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Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Lets be honest, it is very conceivable that Trump does something that is an impeachable offense. Likely? Probably not. More imaginable than Obama or Bush? Yes

11/27/2016 9:52:22 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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I'm still trying to get over the fact that we will have a president who has actually performed some wrestling moves in the WWF/WWE.

11/27/2016 10:19:40 PM

All American
1164 Posts
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Who's going to impeach him? Congress? Doubt it


11/27/2016 10:22:02 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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No, those who are hoping for impeachment are looking for him to screw up so badly that in 2018, Democrats sweep the elections and they gain control of the house and/or senate. Most likely Republicans will keep the house and they'll gain the senate.

11/27/2016 10:25:57 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"he's proven to be erratic enough to not take any option off of the table"

That's a rather large departure from your previous statement of he will disqualify himself before Inauguration Day

11/27/2016 10:31:45 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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is it?

11/27/2016 11:06:14 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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If Democrats were able to take the house and/or senate in 2018 due to trump's horrible performance I'd prefer them not impeach. People might be willing to give Pence a chance where they wouldn't Donald

11/27/2016 11:07:08 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"is it?"


One was a definitive statement of something that would happen. The other is more of, "well you never know, he could do anything."

11/27/2016 11:12:16 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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would you have preferred that I qualified the statement with a, "he's gonna fuck up and", professor?

11/27/2016 11:23:36 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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What Conflicts of Interest could Trump have as President?

11/27/2016 11:24:14 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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I've seen 1 trump supporter start to crack at the idiocy of the tweets. It's not going to take too many more of these for his unpopularity to shoot back up. If he keeps it up to midterms would be bad for rest of GOP.

11/27/2016 11:48:50 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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His popularity is already incredibly low, and he's the goddamn president elect of these united states.

As for your idiot Trump supporter friend? Well, I'd hazard a guess that he will be more easily swayed into scapegoating muslims, mexicans, minorities, gays, and liberals before he completely realizes that he's been duped by a conman.

I know this will come across as alarmist, but we are fucked, here. Proper fucked. Uniquely, and indubitably fucked.

We have slowly built up a nation that has the strongest military, highest number of incarcerated citizens, largest security and surveillance state known to man, and militarized our state and local police forces with reckless abandon and little to no oversight.

And we just handed that entire system over to a mad man who openly fans the flames of racial hatred and cultural intolerance who is actively surrounding himself with members of the radical right-wing. He has, on-the-record, expressed his desire to muzzle the press and infringe on free speech and he can't control his own impulse to fucking tweet whenever he feels slighted.

In what universe does this story have a happy ending?

11/28/2016 2:36:54 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"would you have preferred that I qualified the statement with a, "he's gonna fuck up and", professor?"

Sorry I ruffled your feathers by pointing out the stupidity of your claim

11/28/2016 7:46:35 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Look at the bright side, if he changes libel laws like he says he will he and his buddies will be the first ones hit with lawsuits.

11/28/2016 9:34:37 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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stupidity of my claim, eh?

11/28/2016 9:51:08 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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Yeah this claim

Quote :
"he's gonna disqualify himself between now and Inauguration Day "

Unless you can explain it with something more than

Quote :
"he's proven to be erratic enough to not take any option off of the table"

11/28/2016 9:57:09 AM

All American
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the man is an unstable person

an unstable person of his magnitude has never been elected president before

seeing as how he's unstable, there's a very real possibility that he does something that disqualifies him between now and inauguration day. I am not a psychic, so I don't know exactly what that could be.

11/28/2016 10:07:36 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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Sounds likely...

11/28/2016 10:20:44 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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do you disagree that he's unstable?

11/28/2016 10:23:59 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I think he might do something impeachable within his term, but what would disqualify him as President? Unless he dies, renounces his citizenship or somehow gets 35 years younger...

11/28/2016 10:59:19 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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or resigns due to a scandal...

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 11:09 AM. Reason : since there's precedent for that]

11/28/2016 11:05:06 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"do you disagree that he's unstable?"

I think he has some unstable characteristics but I don't think he will disqualify himself before Inauguration Day as you claimed

11/28/2016 11:15:45 AM

26632 Posts
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what scandal could possibly make trump resign?

11/28/2016 11:41:03 AM

50084 Posts
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Maybe if he admits on tape to sexually assaulting women?

Maybe if he has a massive conflict of interest between his businesses and running the country

Seriously he could execute people on Pennsylvania Avenue for jaywalking and congress wouldn't impeach him and his voters would lap it up.

11/28/2016 11:44:23 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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a clear piece of evidence showing collusion with Russia during the election?

