiel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany -- is notable for it involved a major discussion of the Internet. Brave and honorable patriots such as Alex Jones, Phil Jayhan, Greg Szymanski, and Jeff Rense are squarely in the crosshairs of these globalist scum, who fear what they described in this years meeting as "truth-telling patriots." The Internet is seen as a threat to the globalists, and this is for good reason. For it is the Internet that has been instrumental in waking up tens of millions of people to the fact that these people have an agenda that in no way benefits the people of any nation, and their acting upon this agenda is treasonous, to say the least.

With the Internet viewed as their largest obstacle at this point in time, the Bilderberg Group globalists were seen and heard in this meeting making comments about how the Internet in America must be shut down, and how these "truth-telling patriots" must be stopped at whatever the cost. Forgetting for a moment, the issues related to "free speech and expression," let us take a look at what it is that the globalists view as their largest impediment blocking the full implementation of their agenda of a one-world global government --- their precious new world order, as it were."


The Washington Times: "U.N. group seeks control of Internet"

Tony Blair's terrorism clampdown: more rules needed to control extreme websites

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"The Prime Minister on Friday outlined new security measures at his monthly media briefing, with tactics on targeting extremist websites mentioned but not fleshed out as a concept.

Tony Blair said: "One other point on deportations, once the new grounds take effect, there will be a list drawn up of specific extremist websites, bookshops, networks, centres and particular organisations of concern. Active engagement with any of these will be a trigger for the Home Secretary to consider the deportation of any foreign national.""

Alternative Media Amplifies as Mainstream Gatekeepers Decline

The Bush Gang - Get The Internet!

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"Apparently, the Washington Post is trying to convince its readers that if the Internet can somehow be brought under control, or removed entirely, al Qaeda and all others who hate "our wealth and freedom" will simply be made to evaporate into thin air. And let's not forget as well, without the unmonitored and uncontrolled Internet, embarrassments such as the non-reporting and spiking of such events and occurrences as the Downing Street Memo, the Valerie Plame/Air Force One memo, the White House pedophile ring, the Karl Rove mess, and the Congressman James Senselessbrenner's ramming through of the Bill of Rights-destroying USA PATRIOT Act, would all never have seen the light of day. We would have only professional journalistic information sources in the MSM!

Again, more anti-American propaganda from Coll and Glasser: "Such cases have led Western intelligence agencies and outside terrorism specialists to conclude that the 'global jihad movement,' sometimes led by al Qaeda fugitives but increasingly made up of diverse 'groups and ad hoc cells,' has become a 'Web-directed' phenomenon, as a presentation for U.S. government terrorism analysts by longtime State Department expert Dennis Pluchinsky put it. Hampered by the nature of the Internet itself, the government has proven ineffective at blocking or even hindering significantly this vast online presence.""

Take advantage of truth-telling websites and sources while they still can be accessed via the internet.

[Edited on August 11, 2005 at 11:24 AM. Reason : 1]

8/11/2005 11:20:12 AM

Mr. Joshua
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"This years Bilderberg Group meeting -- which was held on May 5-8, 2005 at the Dorint Softiel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany -- is notable for it involved a major discussion of the Internet."

So how exactly did Jeff rense figure out the agenda for a secretive meeting of globalists?

Oh I see, he got it from

Where did get it?


Where did get it?

From a pseudo-journalist who doesn't name his sources. Do you really believe everything that the internet tells you?

8/11/2005 11:38:20 AM

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"Do you really believe everything that the internet tells you?"

No. I certainly don't believe everything I read or hear in the "mainstream" media--such as CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. And I don't believe everything written by Alex Jones or Greg Szymanski, or necessarily agree with all their opinions. I can think of several things I disagree with Alex Jones about.

Do you believe everything you hear and read from the mainstream media--the purported final word on all knowledge? Probably not.

The process of determining the truth is more complicated than picking a person or group and accepting everything they say. It involves using your intuition, investingating facts for yourself, and accessing the credibility of sources.

If you happen to think about it, the "Mainstream" media has very little credibility in regards to many important issues. They went along in getting us involved in this war in Iraq. They sold us on the lies about the WMDs Iraq supposedly had. They continue to go along with the war by not asking tough questions about this war. They continue to perpetuate the falatious official story on 9/11. They don't ask any of the tough questions in regard to 9/11. The same is true with the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, and so many other issues. The mainstream media is actively involved in suppressing the truth and perpetuating lies that are to the advantage of the Zionist controlled establishment.

[Edited on August 11, 2005 at 12:03 PM. Reason : 1]

8/11/2005 12:00:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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"The mainstream media is actively involved in suppressing the truth and perpetuating lies that are to the advantage of the Zionist controlled establishment."

