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All American
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so, all this pause is literally a period of cut and paste


3/31/2006 1:24:38 PM

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The 7 11 Connection : Atlantis AGAIN

Quote :
"The 9-11 (7-11) mass murder seemed like an obvious reference to Gemini, the sign associated with Mercury, god who flies through the air bringing information. The Twin motif connotes the dualistic offspring of Isis/Sirius, and Romulus & Remus, the Twins whose rivalry is associated with the Building of the Walls of Rome. I had written an earlier study called "Shakespeare, Kubrick & Gnostic Dualism" discussing, among other things, the Roman veneration of the combined twin deity Janus as the God of Buildings and Architecture.

The symbolism of Gemini=Mercury=Hermes=Thoth was not lost on the Architects who planned the Twin Pillars of the WTC -- Mercury being the god of commerce and Hermes & Thoth the aspects of that deity associated with Illuminated Knowledge (the WTC was a symbol of the Information Age as well). Illuminated Rockefellers were well aware of the identity of the God of Commerce, and as bankers surely knew the origin of the symbol of the Almighty Dollar, commonly known as the dollar sign. It is in the origin of the US dollar -- double-pillars surmounted by a serpent motif -- that the relevancy of the Gemini allusion -- Castor and Pollux twin patrons of Navigation -- becomes clear.

QUEST FOR THE GOLDEN APPLES, THE 11TH LABOR OF HERCULES: These apples were kept in a garden at the northern edge of the world, and they were guarded not only by a hundred-headed dragon, named Ladon, but also by the Hesperides, nymphs who were daughters of Atlas, the titan who held the sky and the earth upon his shoulders. Through cunning Hercules destroyed the DRAGON LADON and tricked Atlas and his daughters the Hesperides out of the Golden Apples. The Atlas Mountains in Morocco are said to be the place heaven is born on the strong shoulders of Atlas.

While Hesiod says Atlas was the son of a Titan who rose up against Zeus, and that Atlas's daughters kept the Golden Apples, there is a parallel tale of the children of Atlas who became kings of Atlantis. Atlas was said to be the son of Poseidon in this account, which comes only from the Atlantis description of Plato. Plato's nam
e means broad shoulder and strong one. The Twin Columns between Heaven and Earth refer to the location of Plato's Atlantis, and more importantly to the land of Bacon's New Atlantis. Lord Bacon named America as the site of New Atlantis -- the revived Atlantis where the Old World could rebuild the Lost Golden Age.

September means the Seventh Month, so the WTC tragic date could be abbreviated as 7 - 11... Significant if one were from France, and an enthusiastic occultist. The number 711 is significant as the year which saw the area of the Pillars of Hercules (beyond which lies Plato's Atlantis) overrun by Muslims-- Iberia (Land of the Ibers or Hebrews) in conflict with Muslims (Sons of Ham) in 711AD. The numbers 7 and 11 are not insignificant in the WTC Pentagon tragedy. Flight 11 and Flight 77 were both "twin" numbers. Atlas, whose pillars were temporarily shouldered by Hercules during his 11th Labor, is also a legendary king of Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by 7 sets of Twins!

Comments from Watcher's Dave Flynn:

The attack of the 'twin towers' in America symbolizes the revenge of Lamech, and the toppling of the American-ruled governing institution - economic and spiritual. The number of Lamech’s revenge is 77 (Lamech is ancestor of Hiram Abiff) - Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, on the 77th meridian.

The alleged mastermind behind the attacks, Osama Bin Laden has a remarkably symbolic last name - Bin = "son" of Ladon. Ladon is the mythical serpent described in the 11th labor of Hercules, the guardian of the tree of golden fruit of Hesperides at the pillars of Atlas.

The combined occultic symbolism of numbers, places, and people and TIMING involved in the “terrorist attack” is so consistent with the Mysteries that it goes beyond the agency of mere humans alone. The symbolic act of destroying the Twin Towers and the Pentagon are ultimate sacrifices towards achieving the Great Work -- world rule under the forces of the Fiery Dragon. It is the blood sacrifice for the forces of the Spirit of Antichrist who is to rule the world from Israel. These forces attacked the epitome of what represents them -- the greatest sacrifice they can offer -- as providing a symbolic cue to the angelic rebels.

The attack was the symbolic antithesis of the story of Samson.

"And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred [pieces] of silver. (Flight 11 hit the first of the twin towers ) Jdg 16:5 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Jdg 16: 28 (the reverse of this, Horus lost one of his eyes in the fight with the killer of Osiris, his twin Seth) And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house (of Dagon) stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. Judges

16:29 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. (the Twin towers attack was suicidal) And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life. Jdg 16:30"
Samson is an anagram for Masons (Anagram of Osama Bin = I B a Mason). Samson also toppled two pillars - of the temple of "Dagon" - the Fish / Dragon god of the Philistines (Dragon Ladon in Greek myth). The events that caused the first airline to collide with the "twin towers" were put into motion around 13:00 Greenwich mean time. 13 is the number of Isis, whose symbol is the 5 pointed star (Pentagon).

"Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. One sees a foreshadowing of antichrist in those goals, Revelation 13.