11/28/2016 11:44:49 AM

26632 Posts
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no one cared about paul manafort

11/28/2016 12:00:29 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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I just skimmed a few parts of the actual transcript from the NYT interview but had to stop because I could feel myself getting stupider. His answers are literally The Lost Puppy monologue from Billy Madison. May god have mercy on our souls

11/28/2016 12:27:00 PM

5608 Posts
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I wasn't aware that women "letting you do anything" was sexual assault.

There are plenty of good anti-Trump arguments, but they all one from libertarians, conservatives, or classical liberals that can do more than recite MSM talking points.

Leftist still don't realize their character attacks only strengthen the orange one.

11/28/2016 1:26:04 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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95% of all rapists ever have used the claim "she let me do it, " or "she was totally into it."

The women that came forward to accuse trump told a different story.

11/28/2016 1:44:34 PM

50084 Posts
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What he said was absolutely describing sexual assault (of course whether he actually did it or has done it is the issue). I bet JCE was one of those people aghast at a law that doesn't allow husbands to forcibly rape their wives if they don't put out.

Regardless that was a throw away line. Still LOLing that he thinks Trump was self funded.

11/28/2016 2:03:13 PM

5608 Posts
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Leftist loved Trump... He was a democrat, he donated to Hilary... He had his Hollywood lifestyle for 20 years nobody cared.

Then as soon as he is a republican running for office... HES A RAPIST!
Except as soon as the election is done, the rape cases are gone.

Interesting how that works.

Even more interesting is that of all the valid criticisms against trump you gullible hacks go with the baseless liberal tabloid smears, further empowering the orange guy

Quote :
"Regardless that was a throw away line. Still LOLing that he thinks Trump was self funded.

You must be desperate if you're interpreting that as literally penny for penny self-funded in entirety, just for the sake of argument. Do some homework on Trump vs Clinton's contributions and then tell me how the logic from my original statement isn't valid.

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 2:59 PM. Reason : Ez]

11/28/2016 2:50:07 PM

50084 Posts
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Most of that, at least since the election, is in your head. Maybe that's why you fixated on a dumb throw-away line instead of the fact Trump really is in over his head.

And who loved Trump? He literally was the biggest asshole on earth to Obama. I wish Obama was as ruthless a tyrant as the right made him out to be years ago with regards to Don.

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 2:59 PM. Reason : X]

11/28/2016 2:58:14 PM

5608 Posts
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When it comes to the hacks of TWW, There is literally NOTHING Trump could do that you wouldn't simply spin as a negative.

The man isn't president yet, and you hacks are just parroting leftist headlines as if anyone outside of your echo-chamber cares.

A leftist hack journalist trying to fill a quiet news week will pull a ton of unobjective "Trump is in over his head! Trump is unstable!" headlines out of his ass. Breaking News: The only person more ___ist and ___phobic than Trump's latest appointee is his next appointee! - liberal media

There are valid criticisms, there are baseless criticisms. If you don't differentiate between the two, less-brainwashed people see your lack of integrity and view your hate as a plus for a candidate. This applies to hacks and the media, and it's why the DNC lost. So when people see a desperate attempt to portray someone as a racist with no evidence, they defend that person because the accuser is a piece of shit.

Example: A TWW hack thinks Trump's pick of Bob Smith is racist? Well there is no evidence of that, so he must be a good guy if the idiots hate him.

As opposed to: Bob Smith's policy of X was ineffective and this is a poor choice because Y. (An actual argument)

11/28/2016 3:20:47 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Plz JCE, inform us which criticisms are legitimate. We need to make TSB a safe place for you.

From my point of view the fact that Trump is just regurgitating long dead or debunked conservative "ideas" or policy (at least when he can form a coherent enough thought to give us some details of his plans)is hardly interesting, he is a republican after all. Not only have most of those policies been discussed to death in TSB, they've been hashed out fairly well by the media too. What I find most interesting is how completely shitty of a human being he is and how nearly half of the nation either doesn't care or doesn't believe it.

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 3:30 PM. Reason : So yea I'm just gonna keep talking about it as I plz]

11/28/2016 3:23:51 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"The women that came forward to accuse trump told a different story.

You mean a desperate Clinton campaign throwing shit hoping something will stick?

Which allegation actually has merit? Or are you just gullible and prone to believe whatever the leftist media prints?

11/28/2016 4:10:09 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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JCE saying liberals used to like trump tells me he eats up conservative talking points with a big ol' spoon.

11/28/2016 4:18:49 PM

8379 Posts
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Reddit claiming r/the_donald is a bastion of hate speech. Meanwhile...