Then prove to me that the jews control the media.

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"It involves using your intuition, investingating facts for yourself, and accessing the credibility of sources."

You say this, yet your entire belief structure for world events is based on a theory that cannot be proven. In light of this, you reject all information that contradicts your theory, while embracing everything that could in some way support it. You've rejected actual news agencies in favor of people who do nothing but surf the web for information that they could somehow tie into whatever theory that they are trying to push.

It doesn't bother you that this theory tries to explain away every single world event? Events like the Terri Schiavo/government euthenasia story, the Hunter S. Thompson assassination, Jeff Gannon's secretive government pedophile ring, the satanic price of stamps, etc. etc. It doesn't bother you that not a single one of these theories can be proven? That the theory is based on creative interpretation of the news with whatever circumstantial evidence that can be thrown in added for good measure? You continually say that you provide evidence suggesting such theories, but you have yet to prove a single thing. You have yet to produce a single airtight argument or smoking gun. Please give all of this some thought.

8/11/2005 12:33:59 PM

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"Law Abiding Ohio Resident And Korean War Veteran Has Authorities Illegally Swarm On His Property Just Hours After He Called President Bush A Liar On A Local AM Radio Station

Greg Szymanski | August 13 2005

Although Doug Stout, 77, won't pin illegal entry on his property to his harsh comments about Bush, but says one thing for sure "I don't smoke pot and everybody in town knows it." After hovering over his property with a helicopter, officers then swarmed on his land, looked at some shrubbery and then left without any explanation.

Don Stout looked up into the Midwestern sky one afternoon two weeks ago and saw a strange helicopter flying over his five-acre piece of land in rural Albany, Ohio.

Before he knew what happened, the 77-year-old long-time resident, law-abiding citizen and Korean War veteran had eight law enforcement officials swarm on his property, checking the place out for marijuana.

Never before having a run-in with the law, Stout said the heavy-handed looking group of law enforcement thugs “came and went without saying a word” after suspiciously looking at a large bush on his property not in the slightest bit resembling a pot plant.

“I’ve been here since 1994 and everybody’s knows me including the sheriff. I never smoked marijuana and they know it, but I think they just like terrorizing people,” said Stout in a telephone conversation from his rural home, adding he still hasn’t received an answer from anyone why law enforcement officials invaded his privacy and entered his land without a proper search warrant.

“It scared the hell out of me as eight or ten men swarmed my place. I was weeding my garden and the next thing you know, they were on my property, looked at this bush and left without saying a word. It was ridiculous, but the sheriff, the deputy sheriff and the game warden all raided my place for no reason and I am still looking for an explanation.”

Although Stout can’t pinpoint why authorities entered his property without a warrant, earlier that day he aired his strong opinions against President Bush, calling him an outright liar, on a free speech and truth-telling talk radio show on the popular WAIF AM770 local radio station.

Stout said he has been calling in regularly voicing his anti-Bush opinions, saying people in rural Ohio are finally starting to wake up to lies, deceit and treachery imposed on the American people by what he calls a “lying dog of a President.’

“I think he and the rest of his buddies are corrupt, down right crazy and Bush should be impeached plain and simple for lying to the people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” said the former Korean War veteran, who lashed out at Bush for going to war illegally and in the process killing thousands of innocent civilians, including more than 1,700 GI’s.

“I think George Bush is a liar and is personally responsible for the deaths of many good young men in order that his rich buddies could profit from this illegal war.”

Considering himself a “true American” who honorably fought for his country and drove a Greyhound bus for many years, the plain speaking Bush critic thinks America is in a crisis and at the brink of martial law at the hands of government tyrants bent on destroying the country from within.

“I think we have lost this country and many people feel it’s too late and feel helpless about doing anything about it,” said Stout. “I am pretty outspoken about a lot of things and it wouldn’t surprise me if another terrorist hits us harder than 9/11, putting the country under a state of emergency and martial law while at the same time taking the heat off Bush.

“This reminds me of Nazi Germany. The people are being fed propaganda and in turn the dollar is going to hell as are the rest of our freedoms. I don’t think we should give up our freedoms in order to be safer, when all the government is trying to do is take us over from within."

8/13/2005 5:13:23 PM

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"Creepy Cams Abound in NYC

Associated Press
Aug. 15, 2005

NEW YORK -- Six could be seen peering out from a chain drug store on Broadway. One protruded awkwardly from the awning of a fast-food restaurant. A supersized, domed version hovered like a flying saucer outside Columbia University.

All were surveillance cameras and -- to the dismay of civil libertarians and with the approval of law enforcement -- they've been multiplying at a dizzying rate all over Manhattan.


