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 Message Boards » » NCAA Sweet 16: State vs. Kansas - Fri 10:17p - TBS Page 1 ... 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 ... 37, Prev Next  
All American
45943 Posts
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I'm not reading that shit

3/21/2012 11:05:12 PM

All American
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Let's get fucking PUMPED

3/21/2012 11:06:09 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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nobody will doubt, this comes down to three point shooting and foul trouble

we need wood and at least brown/williams to hit 8 3's and howell to not got into foul trouble

3/21/2012 11:07:23 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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Quote :
"Kansas is just as good as Georgetown was defensively (#5 overall), but they are better offensively (#16). Practically every player on their team is efficient on offense."

Okay, we get it, they are about the same team, except flip-flopped. I'm sure Sir Rich has something to say about their offense. And Scott Wood is the most underrated defensive player in the world. I'd can't wait to see their faces when Scott packs their shot from over their backs.

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"They play at a medium pace and specialize in fg% and fg% defense. They are above average at rebounding on both ends, though not particularly good at limiting or forcing turnovers.

They are one of the best in the country at scoring inside and limiting inside scoring. Their weakness is hitting threes and guarding the perimeter."

I smell bleacher report all over this one. Best in the country at limiting inside scoring? Obviously they have not seen the gum-chewing awesomeness of CJ Leslie power his way to the basket and dunk on their faces. Isn't it funny that their weakness at defending is always something they are terrible at, and they are good at defending at what they are good at making? Smells like they are all one trick ponies to me. Epic upset is on the horizon I tell you.

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"As you might imagine, they have a lot of size. Their wings in particular are big, similar to UNC who always gives us trouble. However, as I noted before this hasn't helped them defend the 3 (unlike UNC).

For the most part they play the same 4 guys the entire game and Withey/Teahen play about half the game each. Very few minutes for anyone else.

Thomas Robinson is an elite rebounder and it will be interesting to see if Howell can hold his own on the glass. Jeff Withey is the best shot blocker in the country not named Anthony Davis, so it'll be key that we can still score relatively efficiently down low particularly with CJ Leslie. Tyshawn Taylor is a total scoring machine and both he and Elijah Johnson are their playmakers."

Okay, let me get this straight, Thomas Jefferson is an elite rebounder? That's incredulous and it baffles my mind as to how your could mention Howell in a question as to whether or not he could hold his own on the glass. First of all, the glass is not what the playing surface is called, that is the paint. And the answer to your question is yes, he can hold his on in the paint. Anthony Davis you say? Okay I don't discuss people with uni brows so I'ma let that one pass. They are not that good, everyone on their team is not freaking Michael Jordan. I say we put in Kendall Marshall and have him knee Tyshawn Taylor and Thomas Jefferson in the face, and then perform the people's elbow on them.

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"Robinson, Taylor, and Withey all draw a ton of fouls, so it will be key for us not to commit lazy fouls as they will draw plenty on their own.

We're 7.5 point underdogs and slightly more than 3:1 underdogs to win the game outright. This is going to be REALLY tough. It sucks that Purdue blew it against them as we are a lot closer to their level."

WRONG. Lazy fouls? Don't you mean completely necessary reach ins, over the backs and let us not forget the flagrants Scott Wood will committ? They don't draw fouls, we just play like we are playing prison ball with the shanking of people and what not.

Quote :
"We're playing better lately and Kansas looked shaky against Purdue. This is more of a matter of how Kansas plays really. If they play their A game, we can't hang. But if they play their B game and we play well we've got a chance to make our first elite 8 visit since 1865 when Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appottomax.

Little known fact: Lee and Ulysses S. Grant shared a beer while watching a slight tape delay of NC State defeat Louisburg college on grainy video that was only slightly better quality than the JVC camcorder footage of CJ Leslie hitting the game winning shot in 2011 against St. Bonaventure."

Alright I'm just going to call bs on this. No way I'm believing this epic crap. Why bring my main man Robbie into this fray?

Alright I'm done. Peace out bros.

reposted for page 10

[Edited on March 21, 2012 at 11:17 PM. Reason : k]

[Edited on March 21, 2012 at 11:17 PM. Reason : kk]

[Edited on March 21, 2012 at 11:18 PM. Reason : KKK]

3/21/2012 11:16:01 PM

All American
11996 Posts
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The plane was obviously bluffing to get the team hyped for the game and got caught off guard when they won.

