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Quote :
"San Francisco Approves Handgun Ban

Newsmax | November 9 2005

Voters approved ballot measures to ban handguns in San Francisco and urge the city's public high schools and college campuses to keep out military recruiters.

The gun ban prohibits the manufacture and sale of all firearms and ammunition in the city, and makes it illegal for residents to keep handguns in their homes or businesses.

Only two other major U.S. cities - Washington and Chicago - have implemented such sweeping handgun bans.

With all precincts reporting early Wednesday, 58 percent of voters backed the proposed gun ban while 42 percent opposed it.

Although law enforcement, security guards and others who require weapons for work are exempt from the measure, current handgun owners would have to surrender their firearms by April.

A coalition led by the National Rifle Association has said it plans to challenge the initiative in court, arguing that cities do not have the authority to regulate firearms under California law."

Let's see how that works for them. My bet is that crime increases in San Fransisco after this ban goes into effect. Oh, and note that Washington, D.C. and Chicago are the other major cities with such gun bans. D.C. has been the crime capital of America for years, and Chicago is not far behind. Can't people see what this does? It doesn't make guns disappear. It means that only criminals and cops have guns, while law-abiding people are unarmed and vulnerable to being robbed, raped, and murdered.

11/9/2005 10:36:47 AM

All American
672 Posts
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Why take away the protection of law abiding citizens? It is the only protection we really have. Fully relying on the government to protect us is complete IGNORANCE.
Just one step closer.


Quote :

"Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless." --Vladimir Ilich Lenin

"[State-run] education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." --Joseph Stalin

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." --Adolf Hitler, 1935"

11/9/2005 10:17:10 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ Hitler never said that.

11/9/2005 10:23:06 PM

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Whether Hitler said that particular quote or not, the Nazis enacted gun bans prior to turning the country into a police state. Pol Pot, Stalin, and other would be dictators enacted gun bans too. Gun control and gun bans are the precursor and precondition to tyranny. A government cannot turn the country into a full-blown tyrannical police state until the citizenry are disarmed. As long as the people are armed, they can resist attempts by the government to enslave and oppress them.

11/10/2005 8:23:00 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"It helps to read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to the earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation, as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretation. The 1938 Nazi gun laws actually liberalized the Weimar Republic's gun-control measures regarding possession and carrying by making these restrictions applicable only to handguns, lowering the juvenile age from 20 to 18 and extending carrying permits from the previous one-year limit to three years.

The 1938 Nazi gun laws also specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition. And about eight months later, Hitler imposed regulations prohibiting Jews from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms. The Nazi regime implemented this prohibition by confiscating weapons from Jews and subsequently engaged in genocide of the Jewish population."

You can ignore that last part since the Holocaust never happened.

Good job buying into the propaganda, little buddy.

11/10/2005 8:38:10 AM

9434 Posts
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"You can ignore that last part since the Holocaust never happened."

Your simple mind apparantly cannot grasp my position on the "Holocaust." Yes, Jews were prohibited from owning firearms. And, yes, they were takent to camps. Those camps were NOT extermination camps, though. They were slave labor camps. And, the numbers of Jews who died in the camps has been GREATLY exaggerated. Furthermore, many complete fabrications were made in order to demonize the Germans as part of the wartime propaganda campaign, including completely bogus stories of Nazis making lamp shades out of Jews' skin and soap out of the fat from their bodies. The gas chambers stories are also false.

It's similar to the way Japanese-Americans were taken to camps here in America during WWII. The Japanese were considered enemies of the state. There is evidence showing that Jews, in fact, declared war on Germany prior to the outbreak of WWII. They were considered enemies of the state as well.

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 8:55 AM. Reason : 2]

11/10/2005 8:53:02 AM

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"FBI may be checking on you, but you have no way to know

USA Today | November 9 2005

These days, Americans suspected of no wrongdoing can suddenly find themselves caught up in FBI surveillance operations.

It's as easy as saying "national security letter."

Using this little-noticed but potent tool, the FBI can demand, for example, that an Internet provider, bank or phone company turn over records of who you call and e-mail, which websites you visit, how much you spend, where you work, fly and vacation, and much more. No judge has to approve the demand, a common check required on more typical subpoenas.

You'd never learn about the secret intrusion, either. It's all classified.

The public got a rare and troubling glimpse behind this curtain when The Washington Post reported Sunday that the FBI now issues thousands of National Security Letters a year. Each can seek many records on many people.

