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All American
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9/22/2015 2:45:58 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Y'all, the kid took the casing off of an old clock, put the clock guts in a pencil case that resembled a briefcase, tied it up, and then apparently set it to go off during class.

If it was intended to be a bomb hoax, it was pitiful and not an offense I think he should be charged with criminally.

However, I'm unclear how y'all are all so sure that he wasn't attempting to prank someone at some point throughout the day. We're talking about a 14 year-old, guys--they lie and do stupid stuff all the time.

9/22/2015 3:44:48 PM

All American
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Yeah, the more I hear and read about this, the more it does sound like the kid was maybe trying to play a prank and get attention, and knew the thing might be mistaken as a bomb.

9/22/2015 4:11:28 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"the kid took the casing off of an old clock, put the clock guts in a pencil case that resembled a briefcase, tied it up"

really? i assumed he put a little more effort into than that...

9/22/2015 4:23:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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That's what this guy basically said

9/22/2015 4:25:21 PM

5608 Posts
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Ahmed/His dad are geniuses that took advantage of outrage culture.

The emotional knee-jerk reactions of the brainless social media masses, combined with the racial victim narrative liberals would jump behind... look at all the free shit they got. Well played.

"She said: they didn't think he had a bomb"
"She said: they just wanted to humiliate a little Muslim, African boy. They didn't think he had a bomb"
5million shares in the echo chamber.

9/22/2015 4:29:07 PM

All American
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while i think i agree with you here, you sound ridiculous

9/22/2015 4:30:14 PM

All American
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I find the soccer/Jesus mom outrage culture that always use the trump card "Think of the Children" to justify support of such bullshit policies, such as Zero Tolerance policies schools, as far worse of a societal problem.

9/22/2015 4:41:21 PM

26632 Posts
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i'm not sure why taking advantage of the situation is a knock against the kid or his dad

9/22/2015 6:11:10 PM

All American
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they should be wearing cones of shame and turn down any good that comes out of a bad situation, obviously

9/22/2015 7:47:28 PM

5608 Posts
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I said they were geniuses how is that a knock against them?

They knew what the political climate was, knew the race card was there, and now Ahmed gets to show the POTUS how he unscrewed a clock case and put it in a pencil box ("inventing").

9/23/2015 10:56:06 AM

All American
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they played the race card how, exactly?

by just existing?

9/23/2015 11:05:48 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I have lost my innocence. I can never look at the world in the same way... I like science, but I look like a threat because of my brown skin."

It's really more of a religious/islamaphobia card, same concept of minority/victim though that has no evidence.

Quote :
" Thank you for your support! I really didn't think people would care about a muslim boy"

His father is a political activist. He played the knee-jerk liberal social media outrage army for chumps. I wonder if there will be outrage when Ahmed goes to the Whitehouse and gets patted down by secret service, you know, because of his brown skin and muslim-ness.

9/24/2015 10:11:14 AM

All American
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so in your eyes, Islamophobia isn't a real thing?

9/24/2015 10:54:39 AM

All American
7341 Posts
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^ A phobia is an irrational fear of something. The religion of peace has given us plenty of valid reasons to be afraid of Muslims.

9/24/2015 11:43:07 AM

All American
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in America?

how many teenagers with brown skin have bombed a school in America?

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 11:44 AM. Reason : .]

9/24/2015 11:44:16 AM

All American
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if you can expand your scope to outside of America, then you can see what he's referring to. we're not exactly an isolated island, you know.

9/24/2015 11:49:04 AM

All American
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^^^ that's 100% bullshit.

Outside of America, muslims are killing more muslims, it's a civil war, not a war of muslims vs. everyone else.

Inside of America and Europe, muslims are being attacked, having their mosques burned, and hearing misguided politicians and citizens denigrate their entire class, for no rational reasons, far more than the other way around.

Islamophobia is a real thing and the statement "The religion of peace has given us plenty of valid reasons to be afraid of Muslims" is rank idiocy.

