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Quote :
"New Orleans: A New World Order Showcase

Foreign troops, gun confiscation, jackbooted privatized fascism

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | September 15 2005

The media curtain has begun to fall on New Orleans but the questions continue. In hindsight we can see the whole fiasco for what it really was, a showcase for the suffering that some would like every American city to undergo.

The bottom line on Katrina is that whether you believe it was all incompetence or part incompetence and part malevolence, the lasting pretext is the same.

When a disaster takes place, you have no rights and the federal government can arrest you if you don’t follow their every order.

Mandatory evacuation and gun confiscation are the order of the day in the new federalized Amerika.

The local government officials initially lambasted the federal government but then showed fealty to them and praised their efforts, a confidence trick that led many Americans to believe that the fault was incompetence at the local level and that federal government takeover was the solution.

[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 4:13 PM. Reason : 1]

9/16/2005 4:12:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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If you're so anti-police state, why aren't you down in New Orleans helping the brave citizens fight off martial law? As much bitching as you have done about it, I would assume that you would want to fight the power as soon as possible. Its time to do your part.

9/16/2005 4:22:51 PM

Forgetful Jones
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edit post eh...thats credible right there...oh yeah

9/16/2005 4:30:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If you're so anti-police state, why aren't you down in New Orleans helping the brave citizens fight off martial law? As much bitching as you have done about it, I would assume that you would want to fight the power as soon as possible. Its time to do your part."

he is a coward

9/16/2005 4:31:22 PM

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"Everybody Loves Martial Law"

Quote :
"Is ANYBODY so ignorant as to not see through this "in our face" whitewash of yet ANOTHER power grab; this precedent-setting violation of our country's founding principles? Who do they think they're kidding? What will they tell us next? Will they claim people are dancing in the streets because they've been forcibly disarmed? . . . Or maybe that they're thrilled to be getting shipped off to the "safety" of a concentration camp? I can hear the announcer now:

"Everybody just loves Camp Freedom. It's got shiny barbed wire fences and each new visitor gets their own implantable microchip free of charge. And with the microchip, nobody has to worry about having their money stolen because there is no money! Food credits are added on arrival and automatically debited when prisoners, uh, I mean visitors, take their food from the chow line."

At this point, all I can say to the mainstream media is: Keep it up. Keep affirming your role as co-conspirators in the destruction of this country. Keep proving you're nothing more than shameless shills for the State. In the end, it is YOU who are creating the market for Alternative Media, establishing it as a legitimate/more reliable source, and cutting your own ties to the minds of the masses. Bravo. "

9/18/2005 2:46:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"At this point, all I can say to the mainstream media is: Keep it up. Keep affirming your role as co-conspirators in the destruction of this country. Keep proving you're nothing more than shameless shills for the State."

...Keep not reporting the news that I make up in my basement! Keep reporting facts! Keep up not reporting pure speculation as the truth!

9/18/2005 3:12:07 PM

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As for you, keep posting your asinine comments...demonstrating the stupidity, ignorance, and moral bankruptcy of those of your position who support the destruction of the Bill of Rights and this country.

9/18/2005 3:27:48 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"...demonstrating the stupidity, ignorance, and moral bankruptcy..."


Quote :
"...of those of your position who support the destruction of the Bill of Rights and this country"


good job little buddy, now we can all see the strength of your position

9/18/2005 3:33:00 PM

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Boat Owners Subjected to 'Nazi Style' Armed Searches by Homeland Security

Quote :
"Boat owners say they were fearful during Coast Guard search

Sun, Sep. 18, 2005
Monterey County Herald

Two of the Moss Landing Harbor residents who were the subjects of random boat searches during Labor Day Weekend say their experiences were closer to armed invasions than the friendly "safety inspections" characterized by U.S. Coast Guard officials.

Both residents said search crews entered the harbor in inflatable boats with machine guns mounted on their bows. Then, carrying M-16 rifles, they approached residents and boarded and searched their boats in the name of safety and "homeland security."

One resident, who asked not to be identified for fear or retribution, said his experience was "very intimidating, very frightening."

"To me it reeks of Nazi Germany and the death squads in Argentina," he said. "I don't want my name on their list.""