According to The Post and government documents, the Bush administration has quietly rewritten Justice Department rules so it can keep records indefinitely, even when they prove irrelevant to an investigation. The government can also share the records broadly, enabling the FBI to build what amounts to electronic dossiers on untold numbers of Americans.

The report added to a growing bipartisan backlash against several intrusive tools in the USA Patriot Act, which was rushed into law shortly after 9/11 to help combat terrorism. Because the process is largely hidden from the public, Congress and the judiciary, there is no broad assessment of how the tools are applied. "

11/10/2005 9:56:22 AM

All American
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I agree with you Salisburyboy. This nation is becoming a police survillence state. With the passage of the Patriot and Real ID Acts the federal government will have far more power than it has ever had before over your personal lives. All for false sense of security.

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 1:07 PM. Reason : .]

11/10/2005 1:07:02 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"There is evidence showing that Jews, in fact, declared war on Germany prior to the outbreak of WWII."

1) So were the Nazis justified in persecuting Jews?

2) How can you believe such scant evidence while ignoring the mountains of evidence that support the Holocaust?

11/10/2005 8:43:19 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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i think salisbury is makin aliases and replyin to his own threads pretending to be other people

11/10/2005 9:00:35 PM

9434 Posts
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You wish. I don't have any aliases or other accounts on TWW. What you see is that more and more people are waking up to the truth. It is now becomming more and more clear based on all the evidence that the U.S. is being transformed into a police state. People can see that simply by waking up, looking at what is happening, and thinking for themselves.

11/12/2005 10:32:38 AM

All American
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wake up!

11/13/2005 11:33:34 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"1) So were the Nazis justified in persecuting Jews?

2) How can you believe such scant evidence while ignoring the mountains of evidence that support the Holocaust?"

11/14/2005 3:04:22 AM

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Quote :
"Civil liberties in danger, says ex-intel official

Sunday, November 13, 2005

MAPLEWOOD - The man who leaked thousands of pages of top secret documents to the media in 1971 to expose the U.S. government's handling of the Vietnam War warned Saturday that another terrorist attack could permanently damage civil liberties.

Daniel Ellsberg, the former U.S. intelligence official responsible for leaking the so-called Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and 18 other newspapers, told an audience of about 400 that the Bush administration most likely would respond to any terror attack on U.S. soil by severely restricting freedom of the press and the individual's right to speak out.

"In a time of fear, I believe that the majority of the American people will cling to authority," Ellsberg told the gathering at Columbia High School for New Jersey Peace Action's annual luncheon.

"And if there is another terror attack," Ellsberg added sarcastically, "I believe the president will get what he wants. And what he wants is a new Patriot Act, one that will make the current Patriot Act look like the Bill of Rights."

The Patriot Act, originally passed by Congress after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, is up for renewal.

To combat terrorism, it gave law enforcement leeway into probing the private lives of Americans - allowing for easier wiretaps, incarceration without charges, monitoring of computer use and even checking on books borrowed from libraries. Some members of Congress expressed alarm recently that the FBI had initiated 30,000 investigations of private e-mail accounts last year.

Now the Patriot Act is up for renewal, and the Bush administration is seeking even tougher measures. Ellsberg, 74, said he worries that with the Iraq war at a stalemate, a terrorist attack on American soil was "not just possible, but highly likely." Were that to happen, Ellsberg predicted that Bush would respond by escalating the war on terror - possibly to include military action against Syria or Iran - while pushing for harsher restrictions against dissent at home.

Ellsberg said that as part of Patriot Act revisions, Bush most likely would push for an Official Secrets Act - one that would make it a crime for whistle-blowers to reveal government secrets to the public. And he added, such a ban probably would apply to journalists as well.

Ellsberg worked as an analyst for the RAND Corp. in the 1960s, which conducted a huge study of U.S. policy in Vietnam. That study, which was top secret and eventually numbered 7,000 pages, is the story of what went wrong in Vietnam. Once leaked to The Times, the document became known as the Pentagon Papers, and it told of the official lies by the Johnson and Nixon administrations that the war in Vietnam was winnable.

The Nixon administration tried to prevent publication of the Pentagon Papers, but the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the public's right to know. Ellsberg eventually stood trial for leaking official secrets, but the government eventually dropped the case.

Ellsberg said Saturday that he had grave doubts he would enjoy the same freedom today.

