Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
It sounds like you're offended. 8/9/2015 10:55:49 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
You're right, I'm deeply offended. When I read the good book tonight like I do every night, I'll just have to pray for Target's forgiveness for giving in to these wanton antichrists. 8/9/2015 10:57:58 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
That's good to hear. May God save America from pussies and people that change the layout of our favorite department stores. 8/9/2015 11:11:38 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
You probably shop at some 80sf corner store bodega where the lawn chairs are right beside the produce, so what do you care.
[Edited on August 9, 2015 at 11:14 PM. Reason : $12 for a pack of smokes] 8/9/2015 11:13:44 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Thankfully I don't smoke and unfortunately I live near a target which I've heard is the highest grossing location in the country.
I buy cereal and dog food there bc it's cheap. 8/9/2015 11:19:41 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
I don't really shop at department stores much, mainly just for some Christmas presents (to celebrate the birth of Jesus obviously). I like to buy beer at Harris Teeter though. And I'm openminded enough to not mind the fact that they have O'Douls or whatever other non alcoholic beers in the same section. If Harris Teeter started putting the beer next to the Gatorade because some alcoholic complained that they felt weird about having to go to another section of the store to get beer, I'd call out the Teeter for being pussies.] 8/9/2015 11:27:16 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
I buy beer in bodegas which is right next to the lawnchairs and a cat. 8/9/2015 11:30:44 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
I would agree with TT10's "pussies" concern except that I don't think they're actually caving to a handful of customers. I think they really believe this is a move that the majority of their customers will appreciate.
To me, it's patronizing, but people are strange. A woman I've known forever questioned my continuing to eat Chick-Fil-A on occasion after their homophobic thing...this, after years of openly opposing gay marriage despite having a gay son.
But congrats on the tolerance, everyone? 8/10/2015 12:02:39 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
I guess we're in agreement that things like these don't have the huge impact they hope they do (if that's what they're going for). But to me, it just seems like they're caving in for PR reasons. It's all about PR. And the dollars. Always the fucking dollars. 8/10/2015 12:03:58 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
It's definitely about money, but then they're not pussies to me...they're a business that wants to make more money.
I was surprised by all the places that stopped selling confederate flag stuff though. I don't know how that affects their bottom line. Everybody was already forced into shopping at Amazon and Walmart dropping the confederate flag just annoyed a portion of their customers.
And the eBay decision actually bothered me cause that was supposed to be a place where you could buy anything. It's strange to me that I can't buy a tacky Bowery t-shirt from 20 years ago on eBay anymore--that's the only place I'd know to get something like that. 8/10/2015 12:24:06 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
maybe things will change, but i don't see a huge profit loss by catering to a few trans protesters. the criticism from me at least isn't that they're catering to a specific group being offended (though i still think you evaluate criticism, you don't immediately succumb to it), but that if the trend continues, the organization of a store that's already too big and you have to rely on ceiling signs to find what you want will become even harder to navigate for straight/gay/trans customers. we're not talking about a Whites Only Water Fountain sign here. 8/10/2015 12:32:29 AM
ralockle Veteran 276 Posts user info edit post |
I don't want anyone with a dick going into the bathroom with my daughter because "it" FEELS like a woman but has the plumbing of a man. 8/11/2015 12:58:05 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
careful, some people (many without kids) will try and tell you how to raise your kids
not that people with kids should have the right to tell you how to raise your own either
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 2:02 AM. Reason : .] 8/11/2015 1:54:27 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
I'm definitely comfortable telling people how to raise their kids if they whine or complain about them.
I'm also happy to point out that they're probably raising a whiner. 8/11/2015 5:31:45 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Two times.
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 5:33 AM. Reason : Twice.] 8/11/2015 5:31:45 AM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
I highly doubt a dude who "feels" like a woman going into a bathroom with your daughter is who you need to worry about. I'd worry more about the coke dealer with the motorcycle shes been hanging out with. 8/11/2015 7:07:57 AM
thegoodlife3 All American 39458 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^I think you're right, gender roles are indeed oppressive, but they've been around for a very very long time, and have helped keep things...organized for lack of better terms. Similar to Christianity. That religion helped define a code of morals for centuries, before science started kicking it in the balls." |
if you agree that they're oppressive, why are you so up in arms about it?
I gotta imagine getting outraged over things that are completely harmless is pretty tiring/bad for your health 8/11/2015 12:24:34 PM
Bullet All American 28544 Posts user info edit post |
i watched a few minutes of his/her new reality show last night, and it confirmed by belief that he/she is a weirdo... nothing against transgender people in general, but specifically mr./ms. jenner is a bit crazy
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 12:44 PM. Reason : ] 8/11/2015 12:39:05 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
^ After watching the kardashian show 6 or 7 years ago I came to the conclusion that entire family is insane. 8/11/2015 12:51:18 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Well that's what the trans movement is all about. Making society share in the trans individual's delusion" |
How are gender roles oppressive? 8/11/2015 1:13:32 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
They're rigid 8/11/2015 1:20:17 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
And gender isn't? 8/11/2015 1:33:09 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Technically gender roles are created by society.
So they're rigid bc we have made it this may.