Everyone has lost their goddamn minds. Yeah it's a meme-shithole, but these bigotry claims are out of control.

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 4:56 PM. Reason : .]

11/28/2016 4:55:30 PM

5608 Posts
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The left attempting to censor speech? What a shocker. I also heard any news network not in bed with the DNC is "fake news".

11/28/2016 6:22:36 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^^^Jill Harth and the People magazine reporter's claims were both pretty legit IMO.

^^^yes, it's becoming obvious to me that the "alt-right" has the same echo-chamber and victimhood tendencies that they (sometimes rightly) critique the left as having.

^^and this is a perfect example. I'm not going to do a complete review of her post history, but if she was going on some of those anti-Muslim rants in those subbreddits then I wouldn't be surprised if she got banned, nor do I think that makes her a victim.

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 6:30 PM. Reason : Triggered!!!!]

11/28/2016 6:28:33 PM

8379 Posts
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Well you're missing the point. The_Donald is expressly against bigotry. They are distinctly against illegal immigrants and muslim terrorists. Not muslims or immigrants or any other protected group. As a liberal who posts there sometimes, they're pretty fucking tolerant and I wish we would encourage that. People need to step outside their echo chamber.

But here's the post you're looking for:

Quote :
"This is an ignorant agenda-pushing propaganda post. You are advocating for protests which have achieved nothing except getting people killed. You are unhinged from reality and its people like you who give trans persons a bad reputation of being delusional snowflakes. I post at the_donald. I support trump and I voted for him. Am i invalidated here now? Am i not a real trans? Your post disgusts me and as others have pointed out, thats not even what this board is for."

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 6:39 PM. Reason : .]

11/28/2016 6:34:24 PM

5608 Posts
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Fucking identity politics

11/28/2016 7:00:25 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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how do you know someone is a witch?

you throw her in the water, if she floats she's a witch, if she sinks to the bottoms she's not.

11/28/2016 7:12:26 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Quote :
"They are distinctly against illegal immigrants and muslim terrorists."

Which is a horse shit narrative because neither one of those things are real problems. You know what the biggest source of illegal immigration is in this country? Europeans and Asians overstaying their travel or student visas. Yet, Trump's entire campaign focused on our southern border with Mexico. Which, by the way, is already something close to 90% effective at stopping illegal immigration. Is there a single post on /r/theDonald about getting rid of Europeans or Asians overstaying their visas? Hmmmm, I wonder why that is?

As for Muslim terrorists: toddlers with guns killed more Americans than muslim terrorists over the last 8 years. Yet every time there's a mass shooting by a non-brown person, it becomes about everything other than the real problem: gun control. When a brown person does it? Terrorism! Again, I wonder why.......

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 7:40 PM. Reason : .]

11/28/2016 7:38:46 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Well, the posts I was looking at were more along the lines of:

Quote :
Wow! We love our based black centipedes.(EVEN MORE IMPRESSIVE LENGTH). I think us dangerous faggots connect to them really well. We are both groups that libcucks want to fit into a mold. All we want to do is MAGA.

Unrelated to the video but muhammed was a pedophile, not a prophet, and was known to eat his pigs right when he was done fucking them, as that was when the meat was most succulent. His dad also came in his ass alot."

among others she's made.

11/28/2016 7:43:12 PM

8379 Posts
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In other subreddits...

And it's still not the point. Fuck's sake. It's hopeless.

11/28/2016 8:19:53 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I mean you keep trying to sell the "I'm going to give Trump a chance!" line of reasoning to people who have already accepted it's going to be a disaster. What are you expecting at this point?

[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 8:31 PM. Reason : .]

11/28/2016 8:28:19 PM

8379 Posts
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I'm not selling that narrative at all and I haven't since his second round of cabinet appointments.

I'm trying to get people to step out of their bubble and stop calling everyone bigots when it isn't warranted.

11/28/2016 8:33:35 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Lol at adultswim really trying to argue that /r/The_Donald isn't anti-Muslim.

I'm all for stepping out of one's bubble, but that's a pretty ridiculous position to take.

11/28/2016 8:42:25 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I don't need to go on reddit and browse /r/thedonald to know that people are going to say racist and bigoted shit. Yeah, there are some Trump supporters who aren't racists or bigots, but so what? Enough of his supporters are vocal about their prejudices for me to get a good enough idea about their values.

11/28/2016 8:43:20 PM

8379 Posts
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do you go there often? i browse it every day. they are anti-muslim when it comes to the actually awful segments of the religion, just like others oppose christian fundamentalism.


[Edited on November 28, 2016 at 9:16 PM. Reason : .]

11/28/2016 9:09:57 PM

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