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All American
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I wouldn't assume that the Canaanites were nephilim.

[Edited on July 28, 2005 at 4:46 PM. Reason : Peace, we outta here.]

7/28/2005 4:46:22 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"I was curious as to how the bible explained the current lack of giants. You're the one who went down the giant ape path."

Considering what I was talking about from the begining prefuckingdates any written history, thereby no fucking bible.

keep the fuck up

oh and Gioliath could have had the disease Giantism. you know, it still fucking exists today.

7/28/2005 5:20:14 PM

All American
9317 Posts
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seer stones

7/28/2005 5:27:56 PM

All American
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We all know the earth will burn and become a huge fucking Urim and Thummin

7/28/2005 5:29:53 PM

All American
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Giantism does not give one the agility to be a feared warrior.

It makes you a lumbering hulk.

7/28/2005 5:39:33 PM

All American
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that's what Goliath was nigga

7/28/2005 5:57:28 PM

All American
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That, or he was a fit warrior whose size grew with time.

[Edited on July 28, 2005 at 6:01 PM. Reason : that's marketing for ya]

7/28/2005 6:00:52 PM

All American
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Who knew this thread would get so crazy?

7/28/2005 6:04:49 PM

All American
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It's about an obscure race of people scantly mentioned in an eon-old text that some purport to be the divine word of the almighty.

If it didn't get crazy, it wouldn't be the Soap Box.

7/28/2005 6:10:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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My question was directed at the salisburyboy-types who take the word of the bible literally.

Quote :
"Considering what I was talking about from the begining prefuckingdates any written history, thereby no fucking bible."

Well since the thread is titled The Nephilim of the Bible, I felt that it was pretty obvious that i wasn't asking about prehistoric apes; rather I was talking about the Bible.

7/28/2005 6:48:24 PM

Sup, B
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and yet still, Mr. Joshua, your question as to how they became extinct has already been answered:

Quote :
"1) Large animals require more food to survive
2) The need for more food creates more competetion
3) Absence of food leads to death"

7/28/2005 7:58:33 PM

All American
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yet, Mr. Joshua, I typed this in my initial post. Does that mean you cannot read?

Quote :
"you realize that these giants lived for maybe 20,000 years and existed before history?"

7/28/2005 8:39:34 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"1) Large animals require more food to survive
2) The need for more food creates more competetion
3) Absence of food leads to death"

That must be why I'm always stepping over the bodies of starving tall people. People that are several feet taller than people will have similar needs for food. One could even argue that larger humans would be more capable of attaining food, as they could kill larger animals and if necessary take food from smaller humans.

Quote :
"you realize that these giants lived for maybe 20,000 years and existed before history?"

Well, if one regards the bible as any sort of historical record, which is the case in this thread, then they no, they didn't exist before history. In fact, they are mentioned numerous times. This is why I was asking salisburyboy about his mysterious race of giants. Where exactly did you get 20,000 years?

7/28/2005 9:37:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you knowi agreed with salisbury boy for like 10 words"

cmon, as if angels were any different from aliens or UFOs.

7/28/2005 10:14:20 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"That must be why I'm always stepping over the bodies of starving tall people."

wow. you really are stupid, aren;'t you?

it couldn't possibly be the case that TODAY its a whole lot easier to get food than it was, oh, I don't know, FIVE THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS AGO, BEFORE TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVELY ENDED THE FOOD PROBLEM, could it?

seriously, what is happening today is hardly indicative of what happened five thousand years ago in events referenced in this thread.

7/28/2005 10:25:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Well, no shit. That wasn't meant to be taken literally, but I guess that explaining something that is completely obvious to everyone and typing in caps makes you feel intelligent.

Good job reading the rest of my post.

Quote :
"People that are several feet taller than people will have similar needs for food. One could even argue that larger humans would be more capable of attaining food, as they could kill larger animals and if necessary take food from smaller humans."

Damn son.

7/28/2005 10:40:41 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"People that are several feet taller than people will have similar needs for food. One could even argue that larger humans would be more capable of attaining food, as they could kill larger animals and if necessary take food from smaller humans."

wrong, they will have proportional needs for food. even if you can kill larger animals, then you shift the burden onto the sustainability of the larger animals. Thus, the bigger animals need more food than the smaller animals, whether that be plant or animal life. There eventually approaches a limit.

Of course, a sabre-tooth tiger is not simply a bigger house-cat, so to try and say "they can kill bigger animals!" is ignorant and foolish.

