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All American
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4/3/2007 5:17:52 PM

All American
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hahaha, this is more controversial than the Pirate Captain!

4/3/2007 5:19:09 PM

11394 Posts
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i tried looking at chichwak's facebook thingy and this guy looks like one of them. not sure though

4/3/2007 5:19:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You, too, can take a bite out of crime.

Crimedog McGruff needs your help identifying two suspects seen vandalizing the NCSU student senate campaign signs of my homeboy Greg Doucette. If you know the names of either of the two kids photographed below, please drop me a line so that we can file a complaint with the election commission!

Also, if you haven't already, VOTE FOR GREG DOUCETTE FOR SSP!


4/3/2007 5:21:28 PM

76471 Posts
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I just talked to TGD, and he already has the names of both those kids

I'm sure he'll chime in later about it

4/3/2007 5:21:43 PM

160 Posts
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two nameless asian kids ripping down sandwich boards isn't gonna grab the attention of Campus Police...

4/3/2007 5:22:30 PM

11931 Posts
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Quote :
"I hate having to do the extra legwork to figure out who you are before filing a complaint...

You sound like a good candidate!

But, all this stuff you have going on between you two, it just proves you'd be childish enough to take part in it.

25 YEARS OLD!!!11

4/3/2007 5:22:34 PM

160 Posts
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then disregard my post.

4/3/2007 5:22:54 PM

11394 Posts
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4/3/2007 5:24:22 PM

All American
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^ ?

4/3/2007 5:25:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"two nameless asian kids ripping down sandwich boards isn't gonna grab the attention of Campus Police..."

what campus do you live on?

4/3/2007 5:26:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"But, all this stuff you have going on between you two, it just proves you'd be childish enough to take part in it.

25 YEARS OLD!!!11

4/3/2007 5:28:21 PM

11394 Posts
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Quote :
"then disregard my post. "

you seem to be missing the point of the internet. the point is to futilely argue no matter how inane or stupid the argument may seem.

4/3/2007 5:30:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"But, all this stuff you have going on between you two, it just proves you'd be childish enough to take part in it."

What he did sounds fairly mature. Instead of simply bitching about people destroying his signs, he coordinated a sting to catch people in the act. That's the kind of initiative I'd like to see in my SSP.

Ripping up his opponents signs in blind retaliation would be childish. Not understanding sarcasm would be childish.

[Edited on April 3, 2007 at 5:35 PM. Reason : ]

4/3/2007 5:30:39 PM

All American
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I approve of the sting opperation.

4/3/2007 5:32:12 PM

All American
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Just noticed this thread also.

4/3/2007 5:42:21 PM

All American
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4/3/2007 5:45:14 PM

All American
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Shit...I never thought I'd ever admit this...

But I have to say, Ambrosia, you rock on this one.

4/3/2007 5:45:15 PM

1587 Posts
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pwnd in the face imo

4/3/2007 5:47:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you seem to be missing the point of the internet. the point is to futilely argue no matter how inane or stupid the argument may seem."

i would say that right now, someone off the internet is making quite a bit of difference

wouldn't you agree?

4/3/2007 5:48:20 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Hometown: Chapel Hill "

That explains it

[Edited on April 3, 2007 at 5:49 PM. Reason : .]

4/3/2007 5:48:51 PM

All American
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I never thought a State Student could afford shirts that fresh.

4/3/2007 5:49:06 PM

All American
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^^ you beat me too it

So I will post one of his fb groups.

" I Got Spanked Growin Up, and I Turned Out alright."

[Edited on April 3, 2007 at 5:53 PM. Reason : ]

4/3/2007 5:49:23 PM

All American
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eleusis & firmbuttgirl...

4/3/2007 6:03:27 PM

All American
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so were tryin to prosecute people that attempt to clean up the trash all over campus? I hope TGD at least put up one sign, rather than 12 consecutive signs in the same row of plants.....cant wait till all this crap is over

4/3/2007 6:07:39 PM

9388 Posts
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WRAL will get in on this.

4/3/2007 6:10:24 PM

All American
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as someone who once served on the elections commission, this is a big deal to the commission and since it is a many pronged attack by chichwak supporters, it could possibly result in him being thrown out of the election.