The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards which are protected by the womb-shaped PENTAGON at the center - the United States Pentagon is appropriately associated with defense and protection. Because the United States has symbolically lost the protection of its Pentagon, look for more war reigning happily ... perhaps along the 13th meridian or, more likely, the 33rd latitude (i.e. symbolic areas might include Phoenix, Atlanta or Texas). "

3/31/2006 1:25:14 PM

All American
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if we all stopped posting

it would just be him

and he wouldn't stop


3/31/2006 1:25:51 PM

All American
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Duke is part of the military...

what say you salisburyboy

3/31/2006 1:25:51 PM

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Quote :
"so, all this pause is literally a period of cut and paste


It's of my own compilation and effort. I just prepared beforehand.


First of all, understand that the twin towers both collapsed in around 10 seconds, which is near the rate of free fall. It is absolutely impossible for the towers to have fallen this fast if they collapsed due to the "pancake theory" as the government claims. Also understand that no modern steel skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire in history. Ever. The twin towers were certainly designed to withstand fire, and they were even designed to withstand the impact of commercial airliners.

WTC Construction Manager: Towers Were Designed to Take Numerous Plane Crashes
short video clip:

WTC Construction Certifiers Say Towers Should Have Easily Withstood Jet Fuel Temperatures

That said, we have a mountain of evidence proving that explosives were used to bring down the twin towers. We have literally dozens of examples of eyewitness testimony describing explosions going off in the twin towers, including explosions just before the towers collapsed. This is testimony coming from experience firefighters, television news reporters, and many others. There is also evidence of a massive ground shake just before the collapse of the twin towers.

Numerous examples of compelling eyewitness testimony:

New York Firefighters Discuss Bombs in WTC Towers (*MUST SEE*)
40 second video clip:

(in above clip, notice the 2 expulsions of gas and debri well below collapsing portion during collapse of tower, indicative of explosive charges)

MSNBC News VIDEO CLIP: Police found "suspicious device" and believed explosive devices may have been planted in the WTC Buildings (*MUST SEE*)

Quote :
"The report you're watching and hearing was filed by an MSNBC news anchor Rick Sanchez on the morning of September 11th 2001.


Sanchez states,

”Police have found what they believe to be a suspicious device and they fear that it may lead to another explosion."

"I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me they have reason to believe that one of the explosion at the besides the ones made with the planes, may have been caused by a van that was parked on the building that may have had an explosive device in it.”"

NY City Fireman: "We think there were bombs set in the building"
People Magazine article:

More short video clips of eyewitnesses describing explosions:

CNN Reporter: "WTC Collapse Looked Like Planned Implosion"
short video clip:

CBS Reporter describes "explosions" in both towers just prior to their collapse
audio here:

NBC: FDNY Chief of Safety Reported Bombs Both Within the Towers and on the Planes on 9/11

Witness: "All of a sudden I heard a roar and I saw one of the towers blow ...
I saw from street level as though it exploded up, a giant rolling ball of flame..."

Witness: "We really never even got that close to the building. The explosion blew and it knocked everybody over."

Reporter describes explosion just before tower collapse

Witness stating he heard explosions and then three thuds just before collapse

Witness interviewed on television stating "it sounded like gunfire . . . . bang bang bang bang bang . . . and then three big explosions"

Experts are now coming forward and saying that explosives were used to bring down the twin towers:

BYU Professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC

Prof. Steven E. Jones' Paper: "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"'s bombs in the towers archive

3/31/2006 1:26:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I just prepared beforehand."

but you're speaking to a wall

you're just a loser nutjob

do you know this?

3/31/2006 1:27:22 PM

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by prepared beforehand he does in fact mean cut and paste

3/31/2006 1:28:28 PM

All American
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You idiots are like the people that yell and scream at Gary

3/31/2006 1:28:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"First of all, understand that the twin towers both collapsed in around 10 seconds, which is near the rate of free fall. It is absolutely impossible for the towers to have fallen this fast if they collapsed due to the "pancake theory" as the government claims. Also understand that no modern steel skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire in history. Ever. The twin towers were certainly designed to withstand fire, and they were even designed to withstand the impact of commercial airliners."

yeah, what about fire fueled by tons and tons of jet fuel?

have they ever run those tests?

3/31/2006 1:28:46 PM

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Quote :
"you're just a loser nutjob"

Name-calling and smear tactics bring nothing substantive or rational to the table.

Can't you debate these topics in a respectful and logical fashion?


The testimony of Stephen Gregory, Assistant Commissioner (F.D.N.Y.):

Quote :
"A. ...I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-level flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought -- at that time I didn't know what it was. I mean, it could have been the result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.

Q. Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire was?

A. No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me… He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.


Q. On the television pictures it appeared as well, before the first collapse, that there was an explosion on the upper floors.

A. I know about the explosion on the upper floors. This was like eye level.""

(see pp. 14-15 of PDF file for above quotes)

The testimony of Chief Frank Cruthers:

Quote :
""And while I was still in that immediate area, the south tower, 2 World Trade Center, there was what appeared to be at first an explosion. It appeared at the very top, simultaneously from all four sides, materials shot out horizontally. And then there seemed to be a momentary delay before you could see the beginning of the collapse.""

(see page 4 of PDF file for above quote)

The testimony of Daniel Rivera (Paramedic, EMS):

Quote :
""It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was -- do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop" That's exactly what -- because I thought it was that. When I heard that frigging noise, that's when I saw the building coming down.""

(see page 9 of PDF file for above quote)

The testimony of Captain Karin Deshore of emergency medical services:

Quote :
""Somewhere around the middle of the world trade center there was this orange and red flash coming out. Initially it was just one flash. Then this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that building had started to explode. The popping sound, and with each popping sound it was initially an orange and then red flash came out of the building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides as far as I could see. These popping sounds and the explosions were getting bigger, going both up and down and then all around the building.

