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 Message Boards » » WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001? Page 1 ... 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 ... 39, Prev Next  
9434 Posts
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Quote :
"he'll just humor himself, it's sad really



That's not the vibe I'm getting. My most violent opposers on this thread have not been exhibiting pity or compassion on me for my beliefs....but rather shown anger and thrown hateful rhetoric at me.

You people know I am not insane. If you did, you would show compassion on me. You're just saying that to attempt to smear me.

You hate me because I speak the truth about this.

[Edited on February 2, 2004 at 3:50 PM. Reason : ..]

2/2/2004 3:49:42 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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No, you aren't insane like bobby downsyndrome, we show compassion towards him, you're insane like crazy street preacher insane, like guy off the movie seven insane, ted kazinski insane, mailbomb abortion clinics insane, seriously, do you want to go through the rest of your life as a conspiracy theorist, clipping out newspaper articles and stapling them to your walls, searching around on websites made by other wackos, setting up a intant pyro system in your run down apartment?

2/2/2004 3:56:18 PM

9434 Posts
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Ponder this issue...

Quote :
"Furthermore, do you find it at all credible that the calculatingly careful and thorough men who hijacked and steered the planes to their targets would leave the following items in a hired car left at Boston's Logan airport: Instructional videos and manuals on how to operate Boeing 767s, coveralls similar to those worn by ramp workers, a copy of the Koran and a fuel consumption calculator? That's what the Illuminati-fed media is pumping out. Just how gullible do these people think we are? Well I hardly need to answer that, because they plainly think we are totally stupid!"

[Edited on February 3, 2004 at 12:21 AM. Reason : ..]

2/3/2004 12:19:58 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"No, you aren't insane like bobby downsyndrome, we show compassion towards him, you're insane like crazy street preacher insane, like guy off the movie seven insane, ted kazinski insane, mailbomb abortion clinics insane, seriously, do you want to go through the rest of your life as a conspiracy theorist, clipping out newspaper articles and stapling them to your walls, searching around on websites made by other wackos, setting up a intant pyro system in your run down apartment?


If I'm so insane, give me one insane belief that I have espoused on this thread.

Secondly, I've largely not been discussing theories on this thread, but conspiracy FACTS. It is a fact that conspiracies occur. The facts are the facts. What you are doing is trying to dismiss these facts by labeling them "conspiracy theories." You are playing ball with the media and parroting what they say. They have conditioned the masses to dismiss people who question the official government and media story as "conspiracy theorists."

Quote :
"People think that all they have to do to write someone off is to accuse them of espousing conspiracy theory. That is their way of marginalising people who hold ideas of which they are afraid."

[Edited on February 3, 2004 at 12:36 AM. Reason : ..]

2/3/2004 12:28:30 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"Those truely afraid of their own inadequacies hide behind theories of conspiracies to find some way to blame their shortcommings on others, all while claiming the highground and clarity of thought."

2/3/2004 12:56:50 AM

9434 Posts
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Once again, for those hard of hearing, I have presented FACTS of a conspiracy here, not mere theories.

[Edited on February 3, 2004 at 1:29 AM. Reason : ..]

2/3/2004 1:29:22 AM

All American
8685 Posts
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give it a rest hippie

2/3/2004 1:32:27 AM

9434 Posts
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2/3/2004 1:33:42 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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You have presented no facts, you have presented altered truths, twisted thoughts and selective and INACCURATE information.

2/3/2004 10:00:12 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You have presented no facts, you have presented altered truths, twisted thoughts and selective and INACCURATE information.

You are in denial or are keeping your head in the sand.

2/3/2004 10:02:36 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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[b4k4 wins]

[/b4k4 wins]

2/3/2004 10:55:41 AM

9434 Posts
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Amateur video of the attack on the South Tower. The cameraman and a woman in the background don't believe that it was a plane. The man says it was too fast, like a "rocket". I'm not saying this is proof of anything, but it is interesting. Watch it for yourself.

[Edited on February 3, 2004 at 11:51 PM. Reason : ..]

