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All American
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I asked my parents today if they knew uppity was a racist term, they had no idea... we all thought it was just a term referring to somebody who was snobbish

9/4/2008 10:58:43 PM

All American
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Fact check: Nominees' speeches

It may be my bias, but it seems McCain was more loose with more important things than Obama was. Either that or the USA Today just went easy on Obama. Assuming neither of these, why is it that McCain feels the need to embellish so much?

9/5/2008 12:25:41 AM

Forgetful Jones
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not to discount your link because i only scanned through the story, but i think a lot of the specifics will come out during the 3 debates between Obama and McCain...seems the DNC and RNC are just to rally the base

9/5/2008 12:52:16 AM

All American
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This video says it all about the Palin thing. I love it because it totally nails the GOP. Rove verbatim and on video in this clip contradicts himself. Bill O-R, Hannity, the works.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 1:28 AM. Reason : - ]

9/5/2008 1:27:10 AM

Forgetful Jones
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nice pwnage on the karl rove both sides of his mouth thing

with the jamie lynn spears thing, i'm sure stewart mentioned it in passing, but honesty there must be something wrong with britney spears' parents

on the gender thing, you can make a point that no male president with multiple kids gets questioned as to whether or not they can be president and still take care of their kids, whereas palin was criticized as not being able to both take care of her kids and be vice president

9/5/2008 1:35:21 AM

Scuba Steve
All American
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McCain's argument is like staging a revolution against yourself -- the Republicans have got to go so the Republicans can move in and clean up the mess.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 2:11 AM. Reason : .]

9/5/2008 2:10:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"It may be my bias, but it seems McCain was more loose with more important things than Obama was"

in my casual listening to the 4 major speeches, I would definitely confirm this. Listening to Biden and Obama last week, there were of course several times with each of them I hesitated and thought "that sounds like an exaggeration or misrepresentation"
But for McCain and especially Palin, almost every minute they said something that wasn't just an exaggeration, it was a flat out lie. And certainly people in the crowd and likely people watching just ate it up, and it's now on the public record as "truth"

9/5/2008 6:57:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"McCain's argument is like staging a revolution against yourself -- the Republicans have got to go so the Republicans can move in and clean up the mess."

I understood it as a revolution against party politics because he and Palin are both "mavericks," go against majority opinions in their own parties sometimes, reform/whistleblow, etc. Since his main theme is fighting for the American people, he'll also fight against corruption in politics and Warshington, no matter what party it's happening in.

9/5/2008 8:29:51 AM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"According to Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign, the American people don't care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy. According to Wallace -- in an appearance I did with her this morning on Joe Scarborough's show -- the American people will learn all they need to know (and all they deserve to know) from Palin's scripted speeches and choreographed appearances on the campaign trail and in campaign ads. "

Wallace literally laughed at the notion that Sarah Palin should have press availability.

9/5/2008 8:37:36 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"High School Student to McCain: You're No Leader
Share September 04, 2007 11:32 AM

ABC News' Bret Hovell and Matt Stuart Report: Senator John McCain had a testy exchange with a high school student in Concord, NH, Tuesday, but one that McCain himself characterized as “what America is supposed to be about.”

William Sleaster, a student at Concord High School rose to ask McCain a question about gay rights and, ultimately dissatisfied by the answer he received from McCain, told the Republican presidential contender that he'd come looking to see a leader and didn't.

McCain first answered the high school student by talking about his support for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the military’s policy regarding gays, and about his belief in the sanctity of marriage.

“Discrimination in any form is unacceptable in America today,” McCain said.

“I understand the controversy that continues to swirl around this issue,” McCain said. “That debate needs to be continued.”

Sleaster pressed on. “Do you support civil unions or gay marriage?”

“I do not,” McCain answered. “I think that they impinge on the status and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.”

“So you believe in taking away someone’s rights because you believe it’s wrong?”

“I wouldn’t put that interpretation on my position, but I understand yours,” McCain said diplomatically.

Sleaster went on to ask another question about how to help the working class in America, which McCain fielded by talking about the country’s need to figure out education and health care, and to secure the environment.

Sleaster indicated that he wanted to follow up again.

“You have one more? Go ahead you’re doing good,” McCain encouraged.

“I came here looking to see a leader,” Sleaster said. “I don’t.”

The assembled students murmured, and a teacher started to step in.

“I understand,” McCain said. “I thank you. That’s what America is all about.”"