I went inside and told everybody that the other building or there was an explosion occuring up there and I said I think we have another major explosion. I don't know if we are all going to be safe here."

(see page 15 of PDF file for above quote)

READ THESE TESTIMONIES! "Popping sounds" associated with red and orange flashings going around the building. Witnesses describing explosions and material shooting out of the building and then a delay before the collapse. Witnesses saying they thought it was a “controlled demolition.” TELL ME THAT THERE WEREN'T EXPLOSIVE CHARGES IN THE TOWERS. TELL ME THAT ISN'T A DESCRIPTION OF A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

3/31/2006 1:29:04 PM

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the jet fuel coudn't have caused this, its been proven

3/31/2006 1:29:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"theDuke866: can anyone make a case for this thread to remain unlocked (or at least unmoved to another section)?"

3/31/2006 1:29:28 PM

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The following testimony is from the emergency personnel tapes released in August '05:

Quote :
"“We felt the ground shake. You could see the towers sway and then it just came down and I never looked back once I started running.”

--medical technician Lonnie Penn" (see page 5 of PDF file for quote)

Quote :
""...all of a sudden the ground just started shaking. It felt like a train was running under my feet. . . . The next thing we know, we look up and the tower is collapsing."

--fire patrolman Paul Curran" (see page 11 of PDF for quote)

Quote :
"""Shortly before the first tower came down I remember feeling the ground shaking. I heard a terrible noise, and then debris just started flying everywhere. People started running...."


"...we basically had the same thing: The ground shook again, and we heard another terrible noise and the next thing we knew the second tower was coming down."

--Lieutenant Bradley Mann of the fire department" (see pp. 5-7 of PDF file for quotes)

Video evidence of groundshake prior to WTC collapse

Look for the camera to shake for about a second approximately 7 seconds into the clip and 10 seconds before the collapse begins.


Images of the World Trade Center Site Show Thermal Hot Spots on September 16 and 23, 2001: (U. S. Geological Survey Report)

WTC Thermal Hot Spots: The Fingerprint of a Demolition:

3/31/2006 1:30:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
Name-calling and smear tactics bring nothing substantive or rational to the table."

cutting and pasting from nutjob website is not bringing something substantive or rational

i'm sorry

you obviously care about this

why don't you spend your time doing something productive and useful instead of being creepy

you're never going to get any pussy this way man

3/31/2006 1:30:49 PM

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Notice how far the steel beams and debri are shooting out to the side of the tower. Is the tower really "pancaking" as the government claims? Or would this be explained by the explosive charges going off?

Notice the clear demolition "squib" (expulsion of gas and dust well below the collapsing portion)

Again, is this a "pancake"? Or does it look like a controlled demolition? And notice the demolition "squibs" below the collapsing portion.

What happened to the angular momentum of the top portion? Why did this portion fall straight down and crumble to dust? Why didn't it topple over? And, once again, does this look like the building is "pancaking"? Or does it look like explosions are going off?


Watch the videos of the WTC collapse and judge for yourself if they were controlled demolitions or collapses from a “pancake” theory as the government claims.:

WTC collapse video and pictures archive:

3/31/2006 1:32:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"theDuke866: can anyone make a case for this thread to remain unlocked (or at least unmoved to another section)?"

3/31/2006 1:33:37 PM

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Recently, BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones published a paper arguing that explosives brought down the WTC towers. His findings are widely supported by his collegues, and the mainstream media carried articles on his paper:

Proffesor Steven E. Jones' Paper: "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

Quote :
"Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC

By Elaine Jarvik
Deseret Morning News

The physics of 9/11 — including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell — prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor.

In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildings at ground zero, says Steven E. Jones."

Quote :
"Questioning what happened on 9/11: Professor believes planes didn't cause all the damage around the WTC

Nov. 16, 2005


On Monday, Tucker Carlson welcomed Brigham Young University Professor Steven Jones to the 'Situation.' Jones, a professor of physics, believes that the hijackers may not have brought down the towers by themselves.",1249,635179751,00.html

Quote :
"BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11

Saturday, January 28, 2006
By Elaine Jarvik
Deseret Morning News

Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones made headlines when he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "pre-positioned explosives." Now, along with a group that calls itself "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," he's upping the ante.

"We believe that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11," the group says in a statement released Friday announcing its formation. "We believe these events may have been orchestrated by the administration in order to manipulate the American people into supporting policies at home and abroad."

Headed by Jones and Jim Fetzer, University of Minnesota Duluth distinguished McKnight professor of philosophy, the group is made up of 50 academicians and others.

They include Robert M. Bowman, former director of the U.S. "Star Wars" space defense program, and Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the Department of Labor in President George W. Bush's first term.

3/31/2006 1:34:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
Duke is part of the military...

what say you salisburyboy"

i want your opinion on this

3/31/2006 1:34:36 PM

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* The date of the attack - 9/11 - 9+1+1=11
* Phone number to report life threatening events = 911
* "Eleven -shaped Building" Twin Towers Collapse on 9-11
* 11th Labor of Hercules Included Holding up Twin Pillars
* Flight 11 hit the Twin Towers
* Flight 11 had 92 on board : 9+2=11
* Flight 77 had 65 on board : 6+5=11
* September 11 th is the 254th day of the year 2+5+4=11
* After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year
* State of New York - 11th state to be added to the Union
* New York City - 11 letters
* Afghanistan - 11 letters
* The Pentagon - 11 letters
* George W Bush - 11 letters
* September 11, 1922 The British mandate of Palestine began - Osama & Islam Commemorate Date?