On another note:
St. Louis baby! St. Louis.

3/21/2012 11:19:03 PM

tommy wiseau
All American
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3/21/2012 11:20:31 PM

All American
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^^^what the fuck is going on here? You rarely see an adult employ the gibberish writing style

Anyway, we need to force Kansas to foul us a lot:

3/21/2012 11:32:15 PM

10254 Posts
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Quote :
"First of all, the glass is not what the playing surface is called, that is the paint."

the playing surface

3/21/2012 11:37:38 PM

7062 Posts
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3/21/2012 11:38:44 PM

All American
1838 Posts
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I like Mizzou fans:

3/21/2012 11:43:44 PM

All American
8660 Posts
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I never knew Missouri and Kansas hated each other until this week.

3/21/2012 11:45:51 PM

All American
2378 Posts
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from lorenzo brown:

Quote :
"NCAA is spending some money lol this hotel room is insane!"

3/22/2012 12:04:33 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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tell him to post pics

3/22/2012 12:08:06 AM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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rooms might be nice, but the tvs are nothing special:
Quote :
@JSR_NCState10 This hotel is crazy minus the wack tv"

3/22/2012 12:11:36 AM

All American
8503 Posts
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Ah, St. Louis.

What a beautiful city

3/22/2012 12:12:19 AM

All American
17452 Posts
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St Louis loves red teams baby!!!

3/22/2012 12:30:13 AM

All American
2621 Posts
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i actually watched the State/UNC ACC tourney game in a nice hotel by Laguardia but on a 27in fucking CRT television, i was like how did i live before flat screen??????? not every hotel has changed all their tv's out i guess.

3/22/2012 3:31:28 AM

All American
8503 Posts
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So what I watched it at teds hideaway in Miami beach.

3/22/2012 4:02:52 AM

All American
10849 Posts
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So what I watched it at my house in Miami.

3/22/2012 4:57:31 AM

All American
11472 Posts
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I watched it at LeBron's house in South Beach. Fuck you.

3/22/2012 7:49:02 AM

All American
4099 Posts
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I watched it at your moms house.

3/22/2012 7:49:44 AM

All American
4116 Posts
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I wish there was a great place to watch this game in Miami/South Beach. The wife will be out of town so I'll just be yelling at the tv by myself...

3/22/2012 8:03:26 AM

37709 Posts
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1 day left


"You just don't know how magnificent you might be. Think Big. Think Big." -Chancellor John T. Caldwell

3/22/2012 8:18:15 AM

All American
3021 Posts
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^damn it. thanks for making me watch that JimmyV clip again. Now I'm pumped as shit at 8:41am. It's gonna be a looooooooong day now.


3/22/2012 8:41:39 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"I wish there was a great place to watch this game in Miami/South Beach. The wife will be out of town so I'll just be yelling at the tv by myself..."

I used to watch all my games/olympics at jerry's diner. They have HUGE flat screens at the bar and actually turn the volume up. Hell I even watched super tuesday primary results there with volume.

3/22/2012 8:44:51 AM

148898 Posts
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Googs on in 30 minutes

3/22/2012 9:01:37 AM

All American
3942 Posts
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That Valvano clip is officially my favorite video of all time now, thank you for that. Man I'm fucking PUMPED. I hope they show that to the team.

3/22/2012 9:02:58 AM

Starting Lineup
63 Posts
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37 hours til tipoff, that's way too long

3/22/2012 9:05:34 AM

All American
2966 Posts
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Damn it I love that Valvano clip.

3/22/2012 9:15:39 AM

All American
1104 Posts
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Quote :
"I like Mizzou fans:

I briefly checked out the Kansas board. UNC fans and Kansas fans have been having a circle jerk with each other there. They've spent a lot of time talking about how bad our fans are and comparing us to Mizzou fans. I guess they hate fans that care about football and basketball

The few Kansas football fans still wet the bed at night having nightmares about Philip Rivers toasting their ass in the 03 Tangerine Bowl.

3/22/2012 9:17:13 AM

All American
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3/22/2012 9:25:44 AM

All American
3942 Posts
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Quote :
"Googs on in 30 minutes"

Thanks Tree. Googs is the man. Though I wish they wouldn't do a radio interview on a cell phone Also, seemed like they spoke more about KarlHessGate than the S16.