"I don't think the current Supreme Court would see it that way," he told the audience. He added that should an Official Secrets Act be adopted, "leaks would be a thing of the past."

He drew parallels between the Valerie Plame affair and the beginning of the Vietnam War. Plame was outed as a CIA agent after her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, said the Bush administration lied about the reason for the invasion of Iraq. Wilson disputed the administration's claim that Saddam Hussein had attempted to purchase uranium from Niger to make nuclear weapons.

Ellsberg pointed out that the government said the Johnson administration also lied about the second Gulf of Tonkin incident on Aug. 2, 1964. At the time, President Lyndon Johnson claimed that a U.S. destroyer had been attacked by a North Vietnamese patrol boat in the Gulf of Tonkin, but Ellsberg said the incident never happened.

Ellsberg said that like Vietnam, America was in for a long war in Iraq, one that could possibly spread around the Middle East. "There are other wars ahead, and a long way to go," he said.

Members of the audience gave Ellsberg a standing ovation at the end of his hourlong presentation. As he hurried out the door to catch a train, attendees were left to contemplate what to do after the applause died down.

"I felt terrified by what he said," said Zella Geltman of West Orange. "What can we do to save ourselves?"

Eleanor Mason of Morris Plains said the best thing to do is keep speaking out. "We are patriotic Americans, and we don't want war," she said. "We need to keep saying this until the government is forced to listen to us.""

Nothing to see here.

11/14/2005 8:54:03 AM

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"Spy Drones To Fly Over Cities

SUN NOV 13 2005

HONEYWELL is developing a micro flying spy drone -- that would be used for civilian law enforcement!

The device, a hovering robot carrying video cameras and other sensors, is being created and tested at HONEYWELL's Albuquerque, NM plant.


"If there is an emergency, you could provide "eyes" on whatever the emergency is, for police or Homeland Security," explains Vaughn Fulton of HONEYWELL.


The vehicle, nicknamed "Dragon Eye," will be used for reconnaissance, security and target acquisition operations in open, rolling, complex and urban terrain; it will be equipped with Global Positioning Satellite.

HONEYWELL and government officials are meeting to discuss the status of the project.

Troops in Iraq could get the craft in a year or two.

The spy drone would be deployed for domestic use shortly thereafter.

11/14/2005 9:14:45 AM

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Important commentary from the 11/14/2005 Alex Jones show:

Finger/Thumb scanning is rapidly being introduced in grocery stores and other stores. Service lanes are being pulled out, and self-service lanes are being put in. This is to condition people for the future. In approximately 1 year, the finger/thumb scanning is planned to be implemented. According to Alex, finger scanning for groceries may be "justified" based on a coming national sales tax (because those making under approximately $18k/year or less will be exempt and the government would presumably want to prevent these people from buying food in bulk and re-selling to others who are not exempt from the sales tax). Oh, and accoding to Alex, the sales tax will not replace the income tax. The income tax will stay, and we'll have a national sales tax as well.

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 1:04 PM. Reason : 1]

11/14/2005 1:03:00 PM

31803 Posts
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is the sky falling yet?

11/14/2005 1:14:02 PM

9434 Posts
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ignorance is bliss

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 1:14 PM. Reason : 1]

11/14/2005 1:14:36 PM

Tom Joad
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11/14/2005 1:14:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"1) So were the Nazis justified in persecuting Jews?

2) How can you believe such scant evidence while ignoring the mountains of evidence that support the Holocaust?"

11/14/2005 11:05:22 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"...the mountains of evidence that support the Holocaust?""


11/15/2005 9:08:35 AM

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11/15/2005 9:17:31 AM

9434 Posts
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Tell me how the Nazis made lamp shades out the skin of Jews again. Oh, and tell me how they made the soap out of the Jews' fat. Oh, right. Those are wartime propaganda lies that have been abandoned long ago. Now, what else are they lying about?

[Edited on November 15, 2005 at 9:28 AM. Reason : 1]

11/15/2005 9:28:12 AM

31803 Posts
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i guess zyklon b is just an urban legend

i guess hundreds of thousands of bodies are urban legends


11/15/2005 9:37:29 AM

9434 Posts
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I never said hundreds of thousands of Jews didn't die. Jews were in the camps, but the camps were not "death" camps or "extermination" camps. They were slave labor camps. Remember, that the U.S. put Japanese-Americans in camps too. And many of those in the German camps died of starvation and disease towards the end of the war when the supply lines were cut by the Allies (thus the pictures of emaciated bodies of people who were in the camps). Also, remember that many non-Jews were in these camps. Why does the media act as if it were only Jews who were in the camps and who died? That is a MAJOR distortion of reality that OUGHT TO CLUE YOU IN THAT SOMETHING IS FISHY THERE.