If you're afraid of brown people with beards, that's your character flaw, that's not a policy position. Fear culture that islamophobes are pushing is antithetical to all the lessons we learned throughout the cold war last century, it's like we need to relearn as a country that it's important to treat all people equally and fairly regardless of their race, creed, or color.

This is what they used to teach kids in school, but we don't really stand for these principles anymore if we let islamophobes run the country.

9/24/2015 12:01:50 PM

All American
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two words...9/11

9/24/2015 12:07:59 PM

All American
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At some point in 6th or 7th grade history class, most students wonder how people used to support slavery, or how a society could round up japanese and put them in camps, or how hitler managed to convince an entire country that jews needed to be executed, or why people thought it was okay to say blacks couldn't vote just because they're black...

But we're living through the same thing now. Conservative politicians can say openly prejudiced things about a specific religion, and they're not questioned, and even get support from non-fringe groups. It used to be when you were being prejudiced against muslims, you had to qualify your statement with "extremists" now people have dropped this level of decorum. You have a Trump supporter saying we need to "get rid" of Muslims, and Trump just glossed over it like this was an acceptable thought. If you don't see how our society is no better than societies in past decades who committed atrocities against innocent blacks/japanese/jews/women, then you're not paying attention. It might seem hard to notice, like the boiled frog doesn't realize it's being cooked, but the exact same thing is happening now.

9/24/2015 12:11:01 PM

All American
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care to add a hashtag to really drive the point home?

9/24/2015 12:17:19 PM

All American
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9/24/2015 12:19:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"A phobia is an irrational fear of something. The religion of peace has given us plenty of valid reasons to be afraid of Muslims."

lol, this is such a ridiculous statement for so many reasons.

I guess someone who is terrified of all spiders could argue that spiders have killed people, so it's not irrational to be deathly afraid of them, so arachnophobia is not a real thing.

Or someone who is terrified of clowns isn't being irrational, because John Wayne Gacey.

9/24/2015 12:20:55 PM

All American
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9/24/2015 1:27:05 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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So, seeing how during the crusades (and other times in history) Christians murdered many non-believers, I guess we should have a rational fear of them too.

Oh, and whites.... Up until several decades ago, they were openly lynching minorities. I guess we should have a fear of those guys as well.

9/24/2015 1:31:15 PM

All American
6883 Posts
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There are plenty of white people in modern times that shoot up public spaces. The media gives them an out by calling them crazy so you only have to be afraid of crazy people.

9/24/2015 1:38:21 PM

All American
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the ones who tend to be the loudest against someone do to the actions of people of a certain skin color/religion are the ones who don't look in the mirror very often

"that's their problem. we're the good ones"

9/24/2015 1:40:45 PM

balls deep
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...and then there is the stark fact that the most recent terrorists, right here in America, have not been Muslim

9/24/2015 1:54:50 PM

All American
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yet I'm able to walk around freely without people assuming I'm guilty of something

what gives?

9/24/2015 2:00:16 PM

All American
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refer to the title of the thread

9/24/2015 2:20:53 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" Inside of America and Europe, muslims are being attacked, having their mosques burned, and hearing misguided politicians and citizens denigrate their entire class, for no rational reasons"

That’s called a false narrative. It’s what happens when people don’t think and let knee-jerk reactions to assumptions and distortions blind them from reason. You hand pick instances where the victim narrative is perpetuated and ignore all other factors.
The only difference between the suspended kid with the clock and the one with a poptart is the left gets to scream INTOLERANCE and feel superior with the clock kid.


9/24/2015 2:23:14 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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I wish white families would put their kids through mental health checks - every time I see a mass killing by white person it's blamed on mental health issues. When will white people take responsibility for their lack of mental health? It's probably due to heavy metal and Kenny G. That music just breeds a culture of psychos.

