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All American
4080 Posts
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We started having to use read receipts after an opposing counsel attorney started saying "I'm not getting your emails" in response to our motions, and blaming our email system for her lack of response/documentation, etc. Now, we have a way to call her out on her bullshit. She tried to continue using that excuse, but we just forwarded the read receipts to the Judge and he called her out on it. It's annoying, but one liar made it necessary.

10/15/2014 12:27:31 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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My boss uses it on every email and if he doesnt get one back he makes me call them because he assumes they didnt get it. I have tried to explain that not everyone uses a system that even notifies them you asked for one. For instance my iphone doesnt pop up and say you requested a read receipt. He basically thinks if you dont send him one back you are doing something shady or are ignoring him.

10/15/2014 12:35:13 PM

Sup, B
52740 Posts
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^^ That seems like a one-off thing. The first time the guy tries that excuse, then do like you did and use read-receipts on him. At the point you prove him a liar in court, he's lost his case anyway, because the judge sure as hell isn't going to believe him any more. And then if he does it again, you've already got proof that he perjured himself before over the same thing, so you're good to go.

10/15/2014 4:37:08 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
Sending an email is documentation enough for us, its not our fault if you dont check it but every 3 days."

This. These days, email isn't an option for most work environments. It's amazing that the attitude of the people who blatantly will tell you "I don't really check/use my email" is tolerated at so many professional places still.

10/15/2014 5:17:30 PM

All American
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She still tries that crap and we have so many different judges she doesnt have a reputation for it yet. But we have changed the policy to just read receipts for emails sent to her office. Today her assistant had the gall to say I never responded to any of her emails and copied the judge. If you're going to lie, at least pick something I can't immediately disprove. Just makes you look bad and wastes my time.

10/15/2014 9:03:07 PM

Sup, B
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^ See, that's exactly how you should do it. Use a read-receipt when you really need it. Otherwise, don't piss everyone else off just because one person is a dickbag.

10/15/2014 10:25:59 PM

Save TWW
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what are you talking about, she didnt say it was universal. maybe it is, but she certainly didnt say that

anyway, dont usually post but the lead at our internal machine shop left me a vmail at 7pm saying he need to talk with me about one of my parts and "something happened to one of the machines" and "i REALLY need to get up with him first thing in the AM".

Not sure if he thinks i'm a big suspense fan, but why the fuck cant you just give me a short summary of what happened so i'll know what i'm walking into??

10/15/2014 11:02:29 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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ugh work has blocked chrome from adding any extensions (like adblock, etc) or signing in to chrome.

10/16/2014 7:57:57 AM

35772 Posts
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We have a Keurig coffee maker in the break room and a water cooler less than 10 feet away. Yet my dumb office manager continues to fill up the Keurig reservoir with the terrible tap water.

10/16/2014 8:29:28 AM

All American
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Does yours not have the water filter inside of it?

10/16/2014 10:01:45 AM

All American
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does tap water really influence the taste of coffee?

10/16/2014 10:06:59 AM

Sink the Flagship
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I and most of my colleagues in my branch work 10pm-6pm but we have a weekly meeting with my boss' boss at 9am so we all come in early on Thursdays for it. It has gotten canceled 11 out of the last 12 weeks within ten minutes of the meeting, even though we email Tuesday asking if it's on for sure or not.

10/16/2014 10:25:57 AM

All American
51897 Posts
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Tap water does influence the taste of coffee. The presence of dissolved solids in tap water limits the amount of organic compounds from the coffee in the final solution, and depending on the types of things dissolved, they can contribute foreign odors and flavors. Try the same coffee brewed with filtered water and with chlorinated tap water, for example.

10/16/2014 10:52:40 AM

All American
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agree that it affects the flavor. Coffee made at our home with water that comes through the refrigerator filter is noticeably better than using tap water. Interestingly enough it is more noticeable with iced coffee.

10/16/2014 11:02:15 AM

All American
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UGH. along with not allowing chrome extensions, the county has made our "download" folder point to the smallest drive we have in the system... it has like 250 MB of space total. And our ability to change the destination has been grayed out.

10/16/2014 11:22:11 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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Welp, looks like I work with hysterical Ebola lady. Dropped by my office twice today to give me an updated body/infection count, talk about how we should have stricter quarantines, worried about her pregnant friends visiting the hospital, blah blah blah

10/16/2014 5:51:00 PM

All American
6758 Posts
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that b is cray

10/16/2014 7:13:27 PM

All American
15539 Posts
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Come to work on a Monday into a shitshow because people were given out-of-date information for our workday setup, even though the correct information is clearly labelled as the latest. Scrambling to fix someone else's fuckup is not my idea of fun.