9/19/2005 12:19:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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How is that a "nazi style" search?

9/19/2005 2:09:46 PM

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Pentagon's Secret Plan To Put Troops On US Streets. Top Secret Pentagon Operation "Granite Shadow" revealed

Quote :
"Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets?

by William Arkin
September 25, 2005
Washington Post

Today, somewhere in the DC metropolitan area, the military is conducting a highly classified Granite Shadow "demonstration."

Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control."

[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 9:18 AM. Reason : 1]

9/26/2005 9:18:40 AM

Forgetful Jones
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I sure am thankful that a weblog uncovered a top secret mission

9/26/2005 9:25:24 AM

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Quote :
"Bill Would Permit DNA Collection From All Those Arrested

By Jonathan Krim
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 24, 2005; Page A03

Suspects arrested or detained by federal authorities could be forced to provide samples of their DNA that would be recorded in a central database under a provision of a Senate bill to expand government collection of personal data.

The controversial measure was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week and is supported by the White House, but has not gone to the floor for a vote. It goes beyond current law, which allows federal authorities to collect and record samples of DNA only from those convicted of crimes. The data are stored in an FBI-maintained national registry that law enforcement officials use to aid investigations, by comparing DNA from criminals with evidence found at crime scenes."

[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 9:54 AM. Reason : 1]

9/26/2005 9:53:19 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^ How do you feel about taking fingerprints from people who are arrested? Is that a sign of a police state too?

9/26/2005 1:21:37 PM

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You probably wouldn't care if every person arrested was implanted with a microchip, so the government could track them. Hell, you're probably in favor of implanting everyone with a microchip, whether they were arrested or not. You love being treated like a slave.

9/26/2005 1:25:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
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you got a chip yet salisbury? yeah me still waiting for that police state to come in and force it on me

9/26/2005 1:31:11 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ OMF!!!!11!!11 MISREPRESENTATION!!!!!!

Heaven forbid that you actually discuss the issues.

9/26/2005 1:35:16 PM

9434 Posts
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"you got a chip yet salisbury? yeah me still waiting for that police state to come in and force it on me"

You probably never thought the U.S. government would institute a national ID card or confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens either.

9/26/2005 2:20:43 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I'm still waiting for that police state to issue me a national ID card and confiscate my firearms.

9/26/2005 2:23:11 PM

Forgetful Jones
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yeah, none of my firearms have been confiscated...and i have a north carolina driver's license...i use it to buy beer...and drink it...and then drive...and run over children

9/26/2005 5:32:29 PM

9434 Posts
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Maybe you didn't hear about it, but Congress passed a law recently mandating that the states implement a national ID card. And just because your firearms haven't been confiscated yet doesn't mean that it won't happen. Look what happened in New Orleans. When and if martial law is declared accross the U.S. in the aftermath of some "terrorist attack" or other disaster/calamity, the government will be more than eager to confiscate firearms of all Americans.

9/27/2005 7:58:55 AM

All American
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when and i the aliens take over the bodies of all of the jewish people so that they can drain all the oil from this planet to give to thier leader, george bush...the government will take our firearms then too.....maybe....probably.....

9/27/2005 8:02:28 AM

Forgetful Jones
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^^they'll have to pry my weapons from my dead, lifeless, alien-spliced DNA hands

9/27/2005 9:55:40 AM

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Quote :
"Special Report Part One:Katrina/Rita Fallout
Martial Law: Police State America - We're So Close Now

Steve Watson / Infowars | Sept 27 2005

For years we have warned that the police state is coming, how Martial Law will become the norm, how ancient laws, rights and freedoms are being overturned and replaced with repressive mechanisms of control.

For years we have presented the evidence, the Army War College documents, the domestic military takeover drills, the draconian legislation, officials left right and centre caling for more centralised military control domestically.

For years people refuted the evidence, or passed it off as being intended for something else, or simply refused to believe it. Now everything we warned you about is happening.

In the wake of the recent natural disasters on American soil, dangerous precedents have been set. We have been forced to watch how in times of crisis we must submit and follow the orders of Federal Commanders, no matter whether they deny us basic human rights or not.

