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148898 Posts
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Some of the ICers were saying Fedora calls the plays on offense. I don't know who calls their plays.

9/4/2015 3:02:10 PM

All American
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If Fedora really calls their plays, then I got nothing on his comments.

9/4/2015 3:05:52 PM

All American
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Even if he doesn't call the plays you'd think he could nix whatever the OC comes up with.

9/4/2015 6:55:35 PM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"We all knew that he was going there. It seems like he wants to be a Russell Westbrook type PG and that will not work in Roy's system. We're better off in the long run."

9/10/2015 9:13:31 PM

All American
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Roy has no use for the #1 PG.

9/10/2015 9:33:15 PM

All American
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guess they know better than ole Roy... can they then tell us why roy recruited him if theyd just be better off in the long run? ugh. i let them troll me.

9/10/2015 9:51:39 PM

oh we back
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i've seen the same "bet he transfers" joke at least twice on there about dennis smith jr. god they are fucking stupid.

Quote :
"Cat is definitely gone after this year. I heard his last coloring book was almost finished."

ahahahahahahahaahahah dear fucking god they are so damn oblivious

9/10/2015 9:53:47 PM

148898 Posts
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^^Roy will be coaching there another 30-40 years. It's better in the long run to NOT get #1 ranked recruits like they used to.

9/10/2015 9:55:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"can they then tell us why roy recruited him if theyd just be better off in the long run?"

"Something happened in the last minute that made Roy back off"

9/10/2015 9:56:04 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"Adidas in total effect. It's just amazing that the NCAA is in Chapel Hill when things that actually matter and are directing kids' decisions goes completely unchecked and worse. Shameful, really."

No school, including Oregon, has benefited more than UNC-CH's relationship with their shoe sponsor. But apparently that is way worse than blatant cheating and academic fraud.

[Edited on September 10, 2015 at 10:11 PM. Reason : 1]

9/10/2015 10:08:03 PM

All American
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^ Lol. UNC/Nike/Air Jordan is cool, but State/Adidas is 'shameful'.

[Edited on September 10, 2015 at 10:31 PM. Reason : tbdv]

9/10/2015 10:29:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
163 Months
Premium Member
24822 posts this site
Re: Dennis Smith
Yesterday at 6:41 PM

RegencyUNC wrote: LoL, just LoL. I don't get it.


DSJ came here just to wear Adidas shoes because you know Nike is just so uncool with the kids these days......

Quote :
"This is no shock to anyone that followed this recruitment. It was never a fair fight for us. Add to that, we will have a legit pg here with a "system". At state, gott will roll the ball out there and tell Dennis to let him know when he needs a breather."

it's the shoes and how ole huckleberry holds people back with his system?

Quote :
"He will love playing in front of 10,000 empty seats at half his home games"

someone is confusing unc football with NCSU basketball

Quote :
" LOL. It's just simply amazing how such a pure institution could rely so heavily on shoe company and other "influence" to land a player who will be on state's campus for about 6-8 months total.

Before bringing up shoe companies, let's not forget that we've benefited greatly from Nike/Jordan.

It's just the way recruiting works.

I think his posts are satirical. Nobody can be that dumb. "

guy who posted about unc benefiting from Nike/Jordan got banned for being a "moou troll" idiots don't realize that yes Jordan/Nike have indeed been influencing kids for years

the butthurt is so strong over there it's fantastic

9/11/2015 9:25:23 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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News flash... all that cheating you did for 20 years is finally catching up to you. You cheated to win a few titles and now you have to pay for those titles. Deal with it.

9/11/2015 9:31:44 AM

All American
11996 Posts
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Quote :
"The athlete is then told that if he makes it to the league, he will have a shoe contract already waiting. This stuff has gone on for a long time, but now its starting to be really serious."

Meaning it's gone on a long time with nike. Now UA and Adidas have caught up and it's a problem.

Everyone knows that McDonalds ships the All Americans to schools with McDonalds in the student union.

9/11/2015 12:45:07 PM

148898 Posts
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Did guys like PJ Hairston and James Michael McAdoo get Nike contracts? They made it to the league!

9/11/2015 12:48:13 PM

All American
11996 Posts
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Quote :
"Back in the day, nike was it so all the schools were on equal footing. Not anymore with adidas and UA entering the picture."

Nike was the only one, so it was fair. Wait...

Quote :
"IF (because there's no way for me to KNOW) there's anything under-handed going on with a recruit, I don't want him regardless of how good he is. They are nothing but trouble, with a capital "T." It is unfortunate that it seems there's a LOT of "under-handedness" going on these days. If it costs us wins to not get those players, so be it."

