Lunchbox All American 1328 Posts user info edit post |
like 1996 or 1995 somewhere around then 3/19/2007 12:31:57 AM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
I'll let you know when I get one  3/19/2007 7:47:27 AM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
first one in '98 when i went to ncssm. had several since then, but recently dropped mine completely. I didn't see the point in spending $50/mo when i talked all of 30 minutes a month maybe.
got vonage home phone instead so that i have voicemail and the wife can use it when her signal is weak at home.
might pick up a prepaid for car emergencies eventually, but i really like not having that extra weight in my pocket. 3/19/2007 9:10:08 AM
LadyJ1123 Veteran 395 Posts user info edit post |
I got it my Freshmen year at State, so 2001. That was only because I had a late lab. 3/19/2007 9:15:32 AM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
may of 04
after i graduation college.
(well, i guess i had one in high school, but it was one of those big ones and it was only around in case my car broke down...which it did every other month)
[Edited on March 19, 2007 at 9:17 AM. Reason : d] 3/19/2007 9:16:37 AM
NCSUAli All American 2554 Posts user info edit post |
I believe in my senior year of high school, so probably late 2000. My parents refused to pay anything for it, so I got one of those pay-to-go AT&T phones. 3/19/2007 9:21:54 AM
RedGuard All American 5596 Posts user info edit post |
When I started graduate school in 2001. Up until that point, I viewed cell phones as electronic ball and chains and vowed never to touch one. 3/19/2007 1:45:34 PM
SymeGuy69 All American 11036 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "after i graduation college." |
haha, tell me you're drunk. 3/19/2007 1:55:11 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
haha...oops.  3/19/2007 2:04:30 PM
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit post | was a very large flip phone...i still had it until my freshman year. then i got a nokia and i was still behind in the times. i JUST got a camera phone last spring and it's a POS i'd love a fancy phone...but i'd rather buy shoes 3/19/2007 2:34:29 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
had my first pager in like 96
my grandfather actually had a cellphone in the late was rotary...i swear to god 3/19/2007 4:12:43 PM
lapyramid Starting Lineup 85 Posts user info edit post |
I was 15.. i think spring of 98. I had a Nokia something 918. A block candybar style phone.
[Edited on March 20, 2007 at 12:22 PM. Reason : :-)] 3/20/2007 12:20:38 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
^^haha, hell yeah i forgot about pagers.
i had one of those back in like 92 or 93 i bought from some guy. pretty sure it was stolen, and i never paid any monthly bill on it or anything.  3/20/2007 1:13:44 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing one in an episode of Andy Griffith. It was a corp. exec that broke down in Mayberry or something. Everyone was like "guoooaayylie" 3/20/2007 1:28:22 PM
MajrShorty All American 2812 Posts user info edit post |
2000, when I turned 16 and got my own car. 3/20/2007 1:34:53 PM
absolutapril All American 8144 Posts user info edit post |

we just ordered on two days ago---wow, I really didn't want to participate in this form of communication 3/20/2007 11:35:03 PM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Up until that point, I viewed cell phones as electronic ball and chains and vowed never to touch one. " |
they basically are an electronic ball and chain. The world got along fine without them back before the '90s. There is no reason i can't get along without one now. Granted the wife gets pissed when she can't reach me every minute of the day, but sometimes i just don't want to be reached. 3/21/2007 10:42:59 AM
RedGuard All American 5596 Posts user info edit post |
^ That was my philosophy. I used to actually pride myself on being able to disappear when people were trying to find me. Yet at the same time, I really have come to appreciate its value. Such as harassing friends when they're late coming to a restaurant (the "Where the hell are you?!" call). 3/21/2007 10:48:03 AM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " they basically are an electronic ball and chain. The world got along fine without them back before the '90s. There is no reason i can't get along without one now. Granted the wife gets pissed when she can't reach me every minute of the day, but sometimes i just don't want to be reached." |
then turn it off.
its only a ball and chain if you let it become one. 3/21/2007 10:53:10 AM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
^yeah, you turn it off and miss 3 calls and then you hear about it later. 'Why didn't you have your phone on' I didn't want to be bothered. 'why didn't you call me back' I haven't checked my messages yet.
