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supple anteater
21831 Posts
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In that clip I posted (just a few posts up), the McCain camp said the reporter went over the line in questioning Palin & as such in retaliation they canceled an interview with Larry King to punish CNN.
Quote :
""How many saw her speech a couple of nights ago? Wasn't it fabulous?" McCain said Friday during a campaign stop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. "You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was purchased by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — and made a profit.""

Also this story is an amusing lie. She didn't sell it on eBay, and she sold it for a loss.

I guess its like the opposing the bridge to no-where story, they use fake examples to say she's a reformer, that then come out not to be true (in this case she supported the bridge to no where before being against it).

9/6/2008 2:26:11 PM

All American
1758 Posts
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so planes don't depreciate?

9/6/2008 2:34:29 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I'm not seeing any verification of this anywhere (if she did casually refer to Hillary with that term at dinner in public it'll dry up any disaffected Hillary voters), although I am seeing it talked about on,, &, but I think this shows that its not the media attacking Palin so much as they complained and complained about at the RNC, but its the internet.

9/6/2008 3:33:09 PM

829 Posts
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9/6/2008 3:35:32 PM

All American
1657 Posts
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^How much longer is this cretin going to be allowed here?

9/6/2008 3:55:27 PM

All American
2588 Posts
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^ no worse than half the other posters on here.

9/6/2008 4:04:34 PM

829 Posts
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I guess I'm too much of a CHANGE from the liberal norm here

so tell me....
since there's so many more people that prescribe to socialism and far left liberals these days, and the internet and media are easily 90% of the same type of left creature....

why is that you can barely if ever win elections??
it's got to be 1 of the following:

1) democrats don't vote
2) democrats only watch tv and trole the internet, while the republicans are out living a life

hmm, you've really got to wonder

9/6/2008 4:06:33 PM

Tom Joad
72767 Posts
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so republicans that post on the internet don't live lives?


9/6/2008 4:15:20 PM

All American
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"So Sambo beat the bitch."

9/6/2008 5:37:15 PM

All American
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^ There's not enough substantiation there for that to be effective. That is only has the potential to cause backlash.

Plus, Palin's husband is part native, IIRC, so saying that she's racist against natives isn't going to stick.

When she laughed though at the radio DJ calling her opponent a bitch and a cancer, she did come off as really mean. And when she was asked what she would do if her daughter was raped, she showed no emotion in her face or voice as she discussed it. So I can see why people would believe this.


The second half of that article was interesting though, if true:
Quote :
"To an outsider, it would seem hard to do, but an oil-rich town with zero debt on the day she was inaugurated mayor was left saddled with $22 million of debt by the time she moved away to become governor – especially since nothing was spent on things such as improving the city’s infrastructure or building a much-needed sewage treatment plant. So what did Mayor Palin spend the taxpayer’s money on, if not fixing streets and scrubbing sewage?
For starters, she remodelled her office. Several times over, as a matter of fact.
Then Palin spent $1 million on an unnecessary, new park that no one other than the contractors and Palin seemed to want. Next, Sarah doled out more than $15 million of taxpayer money for a sports complex that she shoved through even though the city did not own clear title to the land; now, seven years later, the matter is still in litigation and lawyer fees are said to be close to at least half of the original estimated price of the facility.

[Edited on September 6, 2008 at 5:47 PM. Reason : ]

9/6/2008 5:40:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"with one sweep of her perfectly manicured hand, she has supposedly erased McCain's Evangelical problem and united the base that proved so key to George W. Bush's victory in 2004."

Who gives a fuck about Evangelicals not like they would actually vote for Obama

9/6/2008 6:53:13 PM

829 Posts
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Yeh, palin is a racist and a sexist.

GG democrats. Keep up the awesome work.

9/6/2008 6:58:23 PM

Sup, B
52748 Posts
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Seriously, supplanter, how many more times are you going to quote the lies from thedailypos? it's getting old now.