The NCAA didn't show up to Chapel Hill with a Letter of Under-Handedness, just allegations.

[Edited on September 11, 2015 at 2:01 PM. Reason : .]

9/11/2015 1:47:37 PM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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^lol at the emergence of Adidas and UA being unfair for Nike schools. Nike probably represents like 85% of power 5 schools, right? They are by far the main apparel company...they have some competition from Adidas and UA but it's hardly like UA and Adidas have all the advantages or anything.

9/11/2015 2:18:04 PM

All American
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Im sure he came to NCSU bc of Adidas being so trendy...righttttttttttt

not with crap like this

9/11/2015 2:51:17 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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That's just punishment for switching to Nike.

9/11/2015 2:55:04 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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Quote :
"Ole'Roy should be afraid of Gottfired in a chopper about as much as Nick Saban is afraid of Larry Fedora using a chopper on recruiting trips."

Quote :
"Gott should try a hot air balloon. His hot air about the Wolfies alone could keep it afloat."


9/11/2015 3:00:27 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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i did not realize larry fedora had signed a top 10 recruit over alabama.

9/11/2015 3:04:16 PM

All American
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It may be that I am old and not up to date on things, but I have always thought being an Adidas school was a hindrance rather than something helping with recruiting. Seems like Nike and UA are the ones actually helping with recruiting some. *shrug*

9/11/2015 3:21:34 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Nike, adidas and Under Armour all run their own high school basketball tournament circuits and camps and whatnot.

But, it doesn't really make a difference. If it did, State would only be signing kids who played on adidas teams.

9/11/2015 3:33:03 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"It may be that I am old and not up to date on things, but I have always thought being an Adidas school was a hindrance rather than something helping with recruiting. Seems like Nike and UA are the ones actually helping with recruiting some. *shrug*"

Same here

9/11/2015 3:53:22 PM

All American
524 Posts
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Quote :
"NC State will start to succeed when the fanbase spends more time obsessing over NC State and no time obsessing over UNC. It really is as simple as that."

taken from a thread on the IC board about whether or not NCSU will be good this year.....

9/14/2015 1:29:33 PM

All American
11472 Posts
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^ lol. Every fan base spends time hating on their rival. I've lived in FL, SC, KS, NC, and VA and it's the same everywhere you go. K-State fans hate on Kansas and vice versa, FSU hates UF and Miami, South Carolina hates Clemson, etc. Everyone takes delight in the misery of their rival.

UNC fans are such arrogant pricks that they can't stand the idea of someone hating them even though they are pretty much universally hated throughout the ACC by other fan bases.

9/14/2015 1:34:52 PM

oh we back
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my favorite thing about UNC fans saying we are obsessed with them, is that they'll go out of their way to argue that they aren't obsessed with State, that State isn't their rival, that State is just the red headed step child in the triangle.

if all that were true, you wouldn't spend so much time trying to convince everybody that it's true.3

and from that IC thread:

Quote :
"Is state ever good? It's been the same every year with gottfired- overhyped"

we've actually out performed preseason expectations in 3 of Gott's 4 seasons, but

Quote :
"They'll underachieve like usual, but they will be up to play us like they always do. "

yeah we always get up to play UNC...except that we've won something like 5 games in the last 20 meetings with them by my count, 3-17 in last 20.

[Edited on September 14, 2015 at 1:43 PM. Reason : k]

9/14/2015 1:38:06 PM

All American
7177 Posts
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What? WTF does that even mean?

9/22/2015 4:00:33 PM

oh we back
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he is somehow of the opinion that Dan Kane has pursued the UNC scandal solely to advance his own career and win journalism awards.

Which, first of all...yeah, a dude is doing his job in the hopes that it can maybe land him a better/higher paying job. That's not exactly groundbreaking or anything all that bad. But, mostly, the N&O is gonna push stories that sell papers and subscriptions and drive web traffic and are of general public interest. The entire UNC scandal has certainly been of widespread public interest and I imagine it helped a ton with website traffic and possibly even sales. So the idea that this whole thing has been one big non-story is kinda dumb. I don't think Kane has any "agenda" to push other than investigating a story that has generated a fuck ton of interest locally and nationally

[Edited on September 22, 2015 at 4:14 PM. Reason : d]

9/22/2015 4:13:53 PM

All American
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Yeah, he is whiny and delusional, why the fuck would he cry over a journalist doing his JOB!!

9/22/2015 4:19:11 PM

148898 Posts
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The DTH Opinion person is saying that Kane has helped UNC uncover some problems and address them, which is good in the long run. That's unfathomable to Joey.

