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 Message Boards » » 9/11: A ZIONIST-ORCHESTRATED GOVERNMENT INSIDE JOB Page 1 ... 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 ... 58, Prev Next  
All American
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how long before you realize that repeating your lies does not make them any more correct? The facts and evidence clearly show the official story to be correct. Such pathetic tactics like making up stories and posting photoshopped pictures will not deceive anyone from knowing the truth.

4/18/2006 10:30:32 AM

All American
60354 Posts
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got any big plans this week salisbury?
i think i'm gonna try and travel up to new england, i bet its pretty this time of year; probably still a little cold though

4/18/2006 10:36:19 AM

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The following admission came from Carl Cameron's 4-part series on Israeli Spying in America on FOXNews:

Quote :
"A highly placed investigator said there are "tie-ins." But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, "evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information.""

Senator Bob Graham (D-FL), a leading member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, appeared as a guest on the PBS Newshour with Gwen Ifill on December 11, 2002. Graham stated that a foreign government or governments had to have funded and supported the hijackers. Here's part of the exchange:

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"IFILL: "Are you suggesting that you are convinced that there was a state sponsor behind 9/11?"

GRAHAM: "I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing – although that was part of it – by a sovereign foreign government and that we have been derelict in our duty to track that down, make the further case, or find the evidence that would indicate that that is not true and we can look for other reasons why the terrorists were able to function so effectively in the United States."

IFILL: "Do you think that will ever become public, which countries you're talking about?"

GRAHAM: "It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now. And, we need to have this information now because it's relevant to the threat that the people of the United States are facing today.""


Quote :
"Senator Graham is suggesting that US intelligence knows which foreign government helped the terrorists, but the government isn't going to tell us for another 30 years! Given the current state of anti-Muslim war hysteria being promoted by the media and government, common sense dictates that if an Arab government was ever discovered to have sponsored 9-11, we'd be seeing the evidence night and day on the controlled media, and hearing about it non-stop from all the President's warmongers as well as the Israeli-occupied US Congress and Senate. This alone is evidence that no Arab government was involved in 9-11."

Are you getting the picture? A high-level U.S. Government official admits that Israeli involvement in 9/11 is "classified" information. Then Senator Bob Graham, leading member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, admits that "a foreign government" was involved in 9/11, but the U.S. government is not doing enough to pursue that link, and this information will not be declassified and released to the public for another 20-30 years. This obviously isn't some Arab/Muslim government Graham's talking about. Based upon all of the evidence--including the Israeli spies in America "trailing" (handling and framing) the 9/11 "hijackers", the Mossad agents filming and celebrating the WTC attacks, and the Israeli "art students" and other spies gathering intelligence for terrorist attacks--it is clear that the government Graham is talking about is Zionist Israel.

This is similar to Operation Northwoods and the faked intelligence on the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The U.S. Government will probably wait 30-40 years before declassifying documents and revealing the truth. Obviously, after that much time has passed from the original events, revealing the truth will cause much less of a firestorm and public outrage, and fewer people will care.

4/18/2006 10:42:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"how long before you realize that repeating your lies does not make them any more correct? The facts and evidence clearly show the official story to be correct. Such pathetic tactics like making up stories and posting photoshopped pictures will not deceive anyone from knowing the truth."

4/18/2006 10:45:45 AM

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Quote :
"How long before some of you recognize that a strategy of repeated denial and disparagement isn't going to work?

Such pathetic juvenile tactics cannot stop people from discovering the truth, because the facts and evidence are on our side. At best, such a strategy can only prevent a few people from actually examining the evidence (for a while). But once they look at the evidence, it's over."

To anyone who still believes the government's "official" story on 9/11 (and those people are now much fewer in number), casually dismissing the idea that our government could have been involved...or thinking that those who believe the government could have been involved are "kooks"/"nuts"/etc....I ask you this:

Take a step back for just a moment, forget about the MSM conditioning using emotional arguments and labels attached to this and other viewpoints....AND LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE for the opposing view. If you actually examine the evidence, you will discover that the "official" story is riddled with holes and is absurd.