As for the gas chamber stories, yes, those are COMPLETE LIES. The Leuchter Report proved that. Zyklon B was used to disinfect the clothing of all persons entering the camps. The Leuchter Report found that no significant trace of Zyklon B whatsoever was found in the buildings which had always been labelled as the camp's infamous gas chambers.


Quote :
"In 1988 the governors of several American penitentiaries suggested and recommended Mr Frederick Leuchter, an American who had practiced as an inventor and engineer for some years from (but not in) the state of Massachusetts, as an expert witness to defence attorneys acting for Canadian-German Ernst Zündel.

Leuchter was a professional consultant valued and employed by these prison officials for his professional advice on execution technology, including gas chambers.

Hired by the Zündel team, in February 1988, Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, Poland, and assessed the likelihood that the building-remains there could indeed have functioned as homicidal gas chambers. He also took forty samples of the fabric of those structures, for forensic and chemical analysis by reputable American laboratories.

These laboratories found no significant residues of hydrogen-cyanide compounds except in one structure, which was commonly agreed to have been the building in which the slave labourers' clothing was fumigated with Zyklon B gas. Here there were massive quantities of the poison residue still impregnating the brickwork.

[Edited on November 15, 2005 at 9:59 AM. Reason : 1]

11/15/2005 9:58:27 AM

Mr. Joshua
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You never explained this in your jew thread, do you think that you could tackle it now?

Quote :
"Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

11/15/2005 12:02:14 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Are all Holocaust survivors lying?"

Lying about what? You need to be more specific. Those who were actually in the camps would be telling the truth, for example, if they described things that actually happened. But they would be lying if they claim falsehoods, such as making lamp shades out of Jews' skin, soap out of Jews' fat, or the phony stories of gas chambers.

You presume, I hypothesize, that there are "all" these "Holocaust survivors" making claims about the gas chambers, for example. Well, if that were true, why don't you show me examples of some of these people (who presumably exist) making claims about the mythical gas chambers. Because, from what I've seen, that is not the case. What you have is just a few people making these false claims about things like the supposed gas chambers (such as now exposed liar and "holocaust survivor" Elie Wiesel) and then the media and Hollywood, etc. parrot these lies and it becomes "reality" in the minds of people.

[Edited on November 15, 2005 at 12:56 PM. Reason : 1]

11/15/2005 12:49:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?

11/15/2005 1:50:59 PM

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Quote :
"USA PATRIOT reauthorization may include DNA database, habeas suspension

Total 9/11 Info | November 16 2005

Washington sources tell that closed-door negotiations on the reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act have suddenly turned into an orgy of police-state expansion.

Last week, the U.S. House voted to instruct the conference committee of Senators and Representatives to renew three key police-state powers for only four years rather than 10. The conference committee is working on making permanent or renewing for four to 10 years. Some provisions added to the bills, among other extremely modest checks, would have federal agents provide just a hint of evidence before exercising these search and surveiallance powers

Enraged, the White House has leaned on its Congressional allies to add draconian police-state provisions unrelated to the USA PATRIOT Act to the bill.

First among these might be a plan to suspend habeas corpus -- the simple right of a prioner to appear before a judge and hear the charges against him.

Also possibly to be added to the PATRIOT renewal is the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Previous versions of the VAWA reauthorization in this Congress have included a provision providing for the construction of a DNA databse of everyone arrested, much less convicted."

11/16/2005 3:01:22 PM

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11/16/2005 3:21:29 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^^ You can't respond to real evidence?

No big surprise.

11/16/2005 5:50:05 PM

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Quote :
"Feds Using ISPs to Spy on Internet Users

November 13, 2005
Nick Parker

Having recently reported how ISPs are being pressurized into revealing information on internet users, the USA stands on the threshold of a far more ominous threat to privacy that will force ISPs to allow a wide range of law enforcement agencies direct real time access to their own systems.

Having exposed the EU’s intentions regarding data retention in a news article on Slyck, it comes as little surprise to hear that similar moves are afoot in the USA. Intelligence agencies already have full access to ISPs in those countries participating in the Echelon electronic spying network (Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA), and these latest measures are intended to extend similar powers to a wide range of other agencies.