2/3/2004 11:50:47 PM

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More eyewitness reports of bombs going off around the WTC:

Quote :
""The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator and out to Church Street. There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street toward Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn't know where to run."

Source: "Teresa Veliz: A Prayer to Die Quickly and Painlessly," in September 11: An Oral History by Dean E. Murphy (Doubleday, 2002), pp 9-15."

2/4/2004 12:52:33 AM

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Workers in the basements of the towers report that explosions took place in the basement areas of the towers:

Quote :
"The two decided to ascend the stairs to the C level, to a small machine shop where Vito Deleo and David Williams were supposed to be working. When the two arrived at the C level, they found the machine shop gone.

“There was nothing there but rubble, “Mike said. “We’re talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press – gone!”...

...The two made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone. “There were no walls, there was rubble on the floor, and you can’t see anything” he said.

They decided to ascend two more levels to the building’s lobby. As they ascended to the B Level, one floor above, they were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up “like a piece of aluminum foil” and lying on the floor. “They got us again,” Mike told his co-worker, referring to the terrorist attack at the center in 1993. Having been through that bombing, Mike recalled seeing similar things happen to the building’s structure. He was convinced a bomb had gone off in the building."

original article:

2/4/2004 1:01:35 AM

39171 Posts
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i like this thread
it's funny cause you actually believe this bullshit

2/4/2004 1:05:17 AM

9434 Posts
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Flashes of light can be seen in the collapse of WTC 2.

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"The location and timing of these flashes are consistent with the location of cutting charges in a controlled demolition, though they no doubt represent only a small fraction of the number of charges that were involved."

2/4/2004 1:13:57 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"i like this thread
it's funny cause you actually believe this bullshit

Yeah, like when I believe Larry Silverstein when he says that they demolished WTC 7:

I guess that's "bullshit" too right?....cause we must accept whatever the corporate media says as absolute truth like brainwashed monkeys who can't think for themselves, even when the evidence proves their story to be false.

[Edited on February 4, 2004 at 1:21 AM. Reason : ..]

2/4/2004 1:16:54 AM

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Concerning the demolition of the WTC towers:

[Edited on February 4, 2004 at 1:21 AM. Reason : ..]

2/4/2004 1:20:41 AM

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Tony Blair also claims to have seen the first plane that hit the WTC on television the day of the attacks (BBC News article):

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"I remember it very, very clearly. I was about to give the speech to the Trades Union Congress in Brighton, and so I was preparing my speech and the television was on in the background.

You saw the first plane crash, and then people came in and started to brief me on it, and then of course it became clear a short time afterwards that this was not simply a terrible accident but was almost certainly a terrorist incident, and then everything changed.

[Edited on February 4, 2004 at 12:50 PM. Reason : ..]

2/4/2004 12:49:12 PM

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American Free Press reports that seismographs at Columbia University reported seismic "spikes" just before the towers collapsed.

Quote :
"Seismographs at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., 21 miles north of the WTC, recorded strange seismic activity on Sept. 11 that has still not been explained.

While the aircraft crashes caused minimal earth shaking, significant earthquakes with unusual spikes occurred at the beginning of each collapse.

The Palisades seismic data recorded a 2.1 magnitude earthquake during the 10-second collapse of the South Tower at 9:59:04 and a 2.3 quake during the 8-second collapse of the North Tower at 10:28:31.

However, the Palisades seismic record shows that—as the collapses began—a huge seismic “spike” marked the moment the greatest energy went into the ground. The strongest jolts were all registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the Earth.

These unexplained “spikes” in the seismic data lend credence to the theory that massive explosions at the base of the towers caused the collapses."

[Edited on February 4, 2004 at 11:06 PM. Reason : ..]

2/4/2004 11:05:27 PM

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On the demolition of the twin towers:


Quote :
"All that one needs to know, to be able to conclusively prove that the Twin Towers were demolished, is that the towers fell in roughly 10 seconds, that is, that they fell at about the same rate that an object falls through air.