9/22/2015 4:24:33 PM

oh we back
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yep, he's been whining for the last few years every time a new Kane article comes out...basically just saying the Kane is chasing recognition with the story and nothing else. a quick twitter search turns up these tweets from him

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Aug 17
Joey Powell retweeted ACC Now
So Carter and Kane are manufacturing story lines now for the @newsobserver to editorialize? Not enough LOLs. #UNC "

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Aug 14
The worst part of the #UNC findings? Dan Kane now has to actually write two new lines for his latest cut/paste job to print."

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell May 12

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Apr 20
Dan Kane not winning a Pulitzer is the best thing I've heard today."

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Apr 19
Dan Kane will win a Pulitzer for simply writing the same article for four years without quitting. @dankanenando"

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Nov 5
Has Dan Kane applied for @haroldgut’s job writing about #UNC athletics yet?"

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell Oct 22
LOL at Dan Kane making it about himself."

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell 9 Sep 2014
#BREAKING: Dan Kane apparently still alive;continues blatant disregard for facts. RELATED: Can I get a newspaper job to write fiction, too?"

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell 5 Aug 2014
That flushing noise you heard this morning was Dan Kane's precious Pulitzer going down the sewer."

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell 15 May 2014
So how does this affect Dan Kane’s “Pulitzer-worthy” work, knowing that his golden source has been completely proven to be a liar? #UNC"

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell 14 Apr 2014
Oh. Dan Kane didn't win his Pulitzer? How sad and unjust."

Quote :
"Joey Powell ?@Joey_Powell 10 Jan 2014
Keep fighting, Dan Kane. We know you're after the truth and nothing more. Quite the little entourage you have "working" for you now, too."

i didn't go back any further (although advanced twitter search makes it super easy) and i only posted like 1/4 of the tweets mentioning Dan Kane from him. lol. he likes to joke about State fans obsessing over UNC...seems like he's got a sick, unhealthy obsession himself.

9/22/2015 4:33:15 PM

All American
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from a thread about Shad getting arrested and kicked off the team

Quote :
"The point is, State fans on PP blasted PJ constantly for doing things that we have documented that State players did regularly in the past."

I don't recall any State players getting busted for weed, in a car provided by Fats, with a mysterious gun laying just outside. Can someone refresh my memory on all the times that has happened

10/2/2015 2:05:44 PM

All American
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10/24/2015 9:35:25 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^I did not read the article. The link was enough for me to smile.

They straight crazy.

Like, legit crazy.

10/24/2015 10:35:13 PM

56200 Posts
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when was the last time this thread was on page 2? lol

are they being that quiet over there?

11/28/2015 8:40:33 PM

All American
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Bump and grab the popcorn!!

12/5/2015 11:59:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The ACC caused this. If you think an official cant be bought, you are wrong. Point spread was 5. If Clemson loses no ACC team gets in, therefore profitable for the league to guarantee Clemson the win. A damn shame."

Mmmm, the butthurt is strong with this one.

12/6/2015 12:03:53 AM

All American
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Clemson dominated that game bad call aside at the end hearing any unc fan complaining about getting screwed or cheated baffles my mind. Call it karma you fucking cheating assholes.

12/6/2015 12:14:50 AM

All American
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Ugh the game was too close. UNC was too good this year, the damage has been done.

This is a Pyrrhic victory.

12/6/2015 12:22:00 AM

All American
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Oh how sweet this will be

12/6/2015 12:24:46 AM

All American
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^^ Maybe you should wait and see how they do next year before assuming the sleeping giant has awoken. I'd be shocked if they didn't revert back to the usual 7/8 wins next season.

12/6/2015 12:31:04 AM

148898 Posts
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They should have ACC Championship rings made for all the UNC players, since the offsides penalty was bullshit! Also for all the adversity they've faced.

12/6/2015 12:37:24 AM

All American
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Funny to hear unc fans say they were cheated

12/6/2015 12:46:51 AM

death cab
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I'm not crying for them, but they have a legit complaint. That was a terrible call.

Now whether they would have scored, gotten a 2-point conversion and then won in OT is unknown, but that call just ended the game. We would be absolutely pissed in a similar situation.

12/6/2015 1:44:36 AM

All American
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It was a bad call, but fuck 'em. It's UNC.

12/6/2015 1:47:04 AM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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basically ^ yeah

12/6/2015 8:13:48 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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WTF is death cab on about it?

12/6/2015 8:52:33 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Wasn't inside the 9-yd mark. It was the right call.

12/6/2015 10:08:14 AM

All American
14327 Posts
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^wtf you talking about?

12/6/2015 10:12:32 AM

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