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"repeating your lies"

Where have I lied? Show me just one example.

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"The facts and evidence clearly show the official story to be correct. "

The "official" conspiracy theory about 19 rag-tag arabs masterminded by an evil genius in a cave pulling off 9/11 is an ABSOLUTE JOKE. And anyone who has seen the evidence in this thread knows that. Now, whether they will acknowledge the truth is another matter.

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"making up stories"

Where have I "made up" a story? Give me one example.

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"and posting photoshopped pictures"

What a joke.

Are you being serious...or are you really this pathetic?

4/18/2006 11:00:02 AM

All American
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do you really claim that alex jones knows the truth and that the madness that he posts on his website is correct? are you really that pathetic??

i ask you this: who is alex jones? who are the other consiracy thoerists? why are they so emotional in thier hatred of George W Bush and of America? It is widely known that they are liars and are soley out to make money. All of the evidence proves this?

I do not casually dismiss what they say though. I have looked at every link you have posted and i have concluded that the conspiracy thoeries are all a bunch of crap. the fact that believe them is sad. no one is convinced by your lies.

4/18/2006 11:10:13 AM

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"do you really claim that alex jones knows the truth and that the madness that he posts on his website is correct?"

First off, Alex Jones backs up virtually everything he says with documented evidence. Most of the content on his websites is simply links to "mainstream" articles.

As I have said on several prior occasions, I disagree with Alex Jones on several issues. For one, he downplays the role of Zionism. For instance, he rarely talks about the Mossad/Israeli connection to 9/11.

That said, Alex Jones is correct on many other things and is providing important and good information exposing the truth on a variety of issues.

Quote :
"i ask you this: who is alex jones? who are the other consiracy thoerists?"

Trying to smear people with the label "conspiracy theorist" (as the government and MSM conditioned you to) hardly qualifies as a persuasive, rational, or substantive argument. The MSM has conditioned people to reject certain information that contradicts the "establishment" or "mainstream" view by labelling such views "conspiracy theories", etc. And whenever you hear such information, they expect you to have a knee-jerk reaction and instantly think such information is "kooky" and wrong, without actually thinking about the argument or examining the evidence supporting the argument.

The real question is not why someone would disagree with the "mainstream" view on certain issues, but why anyone would blindly trust the "mainstream" view when the government and MSM has been caught lying to us over and over and over again.

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"why are they so emotional in thier hatred of George W Bush and of America?"

They don't "hate America." That's absolutely ridiculous. By exposing the criminals in our government, they are demonstrating that they love this country. Do you understand the difference between supporting your country and your government? Are you really so stupid as to believe that people who oppose a government leader "hate their country"?

And in case you didn't notice, a majority of Americans want Bush impeached. His approval rating is the lowest of almost any president on record. I guess that means most of the country "hates" George W Bush, right?

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"I do not casually dismiss what they say though. I have looked at every link you have posted and i have concluded that the conspiracy thoeries are all a bunch of crap."

Well, for whatever reason you simply refuse to acknowledge the truth or you are one of those rare individuals who can have the truth presented to them on a platter, and they still won't see it.

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"So, you can join those exposing the truth now, or you can continue to deny reality. Some people will continue to deny the truth to their deathbeds even if it is right in front of their face. But even if you deny it now, more than likely you will have to acknowledge it later because the evidence is overwhelming. And if you continue to deny the obvious, you do not matter. The future is for those who have the courage to acknowledge and face the truth. The choice is yours."

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"no one is convinced by your lies."