This latest move has arisen in response to representations made by the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency out of concern that emerging technologies “were making it increasingly difficult for law enforcement agencies to execute authorized surveillance”. As a consequence, the US communications governing body, the Federal Communications Commission issued a final Order effective Monday November 14th compelling all broadband Internet service providers and many Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, companies to include backdoors allowing police and many other enforcement agencies to directly eavesdrop on their customers by April 2007."

Don't worry. The government spying on you is freedom.

11/18/2005 4:46:57 PM

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Quote :
"Feds ramp up spying on journalists, other Americans

Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Nov 21, 2005, 05:12

Using powers granted under the USA Patriot Act, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has stepped up surveillance of journalists in an effort to plug leaks from a scandal-weary Bush administration.

Wiretaps, intercepts of electronic communications and daily monitoring of reporters’ activities are part of a program authorized by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Justice Department sources say.

Increased surveillance of journalists is only part of a stepped-up federal efforts to monitor day-to-day activities of Americans. Last week, the Federal Communications Commission set an 18-month deadline for broadband Internet Service Providers to make their systems “wiretap-ready.”

“This is like saying, `Everybody has to keep their doors unlocked because the FBI might need to get in,’” says Mark Rasch, a former Justice Department attorney who handled computer crime cases and now senior vice president and chief security counsel of Solutionary Inc., a computer security consulting company in Omaha. “The harm of everybody keeping their doors unlocked all the time is much greater than the benefit.”"

Spying on Journalists and Americans to protect the Bush Administration is good. Living in a surveillance state is good. It's freedom.

11/22/2005 9:29:15 AM

Mr. Joshua
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No response?

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"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

11/22/2005 11:35:37 AM

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Quote :
"Congressman Ron Paul Reiterates Danger Of Foreign Troops Being Used For Martial Law

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | November 24 2005

Republican Congressman Ron Paul recently appeared on nationally syndicated radio and again reiterated his deep concern that foreign troops are mobilizing outside and inside America to be used as assets in a martial law takeover by the Bush administration.

"It's a horrible precedent and it's all part of the NAFTA scheme and globalization and world government," Paul told the Alex Jones Show.

"Obviously they shouldn't be permitted. What I'd like to see is that we don't have our troops in foreign countries and if we needed a national guard that they were back here at home, that's the bigger problem. Then if there were foreign troops on our soil maybe our state officials could deal with that with their own national guard."

Paul elaborated on his fear that after the next crisis the government, in line with their own public statements, will use military assets to police Americans on a regular basis.

"They're putting their back up against the wall and saying, if need be we're going to have martial law."

"We've heard all these statements by the President, by the administration, why they need more militarism at the federal government to keep people in check so nobody knows how this will turn out but I do know that the only thing we can do about it is try to alert the American people to what's going on so they can be prepared.""

11/27/2005 10:29:44 AM

9434 Posts
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"Habeas what?

The foundation of American law is the writ of habeas corpus.

The "Great Writ," established in English common law by the Magna Carta in 1215, established the principle that anyone in police custody must either be charged with a crime or be set free.

That principle has survived more than 200 years in American law, except for two glaring instances when it was suspended -- Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War so his administration could arbitrarily imprison suspected Southern sympathizers, and Franklin Roosevelt during World War II so his administration could detain 70,000 Japanese Americans in internment camps.

Now, we are in the midst of the third instance of the "great writ" being flouted by a president.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the Bush administration has imprisoned thousands of people, most of whom have not been charged with any crime.

President Bush has long and forcefully argued that these prisoners, or "enemy combatants," as his administration has designated them, have no right to appear before a court to review the legitimacy of their detentions.


So why must the most fundamental right of American jurisprudence be tampered with?

Tucked away in an defense appropriations bill passed by the U.S. Senate earlier this month was an amendment that would suspend habeas corpus for the prisoners detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It passed on a 49-42 vote.

It's easy to think that this noxious legislation only applies to a few hundred foreigners. But there is a bigger principle at work. It is the right to prevent the executive branch of our government to arbitrarily and indefinitely imprison anyone it wishes, with legal recourse. Without it, our legal system turns to ashes.

This administration has consistently abused the Constitution. The grossly misnamed Patriot Act gives the federal government wide latitude to spy on its citizens and conduct secret investigations without legal recourse. It seeks ever greater police powers in the name of fighting terrorism. The Bill of Rights means nothing to them.

