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All American
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Quote :
"its definitely not

not even close"

i probably worded that wrong. i dont think its rich either. its more that in my office we probably only have 3 people that actually qualify for the rebates (not including the admin assistants). we are entry level consultants. and while we do pretty good for ourselves we still make significantly less then the primary consultants. its hard for me to be all that sympathetic about them not getting rebates when they pull into the parking garage the in brand new bmw's etc.

probably didnt help that they were doing this when i was on a 2 month long streak of 60+ hours/week and everyone else was ducking out of the office early (its our slow time of the year, i just got stuck on the project from hell)

4/11/2008 1:00:19 PM

All American
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I hate having to smile and greet everyone I pass in a hallway just because we're coworkers. It's all forced and fake but if I don't do it it'll look like I have a bad attitude.

4/11/2008 1:55:05 PM

All American
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One Friday I was leaving for the day at around 4:30 (which is my NORMAL time to leave anyways). I had been in the office since 7:15am and hadn't taken a lunch break. Cunt Face sees me leaving and asks if I was going. I replied that I was and that I had to take my dog out because he had been inside all day, and that also I was driving up to Boone and wanted to get there before it got dark outside. She replied in a high pitched semi sarcastic manner by stating "Okayyyyyyy, we have looooocks" (database lock). I proceeded to leave, since I had gone around to the other data managers's prior to this and asked them if they needed further assistance and they said no. On Monday morning one of my co-workers came into my office and asked me if I got in trouble for leaving on Friday. I replied that I had not because she had not mentioned it to me. He then informed me that after I left Cunt Face walked back into her office screaming "I can't believe he just fucking walked off, what the fuck ever, I'll remember that for his next fucking performance review." Needless to say she had a "come to Jesus" meeting in the week that followed with the CEO, but I STILL didn't get that bitch fired...Still waiting for that bus to throw her under.

4/11/2008 2:15:59 PM

All American
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come to Jesus meeting???

4/11/2008 2:18:53 PM

4362 Posts
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damn dude, sounds like a bad situation

4/11/2008 2:20:19 PM

All American
9019 Posts
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Come To Jesus Meeting: "A time when a polite ultimatum is given, generally followed by a less polite ulitimatum, then a threat. Drug and alcohol "interventions" are often refered to as 'Come to Jesus Meetings'."

4/11/2008 2:21:10 PM

All American
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4/11/2008 2:21:29 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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yeah where do you work where that is part of the lexicon

4/11/2008 2:22:02 PM

All American
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Well she's an issue for everyone, like 3 people I know now in my department are looking for other jobs because they can't stand her as a manager and 3 people have left previous to that to go to other companies or other departments within this company. Everyone in the office hates her and thinks she's obnoxious, loud, rude and vulgar. So w/ all this tension mounting my direct supervisor (who's just under Cunt Face, who's the "director" of data management) went to the CEO with everyone's complaints and they had a meeting with her telling her that she was no longer to act like she was managing people in our department and to stop working on projects and to let the data managers do all that since my supervisor was now the head of that aspect of our department. They also told her to tone down her voice and to stop cussing up a storm then they gave her a raise...I mean SERIOUSLY, what the hell is up with that? She's a fucking Cunt and she pretended to be "nice and normal" for about a week and now she's back into her old habits.

4/11/2008 2:29:08 PM

All American
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whatever she's doing is working....hence the raise

you're sheep and so is everyone you know

4/11/2008 2:32:34 PM

All American
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sheep would just do what they're told and not ask questions

4/11/2008 2:46:45 PM

All American
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I pretty much just threw my manager under the bus to our owner.

The girl is in way over her head as a manager. She's unqualified and pretty much retarded in general when it comes to work. I would have quit the day she was hired if I could have made the same money (or even slightly less) at another place. If I could just come in and do my thing every shift...then I could deal with it. But her incompetence is affecting my money and the business in general. I'm just hoping the other owner loses his hard-on for this idiot and they get rid of her or demote her.

I don't know if I can make it through another weekend with her as my boss.

4/11/2008 2:47:53 PM

All American
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sounds like she's a micromanaging management noob

4/11/2008 2:49:17 PM

All American
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my boss is well over 400 pounds and acts like his shit smells like fucking cologne

he has no idea how to deal with people and yet takes every little thing we do and scrutinizes it to a level that is highly unnecessary. that is very very annoying

4/11/2008 2:49:17 PM

All American
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Cunt Face will get a draft of something that someone wrote and never review it or give them feedback on it then will talk shit about how they didn't do it right or something ... WELL maybe if you reviewed it or gave people feedback and critiques they could get it to your holier than thou standard...

4/11/2008 2:54:43 PM

45208 Posts
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I must say that I work with crazywill722 so I know allll about "cunt face". She's such a bitch!