9/24/2015 2:23:38 PM

All American
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lol at this guy ^^ criticizing people for hand-picking instances to support their beliefs. that's rich, man.

9/24/2015 2:24:59 PM

All American
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blah blah blah...knee-jerk reactions...blah blah blah. not every reaction is knee-jerk. some people actually think things through. your quickness to identify responses as knee-jerk is knee-jerk in itself.

9/24/2015 2:43:30 PM

play so hard
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9/24/2015 3:42:47 PM

All American
7341 Posts
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On a world-wide basis, Islam is responsible for an insane number of terrorist acts. It's practically a daily occurrence:,_2015

Plz to find a list of white/Christian terrorist attacks for 2015 that even comes close to the one I linked. Islam has a rep for a reason.

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 3:48 PM. Reason : ...]

9/24/2015 3:46:56 PM

26632 Posts
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it looks a lot different if you go back a few years before the middle east exploded, and in the US islamic extremists only account for a few percent

9/24/2015 3:51:22 PM

All American
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LOL, go back as far as you'd like. Religion of Peace been peacin' for a looooong time.

US attacks or world attacks, doesn't matter. It all contributes to the negative view of Islam. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but statistically speaking, basically all terrorists are Muslim. Based on that, it should not surprise anyone that a Muslim kid with what looks like a crude bomb might trigger (to borrow a SJW term) people.

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 3:56 PM. Reason : ...]

9/24/2015 3:55:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"US attacks or world attacks, doesn't matter."

Yeah it does. You're trying to rationalize that your fear (or a principal's fear) of muslims is rational. But in reality, in America, most terrorist attacks are not perpetuated by muslims.

And even if we are looking at muslims of worldwide, statistically speaking, the list you provided wouldn't rationally explain a fear of the ~1.5 billion muslims of the world, probably of whom 99.999% have never committed an act of terrorism (i made that percentage up).

And your continual use of the term "Religion of Peace" doesn't help if you're trying to make an argument that is taken seriously.

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 4:04 PM. Reason : ]

9/24/2015 4:02:39 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"but statistically speaking, basically all terrorists are Muslim"

except that this is not true

Quote :
"Based on that, it should not surprise anyone that a Muslim kid with what looks like a crude bomb might trigger (to borrow a SJW term) people."

but haven't you been listening, the color of his skin has nothing to do with it because JCE2011 said so

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 4:34 PM. Reason : .]

9/24/2015 4:23:40 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Y'all are obviously working on different definitions of what a terrorist is.

You need to hash that out in order to communicate.

9/24/2015 6:14:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"except that this is not true"

Well, citation needed.

[Edited on September 24, 2015 at 6:54 PM. Reason : ...]

9/24/2015 6:54:39 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"lol at this guy ^^ criticizing people for hand-picking instances to support their beliefs. that's rich, man. "

Implying that I have hand-picked instances? Such as??????

Quote :
"blah blah blah...knee-jerk reactions...blah blah blah. not every reaction is knee-jerk"

referring to my points as "blah blah blah". Impressive counter point sir.

9/25/2015 12:02:33 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"but haven't you been listening, the color of his skin has nothing to do with it because JCE2011 said so"

I'm not claiming stereotyping, racial profiling, or racism don't exist, I'm claiming the masses are prone to jump on the outrage bandwagon and scream RACISM based purely off a minority "victim" and white "aggressor" without any evidence or facts. This is what happens when people turn off their brains, and are spoonfed the liberal narrative of "oppressed victims". It's actually effective though because joining the outrage bandwagon gives you a sense of moral superiority, because you view yourself as a righteous social justice advocate sticking up for the little guy, whereas anyone that says you are overracting... well, they must be an intolerant racist bigot, right???