Anyone with a little common sense will realize that the top of a building does not pass through the concrete and steel that comprises the lower portion of the building at the same rate that it falls through air. This just doesn't happen, unless, of course, the lower part of the building has lost its structural integrity (and this is usually due to the detonation of a multitude of small explosive charges as seen in controlled demolitions).

The fact that the towers collapsed in about 10 seconds is a statement that the upper portion of each of the towers passed through the lower portion at about the same rate that it would have fallen through air. The fact that the towers fell this quickly (essentially at the rate of free-fall) is conclusive evidence that they were deliberately demolished.

Believing that there is nothing wrong with the towers collapsing so quickly, is roughly analogous to believing that people pass through closed doors as quickly as they pass through open doors.

The fact that they fell at such a rate means that they encountered essentially no resistance from the supposedly undamaged parts of the structure. That is, no resistance was encountered from any of the immensely strong parts of the structure that had held the building up for the last 30 years. From this one can conclude that the lower undamaged parts were actually very damaged (probably by the detonation of a multitude of small explosive charges as is usual in a controlled demolition)."

[Edited on February 4, 2004 at 11:31 PM. Reason : ..]

2/4/2004 11:27:49 PM

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BBC News article on the collapse of the WTC towers:

Quote :
"Professor Wilem Frischmann, of the Pell Frischmann Group and the City University, London, was part of the inquiry into the Ronan Point disaster. He said the twin towers should not have collapsed so quickly. "Prior to 11 September, I scarcely believed that this icon was vulnerable," he said.

He added that the impact of the Boeings, puncturing the outer steel shell of the towers would not in itself have caused the towers to fall. "My current analysis of the collapse sequence [suggests that] damage caused to the outside would not have triggered collapse."

Although the explosion caused by the fuel-laden aircraft would have been intense, the lack of available oxygen inside the towers would, according to Professor Frischmann, have limited the fireball's temperature to less than 1,000 Celsius. This was within the design limits that the towers were supposed to withstand."

2/4/2004 11:40:36 PM

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On the stand down of military interceptor jets:

Quote :
"8:13:31: American Airlines Flight 11 (AA11) last transmission with Boston Air Traffic Control (ATC).

8:13:32 to 8:20: AA11 goes off course and is hijacked.

8:20: AA 11 transponder signal stops.

8:36: NORAD spokesman, Major Mike Snyder, confirmed that the FAA notified NORAD of AA 11 hijacking.

8:38: Boston ATC notifies NORAD that AA11 has been hijacked.

8:39: AA11 flies directly over our # 1 terrorist target, Indian Point nuclear stations.

8:40: FAA notifies NORAD that AA11 has been hijacked.

8:43: FAA notifies NORAD that United Airlines Flight 175 (UA175) has been hijacked.

8:46:26: AA11 impacts the North Tower of the WTC between the 94th and 98th floors.

8:46: NORAD finally orders Otis to scramble two F-15's. NORAD has held on to this vital information for at least 6, 8 or 10 minutes, and probably up to 26 or 32 minutes.

8:52: Two F-15's from Otis are airborne.

9:02:54: UA175 impacts the South Tower of the WTC between the 78th and 84th floors. NORAD says the F-15's from Otis are still 71 miles away. This means their average flight speed was only 23.9% of their top speed in trying to intercept UA 175. Otis is 153 miles from WTC - F-15's have a top speed of 1875 MPH. Minus 71 miles from 153 miles = 82 miles covered in 11 minutes from 8:52 to 9:03 - 60 minutes divided by 11 minutes = 5.45 x 82 miles = 447.3 MPH divided by 1875 MPH = 23.9%.

9:30: Three F-16's from Langley are airborne.

9:37: American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon. NORAD says the F-16's from Langley were still 105 miles and 12 minutes away.

9:49: It takes the F-16's from Langley 19 minutes to reach Washington. This means their average flight speed was only 27.4% of their top speed in trying to protect our nations capital. Langley is 130 miles from the Pentagon - F-16's have a top speed of 1500 MPH - 60 minutes divided by 19 minutes = 3.16 x 130 miles = 410.5 MPH divided by 1500 MPH = 27.4%.