10/20/2014 6:55:50 PM

oh we back
25262 Posts
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I've probably mentioned it in this thread before...but almost every Monday we have a conference call. Which is no big deal. I generally find them unproductive, but it's not a huge deal. The annoying part is that we then have another conference call on Tuesday at 5 PM with pretty much the same people. A few people on the Monday conference call aren't on the Tuesday one...but there's no additional people on the Tuesday one. Seems like an utter waste of time.

10/27/2014 10:41:25 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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Boss is a loud talker and a noisy eater...combine the 2 (eating while he's talking on the phone) and I want to fucking shoot myself

10/29/2014 12:15:12 PM

15294 Posts
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Listening to sports center all day makes me want to go on a stabbing spree.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

10/30/2014 3:50:39 PM

All American
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We have meetings for students after school that are set up through counselors and special ed case managers, and I don't mind attending at all. They usually give me at least a week (a week is the expectation) or two notice before a meeting so I can make arrangements with my babysitter. I got an email yesterday informing that I had a meeting this afternoon, which is too damn late for me to make arrangements. I went to the meeting because I want the kid to be successful, but I had to leave early... I guess my annoyance is that because of the late notice, I'm the one who "looks bad" to everyone else involved.

10/30/2014 3:57:38 PM

Sup, B
52740 Posts
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People who won't fucking listen, won't write down anything you say, and won't share any of the information you give them with their team.

I've told multiple people on the QA team multiple times that they cannot run the production version of our software in one of our testing environments anymore.
We need to do some regression testing with the production version, so I took three days last week setting up another environment, letting the QA manager know of my progress multiple times a day.
I take my time Tuesday, explaining AGAIN to the QA manager that she can not run that version of the software in our SIT environment, even explaining why.
Yesterday, the QA manager instructs one of her employees to test that version in SIT. Naturally, it doesn't fucking work. Earlier that day, I had told that same employee not to do it, multiple times. That employee then logs a critical defect, and starts getting my manager in a tizzy because she thinks we have a massive, critical defect, days before our go/no-go decision. I get up, go over to her desk, stopping the work I was doing on getting ANOTHER environment up and ready for testing for a different release this Friday. I see, of course, that she's running that specific version. I damned near lose my mind, and basically tell her that if she runs that version in that environment again, I'm not going to help her any more. of course her response is "my manager told me to do it," at which point I'm thinking "and you didn't tell her it wouldn't work because..."

So, today, guess what happens... I'm working hard on something else, and the QA manager frantically runs up to me and says "oh my god, this thing won't work, we need it to work for Friday!!!" I walk over with the manager to a different person's desk, and what do I see? The same fucking version running in the environment I've told them not to run it in. So, I point my finger over the version number on the screen and I say "This is the 20th time I have told you or a member of your team not to run that version in SIT. If I find you or anyone else running this version in that environment one more freaking time, you and I are going to sit down with your manager so you can explain to both of us why neither you nor anyone else on your team can follow simple directions about what versions to run in what environments."

I then had to get up and take a walk, because everyone within two rows was staring at me. Yes, I'm an asshole, but I'm an asshole who doesn't like repeating himself multiple times for simple shit like this.

10/30/2014 11:47:54 PM

All American
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^ that sucks, but if people are having that much trouble, maybe there's a different process or method of conveying that information that you can use.

Do you have a way to push out notifications to the instances or to older versions of the software that shouldn't be run?

10/31/2014 4:53:07 AM

All American
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sometimes my job reminds me that i'm old. one of my students was talking about her mom and it turns out her mom went to high school with me... and was a year behind me.

10/31/2014 7:45:23 AM

oh we back
25262 Posts
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Phone call I got today from a coworker at a different branch location:

"Hey man, I'm gonna be in your area tomorrow and Sunday and I've got some product that I need to get to you. If you're gonna be around I'll give you a call and we'll meet up"

Or ya could just throw it in UPS for like $15 and save me the trouble of taking time out of weekend to meet you. Especially on Friday afternoon when you say "yeah I'm not sure if it'll be Saturday or Sunday yet, it's hard to say just yet". Yes, I'll be waiting on pins and needles for you to call so I can drop everything I'm doing and go meet you.

Shoulda told him I had plans or wasn't gonna be around but he caught me off guard

[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 4:20 PM. Reason : d]

10/31/2014 4:18:48 PM

All American
33779 Posts
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^^ ouch

10/31/2014 4:54:28 PM

Sup, B
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well, moron, I spoke directly to the three people who I knew would be testing it, including their manager. I also emailed them the information. They had to specifically request that version from our application container, so... yeah... I finally just deleted the versions out of the SIT container. I didn't want to do that, because that's our main testing container, and it's nice to have info about previous prod releases there so you don't have to go hunting or log in to PROD and worry about screwing things up. Of course, that won't stop them from downloading it from the other one and copying it into the one in which it won't work.