3/31/2006 1:36:05 PM

All American
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did you know the torah is just a buch of numbers

make you think huh?

3/31/2006 1:36:59 PM

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Quote :
"Duke is part of the military...

what say you salisburyboy"

What are you suggesting? He should suspend me for my views?

And for the record, I'm all for our military. That's why I oppose the Iraq war, and these other wars started on lies. I don't want our young men and women dying for nothing.


Some people ask, “ if the government was really involved in 9/11, why are there no government whistle-blowers?” Well, there are some whistle-blowers, including Sibel Edmonds (a former FBI agent), Morgan Reynolds ( the former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during George W. Bush’s first term), and others. So, it’s simply not true that there are no whiste-blowers.

Low-level government employees are compartmentalized, knowing only enough to do their jobs. And those in the higher levels of these agencies are willingly and actively involved in orchestrating the cover-up. Even if some lower-level employee gains knowledge of a cover-up and considers blowing the whistle, most are prevented from doing so by the threat of losing their job.

Also, there is the problem of the mainstream media. The media is actively involved in the cover-up. So, even if there are former government employees who would like to speak out, the media will not give them the chance to be heard. That is why Morgan Reynolds has been largely ignored by the media, and he has had to start his own website and go to the “alternative” media to be heard.


FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Hints Elements Within U.S. Government the real culprits behind the 9/11 attacks

Former CIA Agent Says Bush to Blame for 9/11; Says Government May Stage Fake Terrorist Attacks

Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job

Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow

Former Asst. Sec. Of Treasury Under Reagan Doubts Official 9/11 Story

Former Bush Admin Economist, Morgan Reynolds, Says Official Story of WTC Collapse 'Bogus'

Ray McGovern, Former CIA Senior Analyst, Who Warns U.S. Headed Down A Fascist Road And Highly Critical Of President Bush and Neo Con Explanations OF WMD, 9/11

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Former director of the U.S. "Star Wars" space defense program and senior air force colonel, doubts 9/11 official story


Martial Law, 9/11, Rise of the Police State by Alex Jones


Loose Change (1st edition)

Painful Deceptions: An Analysis of the September 11 Attack by Eric Hufschmid (40 minute segment of the film)

3/31/2006 1:37:01 PM

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The attack of the 'twin towers' in America symbolizes the revenge of Lamech, and the toppling of the American-ruled governing institution - economic and spiritual. The number of Lamech’s revenge is 77 (Lamech is ancestor of Hiram Abiff) - Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, on the 77th meridian.

The alleged mastermind behind the attacks, Osama Bin Laden has a remarkably symbolic last name - Bin = "son" of Ladon. Ladon is the mythical serpent described in the 11th labor of Hercules, the guardian of the tree of golden fruit of Hesperides at the pillars of Atlas.

The combined occultic symbolism of numbers, places, and people and TIMING involved in the “terrorist attack” is so consistent with the Mysteries that it goes beyond the agency of mere humans alone. The symbolic act of destroying the Twin Towers and the Pentagon are ultimate sacrifices towards achieving the Great Work -- world rule under the forces of the Fiery Dragon. It is the blood sacrifice for the forces of the Spirit of Antichrist who is to rule the world from Israel. These forces attacked the epitome of what represents them -- the greatest sacrifice they can offer -- as providing a symbolic cue to the angelic rebels.

The attack was the symbolic antithesis of the story of Samson.

"And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred [pieces] of silver. (Flight 11 hit the first of the twin towers ) Jdg 16:5 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Jdg 16: 28 (the reverse of this, Horus lost one of his eyes in the fight with the killer of Osiris, his twin Seth) And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house (of Dagon) stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. Judges

16:29 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. (the Twin towers attack was suicidal) And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life. Jdg 16:30"
Samson is an anagram for Masons (Anagram of Osama Bin = I B a Mason). Samson also toppled two pillars - of the temple of "Dagon" - the Fish / Dragon god of the Philistines (Dragon Ladon in Greek myth). The events that caused the first airline to collide with the "twin towers" were put into motion around 13:00 Greenwich mean time. 13 is the number of Isis, whose symbol is the 5 pointed star (Pentagon).

3/31/2006 1:37:47 PM

All American
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what i'm saying is

how do you know he's not part of the conspiracy

i mean, he has curtailed your ability to spread the truth

[Edited on March 31, 2006 at 1:38 PM. Reason : .]

3/31/2006 1:38:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"theDuke866: can anyone make a case for this thread to remain unlocked (or at least unmoved to another section)?"

3/31/2006 1:38:23 PM

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MSNBC-"Bin Laden comes home to roost; His CIA ties are only the beginning of a woeful story"

Bush took FBI agents off Laden family trail:
Times of India article:

Washington Post-"FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools":

Newsweek-"Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at U.S. Bases"

"FBI Lawyer: Bureau Official 'Deliberately' Thwarted Investigation"

"FBI Special Agent Robert Wright Jr. is about to blow the whistle on his superiors for hindering investigations that might have prevented the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11."