Andrews Air Force Base has two fighter wings that are 10 miles from the Pentagon, yet they inconceivably waited till after all of the attacks were over to finally get airborne."

2/5/2004 12:08:23 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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seems to me like your site can't even get their facts straight:

Quote :
"8:36: NORAD spokesman, Major Mike Snyder, confirmed that the FAA notified NORAD of AA 11 hijacking.

8:40: FAA notifies NORAD that AA11 has been hijacked.


which is it my little conspiracy theorist?

Then of course there's this:
Quote :
"8:46: NORAD finally orders Otis to scramble two F-15's. NORAD has held on to this vital information for at least 6, 8 or 10 minutes, and probably up to 26 or 32 minutes.

Someone can't do math. If the earliest notification according to your sites own timeline is 8:36, and the order goes out at 8:46, that's 10 minutes to process, brief and issue orders. So where does your site get the nearly half hourdelay claim from?

2/5/2004 12:55:38 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"An example of how the air defense network normally responds to domestic emergencies is illustrated by the well-reported 1999 case of Payne Stewart's Lear jet. When the golfer's jet failed to respond to air traffic controller communications, F-16 interceptors were quickly dispatched. According to an Air Force timeline, a series of military planes provided an emergency escort to Payne's stricken Learjet starting about 20 minutes after contact with his plane was lost.

This contrasts with the long periods of time apparently hijacked planes roamed the skies of the Northeast on September 11th without any interceptions. 83 minutes elapsed between the time that Flight 11 veered off course and the Pentagon was hit, and 112 minutes elapsed between the time that contact was lost with Flight 11 and Flight 93 crashed. According to the official story, not a single fighter was scrambled in time to intercept any of the four jetliners. At least 28 air stations were easily within distance to protect New York City and Washington DC. 3 None of them did. Note that, if anything, intercept times for the four jetliners should have been far shorter than for Payne Stewart's jet:

2/5/2004 10:49:33 PM

All American
7191 Posts
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a little bit late on the info buddy boy.... i was screaming that shit a year ago and no one cared then

oh and fuck bush

2/5/2004 11:11:26 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"TOP_VIEW conducted a phone interview on 12.09.01 with a spokesperson for the U.S. Air Force, located in New York.

...The Air Force spokesman confirmed that after the alerts and requests for intercepts of the aircraft were received from FAA/ATC, orders from the HIGHEST LEVEL of the executive branch of the federal government were received, demanding that the Air Force stand down and NOT follow through with established scramble/intercept procedures that morning until further notice!"

2/5/2004 11:12:08 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"a little bit late on the info buddy boy.... i was screaming that shit a year ago and no one cared then


Better late than never...and apparantly you and me care at the very least. I'm sure there are many others here on TWW.

[Edited on February 5, 2004 at 11:14 PM. Reason : ..]

2/5/2004 11:12:54 PM

All American
7191 Posts
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dont count on it

2/5/2004 11:15:31 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Quote :
"This just doesn't happen, unless, of course, the lower part of the building has lost its structural integrity (and this is usually due to the detonation of a multitude of small explosive charges as seen in controlled demolitions).

Alright, I'm breaking my own rule here but I couldn't resist. Read that sentence. Do you have any fucking clue how long it takes and how much work it takes to set up "controlled demolitions". I mean, the WTC wasn't a 2 story house. You can't just hide a bunch of TNT under a desk on the bottom floor and expect it to do anything but make some noise. Holes have to be drilled, tons of explosives have to be carted in, wires need to be run, etc..... That makes a quite a bit of noise and commotion not to mention takes a lot of man power, and the WTC wasn't an abandoned building. Not exactly the sort of thing you can do under nose of tens of thousands of people that work there everyday. And I mean for shits sake, your fucking conspiracy theories don't even agree with each other. Some people are trying to make claims for a missle, others for bombs, still others want to make the claim that we let the planes run into the buildings. You're not gonna convince anyone with the ability to conduct rational thought that any of this shit your copy and pasting makes sense. I don't know if your stupid, are fucking with is, or genuinly believe this shit, but seriously get some help, cuz buddy, you are fucked up.

