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Gottfather FTL
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ever since the 2.0.1 update (automatic, i didn't get it manually or anything), my sound has been fucking up. when it gets into this state, most sounds don't play through the external speaker, and i get absolutely no call audio unless i put it in speaker mode.

anyone else see anything like this?

12/17/2009 9:26:52 AM

All American
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sounds like you may want to return it

12/18/2009 12:33:46 AM

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Android 2.1 on the droid

12/19/2009 4:06:25 PM

All American
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until GPS works i'm not changing anything but it's good to see progress

12/19/2009 4:20:15 PM

All American
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^^ finally a good reason to root the Droid!

12/19/2009 5:17:54 PM

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Anyone tried out swype. Looks pretty nifty on the omnia 2 and apparently they have a similar version for the droid.

12/21/2009 6:04:09 PM

All American
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Do Want.

12/22/2009 1:32:10 PM

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almost gave myself a headache reading that

12/22/2009 3:10:00 PM

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12/22/2009 6:17:35 PM

All American
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Holy shit the Nexus is Fast. I have most of Eclair on my G1 now, but man what a difference a processor makes.

12/23/2009 12:46:42 AM

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12/23/2009 9:07:30 AM

no u
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buyers remorse on the droid now

damn you nexus one

12/23/2009 10:56:43 AM

All American
51923 Posts
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Don't be gay. It's just the fucking dev phone.

12/23/2009 10:59:02 AM

All American
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^^ it's running 2.1, which is significantly faster than 2.0.1

just wait till it hits your droid (or you can do it now if you use the instructions in this thread) and you'd see the speed bump too

12/23/2009 11:24:17 AM

All American
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Yeah, I'm sure the 1-Ghz Snapdragon in there has very little to do with the speed difference.

12/23/2009 11:55:36 AM

All American
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yeah but buyer's remorse assumes he didn't know his phone would be outpowered in 3 months which in this day and age is a given

not only is the nexus one faster but his droid will be too so just be thankful you don't have a blackberry, that would fit buyer's remorse more

12/23/2009 12:07:56 PM

All American
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and don't forget the droid came with a 16gb microsd card ($40 value) so really I paid $59 bucks for the phone. even in 6 months you won't catch me saying buyer's remorse.

the nexus one is only coming with 4gb.

12/23/2009 12:44:12 PM

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meh. plus it's probably going to tmobile so epic fail

12/23/2009 12:48:21 PM

All American
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passion/dragon will be CDMA

12/23/2009 1:03:39 PM

All American
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My phone upgrades starts today. I'm getting an Eris. I like all that the droid can do but the Eris just looks and feels better to me. Plus, we'll be getting 2.0/2.1 on it very soon.

[Edited on December 23, 2009 at 1:06 PM. Reason : ..]

12/23/2009 1:06:30 PM

All American
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^^^ that is a dumb ass comment. I LOVE T-MOBILE. Very soon it's going to be 7.2 mb/s as well. I will very likely cancel TWC and just tether from my 3G connection.

12/23/2009 6:32:34 PM

17148 Posts
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Quote :
"^ interested to hear your thoughts after a few days of use. Keep me informed!"

Since there hasn't been much attention to the Moment in this thread, here is what I've noticed thus far:
- Its a battery hog. I can use it off and on during the day (start at 8-9am, needs to be charged by 10-11pm). Leave the GPS off for better life.
- The UI is fast and responsive. I played with it and the Hero in a sprint store before I chose this, they both seemed about as fast/responsive. It was the size (this is bigger) and the slide-out qwerty keyboard that made me choose this.
- That keyboard takes a bit to get used to. Keys aren't raised very much, so its easy to make typos or not press the key squarely.
- Comes with a 2gig microSD card. If you're going to download much or use it for music, you'll need to get another one. You can't swap out cards without popping the battery off.
- Haven't had any trouble with apps, google integrations, or dialing. Works well for dialing.

Most of what I liked is Android common; the keyboard and being on Sprint were the main reasons for choosing this phone. I am looking forward to their 2.1 push in Q1 2010 (read that somewhere, forget where). Using the GMail app vs. the email IMAP app is so much better, but this only supports one account (my work uses Google Apps, I'd be nice to have them both in the GMail app).