4/3/2007 6:10:47 PM

All American
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unlike my UNC-loving trust fund baby opponent, I don't have the $texas for that kind of publicity.

I only had the 4 sandwich boards (donated by a former candidate) and 10 stake signs (4 @ different spots around D.H. Hill, 3 @ different spots around Fountain, and 3 @ different spots around Wolf Village. and the stakes were also donated).

everything else has been handbills and whatever's done by TWW 

4/3/2007 6:14:05 PM

All American
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^ Anything left to do? I'm off work.

4/3/2007 6:17:15 PM

New Recruit
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Yo, you people have got to be kidding me. I dont even know jon and I'm voting for him because he's not a complete asshole like tLOSER douchette guy. I've been watching tLOSER whole student senate pres. election run-off thing and its TURD most immature baby bullcrap i've ever seen in STUPID entire life. TLOSER is completely outrageous. I can't believe you people have TURD free time to run around with camera's taking pictures of random people that are tearing down signs. Are you freaking kidding me? it seems to me you assholes are TURD ones in TURD wrong here.

I spend alot of time on campus and TURD only negative thing I'VE seen is posters calling jon chichwak a tarhole and saying that he "wanted to go to unc." Well i've got news for you, NC state wasn't STUPID first choice eiTURDr but I came here because its a good school. TURD fact that tLOSER wasn't STUPID first choice in no way reflects TURD fact that I'm a huge wolfpack fan and 100% supporter of TURD school.

WheTURDr or not jon is a tarhole in NO WAY reflects wheTURDr or not he would be a good SSP. I wish you douche bags would quit wasting your time sitting in TURD brickyard taking pictures of kids and spend more time at home doing your homework or something that in some way benefits society. You must have TURD most unfulfilling lives on TURD face of TURD planet if you have TURD time to do that. YOu have GOT to be kidding me.

Jon is TURD only one on that ballot that seems to be running a legitimate campaign to me. He doesn't seem to care wheTURDr or not LOSER opponent sucks but raTURDr he seems to care about what matters, wheTURDr or not he's going to do a good job and what he's going to do if he gets elected.

So to sum tLOSER all up, if jon was/is a tarhole doesn't matter; what matters is that he doesn't give a shit about you mr. douchette he gives a crap about TURD office. You need to spend more time thinking about what youre going to do to benefit TURD students and less time about what jon chichwaks first choice of school was.

Oh, and btw I know who put TURD signs up on east campus, and i like how you lied to TURD technician about it. He put up 2 signs, and guess what TURDy're on LOSER HALL, on LOSER DOOR and he was TURDre all last weekend when you "claimed to have seen signs on east campus" and your ass wasn't anywhere near TURDre. You didnt' see shit. I also like how you deny having any affiliation to TURD people posting TURD signs about jon chichwak but TURDn you're seen in TURD brickyard PUTTING TURDM UP!!! You are a disgrace, you need to move on with your life and think about more important things. you're 26 years old and you're still an undergraduate in college, you need to pick up TURD pace and get out of your mom's basement captain before you're 40 and living TURDre.

If jon loses its because you people ruined LOSER shot at it with your negative campaigning not because he's a bad candidate. and thats a damn shame because it totally defeats TURD purpose of student elections, good job assholes, you just ruined it for everyone.

4/3/2007 6:20:11 PM

All American
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best 1st post...evah


Gamecat: not really, the bulk of the people who are going to vote have already done so

that's part of why i'm surprised at the sheer stupidity of Chichwak's campaign. if they were going to destroy the signs, they should have done it yesterday when it would have made a difference. now they're just going to look bad w/ no electoral impact 

4/3/2007 6:20:42 PM

All American
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hahah, one of chichwak's friends.

There will come a day when SG realizes the power of TWW. Today might be that day

4/3/2007 6:21:27 PM

All American
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4/3/2007 6:22:44 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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^^^^ you signed up just to say that? I can't believe you have the free time to post about people you can't believe have the free time to run around with camera's taking pictures of random people that are tearing down signs. Are you freaking kidding me? it seems to me you're the asshole that's in the wrong here.