9/5/2008 9:08:45 AM

All American
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sounds like McCain handled it well
btw..... i think you got your clipboard mixed up

9/5/2008 9:16:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
" seems the DNC and RNC are just to rally the base


I don't buy this excuse. I guess you can't expect more, but both groups know they have their biggest audience probably for the rest of the race on these nights, and they are just pushing the edge of what they can get away with.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 9:28 AM. Reason : u]

9/5/2008 9:23:18 AM

All American
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The next time you will see Palin is the VP debate...she will "disappear" and be unable to answer questions from the media.....seems like the GOP is scared to throw her out there...I mean, she is running for VP....

9/5/2008 9:37:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"While running for Governor of Alaska and asked about the teaching of creationism along with evolution in public school science classes"

Creationism is not a science and can not be proven by scientific methodologies. Further not every one is Christian and teaching the bible should not be forced on those not adhering to the christian faith. Parents of another religion have just as much if not more right to demand their children not be fed this B.S. than christian parents demanding their children not receive education in evolution. As a compromise I think I could accept pulling children out of evolution lessons to receive a seperate creationism lesson. Kinda like the kids who were pulled out of class b.c their parents did not want them to have sex ed

9/5/2008 9:44:17 AM

All American
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Man, this comment from Joe Klein today summed up alot of the problem I think McCain faces. I really genuinely believe this is my biggest problem with his candidacy and it's not because I don't like the man himself, no matter what I might say about the campaign.

Quote :
"McCain's presence in our public life has been, on balance, a valuable thing. His speech tonight gave intimations of why that has been so, but it lacked the drive and creativity of a true presidential acceptance. He is the standard-bearer of a failed ideology — ironically, a belief in 'me first' before country — and tonight the leap between what McCain really cares about, and what his party really believes, proved too great a chasm for an old warrior to bridge."

9/5/2008 9:46:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"As a compromise I think I could accept pulling children out of evolution lessons to receive a seperate creationism lesson."

then these students and their parents can't complain when colleges don't accept the student's high school biology credits

9/5/2008 9:48:11 AM

All American
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Also Ron Fournier who usually sits squarely on McCain's side had this to say and I tend to agree with it. It's a confusion of stances for the republicans at the convention....

Quote :
"For every call to fight as Americans for America, there had been a party comrade calling on the faithful to fight as Republicans for conservatism. For every insistence that he was not working for any one party, McCain's allies had already done his dirty work.

This conflict between smiles and swordsmanship undercuts his campfire-song message of a unified nation working together for change.” "

9/5/2008 9:56:33 AM

All American
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^^ I never thought about that. I wonder what the catholic/christian private schools do about evolution research / lectures?

9/5/2008 10:59:02 AM

All American
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Earlier today CNN was showing a Biden appearance where he spent at least 5 minutes talking up John McCain, the man, which I thought was great, since I think all the bashing of candidates that goes on throughout elections is ridiculous.

9/5/2008 4:13:36 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"Alaska National Guard faces personnel crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Alaska National Guard, which Republicans are pointing to as an important national-security credential for vice presidential choice Sarah Palin, has personnel shortages that make its aviation units the most poorly staffed in the nation.

Just six months ago, Air Force Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, the Alaska Guard's top officer, warned in an internal memo that "missions are at risk." The lack of qualified airmen, Campbell said, "has reached a crisis level."

Go team!!

9/5/2008 5:45:29 PM

Sup, B
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I'd be interested in knowing why such a shortage was occurring. But yeah, clearly the governor should be spearheading recruiting for the military, right? Nice hit-piece by the MSM. Tell me, how is the Illinois Guard doing? How about the Delaware Guard?

Btw, how about you be fucking fair and also quote this from the article:
Quote :
"[The commanding general] described Palin as very supportive of the Guard, but said she gives him latitude to manage the force. Governors typically do not have a direct role in day-to-day operations."

9/5/2008 5:54:25 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"A Las Vegas man has died in a motorcycle crash on the Elliott Highway in Alaska's interior."

If she can't even prevent motorcycle accidents in her own state, how can she run the country?

9/5/2008 5:59:21 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"GIRDWOOD, Alaska-- Questions are being asked in regards of how safe the conditions were when an elderly woman died during a rafting trip Wednesday."

Shit, she won't even look after elderly women. Clearly she isn't fit to run the country and try and fix health care

9/5/2008 6:08:01 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"ANCHORAGE, Alaska-- A fiery joy ride has left one of Alaska's volunteer fire departments without its best truck.

Kenny Lake volunteer firefighter Russ Gregston says last week the department's small pumper truck was stolen, driven hard, ran down a gravel pit and set on fire.