You wish. People around the country are now waking up to the truth about 9/11 in droves. The "official" conspiracy theory is crumbling. Before long, you will see that those who know and believe the government was invovled in 9/11 will be the clear majority...just like most people now reject the Warren Commission Report and the government's claim that Oswald acted alone to kill Kennedy.

trikk311, If you disagree with me, fine. But CHALLENGE ME ON THE EVIDENCE. ADDRESS THE FACTS. DON'T CALL ME AND OTHERS WHO THINK LIKE ME NAMES. Anyone can see that I have provided tons of evidence disproving the "official" story. Yet my opponents have provided virtually no evidence...only name-calling, smear tactics, and apmming the thread with nonsense to try to distract from the information and evidence I've presented.

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 11:47 AM. Reason : ``````````]

4/18/2006 11:38:22 AM

All American
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how do you want me to challenge lies. they are lies. they are forgeries. they are photoshoppes. if you want evidence supporting the truth please check these reputable sites.

any of them will do. the evidence is right in front of you salis. if you continue to not see the truth then you are one of the rare people who is willing to completely decieve themselves for the sake of a cause. i am not willing to do that.

also..please refrain from playing the "name calling" alex jones not theorising about a consiracy? thats the only thing i have said. so stop being so defensive? why are you so defensive unless you have something to hide? so you can cut that crap

it is in fact widely accepted that alex jones (your messiah...even though you disagree with him on .06% of issues) is a fake and a not try to discount that by calling that smear do this type of thing all the time (....blah blahj blah....zionist nazi...blah blah blah.....god is racist too...blah blah blah)

wake up salis....the truth is right in front of you.....

4/18/2006 11:47:05 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Whats the point? You simply dismiss evidence that you don't like and ignore questions that you can't answer.

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"Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?

So why should anyone believe your rantings anyway You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world."

Quote :
"How long before some of you recognize that a strategy of repeated denial and disparagement isn't going to work?"

You mean the exact same thing that you have been doing for 15 pages?

4/18/2006 11:55:45 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"how do you want me to challenge lies. they are lies. they are forgeries. they are photoshoppes."

For starters, provide evidence to the contrary of what I have provided (if it exists). But I have seen virtually nothing in the way of that in this thread from supporters of the "official" story.

And if they are "lies", "forgeries", and "photoshops" (as you claim), then please explain and show why they are such. Ranting and raving and calling this evidence "lies"/"photoshops" is not enough. Explain why, as opposed to just claiming it. It would be like me just claiming "9/11 was an inside job" and then providing no evidence to support my claim and not explaining why or how my claim is true. Oh, and that's pretty much what the government did. They claim it's the muslims that did it, yet didn't prove it, but rather framed bin Laden using phony tapes, and then completely ignored the other aspects of what happened or claimed they didn't know what happened (eg, the FEMA report claims the cause of the collapse of WTC Building 7 is "unknown").

Quote :
"if you want evidence supporting the truth please check these reputable sites."

That's not providing any evidence. That's simply providing the link to the homepage of various MSM websites. And by the way, I have used each one of those very websites to provide evidence disproving the "official" 9/11 story.

If you are serious about supporting the "official" story, substantively address and try to refute the evidence I have provided. Simply claiming that the photographs I have provided are "photoshopped" is not seriously or substantively addressing the evidence.

Quote :
"How about the evidence that WTC Building 7 was destroyed in a controlled demolition, the evidence for explosives in the twin towers, the phony bin Laden tapes, the U.S. Government plan to invade Afghanistan before 9/11, that the neo-cons and Zionists wanted to go to war in the Middle East and central Asia well before 9/11, the stand down of NORAD and the U.S. Air Defense on 9/11, that many of the supposed "hijackers" turned up alive after 9/11, the 5 Mossad agents arrested on 9/11 after seen filming the WTC attack and celebrating, or the many other serious problems with the official story?

Do you want to discuss any of the evidence for those things?

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 12:09 PM. Reason : ``````````]

4/18/2006 12:00:49 PM

168 Posts
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The photographs are not photoshops
You can find them in any MSM source

4/18/2006 12:01:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"And by the way, I have used each one of those very websites to provide evidence disproving the "official" 9/11 story."