[Edited on April 3, 2007 at 6:22 PM. Reason : ]

4/3/2007 6:22:49 PM

New Recruit
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Wow you guys are all immature. I love how Doucette was quoted yesterday in PENIS paper for saying "it's unfortunate" that negative campaigning happens. HAHA, right, especially since you're PENIS one doing all of it. That's not hypocritical at all. I'm so glad we're all going to elect an immature 26 year old to PENIS position of Senate President. Tell him to go spend time developing an actual campaign PENISn come back. By PENIS way, I saw plenty of PENIS signs Chichwak had up, PENISy were pretty hard to see given PENISre were signs all over PENISm dissing him. Signs Doucette claimed to pay for but also put at PENIS bottom that PENISy were "produced by people who don't want Jon Chichwak as PENIS SSP-PENIS oPENISr candidates do not endorse this, nor is it a component of PENISir campaigns." Great, so now we're endorsing a liar. Awesome job guys. I think I know who I'm voting for now. I know tons of people who wanted to go to UNC but now go to State. I'm friends with some of PENISm. Pretty immature to vote for a liar and someone who deceives and has no campaign of his own over a guy who wanted to go to UNC but supports State now that he goes here. Cuz you know, wanting to go to UNC really affects how he's going to perform in his position...

4/3/2007 6:22:57 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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4/3/2007 6:23:26 PM

All American
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they're doing this as a group

did you "strategize" this

4/3/2007 6:23:56 PM

All American
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4/3/2007 6:24:50 PM

All American
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I wish these people would actually be exposed to a real political campaign. Those are the best.

4/3/2007 6:25:30 PM

All American
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4/3/2007 6:25:45 PM

All American
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Quote :


4/3/2007 6:26:33 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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i want jon chichwak to cry if he loses

cry like jj reddick when duke lost in the ncaa tournament last year

4/3/2007 6:26:36 PM

All American
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I wish I had the old Joe Sam Queen campaign ads. Those were priceless.

Voice Over: "Keith Presnell's daughter was arrested for ....

Presnell kicks his daughter out of his house

Voice Over: "Keith Presnell evicted his grand children from his own home"

4/3/2007 6:27:59 PM

New Recruit
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Hey, Mr. A Tanzarian,

I can't live without your love and affection
I can't face another night on my own
I'd give up my pride to save me from being alone
'Cause I can't live without your love
So I wait, here for an answer
And wonder if tomorrow will be like yesterday
I'll keep holding on
But I can't go on living this way
I've been on the outside looking in
Bring these tears to an end - oh -
I realize there's no use for me to pretend
Oh yeah
I can't live without your love and affection
I can't face another night on my own
I'd give up my pride to save me from being alone
'Cause I can't live without your love
For your love... I'd put my arms around you
For your love... and find the strength to tell you

I can't live without your love and affection
I just can't go on this way anymore
As hard as I try there's one thing that I know for sure
I can't live without your love
I can't live without your love...

4/3/2007 6:28:02 PM

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kingofthedod FOR PRESIDENT!

4/3/2007 6:28:20 PM

New Recruit
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OR maybe.... it was the same person! ever think about that? Haha you guys are too funny. Now i know why i've never bothered to comment on shit before. Good god.

4/3/2007 6:29:16 PM

All American
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an idiot makes fun of someone for posting on the wolf web while they are posting on the wolf web. Classic shit right there.

so who is the immature one creating aliases to troll people on the wolf web?

[Edited on April 3, 2007 at 6:30 PM. Reason : .]

4/3/2007 6:29:44 PM

All American
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hahahaha freshman.

4/3/2007 6:29:56 PM

All American
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4/3/2007 6:30:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"free time to run around with camera's taking pictures of random people that are tearing down signs."

it was a camera on my phone, it was a campus crime really and I just happened to be right by the kid when he did it.

thanks for taking to the time to register and post all that about me though, really says alot about you.

and as a senator i can tell you i dont want Jon as my SSP...I have said it many many times, he will not be the best candidate given his credentials compared to Gregs.

that is all

thanks for caring enough to post

4/3/2007 6:31:09 PM

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