As an all-volunteer, rural fire department that covers nearly 400 square miles south east of Copper Center, the ruined truck is a huge loss the department can't afford to replace.

Gregston also says the truck, which was donated, was the fastest one they had.

"We do not normally get too many fires, but when we do have them our response time is so long that once we get there they're usually pretty big by then," said Gregston.

Gregston says the truck will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace.

Troopers have arrested three men in connection with the case."

Jeez, she can't even control the fire department in the largest city of Alaska. Ridiculous. The fire department just ruined their best truck!

9/5/2008 6:10:32 PM

All American
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Ok I'll be fair

Quote :
""[The commanding general] described Palin as very supportive of the Guard, but said she gives him latitude to manage the force. Governors typically do not have a direct role in day-to-day operations.""

So you're saying she actually doesn't have any real executive experience from this, despite what the Republicans say. And we've seen in Iraq how well letting the generals dictate the missions goes. Got it.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 6:16 PM. Reason : .]

9/5/2008 6:16:25 PM

Sup, B
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Actually, when we started letting the generals run the war, things got a hell of a lot better. When we put in generals who were chosen for political reasons, shit went south... Seems like a great argument.

So, which is it? Is Palin responsible for the Guard's problems or not? If she is, then she has executive experience. If she isn't, then this article is irrelevant. See? I can spin it just as well as you do. By the way, how much executive experience running the military does a man who sits on a commission have? How much executive experience running the military does a senator have? How much executive experience running the military does a Retired Navy pilot have?

9/5/2008 6:21:00 PM

All American
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I don't think you realize that you're trying to have your cake and eat it also.

Either way you "spin" it, it's negative.

If she is responsible for governing the guard, then she is responsible for the problems that exist with them.

However, if she is not responsible for governing the guard, then she's not responsible for the problems that exist with them AND she can't claim that governing them is "part of her executive experience."

I just think you're frustrated that your VP pick is a truck of fail.

EDIT: To append, if you want the national guard experience to be part of your resume, you have to include all of the problems that come along with that experience. You can't claim it and then sweep aside anything negative surrounding the national guard.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 6:41 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2008 6:39:17 PM

Sup, B
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Or, either way you spin it, it can be a positive.

oh, and as for executive experience:
Quote :
"By the way, how much executive experience running the military does a man who sits on a commission have? How much executive experience running the military does a senator have? How much executive experience running the military does a Retired Navy pilot have?"

Quote :
"why is the democratic presidential candidate bashing the republican VP candidate for a lack of executive experience?"

9/5/2008 6:42:12 PM

All American
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Please spin it either way to be positive.

And to answer your obvious rhetorical questions:

None, none, none.

Because she has very little to brag about.

9/5/2008 6:45:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"I just think you're frustrated that your VP pick is a truck of fail."

i know thats text and not audible speech (since its a messageboard), but i can literally hear the fear in your honest with yourself...i just think you're scared that the "Obama by a landslide" November prediction is slowly but steadily coming to fruition as a pipe dream

9/5/2008 6:47:16 PM

All American
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I never expected a landslide, but I do expect Obama to win.

9/5/2008 6:48:12 PM

Forgetful Jones
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fair enough...however some of your fellow supporters did and still do expect a landslide

its like they don't realize how polarized the country is

9/5/2008 6:49:01 PM

All American
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anyone picking a landslide is retarded

9/5/2008 6:51:20 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Please spin it either way to be positive."

I already did.

Quote :
"Because she has very little to brag about."

And yet, the PRESIDENTIAL candidate is scared enough of the opposing VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate to address it. Funny. And, again, is it really fair for the pot to be calling anything else black? I mean, the pot's claim to executive experience is "running a campaign."

9/5/2008 6:52:13 PM

All American
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It has nothing to do with being scared. Why would the Obama campaign just ignore her? They know that the GOP is going to tout her around to everyone, so the logical response is to put out information showing the opposite.

9/5/2008 6:56:25 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"It has nothing to do with being scared."

Oh contrare (is that how you spell it?)

If Obama's camp thought they could win on the issues and weren't scared that Palin might actually rally the conservative base, they wouldn't need to keep saying how Palin is a failure and keep trying to discredit her

9/5/2008 7:02:32 PM

All American
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I don't think you get it.

The GOP is telling hammering into the public that Palin has executive experience. They forget to mention the asterisk next to experience: Mayor of a very small town and governor for 2 years.

This also happens when they mention that she's a reformer and a fiscal conservative, but that's another point.