2/6/2004 12:10:50 AM

Officer Cat
All American
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^ the theory behind it is that the explosives were installed during construction.. so that if anything ever did happen to the towers.. they could be pulled down to minimize damage to the rest of manhattan..

not saying i believe it was.. but i'm willing to entertain the idea given the recent story about how wtc7 was ordered demolished

2/6/2004 2:07:24 AM

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I heard something similar Officer Cat. I don't know if this is true or not, but I read somewhere that they rigged both buildings with explosives capable of bringing down the towers in a controlled demolition after the attempt to bring down one of the towers in 1993. They claimed that they did this so that if there was ever another attack on the WTC towers, they could bring down the buildings in a controlled manner, minimalizing damage to surrounding buildings.

Regardless of when the put the explosives in the buildings, it is obvious that they were in there.

Here's the thing though. The U.S. was behind the attack on the WTC in 1993 too. The FBI hired some guy to do it (I think he was an Egyptian). The plan in 1993 was to bring down one of the towers, but it didn't succeed because the guys the Egyptian hired to carry out the attack parked the truck carrying the explosives too far away from the main support columns.

On 9/11, the Feds finished the job, so to speak.

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 11:17 AM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 10:54:45 AM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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^ WTF? The first attack on the WTC in 93 was an conspircy too What next? Pearl Harbor was really attacked by a secret US Fleet? US subs sank the Lustaina (sp)? The civil war was a hoax?

2/6/2004 11:16:26 AM

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Somebody conspired to attack the WTC in 1993. It is only a question of WHO conspired to do it. So, yes it WAS a conspiracy.

If you truly want to know the truth, rather than to try to mock me, WATCH THE VIDEO "9-11: THE ROAD TO TYRANNY" BY ALEX JONES ONLINE HERE:

If you're not interested in the truth, don't bother.

The U.S. government allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, because a pretext was needed to draw the U.S. into WWII. The History Channel has even admitted it. The video above discusses the truth about 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, Pearl Harbor, the 1993 WTC attack, and more.

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 11:24 AM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 11:19:46 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
""It's also possible that semptember 11 attacks were done by martians, as ordered by Bush, under the command of the black islamic quarter of the jewish sect of the roman catholic church which is recieving radio signals from the illuminati by a metal rod in the pope's dick.""

No you know what, scratch that. The attacks, and all the wars of the world, and anything bad that's ever happened, has actualy been carried out by tiny men from venus, who were enslaved by Bush, who is really a geneticaly modified clone of Julius Ceasar, who inherrited the ability to preserve brains from the Egyptians, who have been secretly controlling Bush via the black islamic quarter of the jewish high council, which in turn is really just a front for the roman catholic church, who is in turn controlled by the pope, who is really an overloard from pluto, who's using his dick as a radio antenna to recieve orders from the iluminati, which is really a front for the Elder Gods who are in turn recieving orders from The Order of the Invisible Hand, which is actualy just a title given to the Ku Klux Klan, which is actualy a front for the Black Panthers, who are secretly under control of the Neo-Nazis whom are covering for the fact that the real puppetmaster is none other than Cthulhu.

Oh yeah, and they're also the ones responsible for making sure you always have at least on odd sock.

2/6/2004 11:24:18 AM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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^ Best be careful when you post the truth like that. The Venus people will not be pleased

2/6/2004 11:32:55 AM

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Quote :
"Rice stressed that there was no way anyone could have predicted that terrorists would use hijacked planes as missiles and attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

That is a lie. The U.S. government has known for years that terrorists might use planes as weapons and crash them into buildings.

Here is one example of the U.S. knowing about this and planning for it (from the U.S. Army Military District of Washington Web site):

Quote :
"Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 2000 — The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard.

...The Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise, as the crash was called, was just one of several scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to Oct. 24-26 in the Office of the Secretaries of Defense conference room.

On Oct. 24, there was a mock terrorist incident at the Pentagon Metro stop and a construction accident to name just some of the scenarios that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents."