Sydney Morning Herald- "FBI chiefs so lax agents felt they were spies"

LA Times-"FBI Let Suspected Terrorist Get Away"
LA Times article:

US 'let Taleban men escape'


Archive on government protection of terrorist patsies

Archive on government aiding of terrorists

Archive on terrorist training at U.S. flight schools and military bases

Archive on government hindering of pre-9/11 Zacarias Moussaoui investigations

Archive on Clinton administration protection of terrorists

Archive on CIA meeting with bin Laden in American hosptial in Dubai two months before 9/11

Archive on Bush and bin Laden family connections

3/31/2006 1:38:30 PM

All American
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i bet if you checked hard enough, he has a little jewish in his bloodline

i would just BET it

3/31/2006 1:38:57 PM

All American
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3/31/2006 1:39:36 PM

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First off, carefully read these comments from George W. Bush:

The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. Theirs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice, while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. And in the terrorists, evil has found a willing servant.”

–George W. Bush (October 11, 2002), in remarks made at the Pentagon at the U.S. Department of Defense's service of remembrance)

FYI, Bush wasn't talking about some muslim "cult" in the carefully crafted comments above. He was subtly hinting at the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks and throwing it in our face. Now, who is this "cult of evil" he was talking about?

One of the first questions to ask when a crime is committed is “cu bono?” (ie, “who benefits?”). Who had the motive to carry out 9/11? And who benefitted the most from these attacks? How would 19 Arabs who allegedly “hate our freedom” benefit from the 9/11 attacks? How could muslims in general benefit from the attack? Were they trying to “take away our freedom” with this attack? After all, that’s the official reason given by Bush. They “hate our freedom”, right? If the 19 muslim hijackers really pulled this off, wouldn’t they have foreseen that the attacks would have disasterous consequences to the world perception of Islam, sympathy for the Palestinian cause, etc? Sure they would have. It makes absolutely no sense for arabs or muslims to have carried out this attack.

And who had the means to carry out this attack? Could 19 guys masterminded by a guy in a cave have really pulled this off? The 9/11 attacks were a very sophisticated operation, and obviously the work of a sophisticated group. Several high-level government officials and former military officers have gone public and stated that only a government could have pulled off the attack. Based on the evidence, we know that the attacks themselves (on an operational level) were pulled off with the cooperation and help of various military, government, and intelligence agencies, including the Mossad and the CIA.

The Mossad is well known for being able to impersonate Arabs and the Israelis have a long history of pulling off “false flag” attacks that are then blamed on Arabs. The Israelis attempted a similar false-flag attack when they attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 during the war between Israel and Egypt. The plot failed, but they wanted to sink the ship and then blame it on Egypt so the U.S. would enter the conflict on the side of Israel. After 9/11, around 200 Israeli spies were arrested and detained in the U.S., many with suspected ties to the 9/11 attacks. FoxNews even aired an investigative series on Israeli spying in America following 9/11 discussing this fact. Five Mossad agents were arrested after seen filming the WTC attack and celebrating. This, and other evidence, shows that Mossad was heavily involved in pulling off the attacks and framing the 19 patsies.

Based on the ensuing and ongoing cover-up of 9/11 within the government, it is clear that people within virtually every facet of the government–including the FBI, NSA, CIA, and military intelligence- are complicit in the attacks. Now, that’s not to say that all the people in the government are intimately and willingly involved in the cover-up. Most of the people in these agencies most likely had no prior knowledge of the attacks and certainly were not involved in them logistically or otherwise on any level. It is the people in the highest levels who are orchestrating the cover up. In these government agencies, things are controlled from the top in hierarchical fashion. And the jobs are “compartmentalized”, with each person only knowing enough to do their job and little more. Those in the lower levels are kept in line through supervision and the prospect of losing their job should they “blow the whistle.” The same goes for those in the mainstream media.

Now, given we know that the government and media is actively involved in the cover-up of 9/11, the question is who is ultimately orchestrating this cover-up? Is a criminal element within the government and media collaborating and conspiring to cover-up the truth? Or is there a criminal group that exercises control over both the government and media who is the real perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks? Based on all the evidence I have seen, the truth is much closer to the latter.

In summary, the ultimate perpetrators and orchestrators of the 9/11 attacks are a cabal of Zionist elite who exercise enormous influence and control over our government and media. This cabal is the drive behind the agenda for a “new world order” (ie, global totalitarian government). They are the architects behind the “terrorist” threat, and are using it to advance their agenda.

3/31/2006 1:40:39 PM

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3/31/2006 1:42:37 PM

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3/31/2006 1:43:06 PM

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the real question is

is theDuke866 part of this "Zionist elite"?

i submit that he is

3/31/2006 1:43:19 PM

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blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah.

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blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah. blah blah blah i copied this somewhere to prove i'm a douche. blah blah blah blah blah douchey douchey douchey blah.

3/31/2006 1:43:41 PM

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if this were true

wouldn't you do more than just POST IT ON A FUCKING MESSAGE BOARD

3/31/2006 1:44:30 PM

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3/31/2006 1:44:47 PM

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Quote :

Of the text that isn't a quote from an article, etc, I personally wrote virtually all of it. I merely prepared it beforehand and am now putting it in the thread. There's nothing wrong with that.