Anyway, when the opposing party is saying something to the public, something that's incorrect, and something that would help them get elected over you, why would you ignore it?

9/5/2008 7:14:11 PM

All American
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Todd Palin's business partner, Scott Richter, filed an emergency motion to have his divorce proceedings sealed. That failed. Look to have the news media digging into that hornets nest.

9/5/2008 7:14:35 PM

829 Posts
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i found nutsmackers house

9/5/2008 7:16:09 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"when the opposing party is saying something to the public, something that's incorrect"

how exactly is it "incorrect" to point out that Palin has infinitely more executive government experience than Obama? Downplaying the size of a city or state (largest physical state in the United States btw) does nothing to make up for Obama's complete absence of executive experience

When he has to brag about how he has experience running a city state campaign (as if all presidential candidates didn't do that...) he is grasping at straws, just like you're doing

9/5/2008 7:16:10 PM

All American
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That's called a nargila and you wouldn't find hillary signs at my house

9/5/2008 7:17:45 PM

Forgetful Jones
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I don't know what a nargila is, but that looks kinda like a hookah to me

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 7:18 PM. Reason : nm i guess they're the same thing]

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 7:19 PM. Reason : nm]

9/5/2008 7:18:25 PM

All American
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Because, while it is true, it means nothing.

9/5/2008 7:20:19 PM

All American
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nargila is the turkish word for the urdu/hindi word hookah. I have a nargila, but have never smoked anything but tobacco from it.

9/5/2008 7:20:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how exactly is it "incorrect" to point out that Palin has infinitely more executive government experience than Obama? "

because by the same logic she has "infinitely more executive gov. experience" than McCain as well, which if someone believed that, makes them all 4 look bad.

But I don't think anyone other than the far right loons look at Palin as being the most capable of the 4.

Quote :
"If Obama's camp thought they could win on the issues and weren't scared that Palin might actually rally the conservative base, they wouldn't need to keep saying how Palin is a failure and keep trying to discredit he"

It's a blatantly false statement (aka lying) that Obama's camp hasn't been going after Palin on issues. This is one thing that the Obama camp has been doing quite well, they are just being drowned out (for the time being... this won't last, and has already died down) by the media's fascination with her slutty daughter.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 7:26 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2008 7:22:14 PM

All American
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twista, alaska is the 47th biggest state by population. The land doesnt vote for you, so the fact that its the biggest state really has no impact on the fact that its really unpopulated as shit. Have you ever been to Alaska, theres virtually no one there.

9/5/2008 7:25:44 PM

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9/5/2008 7:30:25 PM

supple anteater
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McCain's spokesperson giving specifics on Palin's experience.
Quote :
Trooper in Palin probe tells his side

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- The Alaska state trooper at the center of a probe into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power says he has "made mistakes, and I've learned from those mistakes."

But in an exclusive interview with CNN, Mike Wooten, Palin's former brother-in-law, also denies some of the biggest allegations against him, including drinking while driving.

"I made mistakes. I fessed up to them. I was punished appropriately, and I'm moving on," said Wooten, 36, who went through a long, messy divorce and custody battle with Palin's sister.

In the past week, Wooten's troubles have suddenly taken on national prominence as Palin stepped into the limelight as Sen. John McCain's running mate.

An investigation is under way into whether Palin used her office to push for Wooten's firing and whether she ultimately fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan for refusing to sack Wooten."

9/5/2008 7:33:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And yet, the PRESIDENTIAL candidate is scared enough of the opposing VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate to address it. Funny. And, again, is it really fair for the pot to be calling anything else black? I mean, the pot's claim to executive experience is "running a campaign."


That's not his "claim" to executive experience, he's using that to point out that the McCain campaign is drastically overblowing her experience to be VP, which they are. What exactly is their point with that? The the republican VP pick is more experienced than the Republican presidential pick? Do you really think that argument is going to stick?

Considering that both Truman and JFK were just senators before being president (along with a couple of others), I don't see how the McCain camp can sustain the "but Palin was a governor, it doesn't matter she's a far right loon."

9/5/2008 7:40:28 PM

All American
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I'll admit I'm scared, what's wrong with that? After the last two elections I've come to accept that the conservatives will pull out all the stops to win (florida and ohio, respectively) and it works. Why would this year be any different? Granted, I feel like we have a real candidate (not that kerry wasn't, but he wasn't engaging by any means) so I do think Obama will win, but I'm not at all content and wouldn't be surprised if he lost.

[Edited on September 5, 2008 at 7:56 PM. Reason : .]

9/5/2008 7:55:30 PM

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