varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
LOL. You are not right so you go to your old standby from about 3 years ago by calling me a noob. Funny stuff. 11/12/2005 9:13:39 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
You say I am not right because the winner of the coin toss doesn't have the advantage, but then you say the loser wins ALMOST more than half the time. Again....IT IS NOT A FAIR OT IF BOTH TEAMS DONT HAVE THE CHANCE TO SCORE. 11/12/2005 9:18:48 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dude, what I'm saying is that its almost 50-50. 53% is basically half. With all the NFL overtime games since 1957, there has been no correllation to who gets the ball first and winning. The team that loses the coin toss wins the game almost half the time." |
Advantage....winner of the coin toss. That being said, its not fair to flip a coin. YOU LOSE and have admited it.

[Edited on November 12, 2005 at 9:21 PM. Reason : .] 11/12/2005 9:20:00 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
Great picture.
I never said it was fair. I just said that through history there is no corellation b/t the winner of the coin toss and winner of the game. I think its better to play a slightly unfair version of the same game (NFL OT) than to play a fair version of a completely different game (College OT). I mean, monopoly is fair. Lets play monopoly for OT.
I think you make it a lot more fair by making a team get 6 points to win a game of "sudden death".
I can't really say much more w/o repeating myself. I do love the way words are being put in my mouth though. I never even mentioned the NFL and then I never said it was fair. Just better.
Again, great picture. 11/12/2005 9:27:42 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I just said that through history there is no corellation b/t the winner of the coin toss and winner of the game." |
But yet, you say the winner of the coin toss wins the game 53% of the time. Make up your mind. 11/12/2005 9:39:38 PM
UJustWait84 All American 25825 Posts user info edit post |
i cant believe macgyver is actually right for once  11/12/2005 9:48:12 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
Jeez, are you insane. 53% is basically HALF. You can't get much closer. The stats basically say that you can't tell who is going to win the game by who wins the coin toss. If you bet on the winner of the coin toss in every OT game since 1957, you would not even break even with your bookie. Thats how close it is to half. 11/12/2005 10:14:21 PM
Sleik All American 11177 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Why does LSUs FG kicker have his full name on the back of his jersey?" |
They have Chris Jackson, and Chevis Jackson
they could just go CHR and CHE but I guess they chose not to 11/14/2005 12:03:17 PM
bamancsu Veteran 429 Posts user info edit post |
typical lsu fans......... 11/14/2005 1:18:59 PM
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Jeez, are you insane. 53% is basically HALF. You can't get much closer. The stats basically say that you can't tell who is going to win the game by who wins the coin toss. If you bet on the winner of the coin toss in every OT game since 1957, you would not even break even with your bookie. Thats how close it is to half.
" |
So 53% = 50%? Nice, then how about every week, we each put in $500 into a pot, and I will take 53% and you can have the other 47%. We will do this for the rest of our lives. And since 53% is the same as 50%, we will both come out even, so there is no need for you to worry. No, the stats do tell. The winner of the coin toss wins 53% of the time. I'll take those odds. The only reason you wouldn't win with a bookie is because of the juice, make it straight up bet and you would be ahead. 11/14/2005 3:54:03 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
LOL, man, get a clue. The fact that its so close to 50% means there is very little corellation. Do you know what the word corellation means? Its like flipping a coin. Its pretty much 50-50, but guess what, if you flip it 100 times, one is probably going to come up more than the other. It doesn't really predict whats going to happen on the next 50 tosses. Now, if it was 70%, then you might need to check your coin and see what's up. If heads comes up 53 times out of 100, does that mean that coin-tossing is unfair???
Also, I will say that I did a little more research. One thing I didn't think about is that 53% wins does not equal 47% losses. There were a few ties. So, yes, the team kicking off in OT has lost more than 53% of the time. Also, I think its been a higher percentage in recent years. I can only conclude that is b/c of much better kickers in the last 20 years or so. You've got guys that can easily kick 40 yarders almost every time, and can also kick 50+ with somewhat consistency.