This false narrative is actually dangerous though. It only causes division, "us vs them", and "fuck the police" attitudes. False narratives like "hands up dont shoot" or "evil cops harass brown muslim boy because they are racist" trick uneducated people to actually believe the narrative is real. Even amoung college educated individuals, you have utter "morons" saying things like:

Quote :
"If you don't see how our society is no better than societies in past decades who committed atrocities against innocent blacks/japanese/jews/women, then you're not paying attention"

Funny that people of all backgrounds continue to immigrate to America despite this apparent epidemic of racism and intolerance.

People get so desperate trying to be social justice warriors defending the "oppressed victims" that we have "morons" comparing 2015 American society to slavery and Japanese internment camps. We have morons, that get "racial tunnel vision", and are absolutely blind to any factor but race. They only look for instances of whites hurting minoritites and then the outrage sets in. Michael brown robbed a store, fought a cop, was black and got shot by a white cop. Jackpot, cue cries of racism and outrage. Facts? What are those? The "Hands up don't shoot" never happened, but we only care about the narrative. Sure, that briefcase clock would never make it in a plane or government building, but because the islamaphobia angle comes into play, cue prayer vigils and tweets from liberal politicians.

Kids of any race/religion do far less and get suspended without any outrage, but because the divisive racial angle can be exploited politically, and because outrage culture is a mob-mentality of feels over reals, we have the narrative of "mosques being burned and muslims attacked in the USA" from Moron. How many mosques have been victims or arson since 9/11? 1? Wait a minute, that fact doesn't support your false narrative of oppressed victims.

9/25/2015 12:31:47 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
"Sure, that briefcase clock would never make it in a plane or government building, but because the islamaphobia angle comes into play, cue prayer vigils and tweets from liberal politicians.


This 100% would have made it onto a plane, not sure why you think otherwise? I've taken scarier looking things onto planes (as have many engineers-- and anyone who has packed their own alarm clock). Here's a guy taking his synthesizer through an airport:

Quote :
" we have the narrative of "mosques being burned and muslims attacked in the USA" from Moron"

Ha, this isn't a "narrative" this is "fact", which you've already demonstrated an aversion to appreciating.

9/25/2015 12:40:05 AM

play so hard
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I guess JCE2011 ain't trolling....that's a fuckload of words to be trolling.

9/25/2015 12:44:48 AM

All American
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who knew that the act of putting ones hands up wasn't a universal sign of surrender until last summer?

perhaps if Walter Scott had put his hands up while running away from the cop who murdered him he wouldn't have been shot?

9/25/2015 12:56:16 AM

5608 Posts
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^^ Oh, a synthesizer made it through an airport after being thoroughly inspected, wow, that totally proves your point about a suitcase/analogue clock/circuit board making it past the TSA.

Ahmed could have been a white boy named John Smith, if your teacher asks you to not show it to other people and you do, and have it go off during class, you will get in trouble. If police ask you why you brought it to school and you are angry and don't respond, you will get in trouble.

Even Josh Earnest didn't want to discuss if the Secret Service would be alarmed by that clock (obviously yes).

Quote :
"Ha, this isn't a "narrative" this is "fact""

Name the USA mosques that were victims of arson. 1-2 max?

Reality sure is a bitch, huh?

Quote :
"this is "fact", which you've already demonstrated an aversion to appreciating"

Such as?

9/25/2015 1:07:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
Name the USA mosques that were victims of arson. 1-2 max?

Reality sure is a bitch, huh?

The rash of burned mosques are in europe, but you can easily google "Mosque arson" and find American examples. US mosques have had to face all kinds of vandalism (the one near NCSU for example never had bars on its windows until after 9/11). US muslims (and other browns,like Sikhs) have had rampant assaults and deaths since 9/11 that haven't returned to pre 9/11 levels. I'm not sure why you would even doubt this though... this is pretty well known.

I really can't tell if you're joking or trolling or what right now...

[Edited on September 25, 2015 at 1:12 AM. Reason : ]

9/25/2015 1:12:22 AM

play so hard
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ITT I learned buildings can be victims.

9/25/2015 1:13:20 AM

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