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 12:39 PM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 12:38:13 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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WTF? A training exercise to prepare for contingencies is proof the governmnet knew it would happen? Are you on crack you fucking moron? I used to participate in EMT exercises. One of the ones they did was a senario involving a train that had derailed and crashed. Does that mean the EMTs knew that 2 years later a train would derail at that location? How about the senario we did where a set of bleachers at a sporting even colapsed? Does that mean that the bleachers are going to collapse?

How the hell did you get into college with such an inability to think.

2/6/2004 12:49:44 PM

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I'm talking about Rice's general statement that they didn't know planes could be used as missiles.

Condi Rice said that the U.S. government had no idea planes could be used as missiles (ie, flown into buildings). That is a flat out lie, because the U.S. government has known for years that planes could be used as weapons by flying them into buildings.

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 1:39 PM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 1:32:14 PM

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Article by by Jerry Russell, Ph.D. on the demolition of the WTC towers:

Quote :
"As your eyes will tell you, the World Trade Center collapses looked like controlled demolitions. Here's the proof.

The proof. According to the law of gravity, it is possible to calculate the time it takes for an object to fall a given distance. The equation is H=(1/2)at2, where H is the height, a is the acceleration of gravity (10 meters per second squared) and t is time in seconds. Plug in the height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World Trade Center to fall to the street below. According to all reports, the whole thing was over in just about ten seconds.

It is as if the entire building were falling straight down through thin air. As if the entire solid structure below, the strong part which had not been burned or sliced or harmed in any significant way, just disappeared into nothingness. Yet this (within a small tolerance) is what we would expect to find if there had been a controlled demolition, because the explosions below really do leave the upper stories completely unsupported. Like the Road Runner after he runs off the edge of the cliff, the entire building pauses a moment, then goes straight down.

Any kind of viscous process or friction process should have slowed the whole thing down. Like dropping a lead ball into a vat of molasses, or dropping a feather into the air, gravitational acceleration cannot achieve its full effect if it is fighting any opposing force. In the case of the World Trade Center, the intact building below should have at least braked the fall of the upper stories. This did not happen. There was no measurable friction at all.

This proves controlled demolition."

2/6/2004 1:32:51 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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for real...if it is your job to respond to accidents, you're going to train for them

we just did (a couple of months ago) a scenario with a shit ton of agencies involving hijacked cargo ships and WMD's...IT'S ALL PART OF THE FUCKING TRAINING YOU GOD DAMN MORON!!!

We practice in the snow, does that mean we're going to invade Iceland next winter?

Jesus, you are sad

2/6/2004 3:31:23 PM

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DID I SAY THAT THE FACT THAT THE GOVERNMENT WAS CONDUCTING A MOCK PLANE CRASH INTO THE PENTAGON PROVES THAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT CARRIED OUT 9/11? No, I didn't. I never said that. What I said is that this proves that Condi Rice is lying when she suggests that the U.S. Government had no idea planes could be used as missiles.

Do you even read what I post? You are the moron, not me.

2/6/2004 4:44:40 PM

Burn it all down.
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Dude seriously, take it in the context of the situation. Of course we could predict that it could one day happen. I can predict one day that Japan will launch a massive attack on Dijibouti. Rice is more than likely saying that there was no way to predict what happened that day. Christ, quit worrying about the damn semantics of the wording and find some real proof or fuck off

2/6/2004 5:11:50 PM

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I have given "real" proof. I guess you haven't bothered to truly look at it.

For instance, you want proof that WTC 7 was demolished? Hear Larry Silverstein admit it:

You want proof that the twin towers were demolished? Read the numerous eyewitness reports of people that heard bombs going off in the buildings.

Quote :
""I saw everything from my balcony in Soho. The first plane tried to veer off the tower but slammed straight into it, followed by the second plane," Nadine Keller of New York City wrote in an e-mail to BBC News Online.

There was smoke everywhere. I heard the bomb and saw both buildings crumble like biscuits," Ms Keller said.


Stephen Evans, BBC's North America business correspondent, was on the ground floor of the centre when the first plane crashed.

"There was a huge bang and the building physically shook," he said. "Seconds later there were two or three similar huge explosions and the building literally shook again."

