hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "hmmm...definately winnable, but this is NC State, there has to be a letdown regardless.
I say we lose this one, but beat MTSU and Maryland to get a bowl." |
I hate to say it but I kinda agree with the first part, thats just how NC State athletics works. I hope and pray that it isn't true, but
And I would think it would be beat BC and MTSU and then lose to Maryland. Cause in all of CTC's years he has beat maryland what, one time? The fridge is an offensive mastermind sometimes I think he could win with a pile of shit.
But I will be sooooooo happy if I'm wrong. Well, as long as we go bowling and I'm wrong.  11/9/2005 7:52:30 PM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
$$$$$$$$$$$$ spread: bc +4 $$$$$$$$$$$$ 11/9/2005 8:00:02 PM
wolfAApack All American 9980 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think we can beat BC in Boston. I am also fully expecting a let down on top of the fact that we cant beat them.
I also expected us to lose to USM and FSU, and I didn't think Stone would win a game...shows you what I know.
Whatever...I'm not predicting anything, although I expect us to lose.
Hopefully Andre and Marcus can prove me wrong again...GO PACK! 11/9/2005 8:00:13 PM
Fuel All American 7016 Posts user info edit post |
The keys of the game aren't Marcus and Andre. Its all about the defense at this point. They shut down FSU, and if they do likewise against BC we will win. 11/9/2005 8:03:29 PM
wolfAApack All American 9980 Posts user info edit post |
yeah I know ...but we still have to score...I really dont care how we get it done as long as we win. 11/9/2005 8:07:35 PM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
I think think BC gets that much of an advantage being at their stadium. They're so fricking quiet its pathetic. Its like going to a UNC game. 11/9/2005 8:16:21 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "$$$$$$$$$$$$ spread: bc +4 $$$$$$$$$$$$" |
Ummm, BC is giving up points, not getting them.
-4.5 on my site. 11/9/2005 8:25:17 PM
jongotburned All American 748 Posts user info edit post |
^ yeah. ive got the same thing...BC -4.5 11/9/2005 8:29:05 PM
Lil G Suspended 2426 Posts user info edit post |
I think I took us +4.5. I'm sure I teased us at +10.5. 11/9/2005 8:32:02 PM
mistahubbs Suspended 270 Posts user info edit post |
I think with the momentum we have right now, and the way I think marcus, andre, and the big D will tear it up, this won't be as close as some think.
NCSU - 27 BC - 10 11/9/2005 9:41:11 PM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
i meant to put +. bc is not that good at all. 11/9/2005 9:43:42 PM
frshmkr11 Veteran 328 Posts user info edit post |
Hate to say it, but this is going to bad....
Scenario....pack is up 5 with two minutes left
Stone throws an interception....BC on Pack 45
BC drives to the 20....QB sacked on 3 and 8 Wolfpack faithful up in arms....("can we hold em," they all say?") BC throws for TD in the back of the in zone...up one...30 seconds left and stone scrambles
I'd love for us to win....but i've been hurt too much 11/9/2005 11:52:36 PM
sm_superstar Veteran 278 Posts user info edit post |
Two hungry teams, two really great defenses, this will most likely be a low-scoring, defensive bout, but I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and hope will pull out a W. I've figured out that we seem to do better when we are considered the underdog, probably explains why we are 2-1 away from C-F this year (GT and FSU). Both Stone and Brown's gameplay have changed the attitude of this team, even the defense, and so I'll say that we should have the motivation and desire to get the W in the bag, even if BC has lost 2 straight (VT and UNC).
GO WOLFPACK!!!  11/10/2005 1:13:17 PM
bumpintahoe All American 2077 Posts user info edit post |
^^hey guy...learn the football terminology before you make any dumbass predictions...ENDzone...not IN zone....ENDzone....
[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 1:43 PM. Reason : .] 11/10/2005 1:43:24 PM
Nashattack All American 7022 Posts user info edit post |
If the wolfpack that played FSU comes out:
NCSU 24 BC 17
If the wolfpack that played Clemson comes out:
NCSU 14 BC 31 11/10/2005 1:52:19 PM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
Whos gonna be up here for some tailgating? I wanna get the rowdy-ist bunch of Wolfpackers together and show these old farts how to tailgate. 11/10/2005 2:12:33 PM
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit post |
Also have to wonder how much the weather may factor...its at night so its going to be cold, BC is used to the cold and its actually fairly warm this week here for November.
Still havent seen any mention of places to catch the game on ESPN2HD...I could call up some places, but Im sure some will swear their stretched out analog cable is HD. 11/10/2005 2:16:08 PM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
^ Hey man, check these out. You should just go in person
Quote : | "Go WOLFPACK! up to 8 Boston College vs NCSU tkts - $25
I will sell - - 8 for $25 each, 7 for $28 each, 6 for $30 each, etc.
SECTION - - L - - rows 12 & 13....