[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 8:25 PM. Reason : ]

10/31/2014 8:24:33 PM

All American
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I was terminated today! Only an annoyance because I have to look for another job so soon. But so glad I am not going to work for a micro-micromanaging dick anymore.

10/31/2014 9:23:40 PM

All American
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Co-worker's wife had a baby (preemie) and is out of PTO. He sent out an email asking for PTO donations. I have over 100 hours, so I donate the company maximum of 40. He emails me back asking why I didn't give more, saying "I know you have xxx hours available." Dick.

11/7/2014 10:04:15 AM

45908 Posts
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File management and organization. Holy shit some people have no concept of this.

Also, asking me for past hours spent on very particular parts of a project. I don't have a damn clue. We don't track time/bill time in that amount of detail.

11/7/2014 10:09:42 AM

All American
6758 Posts
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^^^fired or downsizing? If you're unhappy I guess it doesn't really matter

^^im so sick of that stuff. Happens way too often.

11/7/2014 10:42:36 AM

All American
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Fired.Was there for three weeks haha...

In the letter, he just basically threw the "hanbook" at me. Probably out of laziness and because he doesn't have anything concrete on me. If it was due to low performance it doesn't explicitly say it, or maybe he legally doesn't have to.
He'll never say it, but I think part of it was, at certain times, I challenged his authority. But not just for sake of picking a fight, but there was no logic to his behavior.

Now I have to deal with HR to request for removal of the "termination" status off my record. based on my history with the university, I have gotten nothing but satisfactory performance ratings from my previous PIs. I also have an email I saved from him, and in it he thanked me for all of my hard work and experience and getting certain things done at a reasonable time. I think it would make the case for removal of termination status more strong?

11/7/2014 11:21:41 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"File management and organization. Holy shit some people have no concept of this."

My boss has every file he has ever used in his my documents not seperated by folders or anything. Also has every email he has received over the past like 7 years in his inbox and complains why it takes forever to search or find something.

11/7/2014 11:24:36 AM

26632 Posts
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i'm terrible about grouping emails, mostly i just save important ones in my project folders

11/7/2014 11:27:52 AM

All American
3942 Posts
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If you're on Outlook 2010, the grouping by conversation view is terrific for organizing emails.

(View -> Arrangement = Date (Conversations)

11/7/2014 11:43:02 AM

All American
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Yeah he is using outlook 2006 so

11/7/2014 11:44:01 AM

5820 Posts
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Quote :
" He sent out an email asking for PTO donations."

I have never heard of this. Is this a normal occurrence?

11/7/2014 12:22:08 PM

15294 Posts
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PTO donations? F that

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/7/2014 12:30:53 PM

26632 Posts
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I've never seen a request for PTO donations, it seems kinda fucked up.

11/7/2014 12:31:55 PM

5820 Posts
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Why the hell would you give someone your paid time off.

11/7/2014 12:48:40 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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And he knew he was getting ready to become a father. You'd think he would have been cognizant of that and saved up some time.

11/7/2014 1:45:16 PM

All American
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To his defense (which I don't defend his entire stance) was a "preemie".

11/7/2014 1:48:43 PM

All American
7338 Posts
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One of my jobs I had about 100+ hours of sick leave saved up. If an employee ran out of ALL their sick leave and ALL of their personal time you could donate time to them. You could only use sick leave for medical reasons or calling in sick on Friday or whatever. My new job is just straight vacation and PTO.

11/7/2014 1:59:21 PM

All American
16807 Posts
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We have it, but I work in local government. I get emails every now and then for people needing to acquire sick leave usually for medical reasons.

11/7/2014 2:08:22 PM

5820 Posts
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I must be a greedy asshole I would never give anything like that away nor would i ask someone to do so for me.

11/7/2014 2:20:26 PM

All American
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Yep unless whatever rules were in place made it where there is no possible way I could use all the time I had acquired and would not be able to be paid for it then maybe if you werent a dick.

11/7/2014 2:22:37 PM

All American
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My sick leave wasn't paid out (federal government) when I left, but I also never donated in case you know, I got the cancuh.

11/7/2014 2:30:16 PM

All American
12762 Posts
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Quote :
"I must be a greedy asshole I would never give anything like that away nor would i ask someone to do so for me."

11/7/2014 3:52:46 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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i get requests for sick day donations all the time. I don't ever donate them because I might have to use them in the future with two young kids. My wife did have some leave donated to her when we had our first kid, but she NEVER asked for it... a lady at her office approached her and told her she had more time than she could ever use and asked to donate it.

11/7/2014 3:58:50 PM

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