12/24/2009 12:48:44 AM

All American
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I don't know if this has been posted, but the unsung hero feature of my droid is the speaker. I can put on pandora and hear it through my whole house

12/24/2009 11:14:17 AM

All American
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^^ thanks for the update. Have you used a WM phone before? If so how do they compare? Also learned that downloaded apps must be stored on the internal memory of the that the same for the moment or can it be stored on the mc?

Im looking into getting an Android phone (Hero or Moment) or the HTC Touch Pro 2 (WM 6.1). I cant really decide between the two. Im familiar with WM because Ive been using a Q9C for the last two years and I have no issues with it. Touch Pro 2 will also get the upgrade to WM 6.5 when it comes out. But Im intrigued by Android and the opportunity to get apps and customization on it.

Has anyone gone from a WM phone to an Android phone?


[Edited on December 27, 2009 at 7:41 PM. Reason : ?]

[Edited on December 27, 2009 at 7:42 PM. Reason : ??]

12/27/2009 7:39:52 PM

All American
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Wait for Sprint to get a 2nd gen Android phone, the Hero is still running the older hardware

12/27/2009 8:32:35 PM

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I haven't used a WM phone; can't help with any comparisons. And haven't noticed where the apps are downloaded to, but they 'config' files for each app are on the SD card.

12/28/2009 6:07:02 PM

All American
502 Posts
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Quote :
"Since there hasn't been much attention to the Moment in this thread, here is what I've noticed thus far:"

I just purchased a Samsung Moment too. The 800 mhz processor kills the battery, but I found that if you download any one of the task killer apps it'll keep the battery charged for a solid day with no problems at all. I've been using mine none stop. I was on AT&T until getting this phone. I love the network coverage and the phone isn't to damn bad either.

12/29/2009 12:05:56 AM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"Google, with support from T-Mobile, is scheduled to launch a new Android device in early January. The Google Android phone will be sold directly by Google via the Web.
Support for the device including troubleshooting and exchanges will be managed by Google and HTC. T-Mobile will offer service support including billing, coverage, features, and rate plans. Additional details Streamline content regarding the launch of Google’s Android phone will be coming in early January."

12/29/2009 12:10:24 PM

All American
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It looks like Nexus One will be $179.99 with a 2 year plan with T-Mobile and $529.99 for retail.

12/29/2009 11:27:33 PM

no u
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i can't get my damn phone to let me transfer pictures to my computer via bluetooth

12/30/2009 9:44:22 AM

All American
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just called t-mobile to make sure i wasn't in any contract that would prevent me from getting the nexus one. i will be ordering as soon as its available.

12/30/2009 10:11:16 AM

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Quote :
"Some of the most important bits of info we extracted (assuming the tipster is accurate, and it seems like he is). Oh, and take a look at our hands on with the device in case you haven't familiarized yourself with it yet.

• Yeah, it's $530 unsubsidized. Google's not going to be selling the phone at cost, like so many people considered. They're not going to save us from the "making money off of hardware" culture we've got right now, so this is basically just another Android handset, albeit a really good one
• If you want it subsidized, you'll have to sign up for a 2 year mandatory contract and pay $180 for the phone
• There's only one rate plan: $39.99 Even More + Text + Web for $79.99 total
• Existing customers cannot keep their plan if they want a subsidized phone; they have to change to the one plan, and this only applies to accounts with one single line
• If that doesn't fly with you, you have to buy the $530 unlocked version—this actually might save you money over two years if you already have a cheap plan
• Family plans, Flexpay, SmartAccess and KidConnect subscribers must buy the phone unlocked and unsubsidized for $530
• You can only buy five Nexus One phones per Google account
• There is language in the agreement of shipping outside the US
• Google will sell it at, which explains what they were doing with that page a few weeks ago
• Google will still call it the Nexus One apparently, and not the Google Phone

And here is a big one:
• If you cancel your plan before 120 days, you have to pay the subsidy difference between what you paid and the unsubsidized price, so $350 in this case. Or you can return the phone to Google. You also authorize them to charge this directly to your credit card."

Quote :
"Also, the desktop dock that we've seen go through the FCC will run for $39.99, and the car dock we just saw will cost $49.99."

12/30/2009 10:41:08 AM

All American
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why does it have to be on T-Mobile?!!? Bring it to Sprint!

12/30/2009 10:49:39 AM

All American
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the Nexus is GSM not CDMA, hence why T-mobile. great for international users, suck ass for domestic users.