You have provided links to stories on those pages. They do not disprove 9/11, nor does your wild speculation loosely based on what you read.

4/18/2006 12:04:39 PM

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You're not fooling anyone "overthrower." theDuke866 (and most others) know full well that you are someone impersonating me and trolling.

4/18/2006 12:06:09 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So answer some questions.

4/18/2006 12:08:36 PM

9434 Posts
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Substantively address the evidence I have provided.

4/18/2006 12:10:32 PM

168 Posts
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I'm trolling? I'm supporting you

4/18/2006 12:13:51 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I have. You ignore or dismiss everything that contradicts or disproves what you want to believe.

Address the gaping holes in your vision of world events.

Quote :
"Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?

So why should anyone believe your rantings anyway You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world."

4/18/2006 12:15:54 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Once again, Mr. Joshua is spamming the thread with trivial questions, snide comments, and issues that have already been order to try to distract and direct the discussion away from the evidence disproving his position on the issue."

4/18/2006 12:18:31 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"When have you addressed any of these issues? I would like to have a rational discussion without you ignoring issues, dismissing others, and slandering those who disagree with you."

So you resort to trolling...

4/18/2006 12:21:35 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm trolling? I'm supporting you"

Please address my claim that you are trying to impersonate me.

Have you or have you not been trying to convince others that you are really me? For example, when others claim that you are me (ie, that I have created another account), have you corrected them and told them that you are not me?

4/18/2006 12:24:13 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.

Quote :
"Why didn't they build a pipeline in 1998? Why did they blow up their own african embassies and then launch a missile attack on Afghanistan? They were set to build a natural gas pipeline with the Taliban then. Why mess that up for no reason?

You don't believe that Afghanistan was invaded for the sake of a pipeline? Then why are you defending that theory so stubbornly?

You just said that Afghanistan was invaded so that a pipeline could be built. Now you're saying that the zionists wanted to prevent the building of a pipeline - just like how Iraq was invaded to secure the oil supply even though the zionists don't care about the oil supply. How do you reconcile all of the conflicting information that you spout off on here?

By the way, how did the zionists cause the US Civil War and the Revolutionary War?

I would also like to see some proof that Pearl Harbor was caused by the evil edomite zionists.

You have provided absolutely no evidence at all that the Rothschilds are the zionists at the top running world events. They were a prominent family that supported the creation of a jewish state, that is all. Please provide some evidence other than "Here are some rich jews!"

Why would the NWO blow up the two US embassies in Africa in 1998?

So why should anyone believe your rantings anyway You have admitted that you hate jews. As such, you are far from an impartial source when you blame jews for every problem in the world."

4/18/2006 12:27:19 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Once again, Mr. Joshua is spamming the thread with trivial questions, snide comments, and issues that have already been order to try to distract and direct the discussion away from the evidence disproving his position on the issue."

4/18/2006 12:27:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
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How are these questions trivial? You've presented an entirely new belief structure that you want people to buy into. Why would you not have to defend or explain it?

How are these questions snide? They are serious questions that warrant serious answers. I am genuinely curious and feel that you owe me a response.

Where have any of these been addressed? You have stated ideas as 100% proven fact without providing any evidence supporting them. I'm not trying to distract or redirect the discussion, I am simply trying to get responses to questions that you can't answer.

Here's what it comes down to:

In true salisburyboy fashion, someone has presented questions that you cannot answer, so you begin trolling.

4/18/2006 12:34:54 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"In true salisburyboy fashion, someone has presented questions that you cannot answer, so you begin trolling."

No. I don't want to waste inordinate amounts of time on your questions (distracting from the purpose of the thread). And even if I address those questions, you will have many more questions (on issues not related to 9/11), further diverting the thread from its purpose. You have done this to me many times before, trying to distract me and distract from the information I'm presenting.