9/6/2008 9:37:28 PM

829 Posts
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here is another piece of the lib media


9/6/2008 10:29:51 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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^ If Palin is so great and experienced, why is the McCAin camp saying she doesn't need to do interviews?

9/6/2008 10:37:03 PM

829 Posts
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ohhhh idk,

maybe she's spending the next few days with her son she might not see for a while???

maybe she's actually doing something useful with her time instead of smiling for the cameras all day like mr jebus obama does?

hmmmm.... idkkk?????

9/6/2008 10:41:48 PM

147487 Posts
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shes probably trying to get preggers so she can have another kid

9/6/2008 10:44:13 PM

All American
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^^ So why not say that?

They are saying that they may not ever let Palin talk to the media, because it's not "in their bests interests" at this point. Yet another tactic they're borrowing from Bush?

Quote :
"The McCain campaign reportedly told the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder not to expect any one-on-one interviews with Palin any time soon."

[Edited on September 6, 2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason : ]

9/6/2008 10:46:40 PM

829 Posts
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obama has been completely open to the press and day after day takes tough questions about the issues


9/6/2008 10:57:31 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah, i did hear he was on oreilly last thurs

9/6/2008 11:00:39 PM

829 Posts
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don't all democrats do that when they're about to lose?? lol

(see: hillary) lol

9/6/2008 11:04:44 PM

147487 Posts
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dont think we will see palin on there anytime soon...lolololol

9/6/2008 11:07:36 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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^^^^ Maybe he had to take care of his 2 young kids or something.

9/6/2008 11:09:54 PM

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9/6/2008 11:14:04 PM

Sup, B
52748 Posts
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we've already been through this. Why isn't Palin talking to the reporters? For the same reason that people don't generally cuddle with their rapist after the rape.

9/6/2008 11:45:44 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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^ oh come on

Sarah Palin isn't talking to reporters because she would screw up. She's smart, but she's not prepared for the scrutiny that a VP candidate has to endure. She has a very short time to study McCain's platform and dozens of national issues. Could she, right now, give an informed answer if you asked her about how to strengthen the dollar in the global economy? Hell no. Up until five days ago, Palin rarely left Alaska. For now she's sticking to scripted appearances with idolatrous audiences.

So the media went nuts over her? Boo fucking hoo. She's an unknown who's seeking the second highest office in the United States. People want to know who she is. Of course there will be questions about her actions as governor, her past, and her family. It's unfortunate, but if you run for Vice President your personal life is going to be made public. Sarah Palin knows this. Everyone knows this. If you don't want your family business on TV, then don't run for VP.

You may rightly object that Biden hasn't gone through nearly the same circus. It's because he's been in Washington for decades. There's no need for a feeding frenzy of information about this man. People already know who he is and what he's up to.

I can't help but note that Palin's conservative views make it clear that other people's families are her business - it's only fair that her family is our business.

9/7/2008 3:58:56 PM

All American
2588 Posts
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Quote :
"So the media went nuts over her? Boo fucking hoo. She's an unknown who's seeking the second highest office in the United States. People want to know who she is. Of course there will be questions about her actions as governor, her past, and her family. It's unfortunate, but if you run for Vice President your personal life is going to be made public. Sarah Palin knows this. Everyone knows this. If you don't want your family business on TV, then don't run for VP.

They went more than a bit nuts. The attacks/flames/etc were incredible, she was getting hammered harder than Bush ever was. Half the shit that was circulated and even talked about on major news networks was complete horse shit that should have never made it on TV.

All that it has accomplished is make her look like a victim in many moderate and republican women's eyes.

I laugh ever time I see some talking head talk about how the Republicans always go negative, as if Democrats never do, never mind they are equally as bad, if not worse, especially in the personal attacks.

9/7/2008 4:18:06 PM

All American
1013 Posts
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Most recent Gallup poll (9/7) has McCain up 48-45.

