llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
The thing is, that wasn't any of the reasons given, and if it were it would still be the worst way to treat the problem.
After all, the code is viewable in the thread still...
And anyone that could adapt that code to something malicious could write it anyway, it was pretty obfuscated cause I couldn't figure out how to define a string constant 
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 2:13 AM. Reason : .] 10/13/2004 2:12:39 AM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
^You're not going to be a moderator.
Give it up kid.
I hate to shatter your dreams but sometimes it has to be done. 10/13/2004 8:07:09 AM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
what i did was the right thing to do...i'm not going to argue with you guys any more! 10/13/2004 9:22:30 AM
Shadowrunner All American 18332 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "After each reason was found to be full of shit, he invented another to support the suspension." |
OMG sparky suspended Sarose because she was abusing the food-for-oil program!!!  10/13/2004 10:37:51 AM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
Maugan is apparently a fucking retard.
Did you miss the part where I've got my hands full with several MUDs? I have no desire to be a moderator, and if I did, do you really think I'd want to moderate the fucking garage? You're arguing my point by example better than I ever could by anecdote... this isn't about your petty little internet kingdom, faggot, this is about that shitty attitude you have towards the users.
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 12:31 PM. Reason : .] 10/13/2004 12:30:22 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
^ and you wonder why I have such an attitude with a userbase with specimens such as yourself.
If you couldn't tell (and you obviously can't) this whole conversation was one giant facetious endeavour. Get a grip man. Have fun with your MUDs. Those things were the heat like, 12 years ago. 10/13/2004 1:06:09 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
Uh-huh... 10/13/2004 1:17:33 PM
Shadowrunner All American 18332 Posts user info edit post |
yay for retards who think they understand the moderation needs of one of the internet's largest communities because they've moderated a MUD--not even a message board--with about "50 users and a few hundred actions". 
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 5:34 PM. Reason : ] 10/13/2004 5:32:20 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
this thread makes a lot more sense now being that llcooljayz is Tiberius who was behind Sarose being suspended
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 5:42 PM. Reason : d] 10/13/2004 5:42:35 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Yay for idiots dismissing others extremely valuable experience?
If I'm not right about what needs to be done, I'm at least right that something needs to be done, there are much larger webboards that have nowhere near the amount of trouble TWW has...
But considering I've been seriously contemplating the dynamics of large internet communities since before probably either of us had pubes, I think I might have some valuable fucking insight into this, asshat.
and so help me if I have to combat more accusations of moderator aspirations I'm going to bust a cap in a nigga's ass. The point of this thread is so far from that it boggles my mind to consider how Maugan would even come to such a conclusion. The simple fact of the matter is that his obsession with the power of the position obviously is central to his motivation for continuing it...
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 6:23 PM. Reason : .]
^ you know, a really good first step towards dispelling my accusations would be an admission that you fucked up. Your original post was so bullshit my monitor still stinks from displaying it and that's 90% of why I'm pissed. I've had to explain that I didn't break the thread to every motherfucker I've talked to about that, because you're still spreading the bullshit.
[Edited on October 13, 2004 at 6:25 PM. Reason : .] 10/13/2004 6:19:21 PM
EnderJRD All American 25300 Posts user info edit post |
i don't really need to make a list with fancy bullets and quotes. watch this:
you're a moron 10/13/2004 7:23:09 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
that was deep 10/13/2004 7:35:05 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
The only conclusion I've come to in this thread, is that you're a dumbass.
Quote : | "The simple fact of the matter is that his obsession with the power of the position obviously is central to his motivation for continuing it... " |
No, if I was obsessed with power, I'd have had this duplicate account of yours suspended as well.