She's all nice to me because I'm newer here and she wants me to move over to her department. She was like "come talk to me next week so I can give you a synopsis of what we do here, because you never know if this is something you'd like to do."

There is no way in hell you could get me to go over to Data Management after hearing everyone talk about her, and with my personal experiences of working with her.

4/11/2008 2:59:55 PM

All American
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ya'll need to do a office prank on her

4/11/2008 3:15:56 PM

All American
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Like ... rat poison in her water? HAHAH that'd be hilarious!

4/11/2008 3:24:15 PM

All American
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Reading this thread makes me appreciate my work a bunch. Tiny company, but very laid back, good communication, and free coffee!!

But I do have some annoyances about my HOA. I'm on the board, so I have to go to the meetings. The main bad part about them is how we could finish everything in like 30-45 minutes if we just stayed on topic, but it always seems like people need to tell their personal stories or reiterate mess that's been said already.

4/11/2008 3:37:53 PM

All American
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free coffee? is this considered a perk?

4/11/2008 3:40:07 PM

The Judge
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The Fax machine is not working, we are literally having to scan documents and email them, this is ridiculous

4/11/2008 3:40:29 PM

All American
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Cunt Face is always claiming the fact that her family has a history of crazy brain tumors that are inoperable and kill you within a short period of time...I'm hoping for her genes to get on the boat already and speed up the process...

4/11/2008 3:42:06 PM

76471 Posts
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For the delivery job:

motherfuckers who
- give the wrong address
- don't tell you to hold the delivery, because they won't be there until a certain time
- don't answer their phone

I want to fucking kill you.

Some pharm rep ordered a bunch of stuff for a lunch meeting at a MDs office from Bear Rock today ~1115, gave the wrong suite number, and didn't answer her phone for over 25 minutes - both I and the dispatchers were trying to get hold of her.

When a company promises to have your food to you in under an hour, it's a good idea to use the 'order in advance' feature to schedule your delivery time, or else you'll get it soon

4/11/2008 3:42:23 PM

The Judge
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page by page

4/11/2008 3:48:45 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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Quote :
"free coffee? is this considered a perk?"

Not all workplaces offer the same level of amenities. I work at the university--ain't no free coffee here, at least not in any of the 3 organizations I've worked in.

4/11/2008 3:56:42 PM

All American
3796 Posts
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Quote :
"free coffee? is this considered a perk?"

Heck yeah, I consider it one. That being said, it's a small one.

^ Exactly. Although at both my university jobs (C-Store, TOTA desk) we had free coffee.

[Edited on April 11, 2008 at 3:58 PM. Reason : Anything extra is a perk in my noggin.]

4/11/2008 3:57:49 PM

All American
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I work for the university and we have unlimited starbucks brand coffee. Not that starbucks is the best, but hell, it's free

4/11/2008 3:58:43 PM

45208 Posts
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Ahhhh we have free coffee/tea/water and all that bullshit and people STILL complain!! "Why don't we get Dunkin' Doughnuts coffee? It's way better"

Why don't you dig into your pockets and order it yourself. I just order what I'm not complain to me!!! You drink enough of the coffee we get to make it seem as if you enjoy it!

4/11/2008 4:01:02 PM

All American
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^ Forilla...

4/11/2008 4:03:55 PM

All American
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I agree w/ DivaBaby - esp. the part about people complaining about the free lunches, like "ughhh sandwichesssss? Why can't we have *insert something ridiculously expensive*" like they are just SO upset, I'm like "bitch, don't complain about free shit, you could stand to skip a few meals to begin with anyways"

4/11/2008 4:10:44 PM

68205 Posts
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my ex works in DH HILL and they dont get any free coffee

4/11/2008 4:12:04 PM

19447 Posts
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I have an M&M dispenser on my desk, and my co-workers always leave one. Never two, never zero - always one. If you've already drained the whole bin, please just take them all. One lonely candy looks so sad.

4/11/2008 4:44:20 PM

All American
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I can't stand it anymore that so many people don't have a basic grasp on submitting images for print. These dumb peckerheads gave me a 72 dpi logo that's maybe 80px across that they probably grabbed from a website and expect me to use it in a magazine ad. It doesn't just magically look clear when you blow it up to 2 inches, it looks like Claude Monet took a dump on it!

4/15/2008 12:23:05 PM

19447 Posts
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We get that all the time.

I also get people who get really outraged when someone else with the same profession is sourced in an article with them. It's generally annoying to deal with people who get mad at you because they think they know how to do your job better or decide you're doing it wrong.