Whether it be a state attack, a terrorist attack, an accident or a natural disaster matters not anymore, the outcome will be the same. We are just one event, ANY event away from Martial Law. "

[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 11:35 AM. Reason : 1]

9/27/2005 11:35:21 AM

Mr. Joshua
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So how close are we?

9/27/2005 11:39:57 AM

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Quote :
"CFR Member Urges Domestic CIA

UPI | September 27 2005

WASHINGTON -- The United States needs a lean and focused counter-terrorism agency to fight threats both at home and abroad, a leading Democratic Party security expert and civil rights proponent told UPI in an interview.

"There is no value in restructuring the agencies. We need an anti-terror entity that functions both at home and abroad and takes that function from (both) the CIA and the FBI," Morton H. Halperin, a senior vice president of the Center for American Progress and former director of policy planning at the State Department under President Bill Clinton told UPI. "

Then the government can just openly admit that they spy on U.S. citizens.

[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 11:57 AM. Reason : 1]

9/27/2005 11:54:57 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
""This also helps civil liberties. You give this new agency and no one else powers they need to fight this threat. And you give it vigorous oversight," he said.

Halperin also said that curtailment of civil liberties did not automatically make the fight against terror more effective. Often precisely the opposite was the case, he said.

"Dick Clark (Richard Clarke, the former counter-terrorism chief for both Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush) said that he never saw a limitation on civil liberties that would help you fight the terrorism threat. I believe that is true," Halperin said. "The problem comes if you put sacrificing civil liberties in front of the other fighting the terrorism."

Very often, giving police and domestic security services, a free hand to investigate or crack down on what should be legitimate public political activity only gave them an excuse to ignore the far more dangerous and clandestine operations of espionage organizations and terrorist groups, Halperin said.

"It's a lot easier to investigate lawful political activity than to infiltrate al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations," he said. "When you let law enforcement go after lawful political activity, genuine counter-terrorist operations suffer. It's a threat to effective law enforcement.

"We now know there were high Soviet spies in the U.S. government throughout the Cold War yet the FBI was obsessed with whether Martin Luther King was a communist.""

You left out some important stuff.

9/27/2005 12:13:16 PM

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Yeah, sure...allowing the government to spy on U.S. citizens "helps civil liberties." Just blindly trust whatever the "authority" says, right? If he says or implies that allowing domestic spying is "favorable to freedom and civil liberties", then it MUST be true. I guess the secret searches authorized by the Patriot Act "help civil liberties" too, right?

Reminds me of how forced psychological testing and drugging of children is "freedom."
And bombing and killing 100,000+ Iraqis is "delivering freedom to them."


[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 12:40 PM. Reason : 2]

9/27/2005 12:30:00 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Just blindly trust whatever the "infowars" or "prinsonplanet" says, right?

9/27/2005 1:10:01 PM

9434 Posts
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No. Gather information from many sources and think for yourself.

By the way, infowars and prisonplanet get most of their info from "mainstream" sources. Those websites primarily consist of links to articles from "mainstream" sources. In addition to mainstream articles, the websites contain commentary on the news from Alex Jones and others.

9/27/2005 1:13:54 PM

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Quote :
"New 'Hate' Bill Means Funeral For Freedom Of Speech

By Rev. Ted Pike

On Sept. 14, the US House of Representatives passed, 223-199, the ominous federal "anti-hate" bill, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005. It was inserted as AMDT.2662 into the Children's Safety Act. If approved unaltered by the senate judiciary, this legislation is ready for the President to sign into law.

Here is a summary of what the bill would make law:

Although AMDT.2662 ostensibly empowers the government to assist states in prosecution of violent hate crimes, its actual effect will be much more far-reaching. AMDT.2662 will lead to enforcement of the working definitions of "hate" and "hate crimes" which are enforced by the many "anti-hate" bureaucracies in countries throughout the western industrialized world. In such countries, it is now a "hate crime" to criticize members of federally protected groups such as Jews and homosexuals. Utilizing such definitions, "hate crime" indictments have been made or are currently being pursued by Canada, England, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. AMDT.2662 builds a foundation for a "hate crimes" bureaucracy in America, also ending free speech."