We stand opposed to this assault on eight centuries of legal precedent. The president should not be allowed to pick and choose what provisions of the Constitution he wishes to obey. As a fundamental human right, habeas corpus must be preserved for everyone."

11/27/2005 11:19:03 AM

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"Next Stop: Big Brother

Meet Deborah Davis. She's a 50 year-old mother of four who lives and works in Denver, Colorado. Her kids are all grown-up: her middle son is a soldier fighting in Iraq. She leads an ordinary, middle class life. You probably never would have heard of Deb Davis if it weren't for her belief in the U.S. Constitution.

One morning in late September 2005, Deb was riding the public bus to work. She was minding her own business, reading a book and planning for work, when a security guard got on this public bus and demanded that every passenger show their ID. Deb, having done nothing wrong, declined. The guard called in federal cops, and she was arrested and charged with federal criminal misdemeanors after refusing to show ID on demand.

On the 9th of December 2005, Deborah Davis will be arraigned in U.S. District Court in a case that will determine whether Deb and the rest of us live in a free society, or in a country where we must show "papers" whenever a cop demands them."

11/28/2005 10:48:03 AM

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Quote :
"Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-9/11 world.

The moves have taken place on several fronts. The White House is considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was created three years ago. The proposal, made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA from an office that coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including protecting military facilities from attack -- to one that also has authority to investigate crimes within the United States such as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.

The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create an intelligence exception to the Privacy Act, allowing the FBI and others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence. Backers say the measure is needed to strengthen investigations into terrorism or weapons of mass destruction.

The proposals, and other Pentagon steps aimed at improving its ability to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside the United States, have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and a few members of Congress, who say the Defense Department's push into domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.

"We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a [congressional] hearing," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a recent interview."

11/28/2005 12:07:41 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"American Police State: The Frog Has Cooked

Miami cops to stage sieges, randomly check ID's, ride buses and trains

Paul Joseph Watson | November 29 2005

How do you boil a frog?

You don't throw the frog into a pot of boiling water, it would immediately jump out. You let the frog sit in warm water and slowly heat the pan until the frog boils to death.

How do you erect the infrastructure of a police state?

You incrementally condition both the police and the public that relinquishing liberty in the name of security is necessary because 'we live in dangerous times.'

Be sure to make Grandpa remove his shoes at the airport but let that cargo through without inspection every time. The truth is that the mythical 'war on terror' was never meant to be won and can never be won because it doesn't exist.

The real terror is being waged against ordinary people by our own government.

To say we live in a police state is no longer an alarmist cliche. Perception has clearly and permanently shifted from the police being there to serve the people to the police being there to control the people."

Quote :
"Miami Police Take New Tack Against Terror

Monday, November 28, 2005 3:45 PM EST
The Associated Press

MIAMI (AP) — Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.

Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats.

"This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said.


Both uniformed and plainclothes police will ride buses and trains, while others will conduct longer-term surveillance operations."

Police surveillance. Police demanding you to show your ID. Police riding trains and busses (and checking IDs). This is all so loving. It's not moving towards a police state. No way.

[Edited on November 29, 2005 at 9:46 AM. Reason : `]

11/29/2005 9:45:01 AM

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11/29/2005 9:57:39 AM

All American
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salisburyboy - I want to thank you for keeping us all informed. I mean it.

I just can't believe all this is falling on deaf ears.

All I have to say is that it starts in the Urban cities and filters down. It makes me sick.
Pretty soon we'll all be captives in our own homes...

Ruby Ridge anyone?

11/29/2005 10:18:05 AM

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11/29/2005 10:20:31 AM

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OOOOOOHH!. A roll of the eyes. Killer. That'll persuade him to your side. He'll love being treated like a slave, be worshipping Bush, love being lied to all the time, love wars of aggression against other sovereign nations, and loving torture like you in no time.

"Your papers please?"

Quote :
"Court trip next stop for bus rider

By David Harsanyi
Denver Post Staff Columnist

Deborah Davis doesn't consider herself a hero. Certainly not a modern-day champion of the Constitution. Yet, in her own way, she might be a little of both.

Two months ago, this 50-year-old mother of four was reading a book while riding to work on RTD's Route 100. When the bus rolled up to the gates of the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, a guard climbed on and demanded Davis, as well as everyone else on board, produce identification.

Perhaps it was that inherent American distaste for producing papers on demand, but Davis, who had gone through this drill before, decided to pass.