Anywho, its not likely that such a giant truly became "extinct" in the classic sense of "they all died." Rather, if you are proposing that humans must have existed at the same time as these giants, something which appears not to be supported by the fossil record, then it would be possible that the humans and giants interbreeded, assuming genetic compatability and, given the hardships that a larger "human" would face in such a technologically limited society, the "big genes" were rapidly bred out, in much the same way that darker moths were favored very quickly in an environment of trees darkened by pollution. After enough generations, the "big genes" would be all but eliminated.

Of course, if you want to ask the question from the literal "Biblical sense," then you are presenting a problem. You want us to explain a concept which isn't in the Bible: extinction; yet you don't want us to use evolutionary explanations or physical evidence from our surroundings (don't get me into the OMFG EVOLUTION IN SCHOOLS!!! debate here, you guys). So, its "give me an explanation, but you can't use anything other than the Bible, which is scant on the details for this thing, much less the concept I want you to explain."

7/28/2005 11:51:07 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"So, its "give me an explanation, but you can't use anything other than the Bible, which is scant on the details for this thing, much less the concept I want you to explain.""

Yeah, I was hoping to get salisburyboy to explain the current lack of giants using the bible. Thanks for all of the science though.

7/28/2005 11:58:51 PM

Sup, B
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I was about to say, having me explain evolution to you is like asking Hellen Keller for hide and seek tips.(so some SB posters would say...)

7/29/2005 12:30:54 AM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, if one regards the bible as any sort of historical record, which is the case in this thread, then they no, they didn't exist before history. In fact, they are mentioned numerous times. This is why I was asking salisburyboy about his mysterious race of giants. Where exactly did you get 20,000 years?"

As I said earlier, and I will say again, I was never fucking talking about the bible. I was refering to fossil records, and any fucking idiot will know that written history did not come about until 6,000 years ago.

As to where I got 20,000 years ago, it comes from the fucking fossil records dumbass

[Edited on July 29, 2005 at 1:06 AM. Reason : .]

7/29/2005 1:05:37 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"As I said earlier, and I will say again, I was never fucking talking about the bible."

Once again, read the title of this thread. Does it say The Nephilim of the Fossil Record?

Quote :
"you realize that these giants lived for maybe 20,000 years and existed before history?"

OK. I was just confused because you said that they lived for 20,000 years, which makes no sense at all. English is our friend.

7/29/2005 8:40:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Once again, read the title of this thread. Does it say The Nephilim of the Fossil Record?

You need to learn how to follow the thread. I was pointing out to Salisburyboy the existance of giant creatures before the bible was written

Quote :
"OK. I was just confused because you said that they lived for 20,000 years, which makes no sense at all. English is our friend."

Yes, you do need to learn english. I clearly stated that the species lived for 20,000 years. As in the amount of time the species existed on earth as a viable lifeform is 20,000 years.

7/29/2005 12:15:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"I was pointing out to Salisburyboy the existance of giant creatures before the bible was written"

Well, for that matter, I wasn't asking you about the fossil record regarding large apes, I was asking salisburyboy about his biblical giants.

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"you realize that these giants lived for maybe 20,000 years and existed before history?"

Quote :
"As to where I got 20,000 years ago..."

Quote :
"I clearly stated that the species lived for 20,000 years"

So which one was it? They lived for 20,000 years or they lived 20,000 years ago?

7/29/2005 12:22:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Well, for that matter, I wasn't asking you about the fossil record regarding large apes, I was asking salisburyboy about his biblical giants.

Is that why all your posts have been directed solely towards me?

Quote :
So which one was it? They lived for 20,000 years or they lived 20,000 years ago?"

You've had no other purpose than trying to trick me. but it doesn't matter. at about 7tya and further in the past it is before history, ergo, the amount of years in the past they existed is insignificant since I said before history. And secondly, yes, the giant ape men, like Java Men had short existances on earth, less than 100,000 years.

[Edited on July 29, 2005 at 12:26 PM. Reason : .]

7/29/2005 12:24:05 PM

4838 Posts
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T-Rex much?

I think they were fairly large.

7/29/2005 12:28:01 PM

All American
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Nephillim of the bible are giants. Not fucking dinosaurs.

7/29/2005 12:32:08 PM

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Quote :
"i don't imagine that giants would have many natural predators."

7/29/2005 12:45:02 PM

All American
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^We've already been over this assface.