Quote : | "I've had to explain that I didn't break the thread to every motherfucker I've talked to about that, because you're still spreading the bullshit. " |
Therein lies the problem. Your life revolves around this internet message board. They have support groups for this kind of problem these days. 10/13/2004 7:38:22 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
Funny, that was one of the conclusions I came to about you, as well  10/13/2004 8:29:19 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^ you know, a really good first step towards dispelling my accusations would be an admission that you fucked up. Your original post was so bullshit my monitor still stinks from displaying it and that's 90% of why I'm pissed. I've had to explain that I didn't break the thread to every motherfucker I've talked to about that, because you're still spreading the bullshit." |
i just have one question....did you or did you not write java script in your post that manipulated the design of the webpage?
i give you exibit A - .Quote : | "[[Ok we're all God again!<[-body onload="var strTAG=String.fromCharCode(66);var strOpen=String.fromCharCode(32,91);var strClose=String.fromCharCode(93);var strNewName=String.fromCharCode(71,111,100);for (var t=0;t]]" |
yes you did and it is a suspendable offense. i do admit that i should have sent a warning first though.
[Edited on October 14, 2004 at 9:04 AM. Reason : dmanit] 10/14/2004 9:03:42 AM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
the way that was done is not a fucking suspendable offense
it never has been, noone who witnessed it even had the thought cross their mind, only you in your desperation to justify your actions can even make that insane leap of logic
and on the flip side, if it is, you owe fleetwud a suspension. times a fucking hundred.
seriously, there are two ways you can try to be right about this, and both of them imply you're full of shit
i really don't care anymore, except for the fact that you're still spewing shit about it
BTW your exhibit doesn't actually showcase code that DOES ANYTHING 10/14/2004 11:33:00 AM
DirtyMonkey All American 4270 Posts user info edit post |
so what happened? 10/14/2004 11:45:25 AM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
i'm sure that there are many threads where the manipulation of webpages has gone unnoticed by the mods. i don't have time ti read every single thread so many of those threads have gone unnoticed. you just got lucky. i try to be fair and if see anybody else manipulating webpages w/ html, jave etc. they WILL be suspended. 10/14/2004 1:04:00 PM
rjrgrl All American 27061 Posts user info edit post |
best post in this thread 10/14/2004 5:47:51 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i try to be fair and if see anybody else manipulating webpages w/ html, jave etc." |
why the fuck are people giving you fuckers money for the ability to do that, if this is your stance on it?
seriously, if I'm understanding you correctly, you might want to mass e-mail your subscribers before this becomes a matter of false advertising or something. DO I SMELL A CLASS ACTION SUIT?
but then again, maybe its just someone needs to step in here and translate cause I don't speak self-righteous fucktard very fluently
and allow me to reiterate that my code doesn't even get parsed cause of losthokie's, you don't even know what it does, you've never even fucking seen what it does, you probably couldn't tell me what it did if I asked you to in spite of the fact that I told you what it did several times, the first post of the thread implies you assumed it did something you later found out it didn't, and you're still trying to rationalize a suspension with it
righto, guy. i'm sure precedent is full of shit, your original rationalization was a phrasing error, half the reason for going premie is a lie, and this suspension is righteous.
wait, no, i got that backwards, i'm sure you're full of shit
[Edited on October 14, 2004 at 7:36 PM. Reason : .] 10/14/2004 7:31:53 PM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "seriously, if I'm understanding you correctly, you might want to mass e-mail your subscribers before this becomes a matter of false advertising or something. DO I SMELL A CLASS ACTION SUIT?" |
Class action law suit.... hahahahaha....
Dude, get real. 10/14/2004 7:36:48 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
dude... get sarcasm.