The following is taken from the conclusion of the excellent article referenced above demonstrating that a Zionist Cabal is ultimately responsible for the 9/11 attacks:

Quote :
"We have exposed numerous lies linking Arabs to 9-11. We have established how evidence against Arabs was planted and contrived in order to misdirect investigators (wording of anthrax letters, phony passports, stolen passports, Korans and Arab flight manuals left conveniently behind for FBI filed agents to find in cars and "forgotten" suitcases, Atta‘a passport surviving the blast and floating down to earth, etc). We have established that 7 of the 19 hijackers are alive and well. We have established that a small army of Mossad agents was caught planning terror acts in America and Mexico. We have seen how anxious the Zionists are to use 9-11 as a pretext to crush the Palestinian resistance and to have the US attack Iraq and other nations. We have established all of this and so much more. In addition, there is a plethora of even more damning facts which, in the interests of time and space, weren’t even included in this paper!

The only logical conclusion that a reasonable person can arrive at is this: The 9-11 attacks, the anthrax murders, and numerous other foiled terror plots, were planned, orchestrated, financed, carried out, and covered up by the forces of international Zionism. What other logical explanation can there be? As incredible as this may seem, what other conclusion is there that can so neatly tie up all of the "loose ends" and mysteries related to 9-11? This is the only scenario into which the many pieces of the 9-11 jig-saw puzzle snap snugly together to reveal a clear image. Now compare this to the official explanation of 9-11, which requires us to force, bend, recreate, and manipulate puzzle pieces.

Even in the face of this mountain of facts, there will still be those who will go into denial and casually dismiss this whole case as just another silly "conspiracy theory". But the funniest "conspiracy theory" of all is the theory that some Saudi caveman and his "network" of Arab students managed to elude US investigators and pull off the most sophisticated intelligence operation in world history. You can continue to believe that fairy tale if it makes you sleep better at night (and if your sense of credulity can stand the burden!) Or, you can muster the moral and intellectual courage to free your mind from Zionist bondage and face the ugly truth for what it is. You can join the "extremists" and make a commitment to share the horrible truth with others, or, you can smirk, roll your eyes, and "pooh-pooh" everything you’ve just read. Go back to your controlled TV news, pretend this problem doesn’t exist, and let Messrs. Rather, Brokaw, and Jennings do your thinking for you while the world goes to hell in a Zionist hand-basket. The choice is yours. History and posterity will judge your actions accordingly. To borrow a line from the Maximus, hero of the film Gladiator: "What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

3/31/2006 1:44:56 PM

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Quote :
"Of the text that isn't a quote from an article, etc, I personally wrote virtually all of it."

well there's about 8 words out of 8293829832929839847569490

3/31/2006 1:45:50 PM

All American
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i have to admit though

as far as nutjob posts go

these are well stylized nutjob posts

i've never thought about that before

if there was an award for style of nutjob posts

you would probably win salisburyboy

[Edited on March 31, 2006 at 1:46 PM. Reason : .]

3/31/2006 1:46:25 PM

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does cutting and pasting from an old thread count as writing your own sentances, or is that still cutting and pasting

3/31/2006 1:46:30 PM

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Quote :
"does cutting and pasting from an old thread count as writing your own sentances"

Most of my own commentary in this thread was written exclusively for this thread. I did copy some of the links and articles from old threads. And, as I said before, I asked theDuke866 to lock my old 9/11 thread.

[Edited on March 31, 2006 at 1:49 PM. Reason : `````]

3/31/2006 1:48:57 PM

All American
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well mr. buryboy

it shouldn't be hard to provide me with 20 sentences, now should it

[Edited on March 31, 2006 at 1:54 PM. Reason : `]

3/31/2006 1:49:19 PM

All American
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type for us monkey


3/31/2006 1:49:37 PM

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3/31/2006 1:54:21 PM

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More MSM response to Professor Steven E. Jones. Check out this hit piece.

Quote :
"Jonesing on conspiracy theories

By Bill Steigerwald
Sunday, November 20, 2005

You can drive yourself nuts with conspiracy theories.

Many of our fellow Americans already have. Just go to the nearest PC and start googling. The Oklahoma City bombing. TWA Flight 800. The 9/11 terror attacks.

Was Timothy McVeigh actually in cahoots with Iraqis? Were scores of credible witnesses just having simultaneous hallucinations in 1996 when they saw something streaking toward TWA Flight 800? Or were they all really watching a shoulder-fired Stinger missile shot by some al-Qaida type?

Who knows what really happened? How can a good citizen ever find out the truth or anything close to it? Even with the wonders of the Internet, it's somewhere between hopeless and impossible.

Look what happens when you read the academic paper questioning the official version of the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings that Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones recently posted at

Jones is an honest-to-goodness scientist whose specialties are metal-catalyzed fusion, solar energy and something called archaeometry. The 9,000-word abstract, part of a 2006 book called "The Hidden History of 9/11/2001," asks, "Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

Hint: The correct answer is not because two airliners slammed into the buildings and started infernos that softened their steel superstructures and caused them to pancake.

Based on the laws of physics, the virtual indestructibility of steel-framed buildings and the suspiciously fast way WTC towers 1, 2 and especially 7 collapsed, Jones asserts they could only have been brought down the same way Three Rivers Stadium was -- by pre-positioned explosives.

Now, that's a conspiracy!

Professor Jones really did his science homework. He supplies links to slow-motion video of collapsing buildings, discuses their well-engineered innards at length and doggedly critiques the official explanation. Jones isn't the first to make this shocking/unbelievable claim (see But it's hard to imagine anyone making it clearer.

His most impressive argument: The mysterious way that WTC 7 -- a 47-story, steel-framed monolith that suffered almost no serious structural or fire damage -- dropped with symmetric precision neatly into its own footprint seven hours after the attacks.