3/22/2012 9:43:34 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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Quote :
"I never knew Missouri and Kansas hated each other until this week."

really? while it may not be one of the "best rivalries", its definitely one of the oldest and most hated. shit goes all the way back to the civil war and goes well beyond just collegiate athletics. Kansans and Missourians hate each other.

3/22/2012 9:49:36 AM

All American
8660 Posts
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^Yeah I don't know jack about anyone in the Big 12. So you're saying it goes past the schools and that the general population of Kansas hates the general population of Missouri and vice versa? Damn I had no idea.

NC State is taking over my dreams. Wednesday morning I woke up all depressed cause I dreamed that we lost to Kansas. Then this morning I woke up all happy cause not only did we beat Kansas in my dreams last night, I was next to coach Gott when he got a phone call from Amile saying that he committed and I ran to the nearest computer and broke the news for TWW.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 9:56 AM. Reason : ]

3/22/2012 9:52:30 AM

All American
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Kansas and Missouri have always been allies.

3/22/2012 9:53:11 AM

All American
3942 Posts
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^^LOL, that's so absurd. I love it.

3/22/2012 9:56:29 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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Quote :
"So you're saying it goes past the schools and that the general population of Kansas hates the general population of Missouri and vice versa? Damn I had no idea."

I'm sure its calmed down over the years in the general population but if you ask someones grandfather form kansas or missouri then yes, they would probably have an extreme hatred for anything having to do with the other state. Only rivalry I know that started with bloodshed and guerrilla warfare

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 10:17 AM. Reason : copy/pasta]

3/22/2012 10:14:23 AM

Mr Scrumples
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UH yeah, it's just Civil War-related stuff. Missouri sided with the south.

3/22/2012 10:16:12 AM

7062 Posts
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Quote :
"n 2004 its name was officially changed from Border War to the Border Showdown.[12] KU athletic director Lew Perkins stated, "We feel that in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, and the ensuing events around the world, it is inappropriate to use the term ‘war' to describe intercollegiate athletics events.""

3/22/2012 10:17:53 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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I already stated as such, thanks for reiterating

Quote :
"shit goes all the way back to the civil war"

3/22/2012 10:18:54 AM

All American
3958 Posts
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If I ever have a dream that in anyway, shape, or form remotely hints to TWW...just fucking kill me. Damn

3/22/2012 10:20:14 AM

Mr Scrumples
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3/22/2012 10:21:24 AM

All American
1588 Posts
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getting back on topic...i think brown is going to have about 25 points this game. He doesnt get as aggressive as id like most of the time, but if the person he is guarding is lighting him up i think he will take it personally and dominate.

3/22/2012 10:37:03 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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I dont think that I am getting anything done at work today or tomorrow or saturday and hopefully sunday.

Annoying story about UNC fans:

So, I live in Texas and go to grad school at UT Austin. And on Tuesday a UNC alum comes to my bench while I was editing my C.V. and notices that I went to State. Then this chick, who has always been nice and friendly gives me a "Oh damn you went to State, sorry". So, I played it cool and asked her if she knew that both were in the sweet 16.

"Oh UNC is in the sweet 16 this year? I didn't know that but thanks for telling me"

What the hell kind of terrible fans do they have?

3/22/2012 10:40:31 AM

All American
4080 Posts
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^sounds like my canned response when someone tells me they went to UNC. "Oh, well, we all make mistakes." I'm sure it pisses them the hell off.

3/22/2012 11:04:47 AM

All American
979 Posts
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[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 11:35 AM. Reason : get drunk, go state]

3/22/2012 11:33:45 AM

All American
1031 Posts
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Every time I see someone wearing UNC gear I usually cheerfully ask, "Hey man! Did you go to UNC?"

When he says no, I just say, "Oh okay, nevermind then."

It's subtle and I like it.

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 11:35 AM. Reason : .]

3/22/2012 11:35:35 AM

All American
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State Fan: "hey, when you graduate?"

UNC Fan: "uh me? i didn't go there"

State Fan: "oh that's cool, but you like the campus don't you?"

UNC Fan: "uh, I've never been to the campus"

State Fan: shakes head walks away.

3/22/2012 11:43:11 AM

All American
3974 Posts
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I hate to post these, but I had to do something to counteract all the negative waves

[Edited on March 22, 2012 at 11:56 AM. Reason : broken link]

3/22/2012 11:54:08 AM

All American
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Damn, that's awesome. However, each of the vulnerabilities they've put out there for Kansas, also applies to our team.

3/22/2012 11:56:40 AM

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