4/15/2008 12:49:38 PM

63151 Posts
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here's my bitch

coffee isnt free, except on fridays and holiday weeks

the 8oz cups they supply are $0.25
to fill a 16oz mug you bring yourself, it was $0.35.
the price went up to $0.40.

i'm kinda irritated that the price only went up for the larger mugs, but not the smaller portion... and shouldnt the cost of more coffee be offset by the saved cost of not having to use one of the styraphome cups and lids?

i dont get it

4/15/2008 12:57:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It doesn't just magically look clear when you blow it up to 2 inches, it looks like Claude Monet took a dump on it!"

rofl, what do you do?

I really hate that shit

4/15/2008 12:59:31 PM

All American
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^^how do they enforce that? do they have someone standing there to collect your change or is it just honesty policy?

4/15/2008 1:01:13 PM

19447 Posts
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Also, I just learned that one of our advertisers refused to pay for its ad because it had a border around it and the one on top of it did not, so it looked a little bit bigger and they said the top one was "crooked."

[Edited on April 15, 2008 at 1:03 PM. Reason : why they felt someone else's ad majorly affected theirs, I don't know]

4/15/2008 1:01:21 PM

35771 Posts
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here is my gripe.

you spend almost 5 months "revising" these plans to be ready for bid and construction. You add two new equipment panels and numerous other mechanical equipment which is tied into said panels. Yet you fail to actually locate these new panels anywhere on the floor plan drawings. So, wtf do you expect me to do

4/15/2008 1:01:25 PM

35771 Posts
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^ i guess that is more of a work annoyance instead of workplace. I guess my workplace annoyance is that we are out of refreshments in the fridge

4/15/2008 1:12:58 PM

All American
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That sucks. My coffee would get cold if I took more than 8 ounces at a time. They should charge you less for subsequent cups since I assume you reuse the same Styrofoam cup.

4/15/2008 1:13:43 PM

All American
542 Posts
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Crazywill, is she a direct manager of you? If not, you simply dont have to listen to a damn thing she says.

If she is your manager, there are a couple things you can do to make her hate her life a little more. If she isnt directly above you, but 2 or more steps, make sure to tell her that you "need to run it by my supervisor/team lead" whenever she gives you an assignment. Eventually she might go straight to him, and he will start to hate her even more.
Whenever she starts giving you an assignment, dont make eye contact and reiterate some bs "im not listening" phrase such as "uh-huh, yeah, sure, ok" every sentence or two. Never do any assignments she gives you. Ever. If she asks, just say you had to run it by your supervisor and that its taking longer than expected or "what are you talking about?" or "Ok, Ill re-prioritize that right away."
Just generally completely disrespect her but never obviously let her know.

If you want to prank her, try this one I found: its a variation of cupping someone. Get into their office and stack hundreds or however many empty paper cups on every free part of their desk. Must be paper. Then staple them together at every point they touch. Fill they all with water as full as possible. This is damn near impossible to clean up well. If you grab one, they all spill instantly.

Btw, where do you work that you get free food? All we get here is free instant coffee (its good instant coffee, but still instant).

4/15/2008 1:14:37 PM

All American
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we used to have free breakfast, lunch, and sodas in the fridge

then we had free breakfast, heavily discounted lunch, and sodas in the fridge

then we had free bagles and toast in the morning and sodas in the fridge

then we had a crappy fountain soda dispenser installed in the breakroom

then they took that away too

all of this happened over a 2 year period

all in all, i'm ok with all of it except for that i wish that we still had free sodas in the fridge

4/15/2008 1:19:55 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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We're pose to always have drinks in the fridge but Johnny Intern always forgets to refill it.

[Edited on April 15, 2008 at 1:23 PM. Reason : x]

4/15/2008 1:23:12 PM

All American
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Sounds to me like a lot of your problems stem from working under women. In my past experiences this has always been frustrating.

I'm so glad I have a highly skilled job now where no women can be in charge of me. Fucking bitches.

4/15/2008 1:56:02 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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i love how my boss just decided to "work from home today." oh don't worry, she's answering emails and making phone calls... just from home.

4/15/2008 1:58:16 PM

All American
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haha a lot of you have female bosses

you should find another job

4/15/2008 2:00:17 PM

All American
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My last boss was female and she was pretty cool.

4/15/2008 2:05:29 PM

All American
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in response to miska's question, I'm a graphic artist for a magazine (I won't say which one, given my constant bitching about the company).

Other shit I hate is when advertisers want to cram an unbelievable amount of text into a 2.5x3 inch ad, then after I submit something with some white space, they want to fill it in with more logos and crap. Then they complain that the text is too small. If you want a legible, attractive ad, buy more ad space, you cheap bastards.

4/15/2008 4:22:36 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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smells like someone peed on some fritos here

4/15/2008 4:51:03 PM

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