Quote :


By Rev. Ted Pike

On Sept 14, the Orwellian federal “anti-hate” bill, AMDT.2662 (The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005), was passed by the House of Representatives. It will establish a “hate crimes” bureaucracy in America, just like Canada’s, ending free speech."

[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 2:05 PM. Reason : 1]

9/27/2005 2:04:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"No. Gather information from many sources and think for yourself."

see thats funny cause the sources u like to use support only 1 side of every arguement u make. and whenever anyone posts a source that contradicts what u support u label it as an elitest, jew controlled media piece. maybe u should practice what u preach.

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"By the way, infowars and prisonplanet get most of their info from "mainstream" sources. Those websites primarily consist of links to articles from "mainstream" sources. In addition to mainstream articles, the websites contain commentary on the news from Alex Jones and others."

so personal blogs and indiadaily or whatever the fuck it is are now considered mainstream?

9/27/2005 4:15:11 PM

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Quote :
"Special Report:Katrina/Rita Fallout Part Two
Martial Law: The Pretext Is Now Set

Steve Watson / Infowars | Sept 28 2005

Click here for part one of this report

In the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita it has become obvious that not only will another terror attack on US soil provide the pretext for a police state crackdown, so will a natural disaster.

I'm not going to once again go over in depth the police state showcase that was New Orleans in the days after Katrina, but let us recap a few key points:

FEMA has been deliberately sabotaging relief efforts in New Orleans, making things worse than need be.

FEMA, its officials and the people it employs have a long history of incompetence, corruption, fraud and criminality.

The Federal Government has illegally initiated total gun confiscation of law abiding citizens and forcibly removed them from their property in New Orleans. Federal forces have led criminal gangs of police in an America-killing gun grab.

Along with forced gun grabs and evacuation, we have further exposed the intricacies of the operative federalized Police State, with the presence of foreign troops, SWAT teams, privately employed security mercenaries, the treatment of citizens as "insurgents" and evacuees as "internees" and the euthanization and inoculation of survivors.

The bottom line on Katrina is that whether you believe it was all incompetence or part incompetence and part malevolence, the lasting pretext is the same.

When a disaster takes place, you have no rights and the federal government can arrest you if you don’t follow their every order."

9/28/2005 1:20:00 PM

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National ID card...

Quote :
"The Real ID Is Really Coming
New Federally-Approved ID Card Hits Town In 2008

By Mark Mitchell
SEPTEMBER 22, 2005

Ready or not, the time for the Real ID Act has arrived. What’s the Real ID Act and why should I care? In a nutshell, the Real ID Act, which was passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and promptly signed into law by President Bush, is a federally-approved ID card that will basically be impossible to live without.

Beginning in 2008, if you live or work in the United States, you will need the ID to open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, travel on an airplane, drive, open a video rental account or use any government agency.

Practically speaking, your driver’s license will have to be reissued to meet federal standards. The Department of Homeland Security has the power to set these standards and determine if state driver’s licenses can be conformed to a Real ID, or if a new license is needed. The new IDs will require, at a minimum: name, sex, ID number, birth date, a digital photograph, and a common machine-readable technology that Homeland Security will decide on. In addition, Homeland Security is allowed to impose additional requirements such as fingerprints or a retinal scan.

[Edited on September 29, 2005 at 4:50 PM. Reason : 1]

9/29/2005 4:49:50 PM

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[Edited on September 29, 2005 at 5:25 PM. Reason : .]

9/29/2005 4:56:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Beginning in 2008, if you live or work in the United States, you will need the ID to open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, travel on an airplane, drive, open a video rental account or use any government agency."

let's look at now:
to open a bank account - need a couple forms of ID
travel on an airplane - need a driver's license or passport
drive - need a driver's license
open a video rental account - need a credit card with driver's license ID to protect against fraud/identity theft
use any government agency - what the fuck does that mean?