You cannot disprove the evidence I have presented, Mr. Joshua. You can only hope to ask unrelated questions and try to distract me, and distract from the information I'm presenting.

Everyone can see this is what you are doing.

4/18/2006 12:43:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Substantively address the evidence I have provided."

ok sport...

seriuosly....everything you have presented does not need to be argued on a point to point bases...a full investigation was conducted by experts (not conspiracy thoerists ( calling!!) like alex jones) and what they found contradicts the absurd stuff you post. therefore, your posts dont need to be argued about. the "facts" that you claim simply CANNOT be.

all that aside from the fact that alex jones is a known liar...

4/18/2006 12:51:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Basically you'll waste everyone else's time by posting theories on a discussion board and then refusing to discuss them.

While some of these questions aren't directly related to 9/11, they have all been raised by claims that you have made in this thread. I'm not trying to distract any more than you are, I'm simply trying to examine your ideas from all angles. What do I get for actually doing this and attempting to have a rational discussion with you? You turn into a troll.

I'm not trying to disprove your claims. Conspiracy theories, by nature, are unfalsifiable. This is what allows them to exist. The burden of proof is on you to disprove the "official story" that you continually bitch about. Making emotional responses and simply calling it a "crock of shit" accomplish nothing. After all, you are the guy who presented a playing card and a face in the smoke as evidence.

If you feel like playing with the big kids, please be prepared to defend your ideas and answer questions, rather than just slandering those with differing viewpoints.

4/18/2006 12:53:12 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"seriuosly....everything you have presented does not need to be argued on a point to point bases..."

You don't want to argue specific points and specific facts because you can't. You cannot refute the evidence I've provided. And talking about the evidence forces you to bring attention to the evidence I've presented, further weakening your own case.

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"a full investigation was conducted by experts (not conspiracy thoerists ( calling!!) like alex jones) and what they found contradicts the absurd stuff you post. therefore, your posts dont need to be argued about. the "facts" that you claim simply CANNOT be. "

Look. The The 9-11 Commission Report is a whitewash. It's an absolute joke.

It's not an independent investigation. Of course a government appointed "investigative" commission is going to cover for the government and find that the "official" story is true.

Quote :
"all that aside from the fact that alex jones is a known liar..."

If he's such a "liar", give us just one or two examples of all these "lies" he must have told. Or do you not have any examples, just as you have not yet given any examples of me "lying" or "making up stories" (as you hysterically claimed)?

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"You turn into a troll."

How am I trolling? It's my opponents, not me, that are trolling. I have the evidence on my side. My opponents have to try to distract from that evidence.

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"The burden of proof is on you to disprove the "official story"...."

Why isn't the burden of proof on the government and MSM to tell the truth? It's they who have been caught lying to us over and over and over again.

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"Making emotional responses and simply calling it a "crock of shit" accomplish nothing. "

That's what supporters of the "official" conspiracy theory do, not me. I've provided evidence to back up my claims....while supporters of the official story just rant and rave, claiming my view is "crap", providing virtually no evidence to support their view.

Quote :
"If you feel like playing with the big kids..."

Quote :
"Once again, Mr. Joshua is spamming the thread with trivial questions, snide comments, and issues that have already been order to try to distract and direct the discussion away from the evidence disproving his position on the issue."

I've got you pegged

4/18/2006 1:04:13 PM

All American
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salis....the 9/11 commission report is fact. go ahead and disprove. all you do is call it a the whole of the government in on this consiracy??

you lose....the burden of proof is on you mr. conspiracy....i have read everything you have posted and everything you have said...and you have no proven a thing

why are you so bad at this??

Quote :
"It's not an independent investigation. Of course a government appointed "investigative" commission is going to cover for the government and find that the "official" story is true.

and of course a liar and a conspiracy man like jones is going to disagree with with something better than that...