Read of the documented fact that Columia University registered "spikes" in the seismic record just prior to the collapse of each tower. Note how the buildings imploded perfectly, as a building does in a controlled demolition. Note that the buildings fell in approximately 10 seconds, near the rate of free fall. That is conclusive proof that the buildings were brought down in a controlled demolition.

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 7:21 PM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 7:12:27 PM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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He says "pull it" how the hell do you know that means bring it down with demo charges. That could easily mean let it burn and pull all the fire fighters out

2/6/2004 7:20:55 PM

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"pull it" is the industry term for a controlled demolition:

Watch this:

This is a video of Alex Jones' show from 1/27/04. He talks about the evidence that points to government complicity, and focusses upon Silverstein's comment in the PBS film. He demonstrates that "pull it" is the industry term for triggering a controlled demolition.

[Edited on February 6, 2004 at 7:23 PM. Reason : ..]

2/6/2004 7:22:47 PM

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"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."-- Dante, "The Inferno"

"Most people would rather die than think -- in fact, they do."
--George Santayana

2/6/2004 8:01:35 PM

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"Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one ,often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. "The CIA killed Hendrix" " The Pope had John Lennon murdered ", "Hitler was half Werewolf", "Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone" etc,etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

So its hardly surprising that the events of Sept 11 2001 have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is - sadly - a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they "hate our freedoms."

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them, and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the US air-force, the insider trading on airline stocks - linked to the CIA, the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer 4 planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly 2 hours ,crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do."

2/7/2004 7:55:16 PM

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"According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the 4 planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns,knives,box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. If there were, one must speculate that they somehow got on board without being filmed by any of the security cameras and without being registered on the passenger lists. But the curly question of how they are supposed to have got on board is all too mundane for the exciting world of the conspiracy theorist. With vague mumblings that they must have been using false ID ( but never specifying which IDs they are alleged to have used, or how these were traced to their real identities), they quickly bypass this problem, to relate exciting and sinister tales about how some of the fictitious fiends were actually searched before boarding because they looked suspicious. However, as inevitably happens with any web of lies, this simply paints them into an even more difficult corner. How are they supposed to have got on board with all that stuff if they were searched ? And if they used gas in a confined space, they would have been affected themselves unless they also had masks in their luggage.

"Excuse me sir, why do you have a boxcutter, a gun, a container of gas, a gas mask and an electronic guidance unit in your luggage?"

"A present for your grandmother? Very well sir, on you get."

"Very strange", thinks the security officer. "That's the fourth Arabic man without an Arabic name who just got on board with a knife, gun or boxcutter and gas mask. And why does that security camera keep flicking off every time one these characters shows up? Must be one of those days I guess..."

Asking any of these basic questions to a conspiracy theorist is likely to cause a sudden leap to the claim that we know that they were on board because they left a credit card trail for the tickets they had purchased and cars they had rented. So if they used credit cards that identified them, how does that reconcile with the claim that they used false IDs to get on to the plane? But by this time ,the fruit loop is in full swing, as the conspiracy theorist tries to stay one jump ahead of this annoying and awkward rational analysis.They will allege that the hijackers' passports were found at the crash scenes. "So there!" they exalt triumphantly, their fanatical faces lighting up with that deranged look of one who has just a revelation of questionable sanity.

Hmm? So they got on board with false IDs but took their real passports with them? However, by this time the fruit loop has been completely circumnavigated,and the conspiracy theorist exclaims impatiently, "Who said anything about false IDs? We know what seats they were sitting in! Their presence is well documented!" And so the whole loop starts again. "Well, why aren't they on the passenger lists?""

[Edited on February 7, 2004 at 8:13 PM. Reason : ..]

2/7/2004 8:12:39 PM

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""Uh, how come their passports survived fiery crashes that completely incinerated the planes and all the passengers? " The answer of course is that its just one of those strange co-incidences, those little quirks of fate that do happen from time to time. You know, like the same person winning the lottery four weeks in a row. The odds are astronomical, but these things do happen..."

2/7/2004 8:16:41 PM

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