Quote :
"Practically speaking, your driver’s license will have to be reissued to meet federal standards. The Department of Homeland Security has the power to set these standards and determine if state driver’s licenses can be conformed to a Real ID, or if a new license is needed. The new IDs will require, at a minimum: name, sex, ID number, birth date, a digital photograph, and a common machine-readable technology that Homeland Security will decide on. In addition, Homeland Security is allowed to impose additional requirements such as fingerprints or a retinal scan."

driver's licenses always have renewal dates set on them. when i turned 21 i had to get a new driver's license. i dont have to get a new license now for quite some time. and licenses will not be reissued cause that costs a shit load of money which taxpayers will not agree with. and btw, driver's licenses already contain name, sex, a license #, birth date and digital picture. but omg, conspiracy!! elitest police state is a coming!

[Edited on September 29, 2005 at 5:00 PM. Reason : .]

9/29/2005 4:59:40 PM

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Quote :
"Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak

Paul Joseph Watson | October 4 2005

During this afternoon's White House press conference President Bush confirmed that he would attempt to impose military curfews and quarantines in case of a flu pandemic occurring in the United States.

The comes on the heels of a majority of the nation's governors rejecting the Bush administration's proposal to use active-duty military assets in providing disaster relief. Understanding this in the context of Hurricane Katrina, this means total gun confiscation and enforced evacuation at gunpoint.

Bush stated, "If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country, and how do you then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut down airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move.""

And don't rule out the government being the true cause behind any such "outbreak." For example, the anthrax mailed after 9/11 most likely came from the U.S. biodefense labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

10/5/2005 8:10:19 AM

Mr. Joshua
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proof please.

10/5/2005 12:16:54 PM

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Think about this.

The government has no problem sicking military troops on U.S. citizens after Katrina confiscating firearms and shooting "looters." And now Bush is saying they need the military to police the country in the event of a "flu outbreak" to enforce quarantines, etc.

But we can't put troops on the border to stop this massive illegal immigration?


10/5/2005 12:18:11 PM

Sup, B
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interesting spin. except that enforcing a quarantine requires substantially less troops than stationing patrols along the entire border...

10/5/2005 12:19:43 PM

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Quote :
"Bush Considers Military Role in Flu Fight

By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer
Tue Oct 4, 7:59 PM ET

WASHINGTON - President Bush, stirring debate on the worrisome possibility of a bird flu pandemic, suggested dispatching American troops to enforce quarantines in any areas with outbreaks of the killer virus.

Bush asserted aggressive action could be needed to prevent a potentially crippling U.S. outbreak of a bird flu strain that is sweeping through Asian poultry and causing experts to fear it could become the next deadly pandemic. Citing concern that state and local authorities might be unable to contain and deal with such an outbreak, Bush asked Congress to give him the authority to call in the military.

The president has already indicated he wants to give the armed forces the lead responsibility for conducting search-and-rescue operations and sending in supplies after massive natural disasters and terrorist attacks — a notion that could require a change in law and that even some in the Pentagon have reacted to skeptically. The idea raised the startling-to-some image of soldiers cordoning off communities hit by disease."

10/5/2005 12:20:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And now Bush is saying they need the military to police the country in the event of a "flu outbreak" to enforce quarantines, etc."

a proper quarantine zone needs to be set up and enforced by those with training. local police and officials wont be able to handle a situation like that when they've had no training in this area. there's going to be no "policing the country" as u like to think.

in "Outbreak" the military was called in to enforce the quarantine btw

[Edited on October 5, 2005 at 12:25 PM. Reason : .]

10/5/2005 12:23:54 PM

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Well, I guess we'll just have to have martial law and the military patrolling American streets confiscating guns.

All while the border stays WIDE OPEN.

Welcome to AmeriKa.

10/5/2005 12:29:36 PM

All American
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how bout u go patrol the borders to help keep AmeriKa safe. seriously, i think you should go right now.

[Edited on October 5, 2005 at 12:31 PM. Reason : .]

10/5/2005 12:31:06 PM

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Quote :
"Bush military bird flu role slammed

Thursday, October 6, 2005

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A call by President George W. Bush for Congress to give him the power to use the military in law enforcement roles in the event of a bird flu pandemic has been criticized as akin to introducing martial law.

Bush said aggressive action would be needed to prevent a potentially disastrous U.S. outbreak of the disease that is sweeping through Asian poultry and which experts fear could mutate to pass between humans.