Keep in mind this is a 5 day rolling average, and 5 days ago Obama was up 49-43, so the potential is there for this to be an even larger advantage for McCain after a few more days pass and the RNC has gotten completely into the polling cycle.

But also, we are 8 weeks away from the election.....

9/7/2008 4:27:12 PM

829 Posts
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polls are only supposed to be discussed when the democrats have a lead.

9/7/2008 4:30:38 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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^^^ I just don't see it. Although I do get most of my news from print and not TV. Newsweek's cover story on her was practically glowing. The N&O questioned her experience (valid) and only mentioned Bristol's pregnancy in the middle of an article about Gov. Palin.

OK Sarah Palin, we all know what the difference is between a hockey mom and a pit bull. Why don't you tell us something we don't know - like how you would govern the country that you want to be Vice President of.

9/7/2008 5:10:15 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Do I really want a pitbull in the number 2 position of the country. Guess she's there to appeal the git-er-dun, ain't gunna tuk mee gun, dey tuk er jerbs, folks.

9/7/2008 5:34:28 PM

829 Posts
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so you don't own a gun?

9/7/2008 7:07:28 PM

147487 Posts
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i've owned 7 since the first bush administration...clinton tried to take them away though but he was unsuccessful

9/7/2008 7:15:56 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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i think i am going to get a pistol soon. Regardless, I do not hoop and holler about owning one.

9/7/2008 7:23:57 PM

147487 Posts
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^might want to wait til after november, just in case obama gets elected

9/7/2008 7:38:12 PM

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9/7/2008 9:22:41 PM

All American
1013 Posts
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New USA Today poll just came out....

McCain/Palin 54%
Obama/Biden 44%

Edit: This is "likely" voters. In the "registered" voters category, McCain/Palin were up 50-46. Prior to the RNC, Obama/Biden had a 7 point lead.

[Edited on September 7, 2008 at 9:32 PM. Reason : .]

9/7/2008 9:29:12 PM

All American
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So this is what all the Obama fanboys were talking about, how McCain is struggling and desperate, uh huh. Polls don't mean crap honestly, but jumping up to a 10 percent lead is going over the sampling error, and isn't exactlly a good sign.

With how hard Palin has been hammered the past week, it's rather funny.

9/7/2008 10:50:40 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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Have you seen that one?

[Edited on September 7, 2008 at 10:53 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2008 10:52:30 PM

180 Posts
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The Dems should have ROLLED this year.....

I love watching this.

9/7/2008 10:55:18 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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that usa today poll is such a statistical outlier.

9/7/2008 10:58:17 PM

All American
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^ It is, but it can generate momentum in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way.

I give it a week before Obama is back on top though.

9/7/2008 11:05:04 PM

All American
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I'm interested in the polls that come out tomorrow and if there are any new state polls.

9/7/2008 11:06:09 PM

180 Posts
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Yeah, I mean ultimately these National Polls mean nothing (unless Obama is winning big).

It will come down to about 5 states.

9/7/2008 11:23:05 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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until the presidency is elected based upon the popular vote, national polls do not matter and will not matter.

9/7/2008 11:28:53 PM

Forgetful Jones
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9/8/2008 12:01:42 AM

All American
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^I like how there's an Obama-Biden photogallery at the end of that article.

9/8/2008 12:03:49 AM

All American
6195 Posts
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good article

9/8/2008 1:02:49 AM

829 Posts
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i liked this line "The moose in the room, of course, is her lack of experience. "

if her big problem is lack of experience, not a single intelligent person should vote for barack obama.

palin = governor, commander of alaska national guard, mayor, city counsel member, pta volunteer
obama = senator, volunteer, good speech giver

it's really laughable if you make that the argument of your article. gg

9/8/2008 1:11:59 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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well lets just cut out the middle man (mccain) and put the most experienced person in power then

its really laughable if you keep telling yourself pta member = experience

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 1:21 AM. Reason : .]

9/8/2008 1:17:50 AM

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