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 1:08 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/18/2006 1:06:36 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"salis....the 9/11 commission report is fact. go ahead and disprove. all you do is call it a the whole of the government in on this consiracy??...the burden of proof is on you mr. conspiracy...."

Let's get this straight. You believe the government's explanation and version of events no matter what. And anyone who disagrees with the government is wrong and is a "lunatic nutball conspiracy theorist."


Quote :
"....the burden of proof is on you mr. conspiracy...."

Why is the burden of proof only on those who question the government, MSM, and the "official" version? Is there not a burden of proof on the government and MSM? Shouldn't we be suspicious of whether the goverment and MSM are telling the truth, especially when they have been caught lying to us over and over and over? Do you remember those government lies to trick the public into the Iraq War? Niger Yellowcake? Ring a bell?

Quote :
"you lose...i have read everything you have posted and everything you have said...and you have no proven a thing"

Say it with me.


4/18/2006 1:15:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Let's get this straight. You believe the government's explanation and version of events no matter what. And anyone who disagrees with the government is wrong and is a "lunatic nutball conspiracy theorist."


wouldnt it be awesome if thats whati said!!!!?!?!!?

no i dont believe it no matter what..i have read alot of the 9/11 report and i have read all your posts. and i have conluded (AFTER LOTS OF INVESTIGATION) that you are full of crap. i know you love to believe that you are right and that everyone who doesnt see that is either blidnly following the media or is part of the zionist plot or whatever but guess what, thats not the case

how much more can the government prove? the did an independent investigation and came up with the facts. when they got those facts they put them together therby showing (proving) what happened. the fact that you still refuse to believe it is a sad statement on your level of deception.

(here lets be cool like salis!!!)

say is with me


4/18/2006 1:20:00 PM

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Quote :
"how much more can the government prove? the did an independent investigation and came up with the facts."

How was the 9/11 Commission "independent" when it's director was appointed by Bush?

Quote :
"Cover-up and propaganda: The 9/11 commission finishes its dirty work

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

June 29, 2004—The 9/11 Independent Commission is an orchestrated cover-up, controlled by the Bush White House and Bush Justice Department, headed by Bush-appointed directors, and run by legendary Washington fixers and veteran war criminals with direct ties to the most likely 9/11 planners, operatives and beneficiaries.

This fact has been amplified, as the commission has begun to wrap up its final report, burying the truth about 9/11, under new piles of spin, distortion, theater, unsupported allegations, warmed-over Bush administration lies, and lurid new fabrications.

The highlights from the most recent releases speak loudly of the commission's political agenda: engineer a limited hangout that absolves the Bush administration for 9/11, concealing key complicity evidence. At the same time, the commissioners selectively criticize Bush for Iraq-related policy, while laying political groundwork for an "improved" and more aggressive "war on terrorism," and new US/UN operations in the oil-rich Middle East.


A Stage-Managed Damage Control Organ From Day One


The commission was formed only after public pressure, notably by outraged 9/11 victims' families, forced the White House to undertake some measure of public damage control. Opportunistically, the Bush White House dictated the conditions under which the commission would operate. In addition to being granted numerous protections, Bush himself would appoint the commission's director, as well as dictate and approve its mandate. Another condition was that the commission had to be comprised of "prominent citizens"—political elites and Washington insiders."

4/18/2006 1:27:17 PM

All American
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i about i produce ANY news article that supports the report....would that make you belive it??

i didnt think WHY oh WHY would you think i care what that guy says???

some random article doesnt mean anything...give up on that crap

by the way...on the home page of that that website...the second menu item is donate (lets use a salis tactic here) why would that be so high on the list?? very suspicious dont you think?? MIGHT it be because these people (like alex jones) are only out to make money??!!?!?

that must be it....and i have proven it

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 1:33 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/18/2006 1:30:36 PM

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Quote :
"(CBS) For the first time, the chairman of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks is saying publicly that 9/11 could have and should have been prevented, reports CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston.