whereas if i don't have one i just get the 'i wish you still had a cell phone' and less weight in my pocket. There's always the work phone when i'm at work and the home phone when i'm at home. I don't know why i need to be reached in between those two or when i'm out shopping by myself or whatever. 3/21/2007 12:20:28 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
so...stick up to those people?
i have teh phone for MY convenience, not anyone else's. if i want to turn the phone off, i will. if i want to be available, i am. it is far nicer to have one and not need it than theother way around. im definately not glued to it, but i always have it on me. 3/21/2007 2:48:41 PM
V0LC0M All American 21263 Posts user info edit post |
2001 3/21/2007 6:49:16 PM
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
1996, when I started driving. Motorola flip phone very similar to the one pictured on page one, on an Alltel plan with like 30 minutes/month. Basically for a)letting my parents know where I was if I was out and b)emergencies. Had that beast until spring of '00 when I got a samsung flip on Sprint with a plan with a useful number of minutes, and have used it in lieu of a landline since I moved into my own place in 2004. 3/22/2007 9:45:57 AM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
older moto flip.
when it was sprint, then 360 communications, then alltel.
phone had like 20 mins of talk time.
worked almost everywhere. tough as hell. expensive to boot.
the mins and $ of plans back then were outrageous.
i like having a cell, i just don't like carrying them around. 3/22/2007 10:53:23 AM
bcsawyer All American 4562 Posts user info edit post |
2002 I think. I was about 21 3/22/2007 9:08:05 PM
SpiralStairs Veteran 396 Posts user info edit post |
Man, no one had cell phones when I was at State.
I hardly used the phone in my dorm. 3/27/2007 12:10:36 PM
peaceajp Veteran 238 Posts user info edit post |
1998 Junior in HS
I didn't have a choice, parents said I needed it to drive. I just thought it of it as another thing to carry
little did I know how much cell phones would be relied on now... 4/17/2007 9:06:00 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
2001-ish in high school
I believe it was one of those Nokia candybars on US Cellular, and mom wouldn't let me dial if it said ROAMING!
I've only been through like 4 phones since, though 4/18/2007 11:44:01 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
1995 when i was a high school junior... so my parents could keep track of me.
That motherfucker was a TANDY brand phone.
shit was as big as the handset on a normal old school cordless phone. 4/18/2007 1:35:03 PM
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
August 2004 4/18/2007 8:05:00 PM
EMCE balls deep 89904 Posts user info edit post |
back in 1998. But I basically left that phone in the car plugged into the car charger all the time
I got my first real cell phone in 2000 when I was a freshman 4/18/2007 10:09:53 PM
jcgolden Suspended 1394 Posts user info edit post |
97 when my dad died w/o a wheel nd my bro was on the DMZ in Koreaha. 5/8/2007 4:58:59 AM
JP All American 16807 Posts user info edit post |
sept 2005 5/8/2007 1:52:00 PM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
spring 2001 as a sophomore...
nokia 5100 series... with a huge extra battery that turned it into a brick... 5/8/2007 8:08:38 PM
AttackLax All American 2304 Posts user info edit post |
2003, as soon as I could pay for it myself 5/8/2007 8:58:34 PM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
in '95
Then, it was just for emergencies.... now - my primary phone 5/21/2007 2:09:32 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
god, i had a bag phone 

talk about feeling like a pimp walking the mall carrying a bag phone
[Edited on May 21, 2007 at 2:33 PM. Reason : lol]
5/21/2007 2:31:51 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
2003, when I moved into a place that didn't have a landline phone. 5/21/2007 3:50:17 PM
Patman All American 5873 Posts user info edit post |
bag phone in the early 90's 5/22/2007 9:11:21 AM
Duck All American 4708 Posts user info edit post |
1997 5/22/2007 5:11:05 PM
JTHelms All American 4696 Posts user info edit post |
I had a car phone (that's right, it was permanently attached to the car) when I was 16... so '97. I didn't get my first "real" cell phone until sophomore year of college... '00 5/22/2007 11:47:01 PM
Toyota4x4 All American 1226 Posts user info edit post |
Fall 2000! 5/23/2007 12:21:07 PM