here, let me help
Quote : | "but then again, maybe its just someone needs to step in here and translate cause I don't speak self-righteous fucktard very fluently" |
[Edited on October 14, 2004 at 7:39 PM. Reason : think about that. hard. harder.] 10/14/2004 7:37:26 PM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
Even ignoring the class action lawsuit threat, your argument doesn't hold water. TWW is not a democracy. It's a privately owned website, which gives Jake/Joe pretty much carte blanche to do whatever they want. 10/14/2004 7:41:15 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
which includes ignoring the retardation that goes on pretty much daily on here, apparently
half of the suspensions recently have been BS.. Who Am I, Sarose, few others, and unlike the free users, these are people that're fucking paying to use this shit
Sarose had premie, my previous handle was bought and paid for because they ignored my inquiries about my free handle's "Invalid" but not "Suspended" status for over a month
maybe, just maybe, they'll realize they're alienating their paying users and their community by ignoring this shit. probably not, but it's worth a fucking try. 10/14/2004 7:46:08 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
Paying for premium access doesn't give you free-fucking-reign to do whatever the fuck you want to do with HTML.
Blinking fonts, big letters, multimedia embeds .... sure. But to just re-arrange the page based on whatever whim you have isn't included with the deal. 10/14/2004 8:24:36 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
did you figure out what my code even did yet guy
and it is not like i posted it in random threads
i made the code for the sole purpose of that themed thread
and it is not like i made it impossible to use, i went out of my way to preseve usuability of the page
you are full of shit, stop trying to cover eachothers asses
[Edited on October 14, 2004 at 9:58 PM. Reason : this is pathetic] 10/14/2004 9:56:02 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
I really couldn't care less what it did. Sparky thought it was abuse. He made the call. You're the one here that can't live with it.
Time to move on here kid. 10/14/2004 10:47:20 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
i did move on raising hell about it  10/14/2004 11:39:11 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
this is funny....llcooljayz do you think jake, joe me or any of the other mods give a flying fuck about you? go home troll!
oh here's a good little tidbit for some of the whiners
they signed this when they registered
• A user is legally responsible for all content contributed. Any contributed content is susceptible to all applicable laws (copyright infringement, sexual harassment, hate propagation, threats, etc).
• The Wolf Web may use any contributed content in any way deemed necessary. The Wolf Web reserves the right to delete, modify, reproduce, and/or distribute all content and information transmitted between the client (you) and the server (us).
• You will abide by the posting guidelines.
• We reserve the right to terminate or suspend user accounts at our discretion.
• We make NO guarantees on the quality or presence of our service. What you see is what you get.
[Edited on October 15, 2004 at 11:47 AM. Reason : ha] 10/15/2004 11:43:31 AM
DJ Lauren All American 15721 Posts user info edit post |
well folks, there you have it...
you really should just admit to your serious dependence on this site...
otherwise, why do you care??
[Edited on October 15, 2004 at 1:03 PM. Reason : .] 10/15/2004 1:03:07 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
wait, so i can stop posting, right, because you're basically arguing my point for me now? 10/15/2004 7:40:06 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "well folks, there you have it...
you really should just admit to your serious dependence on this site...
otherwise, why do you care??" |
Honestly, caring is definitely not the same as having "serious dependence" on the site..... 10/16/2004 12:45:32 AM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
bttt because the first random mention I heard of this in chit chat still conveyed the implication that I broke the thread-- way to cover your ass with a shitstorm of lies, sparky. 10/18/2004 4:46:09 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "• A user is legally responsible for all content contributed. Any contributed content is susceptible to all applicable laws (copyright infringement, sexual harassment, hate propagation, threats, etc).
• The Wolf Web may use any contributed content in any way deemed necessary. The Wolf Web reserves the right to delete, modify, reproduce, and/or distribute all content and information transmitted between the client (you) and the server (us).
• You will abide by the posting guidelines.
• We reserve the right to terminate or suspend user accounts at our discretion.
• We make NO guarantees on the quality or presence of our service. What you see is what you get." |
10/18/2004 12:55:42 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
excuse me
while i roll my eyes
 10/18/2004 3:50:53 PM
McDanger All American 18835 Posts user info edit post |
Sure everybody dislikes Sarose
Sure everybody probably dislikes Tiberius by association
But I haven't seen a single post from the flustered mods that refuted anything Tiberius has said. It's a lot of spin, a lot of bullshit ad hoc reasoning, and a lot of getting solidly owned, so far. 10/18/2004 4:20:21 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
damnit mike post that one hitler picture i like that thing  10/18/2004 5:38:26 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
Its so difficult to be so loved.