"This is a very, very important part of history and we've got to tell it right," said Thomas Kean.


Appointed by the Bush administration, Kean, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, is now pointing fingers inside the administration and laying blame."

4/18/2006 1:34:49 PM

All American
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the people who actually did the investigation were not working for bush. who cares about the guy who directed it. he had no power over what they found

that proves it...beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Quote :
"independent commission "

from the article, chief...there ya go

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 1:38 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/18/2006 1:37:01 PM

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Oh, and notice the picture in the article above....

It shows the demon face in the smoke. Is this picture "photoshopped", trikk311?

4/18/2006 1:39:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"How am I trolling? It's my opponents, not me, that are trolling. I have the evidence on my side. My opponents have to try to distract from that evidence."

Yes, you are trolling. You slander anyone who has a differing viewpoint. I'm not trying to distract you. You can play that card as much as you like, I'm still going to ask questions about the claims that you present as proven fact. The fact that you will expend this much energy to not answer them only hurts your argument.

Quote :
"Why isn't the burden of proof on the government and MSM to tell the truth?"

Here's the problem: no matter what the present as proof, you will still create an excuse not to believe it. Believing anything that they tell you would destroy your entire belief structure and world view. Do you not realize how close minded you are?

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"That's what supporters of the "official" conspiracy theory do, not me."

Quote :
"I don't claim to know everything, but I do know that the "official" 9/11 story is a crock of shit."

Okee dokee.

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"I've got you pegged"

Look, I'm one of the few who actually pays attention to you and tries to have a rational discussion. The fact that I don't buy into it immediately does not warrant the slander and smear tactics that you have adopted in arguing with me. People would respect your opinion much more if you could present it with an ounce of maturity.

4/18/2006 2:32:31 PM

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Quote :
"Yes, you are trolling. You slander anyone who has a differing viewpoint....The fact that I don't buy into it immediately does not warrant the slander and smear tactics that you have adopted in arguing with me. People would respect your opinion much more if you could present it with an ounce of maturity."

What a COMPLETE JOKE. Anyone can see that I'm being mature and trying to have a serious discussion on these issues. It is my opponents who are engaging in baseless name-calling, smear tactics, spamming the thread with nonsense, and trolling.

Don't think it's not obvious what you're doing. Your slinging mud and accusations, hoping that some of it will stick. But it's not going to work. People who've actually read my threads over the years know that I'm not like that. I don't engage in smear tactics.

You're not fooling anyone Mr. Joshua. You're only suceeding in wasting some of my time by having to respond to your nonsense.

Quote :
"I'm not trying to disprove your claims."


And why aren't you going after my opponents who are engaging in mass levels of smear and trolling? Why are you only going after me? Are you really neutral in this? I think not.

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 2:48 PM. Reason : ``````````]

4/18/2006 2:40:23 PM

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control paste and smearing doesn't equal a mature conversation

4/18/2006 2:46:10 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Anyone can see that I'm being mature and trying to have a serious discussion on these issues."

Whenever anyone believes the "official" story on 9/11, you attack them as being in denial, only believing what the mainstream media tells them. You refuse to believe that others could have done research and come to a conclusion different than yours. Is that maturity?

The fact that you have spent an entire page making excuses to not answer questions, rather than using one post to put them to rest shows how weak your case is and how far you will go to avoid a rational discussion about your ideas.

Quote :
"It is my opponents who are engaging in baseless name-calling, smear tactics, spamming the thread with nonsense, and trolling."

Are people your opponents simply for having a different opinion than you? Why are you so hostile towards anyone who thinks differently than you do?

Quote :
"Don't think it's not obvious what you're doing. Don't think it's not obvious what you're doing. Your slinging mud and accusations, hoping that some of it will stick."

Thats not what I'm doing at all. I'm telling you how you're acting because its ruining your credibility.

Quote :
"I don't engage in smear tactics."