Such a deadly event would raise difficult questions, such as how a quarantine might be enforced, the president said.

"I'm concerned about what an avian flu outbreak could mean for the United States and the world," he told reporters during a Rose Garden news conference on Tuesday.

"One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move," he said. "So that's why I put it on the table. I think it's an important debate for Congress to have."

The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 bans the military from participating in police-type activity on U.S. soil.

But Dr. Irwin Redlener, associate dean of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and director of its National Center for Disaster Preparedness, told The Associated Press the president's suggestion was dangerous.

Giving the military a law enforcement role would be an "extraordinarily Draconian measure" that would be unnecessary if the nation had built the capability for rapid vaccine production, ensured a large supply of anti-virals like Tamiflu and not allowed the degradation of the public health system.

"The translation of this is martial law in the United States," Redlener said.

And Gene Healy, a senior editor at the conservative Cato Institute, said Bush would risk undermining "a fundamental principle of American law" by tinkering with the act, which does not hinder the military's ability to respond to a crisis."

10/6/2005 8:09:47 AM

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Selling a national ID card to a gullible and ignorant public...

Quote :
"It's time the U.S. grows up and gets an ID card


All of these proposals dance around the central issue: It's time for a grown-up discussion about a national ID card in the United States.

In the modern era, there is a continuous need to establish that we are who we say we are. There is also a need to guard against others making false claims to be us.

After 9/11, there is also a security imperative to making sure that those who are here have a legal right to be here and are doing what they are legally entitled to do while here. If our immigration laws had been enforced, most of the hijackers either never would have gotten into the country or would have already left.

The United States already has the practical equivalent of a national ID card. Americans frequently have to show their driver's license or reveal their Social Security number to do a variety of things. But these documents were never intended to be a secure way of establishing one's identity and are, at present, easily forged or falsified. Hence the various proposals to make them more secure and informative.

But if it is important and necessary to be able to establish one's identity frequently, why not have a single document designed to do precisely that, and to do it well?"

9/11! Terrorism! We need to make sure people are here legally! OK, force U.S. citizens to have a national ID card like they did in the Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. ALL WHILE THE BORDER REMAINS WIDE OPEN.

Oh, yeah...let's don't forget about declaring martial law, having troops enforce quarantines, confiscate firearms, and patrol the streets. But, hell no, we can't put troops on the border to stop illegal immigration. Troops aren't for protecting the country from invaders. They're for engaging and policing U.S. citizens and confiscating their firearms.

Makes perfect sense to me. Welcome to police state AmeriKa.

[Edited on October 6, 2005 at 8:37 AM. Reason : 2]

10/6/2005 8:33:03 AM

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AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites

10/6/2005 9:07:57 AM

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Quote :
"Domestic Defense

Could proposed new intelligence-gathering powers for the Pentagon lead to spying on U.S. citizens? The question is being asked as the White House considers new roles for the military inside America's borders.

By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
Oct. 5, 2005

Oct. 5, 2005 - The Pentagon would be granted new powers to conduct undercover intelligence gathering inside the United States—and then withhold any information about it from the public—under a series of little noticed provisions now winding their way through Congress."

Spying on U.S. citizens. Secret searches. Secret Arrests. Martial law. End of Posse Comitatus.


You like being their slave?

[Edited on October 6, 2005 at 2:32 PM. Reason : 1]

10/6/2005 2:30:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"But Don Black, a DIA spokesman, said Wednesday that the new provisions were limited in scope and would only give the DIA the same investigative powers as the FBI and CIA—powers that are crucial to the agency’s expanded mission in tracking the terrorist threat. “We’re not trying to do investigations of people inside the United States,” he said. “What we’re trying to do is follow leads about terrorist activities.”"

10/6/2005 2:44:59 PM

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Quote :
"We’re not trying to do investigations of people inside the United States,” he said"

Quote :
""Iraq has weapons of mass destruction""

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""The Patriot Act does not infringe civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights""

I forgot that the government was so truthful all the time.

So you really believe that the government is not spying on Americans just because this government scumbag says so?

10/6/2005 2:55:12 PM

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