Refer to my post about not having to explain shit to you people if we don't like.
While I see that we can suspend or terminate you for whatever reason we like, I don't see anywhere that we have to hold your hand while you cry about it. 10/18/2004 6:01:28 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Account discipline will be enforced in the following manner : Offense 1 : User will recieve a warning via email. Offense 2 : User will be suspended for an indefinite timespan based on the severity of the offense. Offense 3+ : User account will be terminated unless a fine of an amount determined by the active moderator will be paid to The Wolf Web for the abuse of service." |
where's the warning? ok, let's skip that.
based on the lack of an offense i'd say the timespan should be about null.
what's next? going to jump straight to charging people 50 bucks because you're wrong about shit in tech talk?
[Edited on October 18, 2004 at 8:20 PM. Reason : either quit crying or quit acting like tears are bullets cause you know where dad keeps the gun pls] 10/18/2004 8:15:18 PM
bartleby All American 15561 Posts user info edit post |
You do realize, of course, that you're making a much bigger deal about this than anyone else is, right? 10/18/2004 8:45:59 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
i think llcooljayz is missing the whole fucking point. let me see if he can get this through his retarded head. IT WASN'T EVEN YOUR FUCKING USER NAME. WHY DO YOU EVEN GIVE A FUCK? ARE YOU PISSED OFF BECUASE YOUR COVER WAS BLOWN AND YOU COULDN'T CONTINUE YOUR SHENANIGANS? GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!
END OF THREAD!! 10/19/2004 12:28:32 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
ps sparky makes luv 10/19/2004 1:34:32 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
i think sparky is missing the whole point...
it doesn't matter whose name you bullshit suspended, or why you're lying and squirming, the fact of the matter is that you did and you are. 10/19/2004 1:56:51 PM
packguy381 All American 32719 Posts user info edit post |
what it all boils down to is that you have no leg to stand on.
you opted to join this message board, through a free account or by payment
and you can be suspended at any time for any reason. so i dont really see where youre even making a rational argument. youre really just arguing from emotion. thats something women do. youre a woman. 10/19/2004 2:35:14 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
i'll even go further and say that's llcooljayz is just a bitch! he's more of a bitch than a bitch. too bad you can't get suspended for being a bitch cuz he'd be the first to go and it would be my pleasure! 10/19/2004 2:57:28 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
i'm arguing from emotion?
my stance hasn't changed, you dropped-on-the-head-as-a-baby addled little tourettes-suffering, internet-trolling pile of the most unwarrantedly egotistical shit i have ever come across
sparky has rationalized his shit four different ways, the first three were totally bullshit, and the fourth is a cop-out, you want a woman, that's a fucking woman, shut up and get the hell out of here before you have to ring up your internet buddies to bail you out of this one too
yeah, CrazyJ and Jake do reserve the right to suspend at any time. however, i honestly doubt they passed the right down to you to run around suspending people you don't like. there's probably a reason they didn't give you twits the ability to suspend until they had a damn good reacon, and i don't think it was because they were too lazy.
you're a moderator, not a fucktarderator, learn the difference.
[Edited on October 19, 2004 at 3:49 PM. Reason : .] 10/19/2004 3:49:04 PM
packguy381 All American 32719 Posts user info edit post |
i thoroughly enjoy pushing your button. i want you to know that. 10/19/2004 4:03:27 PM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
the intarnet is fuuuuuuuun  10/19/2004 4:54:26 PM
llcooljayz All American 3196 Posts user info edit post |
^^ the five minutes it takes you to make sure you avoid projecting yourself in your replies would be better spent wanking.
i will flame in response to pretty much any retarded shit someone posts. 10/20/2004 2:51:02 AM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
flamer  10/20/2004 8:48:25 AM