12/30/2009 11:44:39 AM

All American
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i've had zero problems with t-mobile and their customer service has so far been the best i've ever had to deal with. can't speak to their 3g coverage though, i hope its decent.

12/30/2009 11:46:41 AM

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ha, their 3G coverage is worse than at&t's. And I'd have absolutely zero coverage for most of my ride back to raleigh since I take 421. That equals fail.

12/30/2009 11:52:12 AM

All American
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i don't care about other places, i don't travel enough for that to be a factor. just raleigh

12/30/2009 2:08:09 PM

All American
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in fact, can we go ahead and list some cool free apps since theres not a seperate thread for apps

I use:

Dolphin (Multi-touch Browser)
Visual VM
Google Nav
Live Scores (detailed stats for pretty much all sports)
Listen (podcasts) (free shows)
Nubinews (RSS)
PicSay (Put mustaches on my cat)
iheartradio (listen to local stations)
Mynpr (local npr station)

[Edited on December 30, 2009 at 9:07 PM. Reason : f]

12/30/2009 9:01:26 PM

All American
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Just installed Swype, still getting used to it but I think I like it

12/30/2009 11:30:57 PM

4724 Posts
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how do you take stuff off of the homepage? whats wrong with gps not updating location frequently?

12/31/2009 12:24:22 AM

35217 Posts
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long press and drag it to the trashcan at the bottom.

And lol. Fastest root ever

Quote :
"Nexus One not even officially released, is already rooted
Posted on Wednesday, Dec 30, 2009 by Phil Nickinson

What's that, you ask? The Nexus One, set to be announced by Google next week, has already been rooted? Don't be too surprised. It's an HTC device, after all, and there are enough of the in the wild that this was bound to happen. We'll let Paul from MoDaCo explain:

Superboot is a boot.img that when flashed, will root your device the first time you boot (installing su and the superuser APK). No need to flash the system partition, no need to use ADB, no messing with the contents of your data partition, no overwriting the shipped ROM on your device, just flash the boot image using the instructions below and you're done!

That's it. So all you need now is for the damn thing to actually become available, and then you have to scrape up the $530 (or $180 if you sign with T-Mo) to buy it. [MoDaCo via Redmond Pie] Thanks, Taimur!"

12/31/2009 9:01:06 AM

All American
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Here are the apps I've gotten so far..

Where - great nav app.
Car Mode since I don't have 2.0 yet
Weather Channel
E! Online
Live Scores
Sports Tap
CalWidget- great calendar app
AK Notepad

12/31/2009 9:20:41 AM

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a low-end verizon android with motoblur.

Also rumors of a version of the Nexus One going to AT&T also.

[Edited on January 2, 2010 at 10:52 PM. Reason : ]

1/2/2010 10:52:08 PM

All American
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rip droid

1/3/2010 12:10:28 AM

All American
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how can something incompatible with verizon's network kill it's flagship phone?

1/3/2010 12:24:09 AM

All American
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haha hilarious


1/3/2010 2:03:59 AM

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It just dawned on me, this is a huge conspiracy. All of the mobile companies are actually working together.

Every 6 months they will release the next "must have" phone, on a different carrier. People will pay the termination fees and move on. They will continue this game just to collect the fees, over and over again.

1/3/2010 8:35:27 AM

All American
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^ laws are limiting those fees and you can go to tmobile without a contract *and save money*

T Mobile has really good 3G coverage in Raleigh/Cary from what I have experienced. They are JUST SHY of AT&Ts coverage (just hit the 200M mark recently I think).

BUT, only difference, T Mobile will be flipping on 7.2 HDSPA very soon. At that point, when my phone is downloading faster than my computer can, what would I really have to complain about?

1/3/2010 10:02:48 AM

17148 Posts
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The apps I've found most useful:

- ShopSavy
- PdaNet (tethering app)
- StopWatch
- Battery Widget (so I can see the % not just whats in the top bar)
- Barrage Lite (Scorched Earth/Tank Wars like game)
- Barcode Scanner
- android-vnc-viewer
- Phonalyzr (graphs phone/text statistics, neat to see)
- Bubble (yeah I've really used this )
- Flashlight (ditto)
- Google Sky Map
- WiFinder

1/3/2010 8:06:58 PM

All American
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1/3/2010 8:07:26 PM

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