Either way, how someone perceives themself has zero effect on my quality of life. 8/11/2015 1:42:54 PM
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
^ has an effect when said person expects you to acknowledge and/or agree to that perception. 8/11/2015 4:03:48 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Boo fucking hoo. Can we connect this to the PUSSIFICATION of America thread bc it seems you're a tad sensitive. 8/11/2015 4:16:43 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39458 Posts user info edit post |
really not that difficult to treat people with dignity and respect
kind of have to go out of your way to be a dick 8/11/2015 4:20:49 PM
aimorris All American 15213 Posts user info edit post |
nope, if you don't acknowledge it, the PC Police will take away your guns and lock you up 8/11/2015 4:36:11 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "really not that difficult to treat people with dignity and respect" |
Supporting the delusion from a mental disorder is not respect
Acknowledging reality is not disrespect 8/11/2015 4:53:11 PM
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "it seems you're a tad sensitive." |
I think it is the sensitive bunch that is demanding my acknowledgement of something that isn't real. 8/11/2015 4:56:20 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Is someone putting your face in a ladyboys crotch and telling you to repeat the shemale gospel?
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM. Reason : Repent!] 8/11/2015 5:02:28 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
double posts
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 5:05 PM. Reason : Who being sensitive here?] 8/11/2015 5:02:28 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39458 Posts user info edit post |
some folks still like to play the "My Opinion Trumps The Opinion Of Medical Professionals" Game
good for them 8/11/2015 5:07:20 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Gender Identity Disorder is not a disorder ![](images/rolleyes.gif) 8/11/2015 7:12:24 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
You seem to have dementia but you don't see me being a dick about it. 8/11/2015 7:57:29 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "thegoodlife3: if you agree that they're oppressive, then why are you so up in arms about it?" |
I'm the one who first posted his line of thought. I'm not up in arms.
But, if we do away with gender roles, I'm not sure folks'll be ready to work and raise babies without another model to follow.
In general, people are extra fucking stupid and selfish. They're not like you.
Those nasty thoughts you have about the ignorant, backwards, intolerant folks...imagine those same people with no gender roles...just out there doing whatever the fuck they think those dummies are gonna read a parenting book or bust their ass at a shit job on their own? They need roles, and they need models of expected behavior. And, if we do away with the gender shit, then you need to replace it with something else.
[Edited on August 11, 2015 at 8:19 PM. Reason : I'm one of the stupid, selfish people.] 8/11/2015 8:16:29 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You seem to have dementia but you don't see me being a dick about it." |
My brain has dementia, but I self-identify as a genius. I'm having cranium-enlargement surgery to make it look like my brain is gigantic because that is me being me. I'm a genius now, call me Einstein2011. All of you cis-brained people are bigots. Don't you dare refer to my mental disorder as a disorder. Encourage me to mutilate my body trying to be something I'm not and give me my courage award. 8/11/2015 9:02:02 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Good job dude. I'm proud of you. 8/11/2015 9:20:14 PM
JCE2011 Suspended 5608 Posts user info edit post |
Thx bro 8/11/2015 10:20:38 PM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Perhaps you should smoke a joint. 8/11/2015 10:23:53 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
No, está claro...él necesita fumar mota.
También, tengo aburrido y cansado, pero estoy teniendo problemas para dormir. Ojalá que TWW estuviere un soporífero, pero en cierto modo quiero practicar el español para toda la noche.
A propósito, los traductores no reconocen el subjuntivo. ¿Hay unas personas que hablen español en TWW? Necesito reacciones de hablantes nativos. ¿Por ejemplo, por qué lo parece que los hablantes nativos no usen el subjuntivo? Para mí, hay muchas situaciones inciertas; así que, uso el subjuntivo mucho. ¿Y cómo puntúe mi escritura--no entiendo las comas, las rayas, etcétera...? ¿Y cuál es el plural de "punto y coma"? ¿"Punto y comas"?
[Edited on August 12, 2015 at 12:34 AM. Reason : ¿La escritura tiene razón ahora?] 8/12/2015 12:22:20 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
Me llamo Arbol. Hola. 8/12/2015 12:26:18 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
¡Hola, Árbol! Soy una nerd, y necesito ayudar con la palabra, "lo."
Yo no aprendía "lo," pero las hablantes nativos usan "lo" todo el tiempo.
¿Usted pueda ayudarme? 8/12/2015 12:42:57 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
"Lo" es casi lo mismo que un palabra elefante en ingles, si tu comprendes 8/12/2015 12:48:59 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Ahora entiendo. ¡Pero "palabra elefante" fue nueva para mí!
No quiero estudiar todos los significados de "lo," y no puedo viajar o trabajar solamente con hablantes nativos. Pues, nunca voy a comprenderlo.
Le agradezco toda su ayuda. 8/12/2015 1:03:36 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148795 Posts user info edit post |
Elephant word, in the English language, is a word that's not spelled phonetically so it throws people off. I think because elephant has a "f-" sound but is spelled with a "ph". So per se, "lo" isn't an elephant word, but I think it's one of those things you either have to be native or completely fluent in español to understand, similar to some of the spelling nuances of la lingua ingles. 8/12/2015 1:07:46 AM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
??????? ??? ?? ????? ??? . 8/12/2015 8:33:48 AM
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
they're trans-spanish 8/12/2015 9:00:51 AM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
I posted something in Hebrew but apparently TWW wouldnt accept. 8/12/2015 9:03:54 AM
afripino All American 11446 Posts user info edit post |
TWW is bigoted against Hebrew-speak. 8/12/2015 9:36:54 AM
Dentaldamn All American 9974 Posts user info edit post |
Too many weird letters I guess 8/12/2015 10:12:22 AM