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority plans to spend up to $250 million to install new surveillance cameras in the city's vast subway system. The New York Police Department also has requested funding for about 400 digital video cameras to help combat robberies and burglaries in busy commercial districts.

Police officers already watch live feeds from hundreds of cameras in city housing projects throughout the five boroughs, where "they are a proven deterrent," NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said.

NYPD detectives also regularly rely on private security cameras to help solve crimes. After makeshift grenades exploded outside the British consulate in midtown Manhattan on May 5, they studied scores of videotape and concluded that a still-unidentified cyclist likely tossed the devices before fleeing."

1984 anyone?

8/16/2005 11:07:31 PM

All American
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^ Me! Thank God! It is about time the government got off its ass to protect the public in PUBLIC places. Sure, Camera's filming my private property would be wrong, but a public street is obviously NOT private property.

8/17/2005 12:10:30 AM

All American
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still waiting..................................

[Edited on August 17, 2005 at 9:27 AM. Reason : .]

8/17/2005 9:27:45 AM

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"Report: National ID card, eminent domain, could trample states' rights

Associated Press/RACHEL LA CORTE | August 18 2005

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- States are continuing to see their authority stepped on by the federal government, something that not only curtails their independence in dealing with such matters as elections and education, but in the case of a new national ID card, could cost them financially, according to a new report.

In the report released Tuesday, the National Conference of State Legislatures, a bipartisan group meeting in Seattle this week, documents pending legislation that pre-empts state authority, a problem that many say has increased in the past few years.

"The trend has not been good," said John Hurson, a Democratic state lawmaker from Maryland and NCSL president. "The states are out there fighting the good fight and passing good public policy and the federal government comes along ... and they'll try to pass something that says states have to do it a certain way."

At the forefront is the furor over a national ID card, something NCSL officials estimate could cost states $13 billion as they scramble to restructure motor vehicle offices."

8/18/2005 12:16:48 PM

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"ID cards could be used for mass surveillance system

London Independent | August 18 2005

The Government is creating a system of "mass public surveillance" capable of tracking every adult in Britain without their consent, MPs say. They warn that people who have never committed a crime can be "electronically monitored" without their knowledge.

Biometric facial scans, which will be compulsory with ID cards, are to be put on a national database which can then be matched with images from CCTV. The database of faces will enable police and security services to track individuals regardless of whether they have broken the law.

CCTV surveillance footage from streets, shops and even shopping centres could be cross-referenced with photographs of every adult in the UK once the ID cards Bill becomes law. Biometric facial scans, iris scans and fingerprints of all adults in the UK will be stored on a national database. Civil liberties groups say the plans are a "dangerous" threat to people's privacy."

8/18/2005 12:26:47 PM

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America's Arch Enemy - Congress

8/22/2005 4:40:37 PM

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Militarized Police Storm Utah Rave, Beat Partygoers (video included)

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"Amateur video from the scene shows a number of SWAT police (estimates are at 90) screaming orders at the DJs to "Shut it down now!" and yelling at others to "get out now, or I'll kick your ass in jail". Armed police are also seen tackling a number of rave-goers."

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"Brits happy to ditch civil liberties

The Register | August 23 2005

Three out of four Brits would happily hand over their civil liberties in exchange for better security against terrorist attacks, according figures from pollsters ICM.

...The ICM/Guardian-backed survey found that 73 per cent of Brits overall support a trade-off between liberty and security. Tory voters are even keener than average to do so, with 79 per cent of respond ants backing the idea. Labour voters and Lib Dems came in at 72 per cent and 70 per cent in favour, respectively."

Wow. These are either BS polls...or the British people are in a fear induced panic from the London bombing psy op and the globablists are using some really good propaganda on them via the mainstream media and press.

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

-Benjamin Franklin

If you give up your liberties, you don't get security. You only get tyranny.

8/23/2005 6:42:50 PM

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More unsettling news out of Utah...

US Police State Rearing It's Head

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"Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the flyers on them to promote in local shops.

...At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I wasn't far off.

The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops" rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got really sticky.

No one resisted. That's for sure. They had police dogs raiding the crowd of people and I saw a dog signal out a guy who obviously had some drugs on him. The soldiers attacked the guy (4 of them on 1), and kicked him a few times in the ribs and had their knees in his back and sides. As they were cuffing him, there was about 1000 kids trying to leave in the backdrop, peacefully. Next thing I know, A can of fucking TEAR GAS is launched into the crowd. People are running and screaming at this point. Girls are crying, guys are cussing... bad scene."