"I told him that I did have identification, but I wasn't going to show it to him," Davis explains. "I knew that I wasn't required by law to show ID and that's why I decided I wasn't going to. The whole thing seemed to be more about compliance than security."

According to Davis, the guard proceeded to call on federal cops, who then dragged Davis off a public bus, handcuffed her, shoved her into the back seat of a police car and drove off to a police station within the Federal Center.

While I was unable to reach anyone at the Department of Homeland Security on Friday to comment on Davis' case, the offense/incident report corroborates her basic story.

Though, it should be noted that, according to the arresting officer, Davis became "argumentative" before she "was physically removed from the bus and placed under arrest."

Good for her.


So let's hope more Americans act like Deb Davis, not another partisan hack acting the victim, but an average American who questions government intrusion into our private and public lives for freedom's sake."

[Edited on November 29, 2005 at 10:25 AM. Reason : `]

11/29/2005 10:20:47 AM

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Quote :
"Miami Model: ACLU Shysters Stab America In The Back Again

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | November 30 2005

In response to the news that Miami police were going to conduct random sieges, checks of ID's and patrols of buses and trains, the ACLU stabbed America in the back again by shrugging their shoulders and stating that the new measures did not violate anybody's rights.

“What we’re dealing with is officers on street patrol, which is more effective and more consistent with the Constitution,” Simon said. “We’ll have to see how it is implemented," said Howard Simon , executive director of ACLU Florida.

Consistent with the Constitution? This is the most clear violation of what it means to live in a free society than you're ever going to see short of when they cart us all off to those cozy ex-Soviet gulag camps.

The Miami model is akin to the police looking for a man driving a red Volkswagen in the western United States. They decide to raid a bank building in Albuquerque because the felon just might happen to be in that one building out of a list of potential hundreds of thousands.

It makes absolutely no sense unless it is designed to scare people into groveling to the overlords in black ski masks."

11/30/2005 1:43:50 PM

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11/30/2005 1:49:19 PM

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Quote :
"Feds to Fund Controversial School Surveillance

by Catherine Komp

In what some allege is a thinly veiled attempt to normalize surveillance, a federal agency is pumping more money into Big Brother programs that track students despite declining needs for school security.

Nov 29 - As debate over government surveillance rages in adult society, the US Department of Justice is quietly enticing school districts to implement controversial technologies that monitor and track students. Critics fear these efforts will normalize electronic surveillance at an early age, conditioning young people to accept privacy violations while creating a market for companies that develop and sell surveillance systems.

A few of the nation’s schools are already running pilot programs to monitor students’ movements using radio frequency identification (RFID). The highly controversial programs, implemented in the name of student protection, see pupils wearing tags around their necks and submitting themselves to electronic scanning as they enter and leave school property. Now, a new federal grant could lure more districts into using these or similar technologies. "


11/30/2005 1:51:26 PM

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Quote :
"While Americans snooze, a creeping police state grows

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Almost imperceptibly, American freedoms are shrinking with only scant objections from a few voices in the proverbial wilderness.

The modus: creating the fear of terrorism and the corresponding need for stringent new "national security" measures.

Consider a U.S. Supreme Court decision this week.

The court denied the appeal of a former FBI translator fired after complaining vital intelligence was poorly translated and that one colleague was engaged in espionage. Even the Justice Department's inspector general concluded the translator's allegations had merit. Yet, the high court's justices refused to listen to the translator's appeal for reinstatement because the FBI claimed—without a shred of proof—that "national security" was at stake and therefore the case shouldn't be heard.

The court gave the same treatment to "dirty bomb" terrorism suspect Jose Padilla, finally charged with lesser crimes after three years of detention: Government lawyers claimed prosecuting Padilla would reveal "national security" without even explaining what security.

How many of those several hundred other detainees being held as "suspects" in terrorism truly are guilty of anything?

The Patriot Act, with powers to snoop and prosecute anyone for even mentioning they're being investigated, should've been a tip-off that there may be no limit to the creep toward an American police state being engineered by hardliners.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon is expanding activities of the little known and relatively new office of Counterintelligence Field Activity to allow the military to spy on Americans for "national security" reasons.

And what domestic "national security" might interest the Pentagon?

Older Americans with memories of a president who betrayed civil liberties recall President Richard Nixon's June 1970 authorization of "The Huston Plan" allowing the CIA, FBI and Pentagon to spy on critics of the Vietnam War and to round up and detain them. Outrage forced Nixon to cancel the program.