How many times have you called others "trolls" in this thread? I assume that you will make an excuse for this too. Let me guess: "They are trolls, so its okay for me to call them that." Regardless of your opinion, it still amounts to smearing others. You're blind if you can't see that.

4/18/2006 2:52:00 PM

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Quote :
"control paste and smearing doesn't equal a mature conversation"

Where have I smeared anyone?

If you are so opposed to smear tactics, why aren't you calling out my opponents here who have used all kinds of smear tactics and name-calling against me?

And if you are so big on "maturity", why have you not called out my opponents who are engaging in all manner of childish trolling, including spamming the thread with nonsense to try to distract from the evidence I'm presenting?

This is a complete joke. You, JonHGuth, are one of the most immature people here. You're the one who's spammed the thread the most in the pathetic attempt to distract from the information --copying and pasting my old posts (OMG, the same thing you accused me of above).

Talk about hypocrisy.

I'm glad I have people like you as opponents.

Quote :
"How many times have you called others "trolls" in this thread? I assume that you will make an excuse for this too. Let me guess: "They are trolls, so its okay for me to call them that." Regardless of your opinion, it still amounts to smearing others. You're blind if you can't see that."

Only two people. Woodfoot (who admitted he was trolling the thread), and you, Mr. Joshua (who has admitted before that you are here to distract me, and has consistently harassed me over a long period of time).

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 3:04 PM. Reason : `````````]

4/18/2006 2:53:15 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Why are you only going after me? Are you really neutral in this? I think not."

Because you're the only one that I'm trying to have a discussion with.

Quote :
"Where have I smeared anyone?"

Quote :
"And if you are so big on "maturity", why have you not called out my opponents who are engaging in all manner of childish trolling, including spamming the thread with nonsense to try to distract from the evidence I'm presenting?

This is a complete joke. You, JonHGuth, are one of the most immature people here. You're the one who's spammed the thread the most in the pathetic attempt to distract from the information."

"But, but.....its not smearing if its what I really think!"

okee dokee

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 2:57 PM. Reason : 666]

4/18/2006 2:56:45 PM

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telling the truth isn't smear

4/18/2006 2:57:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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oh man did i call that one.

4/18/2006 2:58:16 PM

9434 Posts
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so that's the best you could gather together as proof that I "smeared" someone?

how utterly pathetic

4/18/2006 3:01:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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No, not the best. It was just funny because in the same thread you said that you didn't smear people. Then you smeared people. Is the humor just lost on you?

Can we go back to rational discussion or do you want to stay on your tizzy of calling people pathetic trolls who only believe what they are spoon-fed by the government? Because I can come back later when you calm down.

BTW, when did I ever admit that I am here to distract you? You keep saying that, yet whenever I ask you when I said that I don't get an answer. Is questioning someone really tantamount to harassment?

4/18/2006 3:06:09 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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edit post are complete joke...your conspiracy thoeries are a complete joke...alex jones...and you ...are liars and hypocrites

thats not smearing...thats the truth

4/18/2006 3:10:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Can you shed any light on the embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998, the Khobar towers bombing in 1996, or the USS Cole attack in 2000?

If Al Qaeda isn't a real organization, then who carried these out and why?

4/18/2006 3:15:53 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"BTW, when did I ever admit that I am here to distract you? You keep saying that, yet whenever I ask you when I said that I don't get an answer. "

I remember you admitting that in a thread. But this was around a year ago (or more), so I don't think I would be able to find it very easily.

Regardless, your actions demonstrate that you are here to distract me.

4/18/2006 3:21:51 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Think what ever you want. You are the one avoiding discussion and ignoring questions.

4/18/2006 3:23:30 PM

All American
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why is salis so arrogant??

he knows everything and we know nothing. and we cant possibly be here to discuss things, we can only be here to "distract" him....incredible

this is part of why no one respects all

[Edited on April 18, 2006 at 3:24 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/18/2006 3:23:38 PM

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