I can meet Friday morning, afternoon or Sat prior to the game to complete the sale..." |
11/10/2005 2:26:01 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
I fucking hate some of you people. You're nothing but disgraceful douchebags.
This is why we have the worst fan base in the ACC.
[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 3:12 PM. Reason : d] 11/10/2005 3:12:48 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |

11/10/2005 6:32:09 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
i found out today that my roommate's friend got us free tickets to the game. we're leaving Raleigh around 2 to head up to my roommate's place, which is around 45 mins to an hour north of NYC, and 5 mins from the Conn. border, to stay for Friday night. we're gonna get there around midnight on Friday. we'll wake up really early, and get some breakfast from his favorite restaurant. we'll leave from South Salem and head to Boston/Chestnut Hill and meet up with some of his hs friends, and have them show us the town. then we'll go to the game and afterwards hit up the famous Boston bars and crash at his friends' place. 
oh and the tickets will be in the NC State section since we're getting them through someone on the team, or close to the team.
[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 7:53 PM. Reason : ] 11/10/2005 7:52:08 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
to the top
GO PACK 11/11/2005 1:52:27 PM
jamz0r All American 1612 Posts user info edit post |
Here's hoping to seeing this Saturday Night:
 I took it last Saturday Night 
[Edited on November 11, 2005 at 2:00 PM. Reason : asdf] 11/11/2005 1:57:45 PM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
Scrumples, it'd be awesome if you made it up. Unfortunately I wouldnt be able to house you since I'm in a shared house with my landlord. Go pack anyway!  11/11/2005 2:01:01 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
nah, too expensive, too long of a drive, etc.
wish i could 11/11/2005 2:22:53 PM
JWHWolf All American 3320 Posts user info edit post |
Hey marko, you should make a cartoon where mr. wuf is driving a steamroller with the number 24 on it, "running" over the eagle.... 11/11/2005 2:30:03 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Corso: BC Herbstreit: NC State 11/12/2005 11:53:02 AM
EC at State All American 2084 Posts user info edit post |
^thats refreshing 11/12/2005 1:24:19 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
i dont think that we will win
it will be close
but i just dont know 11/12/2005 2:14:13 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Corso: BC Herbstreit: NC State" |
good, we didn't get the KOD from Corso. I like our chances that much better. 11/12/2005 2:42:14 PM
Lutz All American 1102 Posts user info edit post |
NCSU 27 BC 17 11/12/2005 4:12:10 PM
Docido All American 4642 Posts user info edit post |
Walking over to BC right now!!! Gonna go find some Staters and drink it up! GO STATE!  11/12/2005 4:58:51 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
Playmakers at 6 if I know you or you arent a tool 11/12/2005 5:01:00 PM
OuiJamn All American 5766 Posts user info edit post |
i really hope they cut away from that damn tennis 11/12/2005 7:06:23 PM
SteveO All American 728 Posts user info edit post |
^they better.....i 11/12/2005 7:07:20 PM
OuiJamn All American 5766 Posts user info edit post |
i will be very very pissed if they don't cut away 11/12/2005 7:08:47 PM
Josh8315 Suspended 26780 Posts user info edit post |
ncsu 4 boston 2 11/12/2005 7:13:08 PM
OuiJamn All American 5766 Posts user info edit post |
if the girl with the man jaw wins, the match is over 11/12/2005 7:13:35 PM
Josh8315 Suspended 26780 Posts user info edit post |
talk about masculinization due to steriods 11/12/2005 7:18:51 PM
SteveO All American 728 Posts user info edit post |
alright...gametime...lets go, switch over 11/12/2005 7:19:16 PM
badboyben All American 7631 Posts user info edit post |
I hope that's it. 11/12/2005 7:19:20 PM
AttackLax All American 2304 Posts user info edit post |
no shit, its not even the finals of this tourney...lets fucking go 11/12/2005 7:20:00 PM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
beatsunc All American 10784 Posts user info edit post |
WTF tennis 11/12/2005 7:20:50 PM
DrOldSchool All American 2221 Posts user info edit post |
Directv sets aside channels for this type of situation, where if 1 thing runs long you can see the start of the other.
And even the extra channel is showing tennis. WTF!!
Watch Sharapova come all the way back and have a 3 set marathon 11/12/2005 7:21:22 PM
Wolf2Ranger All American 2615 Posts user info edit post |
are they delaying the game as well or just fucking us over?  11/12/2005 7:21:22 PM
beatsunc All American 10784 Posts user info edit post |
nope they just kicked off  11/12/2005 7:22:26 PM
Wolf2Ranger All American 2615 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on November 12, 2005 at 7:24 PM. Reason : .] 11/12/2005 7:22:45 PM
jds0624 Starting Lineup 88 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know that much about tennis... Is this shit almost over? 11/12/2005 7:23:38 PM
SupaDave Veteran 109 Posts user info edit post |
hooray 11/12/2005 7:24:02 PM