7/29/2005 12:59:31 PM

26780 Posts
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ok i just want to check a few things.

big animal, giants animals, did exist. we have fossil records. even for very large apes.

but NOT so for homonids. all hominids found have been fairly normal sized (or very short), so im just curious if someone here is claiming there is evidence for human (or hominid ancestors) giants having existed?

im not saying its impossible or unlikely, juust as far as i know, there is no evidence sans salsbury boy's headlines

(which isnt evidence)

[Edited on July 29, 2005 at 10:54 PM. Reason : -]

7/29/2005 10:53:14 PM

Sup, B
52724 Posts
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Quote :
"juust as far as i know, there is no evidence sans salsbury boy's headlines "

didn't someone else in this thread state that there was in fact fossil evidence of "giants?" Granted, I don't think the evidence, however, would state if there was a race of giants, or if instead it was just a few instances of mutations...

7/29/2005 10:58:05 PM

26780 Posts
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^yea im not talking about a few cases of gigantism or elaphantitis or whatever.

ive never heard of ANYTHING close to something lke the fossil find of a large hominid ancestor. yes, i believe java man was tall, but thats not anywhere near 'giant'

i suppose their must be some conspiracy to hide the giant human fossil records that somehow george bush is behind

7/30/2005 1:17:43 AM

4836 Posts
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This is likely nothing but typical folklore bullshit. While Homo Sapiens indeed shared the earth with at least three different other species of humans at various times, none of them were much larger(although our most recent coinhabitant, Homo Floresiensis, was much smaller) But even that was 18,000 years ago, long before the jews started writing their bullshit down.

A six foot man might as well have been a giant to the Israelites, whose average height was only a bit more than 5'. Through in a few individuals with acromegaly like Andre the Giant(who would have been displayed prominently in battle), and the jewish version of Paul Bunyan is born.

7/30/2005 2:02:26 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"When the Giants Roamed the Americas

By: G. Sterling

What if I told you that a tomb was recently opened that had skeletons of a man and woman eight feet tall. And what if I told you they had red and blond hair? And the artifacts found included inscribed metal plates in an unknown language? Would you think me mad?

Then mad I am, for this is exactly what is going on here in the Southwest. And to make this matter even more interesting, I can assure you that there are multiple sites where these extra large humans have been discovered. As I write this, teams are exploring the area around these sites for additional information, and attempts to collect DNA samples are being made. There is no formal historical recognition of these Giants, but they have left their mark in legends, lore, and even the Bible.

Of course we have all heard about David and Goliath, and probably just brushed aside the contradictions that biblical story actually creates. Was Goliath a "one of a kind" or was there a whole race from which he came? Where did he come from? How would a person grow to such proportions on the terrible nutritional diets of the time? Why had he chosen to alley himself with humans of normal stature? And what is to be made of the elusive term found in the bible "in that day there were giants on the land"? It is safe to conjecture the Bible is relating a matter of fact, not analogy in its' references to "Giants". So we have one accepted ancient source that refers to "Giants". Maybe Giants were a reality back then, but we need more confirmation. Let's look at just a few of the numerous other reports of "Giants" in the Americas:

On his historic round the world trip, Captain Magellan made an interesting reference in his ship's logbook. He mentioned a race of giants living on the Pacific coast of South America. But even a stranger event happened in this area. Captain Cooke wrote of actually capturing one of the giants and tying it to his ship's mast. This human was reported to be over nine feet tall. The giant freed himself from the ropes, and was last seen when he dived overboard.

In 1911, in a guano mine northeast of Reno, Nevada, several large mummified remains of red-haired humans approximately 8 feet tall were discovered. This site was known and the Lovelock Cave, and some of the artifacts can still be seen at the Humbolt County Museum.

A skeleton of of a large human was dug out of a mound in Ashland County, Ohio. The year was 1879, and the person who did the excavation was a medical doctor from Brewersville. He determined that the skeleton was of an individual that was 9 feet, 8 inches tall.

Then there is the unusual report of a woman who worked for the New Mexico Parks Department. A flash flood exposed the skeletal remains of a number of "Giants". They were about 8' tall, and had six fingers and toes. They also had an unusual double row of teeth. The entire site was "cleaned" under the supervision of the Smithsonian and FBI, and nothing has been seen or heard about the discovery since.

And there are many, many other reports that are usually quietly placed in a forgotten corner of some institution's collections. Isn't it interesting that there is absolutely no one in "academia" that is willing or able to offer a theory or an explanation for the "giants of old". But they do exist. And the proof is absolute. And they are a part of our history that has been intentionally swept under the carpet by the supposed "learned men" of our institutions."