It's time again for Americans to pay attention to intelligence webs, this time woven in the name of fighting terrorism.

The more than 50 government groups known to exist within the U.S. intelligence apparatus, a network of foreign prisons being used to grill suspects whisked away incommunicado on secretive U.S. planes, and a Congress with no stomach to investigate or restrain the Bush administration, should give pause.

We should worry at least as much about the creation of a homegrown and unchecked police state as we do about foreign terrorists.


12/1/2005 1:21:21 PM

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Cameras are being installed in the bathrooms of public schools. Don't worry. This is all "good" because the "authorities" say so. Don't you know that whatever the "authorities" say must be good for you and you absolutely must obey whatever they say?

Quote :
"Camera in School Bathroom


A Jasper County mother says her 8th grade son found a video camera taping in the school bathroom this week. But now, he is the one in trouble.

Cindy Champion says her son, Mac Bedor, and a few of his friends took the camera out of the ceiling because they felt it violated their privacy. Champion says her son brought the camera home to show her that afternoon. She says when she contacted the Jasper County Comprehensive School, she found out high school principal, Howard Fore, put the camera there. She says Fore told her he put the camera in the boys' bathroom to catch students vandalizing. Champion says her son is now suspended for taking school property."


Quote :
"Kids Being Conditioned To Big Brother and Police State

Steve Watson | December 1 2005


Bibb County District Attorney, Howard Simms says cameras in public school bathrooms are legal because schools have more leeway on privacy issues.

This is not an isolated incident. We have previously reported on how Reyoldsburg High School in Ohio has placed cameras in student bathrooms. Incidents have also occurred in Waco, Texas and Pine Bush, New York State.

It seems that the message is Big Brother is watching and if you resist him you will be punished. These incidents reflect the slow creeping surveillance society's debilitating hacking at away at the fourth amendment. It is simply now accepted that we must all be watched even in the bathroom in case someone does something wrong at some point.

Our Schools and institutes of higher education are now total breeding grounds for the Big brother police state. Kids are conditioned from day one to accept surveillance and draconian security policies as the norm.

We have carried countless reports of Schools implementing mandatory student tracking devices containing RFID chips.
“Tagging” U.S. Schoolchildren is becoming common practice:

"Lauren Tatro, 13, told her parents the plain facts. Every student at Brittan Elementary School had to wear a badge the size of an index card with their name, grade, photo — and a tiny radio identification tag. The purpose was to test a new high-tech attendance system... she went home saying she felt like an orange."

Schools are now more like prisons, with the "inmates" wearing tracking devices, having to clock in and out with ID cards, having to go through metal detectors. Police patrol the halls armed with high powered Tasers, ready and willing to use them on young children even though they are proven to cause death in fit healthy grown adults.

Not only is this the case in schools but also in Universities and colleges. Of course by this point the authorities need to know which buildings you are going into and exactly what books you are checking out at the library."

[Edited on December 1, 2005 at 3:23 PM. Reason : `]

12/1/2005 3:20:58 PM

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Video: FEMA detention/concentration camp on American soil? Video of Old Amtrak facility in Beach Grove, Indiana

A walk-through video expose of what's at this large facility, including turnstiles and fencing with barbed-wire turned in to keep people inside (not from getting in). Very interesting.

Video: Clinton asked about concentration camps on American soil and U.N. takeover of American land at press conference

Notice how Clinton doesn't deny the allegations of camps or UN takeover of land. He quickly shifts into saying we live in an "interdepedent world" and that working with the United Nations is good. It is true that the UN is taking over control of U.S. land. By the way, Alex Jones produced a film which documented how the UN is taking control over national parks and other land in the U.S. under the guise of the environmentalist movement. The areas are declared UN "Biodiversity" or "Wilderness" areas, and will be off limits or "restricted access" for humans.

[Edited on December 2, 2005 at 11:58 AM. Reason : `]

12/2/2005 11:56:38 AM

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VIDEO: Texas Congressman Henry B. Gonzales: Plans are in place for detention centers for Americans*wingover

Quote :
"Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?

ABC News 4
by Associated Press

Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz says he's convinced his county is a designated home for a "concentration camp'' in case of civil unrest.

Schulz says he has copies of documents...


Schulz says he thinks the plan has been written in the event of a national emergency where martial law is necessary, and hopes it never becomes necessary."

[Edited on December 6, 2005 at 2:05 PM. Reason : `]

12/6/2005 1:59:19 PM

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