This show was probably part of an event organized to protest the war in Iraq and President Bush's appearance in Salt Lake City to give a speech at the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

UN-BE-LIE-VABLE. It's getting bad. We are fast approaching a full-blown police state right here in the United States.

8/23/2005 7:38:47 PM

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Read it and weep...let reality sink in...Sovietized/Nazified police state USSA is here.

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"Shock And Awe In Utah

Instilling widespread fear through random displays of excessive force to intimidate the masses. This is a function and purpose of state sponsored terrorism.

The RAVE that surrealistically morphed into a RAID was most likely a carefully planned government psy-op, similar in style to something out of a Hollywood summer block buster. It's probable this inappropriate display of force further served to intentionally blur the line between the real and the unreal. Argurably, a case could be made that this "spectacle of excessive force" re-enforces the notion that American citizens have no RIGHTS and are merely considered lab rats in an out of control Big Brother, Tavistock inspired, social engineering experiment.


"Another girl next to me said to one of the soldiers that she didn't know how to get home as they had just arrested her friend. The soldier told her to walk home. My friend tried to grab her to bring her with us, but the soldier began yelling that she had touched him (which she hadn't). WIthin seconds, five soldiers had jumped on her and were literally beating the crap out of this innocent women. She was punched in the face, thrown to the ground, and kicked while down. All for worrying how to get home safely. She is now suing."

"The soldiers proceeded to attack anyone with cameras or camcorders, obviously wanting to restrict the film that got out about it. This was not a legal attack, it was a blatant violation on our rights as American citizens. And the swat, police, politicians who authorized this, and the national guard knew this. That is why they were removing potential evidence."

"We were treated as terrorists, innocent kids without weapons or even violent thoughts in their minds were manhandled, treated like terrorists, and forced to stop doing what we were by constitutional rights allowed to be doing. Our rights were completely removed from us. It was if we had visited the 1960s or communist China.""

[Edited on August 26, 2005 at 11:22 PM. Reason : 3]

8/26/2005 11:17:52 PM

Forgetful Jones
147809 Posts
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im still waiting...

8/26/2005 11:50:48 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"The RAVE that surrealistically morphed into a RAID was most likely a carefully planned government psy-op, similar in style to something out of a Hollywood summer block buster. It's probable this inappropriate display of force further served to intentionally blur the line between the real and the unreal. Argurably, a case could be made that this "spectacle of excessive force" re-enforces the notion that American citizens have no RIGHTS and are merely considered lab rats in an out of control Big Brother, Tavistock inspired, social engineering experiment."

How is a police raid bluring the "real and unreal"? Do you even know what is real anymore or have you lost all touch with reality? Did you notice that this entire paragraph is based on conjecture and wild assumption with absolutely no factual support for its claims?

No, you probably swallowed it as the gospel truth. Carry on, little buddy.

8/27/2005 2:44:45 PM

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"based on conjecture and wild assumption with absolutely no factual support for its claims...[blah, blah, blah]"

This is starting to get hilarious.

8/27/2005 6:45:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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The constant state of pwnage that you live in? Yes, its quite hilarious.

8/27/2005 6:59:38 PM

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Gonzales Wants More Civil Liberty Restrictions

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"Gonzales Faults Senate Version of Patriot Act Legislation

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales yesterday criticized a Senate bill that would place new restrictions on law enforcement in the USA Patriot Act, saying the legislation would hamper the government's ability to prevent terrorist attacks.

Gonzales, during a meeting with editors and reporters at The Washington Post, said he favors a competing House version of the antiterrorism law that includes fewer restrictions on the government.


Gonzales said yesterday that the Senate bill's tighter provisions would make it too difficult for investigators to conduct secret searches or obtain "roving wiretaps" in terrorism investigations. He also said the threshold for obtaining business records, including those held by libraries, would be set too high by the Senate bill.

Parts of the Patriot Act have come under fire from advocacy groups, lawmakers and hundreds of local governments as intrusions on civil liberties. Gonzales and other Justice officials say such fears are overblown and that no abuses have been documented."

Yeah. We need "fewer restrictions" on the government. The government is SO restricted nowadays. They need MORE POWER....more power to conduct SECRET SEARCHES. Secret searches violate the 4th Amendment? So what? The government "needs" the power. So what if we're destroying Americans' freedom (as the REAL terrorists are doing....remember, Bush told us they attacked us because they hate our freedom. So ask yourself who it is that is destroying our freedoms).

Keep this in mind as the police state is implemented...surveillance cameras everywhere, mandatory national ID cards, random police checkpoints to check national ID cards and look for those resisting the police state (I mean "look for the terrorists").