You don't have to be a physicist to see that WTC 7's graceful, 6.6-second demise deserves a perfect 10 in the controlled-demolition event. It's also interesting to know that no steel-framed building in history ever totally collapsed from a fire until 9/11/2001, when three did in about eight hours.

Like any good conspiracy-monger, Jones raises lots of good but unanswerable questions and supplies few answers.
He doesn't pretend to know who'd actually do such a terrible thing, or how they managed to pre-place all those explosives without being caught. He doesn't finger the Conspiracy Industry's usual suspects -- the CIA, the Jews, the Michigan Militia, the neocons -- but says it probably wasn't Muslims.

Jones, who wasn't returning calls Wednesday evening, asks only that his hypothesis be investigated scientifically by a truly independent body. That completely rules out the U.S. government -- which is just as well.

No matter how obvious, simple or logical it sounds, you should never completely believe the official version. And given our federal government's sorry track record on truth-telling, that's the only rational thing a good citizen should do."

Well, at least he made a good point in the last paragraph. But the article is still a smear against Jones and other 9/11 skeptics.

From the article:

Quote :
"Like any good conspiracy-monger, Jones raises lots of good but unanswerable questions and supplies few answers."

1. "conspiracy-monger"? LOL. Childish smear tactics 101. That's mighty persuasive.
2. "Supplies few answers"? The author of this hit piece doesn't do much of anything to attempt to refute the argument that explosives brought down the towers (he even alludes that WTC 7's collapse was the result of a controlled demolition), but "calls out" Jones for not fingering the specific persons who placed the explosives. Wow. That's impressive logic. I guess since he didn't name the culprits, there were no explosives in the towers and they collapsed due to fire just like the good 'ol guvmint said. Case closed. Back to bear and football.

[Edited on March 31, 2006 at 1:58 PM. Reason : .]

3/31/2006 1:57:35 PM

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Village Voice Asks Ten Big Questions About 9/11:,murphy,70685,6.html

Quote :
"Open and Shut

Four years later, we still have ten big questions

by Jarrett Murphy
December 5th, 2005


6. Why did 7 WTC fall?


7. How did the twin towers fall?

Many FDNY personnel who saw the south tower collapse reported explosions at the lower levels as the top began collapsing. These reports, as well as "squibs" of smoke seen on video of the collapses, have led to theories that the towers were brought down in controlled explosions.
NIST dismisses these notions, claiming that the puffs of smoke were the result of air being forced down by the top of the tower collapsing.

NIST said the towers fell because the planes shook fireproofing loose from the steel superstructure, and the fire heated the floor-supporting trusses so much that they pulled in on support columns that were already holding more than their regular load. But NIST's computer simulation stops at the point the collapse begins, and does not document exactly how the rest of the buildings crumbled in 10 seconds. The reason for this omission could be the sheer complexity of the computations—even NIST's simplified model took weeks to run on a computer.

Conspiracy theorists aren't the only ones who dispute NIST's version: Some fire scientists also take issue with the institute's methods and conclusions. And the point isn't just historical. The lessons learned from the WTC collapse will inform decisions about the safety of other modern office towers."

So, even the left is asking why WTC 7 and the twin towers fell and is talking about the reported explosions in the twin towers. I guess it's not just "those wacko conspiracy nuts" anymore.

3/31/2006 1:59:09 PM

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Ever heard the story about the 5 "dancing Israelis" and the "Israeli movers" in white vans arrested on or shortly after 9/11?

Israeli Mossad agents had set up video cameras on the WTC towers BEFORE the attack, and were seen dancing, shouting for joy, and congratulating each other after the attack. Later a van full of explosives occupied by Israelis was pulled over just hours after the 9/11 attacks. Think I'm making this up? Think again.

Quote :
"Suspects `filmed New York atrocities'

TCM News
Thursday, September 13, 2001

There are reports five men suspected of being involved in the attack on the World Trade Centre set up cameras to record the atrocity.

The men set up cameras by the Hudson River and trained them on the twin towers.

The New York Times reports they congratulated each other when the crashes occurred.

The five are under investigation by police in Union City, New Jersey, but it is unclear if any of them are in custody."

So, they had cameras "trained" on the towers BEFORE the crashes, and then "congratulated each other when the crashes occured."

Quote :
"Five men detained as suspected conspirators

New Jersey Bergen Record
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Staff Writer

About eight hours after terrorists struck Manhattan's tallest skyscrapers, police in Bergen County detained five men who they said were found carrying maps linking them to the blasts.

The five men, who were in a van stopped on Route 3 in East Rutherford around 4:30 p.m., were being questioned by police but had not been charged with any crime late Tuesday. The Bergen County Police bomb squad X-rayed packages found inside the van but did not find any explosives, authorities said.

However, sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot.

"There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted," the source said. "It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."

Sources also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives
, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing, authorities said."

Note what is said here. A "bombing plot." Dogs smelled explosives. Maps of the area. Police think they are linked to the attack and are conspirators. Also, note that this van was pulled over near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel.

3/31/2006 1:59:15 PM

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Here is what may be a very important piece to unravelling what is still unknown about 9/11:

Quote :
"Family Members Of Doomed 911 Flights 'Strangely Silent' About Irregularities & Inconsistencies Of Official Government Story

By Greg Szymanski

Except for Ellen Mariani, whose husband was reported on Flight 175, others who lost relatives on the airplanes have kept quiet in stark contrast to those who lost loved ones at Ground Zero. But when those from the 'airplane community' talk like Linda Gay and Frank Calley, who respectively had family members on Flight 11 and 77, they accept the government 9/11 story hook, line and sinker.