But that doesnt change your weird logic. Do you really think the results are going to be exactly 50-50 no matter what formula is used?
I would still favor a system where you had to score 6 points in OT to win. But, you also have to remember that, in the NFL, if you miss a long field goal, you give up 7 more yards of field position. Just b/c you drive down to the opponent's 35, you may not want to kick a 52 yarder.
I also still say, with great conviction, that college OT is NOT FOOTBALL. Its just football plays. Football is a game of field position with punting and kickoffs and play-calling determined where you are on the field. If someone intercepts in college OT and runs it to the 1-yard line, they get the ball 1st and 10 from the 25. Sorry dude, thats not football. That sounds more like practice to me.
Notre Dame would not have lost to Michigan State in a man's version of OT. No matter who got the ball first. 11/14/2005 7:37:15 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
Where did you even find the 53% from? 11/14/2005 7:44:21 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
Can't remember the site. When I originally posted it, it was mainly from hearing announcers talk about it a lot. They always say, well people think its unfair, but over the years the team winning the toss has won about 52-53% of the time.
But they rarely if ever do mention the ties, and that does mean something.
I don't really have a problem with it. Might be nice to adjust it. I also just think there is something really nice about "sudden death". Men playing against men in a man's game. They've played 60 minutes to a tie, and now the first one to score wins. sudden death.
I think I'd like to keep that but put the variation of sudden death into the college game. Hell, I never had a problem with ties in college football. Its not like there is a playoff. Who needs OT? 11/14/2005 7:49:11 PM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
in THIS GAME the team that won the coin toss won 100%. if alabama got the ball 2nd they wouldve known they needed a td and been able to play for one as oposed to playing for a fg. thats pretty easy to understand. they wouldve had a chance 11/14/2005 8:02:05 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
^^Im still correct in this argument. But I am almost willing to bet that the # is higher than 53%. So go find me a sports site that has the actual stat I can see and not some number you might have made up. 11/14/2005 8:12:16 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
^^Yes, I am also still correct in this argument....
Here is a site I just found, not one I have seen before... (not quite up to date) (Team won toss and won game 189 (52 %))
I also found this site..
I really like this quote from it: "What I dislike the most about the overtime rule is that the outcome of any game will be decided by one team's red-zone offense against the other team's red-zone defense, and vice versa. It doesn't seem to matter that the rest of the game is played under a different set of rules."
And this: "When a basketball game goes into overtime, the outcome is not determined by a free-throw shooting contest. When a hockey game goes into overtime, the outcome is not determined by a penalty shootout. And when a baseball game goes into extra innings, the outcome is not determined by a home-run hitting contest." 11/14/2005 8:26:29 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
1974-2003 the winner of the coin toss wins 52% of the time, the loser wins 44% of the time. thats. Factor in the 4% tie, and the winner of the coing toss doesn't lose the game 56% of the time. Also, this was interesting....
Quote : | "Interestingly, the cumulative data hide the effect of a rule change that occurred in 1994, when kickoffs were moved back 5 yards to the 30-yard line. Since 1994, nearly one-third of overtime games have been won on the first possession by the team that received the ball first. In the first 20 seasons, under the old rule, slightly more than one-quarter of the games were won in this fashion.
A recent analysis by economist Richard E. Hawkins of Pennsylvania State University in DuBois confirms that these differences are statistically significant.
"The analysis finds with 99.99 % certainty that the [coin] flip has made a difference in the outcome of the game over the last 10 years," he concludes. "But for the period prior to those 10 years, the coin flip cannot be shown to be important."
" |
11/14/2005 11:15:18 PM
varsityblues All American 919 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I thought that was interesting too. I wonder if they gave the winner of the coin toss this option. OT starts from the 20. Everything else stays the same. Just no kickoff. You can choose offense or defense. I would imagine everyone would choose offense. But, at least you don't have drives starting from the 30 or better. Or, just say that you start OT with a kickoff from the 35, like before. I wouldn't see a problem with that rule at all. Just something to think about it. 11/15/2005 12:34:53 AM