Also remember that, as Bush said, you're either with the government or you're "with the terrorists." If you don't support the U.S. government's version of the facts about 9/11 and the "war on terrorism", YOU ARE "WITH THE TERRORISTS." If you don't support national ID cards, surveillance cameras, secret searches, and the police state, you "are with Al-Queda" and are "aiding the terrorists" because you are "hampering government efforts to combat terrorism." If you love freedom and don't want to be a slave in a police state, YOU are the "terrorist." And as a "terrorist", you can be arrested and held indefinitely without trial. You can disappear and never be heard from those at Guantanimo Bay.

[Edited on August 30, 2005 at 11:56 AM. Reason : 1]

8/30/2005 11:50:28 AM

All American
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"The constant state of pwnage that you live in? Yes, its quite hilarious."


Quote :
"still waiting.................................."

8/30/2005 11:52:35 AM

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"FEMA Executive Orders Paved The Way For Emerging Police State Hell

New Orleans is just the first to fall

Steve Watson | September 6 2005

In the wake of the unfolding police state crisis in New Orleans and the Federal Coup d'Etat of all Constitutional laws there it begs the question, how could this happen?

The answer lies with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the multiple executive orders that have gradually and symptomatically eroded away all aspects of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It is FEMA that is handling everything and systematically implementing the police state. "It is FEMA who is really calling the shots and setting priorities here," Lt. Gen. Carl A. Strock, commander of the US Amy Corps Engineers has said of the events in New Orleans.

So let us take a look at how FEMA has paved the way for the emerging police state hell.

FEMA is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. It has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress."

9/7/2005 11:11:56 PM

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Quote :
"U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, Court Rules

By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 10, 2005

A federal appeals court yesterday backed the president's power to indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil without any criminal charges, holding that such authority is vital during wartime to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.

The ruling, by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, came in the case of Jose Padilla, a former gang member and U.S. citizen arrested in Chicago in 2002 and a month later designated an "enemy combatant" by President Bush. The government contends that Padilla trained at al Qaeda camps and was planning to blow up apartment buildings in the United States. Padilla has been held without trial in a U.S. naval brig for more than three years, and his case has ignited a fierce battle over the balance between civil liberties and the government's power to fight terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. A host of civil liberties groups and former attorney general Janet Reno weighed in on Padilla's behalf, calling his detention illegal and arguing that the president does not have unchecked power to lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely."

Constitutional Rights do not exist in post-9/11 America.

9/11/2005 2:19:11 PM

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Quote :
"Blackwater Mercenaries: Coming Soon to Your Town

Kurt Nimmo | September 12 2005

It is now obvious how martial law (not officially declared as such) will work in America in the wake of the devastation of New Orleans. Instead of federal troops or an influx of National Guard troops sent to “restore order” (the latter mandated in our now anachronistic Constitution; see Article 1, Section 8) and empowered to “suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions,” in Louisiana the state and federal governments have brazenly violated the Constitution by sending in Blackwater Security and other private goon squads. “Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans,” write Jeremy Scahill and Daniela Crespo. “Some of the mercenaries say they have been ‘deputized’ by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force.”"

9/13/2005 6:07:43 PM

Sup, B
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must be time for your stupid quote-bombing again

9/13/2005 6:23:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"infamous for their work in Iraq"

Are they really infamous?

Do you really have any idea what you are talking about?

9/13/2005 9:50:14 PM

All American
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Just made a thread... police state is here salisbury... it's here...

9/15/2005 11:06:11 PM

39171 Posts
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hey stonerman only pussies need guns

are you just sad cause the girls laugh at your penis?

9/15/2005 11:09:15 PM

All American
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So our nation's military and local militias are pussies?

9/15/2005 11:15:56 PM

39171 Posts
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i'm the hippy?

i mean...


what kind of loser hippie name is that

9/15/2005 11:18:41 PM

Sup, B
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9/15/2005 11:25:12 PM

All American
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It's a name. Not a lifestyle.

9/15/2005 11:28:35 PM

39171 Posts
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and you're 25

get a life you fucking pothead

9/15/2005 11:39:02 PM

All American
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gg relying on user info to be accurate..
I know I always do... "99"

9/15/2005 11:43:53 PM

39171 Posts
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if your older that that its just more sad

if you are younger then its also sad

9/15/2005 11:47:23 PM

All American
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sad in what respect?

You say this based on a name?

wow. I am impressed.

kids these days... jeez.

[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 12:04 AM. Reason : .]

9/16/2005 12:04:12 AM

All American
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after the stuff in NO, i'm starting to wonder how crazy salisburyboy really is

9/16/2005 12:05:33 AM

All American
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^ he sees the future.

9/16/2005 12:07:17 AM

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