7/30/2005 12:23:39 PM

9434 Posts
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good article....

Holocaust of Giants: The Great Smithsonian Cover-up

Quote :
"Noted Native American author and professor of law emeritus, Vine Deloria, writes in a personal communication:

It's probably better that so few of the ruins and remains were tied in with the Smithsonian because they give good reason to believe the ending of the Indiana Jones movieā€”a great warehouse where the real secrets of earth history are buried.

Modern day archaeology and anthropology have nearly sealed the door on our imaginations, broadly interpreting the North American past as devoid of anything unusual in the way of great cultures characterized by a people of unusual demeanor. The great interloper of ancient burial grounds, the nineteenth century Smithsonian Institution, created a one-way portal, through which uncounted bones have been spirited. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. Among these bones may lay answers not even sought by these officials concerning the deep past.

The first hint we had about the possible existence of an actual race of tall, strong, and intellectually sophisticated people, was in researching old township and county records. Many of these were quoting from old diaries and letters that were combined, for posterity, in the 1800s from diaries going back to the 1700s. Says Vine in this understanding:

Some of these old county and regional history books contain real gems because the people were not subjected to a rigid indoctrination about evolution and were astonished about what they found and honestly reported it."

[Edited on July 30, 2005 at 12:47 PM. Reason : 2]

7/30/2005 12:41:14 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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I especially like the spelling and punctuation errors.

7/30/2005 4:12:14 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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spelling and punctuation errors dont mean that you are stupid

or do they??

7/30/2005 4:16:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Some of these old county and regional history books contain real gems because the people were not subjected to a rigid indoctrination about evolution and were astonished about what they found and honestly reported it."

You can also find old diaries and books that mention witchcraft. I guess that scientists are covering that up as well.

Quote :
"Is that why all your posts have been directed solely towards me?"

No, thats because you resorted to name calling and began spouting off totally unrelated information as soon as I posed my question.

7/30/2005 7:50:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
No, thats because you resorted to name calling and began spouting off totally unrelated information as soon as I posed my question."

That is fucking bullshit. You posed your fucking question directly towards me.

7/31/2005 2:14:30 AM

All American
11175 Posts
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You know, Anakim was one of the Nephilim. And the Nephilim were said to be "sons of God"

OMFG George Lucas conspiracy!

7/31/2005 9:05:25 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"You posed your fucking question directly towards me."

Actually, it was directed at salisburyboy. That's why I repeatedly said that I was refering to biblical giants, not oversized apes. Of course you had already whipped yourself into a fury over the fossil record, so there was really nothing that i could do to stop you from prattling on about it.

7/31/2005 3:21:16 PM

26780 Posts
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scientific evidence in the form of articles MUST come from peer reviewed respected journals. the little people that were found not too long ago prove that nobody is censoring strange finds about hominid origons.


otherwise your are posting the ravings of some lunatic off is haldol

you do understand that, dont you?

7/31/2005 3:24:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Actually, it was directed at salisburyboy. That's why I repeatedly said that I was refering to biblical giants, not oversized apes. Of course you had already whipped yourself into a fury over the fossil record, so there was really nothing that i could do to stop you from prattling on about it.

You never said anything about biblical giants in response to me until the last post on the previous page.

7/31/2005 3:43:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I didn't think that I needed to, as that was the subject of this entire thread.

7/31/2005 4:01:44 PM

All American
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Well obviously when I'm talking about fucking Giant Ape Men, such as Java Man, then yes you need to make it clear that you are talkign about biblical giants when I my self am not talking about biblical giants.

7/31/2005 4:04:29 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"I didn't think that I needed to, as that was the subject of this entire thread."

Henceforth I'll spell everything out for you.

7/31/2005 4:06:20 PM

All American
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Listen dumkopf, the title of the thread may be about the nephilim of the Bible, but the fact remains the thread has not continued on that course. I'm sorry that you cannot adapt and change as the thread changes. If the Soap Box was evolution, you would not be a viable species.

7/31/2005 4:08:19 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Listen dumkopf, the title of the thread may be about the nephilim of the Bible, but the fact remains the thread has not continued on that course."

You went off on the fossil record and giant monkies, which wasn't what anyone was talking about. I'm sorry that you can't stay on topic and believe for some reason that the thread naturally follows you.

This thread is over. Just let it go, man.

7/31/2005 4:13:37 PM

All American
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Because I was responding to Salisburyboy. Can you not fucking read.

7/31/2005 4:15:54 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So was I, dingus.

Quote :
"This thread is over. Just let it go, man."

7/31/2005 4:17:08 PM

All American
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no asshole, you were fucking talking to me. and quoting that over and over again doesn't make it anymore true.

7/31/2005 4:19:07 PM

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