Why the difference? There are no polls or experts to figure this out, but one simple explanation is the flight families are hiding something. Although this may be jumping to conclusions, what other conclusion can be drawn when nobody wants to talk?"

Really good article.

3/31/2006 1:59:50 PM

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Szymanski: Two 911 Planes Were Never Deregistered, Two others never existed

Quote :
"Two 9/11 Airliners, Flight 93 and 175, Were Only Just Recently Taken Off The FAA 'Active' List

Are Both Jetliners Still Flying in United's 'Friendly Skies'?

By Greg Szymanski

Two of the 9/11 airliners were never 'deregistered' and remained on the 'active' flight list until Sept. 28. 2005, the classification officially changing only a month after two inquisitive flight researchers made repeated calls to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), inquiring about the strange irregularity.

The two planes in question were Flight 93 and Flight 175, both owned and operated by United Airlines and, according to the official story, both destroyed on 9/11, one in Shanksville, Penn., and the other crashing into the South Tower of the WTC.


Besides the FAA deregistration issue, solid evidence has also come forward that two of the 9/11 flights, Flight 11 and 77, never even existed at all, according to Bureau of Traffic Safety (BTS) records.

According to BTS statistics, both 11 and 77 officially never took-off on 9/11. The meticulous data kept on every airliner taking-off at every airport in the country also showed no elapsed run-way time, wheels-off time and taxi-out time, not to mention several other categories left blank on 9/11 concerning the two flights.

Although Flights 11 and 77 have the above data meticulously logged on 9/10, it was suspiciously absent on 9/11, even when every other plane that took of that day had been recorded and logged by the BTS.

Why the discrepancy? No one has ever given an official explanation for the BTS missing flight data, even though it is well known that airports are extremely concerned about recording accurate BTS data for each and every flight in and out of its airport for liability purposes.

More importantly critics contend this is another clear indication Flight 11 and 77 were only 'phantom flights," adding even further doubt to the credibility of the official government story concerning 9/11."

3/31/2006 2:00:34 PM

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3/31/2006 2:00:42 PM

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Quote :
"The White Van

Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

Published on Saturday, June 22, 2002 by ABC News


The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.


The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens.

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."


When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases, ABCNEWS has learned.

One reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was that the FBI believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation."

Notice that the driver of the van told the officer that "the Palestinians are the problem." This is important.

Original ABC News article archived:

The Forward, a Jewish newspaper, admits that these 5 Israelis were Israelli intelligence and were conducting a Mossad mission, but whitewashes it by suggesting they were tracking the "muslims who carried out the attack."

Quote :
"Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage

MARCH 15, 2002


The five Israelis worked for a moving company with few discernable assets that closed up shop immediately afterward and whose owner fled to Israel.


According to one former high-ranking American intelligence official, who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of its investigation that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front."

3/31/2006 2:01:02 PM

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I saw it in the news a while back where BYU Professor Steven Jones announced that he wouldn't be giving media interviews any longer (for at least a while). This was only a few days after his interview on MSNBC with Tucker Carlson. At the time, I thought that that was very suspicious.

Quote :
"BYU Brass Discredit Physics Professor for Saying WTC Brought Down by Controlled Demolition

Professor Steven E. Jones only was in the public eye for five days before BYU told him to stop giving interviews. Now the university has issued a public statement distancing itself from Jones and even discrediting his work. Critics suggest Bush administration had its dirty hand in forcing BYU to 'shut up' its professor.

29 Nov 2005
By Greg Szymanski

Brigham Young University (BYU) issued a public statement this week, discrediting and distancing itself from physics Professor Steven E. Jones for publicly claiming the WTC was brought down by explosives not jet fuel like the government contends.

Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went public two weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not support the WTC’s freefall and, consequently, the official government story.

While expressing doubt about the government’s version of 9/11, he called for an independent investigation concerning the strange collapse of the towers and Building No. 7, something the 9/11 Commission failed to do and something the Bush administration adamantly opposes.

However, Jones’ notoriety turned out to be short lived as only days after giving numerous press interviews, including a six-minute spot on MSNBC, BYU officials twisted his arm and convinced him to stop appearing publicly.

Critics quickly pointed out that Jones must have been ‘silenced quickly’ after the Bush administration pressured BYU to end any further embarrassment while, at the same time, reminding officials about the numerous government grants swinging in the balance.

But before the situation turned ugly, Jones himself tried to immediately end the controversy, claiming all parties reached an amicable agreement without anybody strong arming anybody.

“I want to thank everyone for the attention, but it is best that I limit my appearances at this time,” said Jones in a telephone conversation from his BYU office only five days after first appearing publicly about his controversial 9/1 statements. “University officials and I have come to an understanding that in the best interest for all parties involved, it is better that I limit my speaking on 9/11 to academic peer reviews.”

I thought this was too good to be true. A prominent physics professor speaking out that the official story on the WTC tower collapse is bogus. The elite and the government couldn't allow that to go on much longer. If so, more and more in the academic world would start to speak out and pretty soon a mass movement to discredit the official story on 9/11 would explode. They had to nip this in the butt.

3/31/2006 2:01:32 PM

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