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 Message Boards » » POLL: turn signals ... who uses them? Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
All American
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only when i have been drinking

5/10/2007 11:28:11 AM

All American
22489 Posts
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If nobody's around, I'm not using my fucking turn signal. Who would I be signalling?



5/10/2007 11:29:42 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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some people are robots and their finger automatically hits the thing.

5/10/2007 11:30:13 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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when you use them on multilane interstates, people speed up to block you in the lane you're in. I only use them to let people know I'm turning off of the road, not to let them know they need to start driving like a dick.

5/10/2007 11:34:36 AM

Art Vandelay
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99% of the time I do

5/10/2007 11:38:31 AM

All American
5154 Posts
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the only time I don't use my signal is when I am in a left turn only or right turn only lane. Kinda redudant in that case...

5/10/2007 11:41:29 AM

68205 Posts
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not if you are having to merge over into that lane

5/10/2007 11:42:50 AM

41759 Posts
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I use mine but dont really pay attention to others using them. I mean its where the car is and what its actually doing that matters. I can't rear end someone and be like "oh they did not turn their turn signal on" if the car is slowing down thats the best clue that they are about to turn.

5/10/2007 12:45:52 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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hell yeah I use turn signals

5/10/2007 12:47:29 PM

All American
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But what if their brake lights aren't working and they don't use their signal??

5/10/2007 12:48:14 PM

358 Posts
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I only use them when there are other cars around. If the roads are empty I don't bother.

5/10/2007 12:55:43 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"if the car is slowing down thats the best clue that they are about to turn."

maybe they are lost and reading signs

maybe something is in the road

i've seen people almost stop in the road for no reason

5/10/2007 1:02:07 PM

41759 Posts
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In that case you still have to slow down or you will hit them.

5/10/2007 1:03:44 PM

68205 Posts
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another thing that really pisses me off

7/23/2007 10:15:36 AM

147487 Posts
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seems like this thread should be "turn signals... who doesnt use them"

7/23/2007 10:18:23 AM

All American
4329 Posts
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that's a good thing though

7/23/2007 10:19:17 AM

All American
14424 Posts
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my dad gave me shit the other day about them

we were out in the country going to my cousins and there hadnt been anyone on the road the whole time with me and I turned and he said "use your damn turn signal" so on the next straight road i turned the left signal on and left it on the rest of the drive until i turned left into his driveway

7/23/2007 10:22:35 AM

All American
4390 Posts
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I do. People that don't get on my nerves.

7/23/2007 10:23:27 AM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"seems like this thread should be "turn signals... who doesnt use them"


why is that...did you not read over the first post?

7/23/2007 10:30:13 AM

All American
8483 Posts
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2 consecutive threads of bitching. you having a bad day?

7/23/2007 10:31:00 AM

147487 Posts
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i will get on that

i only made that comment you quoted cause it seems like most people use turn signals

7/23/2007 10:31:02 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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I'm too cool for turn signals. People who use them are the same people that wore helmets riding a bike in 7th grade or always buckle up in the car.

7/23/2007 10:31:57 AM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"2 consecutive threads of bitching. you having a bad day?"

i just fucking hate mondays
im always in a bad mood on mondays

7/23/2007 10:33:10 AM

21958 Posts
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I use my turn signals ALL THE TIME. It's like I am programmed to hit the switch no matter what before I make a turn. Sometimes I even catch myself using it in dumb situations like in my driveway with no one around.

7/23/2007 10:35:41 AM

147487 Posts
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^haha i do the drive way one like 3 times a year and feel like such a goober for doing it

7/23/2007 10:37:25 AM

All American
8284 Posts
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if I'm in a turning lane I might or might not
if nobody is around me I prob won't when changing lanes
I usually do use them when turning from street to street

7/23/2007 10:41:14 AM

Starting Lineup
51 Posts
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I use them if they're going to be of any use at all. If I'm at an intersection wanting to turn right and there aren't cars behind me or pedestrians, the only ones who can see my turn signal are the ones my turning won't affect.

Turning lanes are also places I don't usually use them. I do signal lane changes though.

7/23/2007 11:46:04 AM

All American
4670 Posts
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I fucking hate people who don't use them to change lanes.
I'll cut someone off and run them off the road before they get in front of me without using the signal.
On the flip side, I'll let a jackass merge in front of me if they have the sense to use their turn signal.

7/23/2007 11:54:22 AM

Starting Lineup
91 Posts
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sometimes i'll forget to in a turning lane, but otherwise i use them all the time.

7/23/2007 12:07:15 PM

68205 Posts
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i hate you people that dont use these

12/7/2007 10:05:06 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Quote :
"I use my turn signals ALL THE TIME. It's like I am programmed to hit the switch no matter what before I make a turn. Sometimes I even catch myself using it in dumb situations like in my driveway with no one around."

That's pretty much me too. I use them in turn-only lanes. I use them in parking lots. I use them when no one's around. I even catch myself using them in parking decks to signal that I'm going around the corner (like there's any other choice in a parking deck).

12/7/2007 11:01:54 AM

22518 Posts
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i dont just to piss people off

i saw a guy on 85 one time with a bumper sticker with something along the lines of "turn signals, they show you who is intelligent"

so i passed him without them just to piss him off

he started flashing me and honking the horn

you people need to relax because stressing out about trivial shit will kill you

12/7/2007 11:02:08 AM

68205 Posts
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its not trivial when you about hit someone b/c they dont use them. i hate it when people stop in the middle of the road to turn but you dont know they are turning b/c they are too fucking dumb to hit the signal

its not like they dont come standard on all vehicles

12/12/2007 10:02:10 AM

18598 Posts
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this thread is inaccurate

12/12/2007 10:08:53 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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all polls have a margin of error

12/12/2007 10:10:48 AM

All American
47902 Posts
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i use them so much that sometimes i flip them on when the road is curving left or right. haha i dont know why.

12/12/2007 10:12:29 AM

All Amurican
5269 Posts
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i use mine when its not completely obvious i must be turning (ie: if i'm in a right turn only lane, i'm not using my signal. and if you cant figure out that im turning then you're smart as a rock)

12/12/2007 10:17:16 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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I use mine all the time, with a few exceptions:

1. late at night when no one is around
Quote :
"If nobody's around, I'm not using my fucking turn signal. Who would I be signalling?



2. if I'm in a lane specifically designated as a turn lane
Quote :
"if i'm in a right turn only lane, i'm not using my signal. and if you cant figure out that im turning then you're smart as a rock"

12/12/2007 10:35:26 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"i use them so much that sometimes i flip them on when the road is curving left or right."

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 10:47 AM. Reason : jd]

12/12/2007 10:46:47 AM

68205 Posts
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bttt for christine

i hate all of you that dont use your blinkers

Quote :
"i use them so much that sometimes i flip them on when the road is curving left or right. haha i dont know why."

haha, me too

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 3:28 PM. Reason : sdf]

7/2/2008 3:27:28 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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I always use my turn signals, even if I'm driving my manual transmissioned car making a turn while talking on the phone.

7/2/2008 3:28:40 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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even in a parking lot at 3 am

it's muscle memory

7/2/2008 3:28:52 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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I use them all the time.

I don't want to go driving around like an asshole, as that's a good way to get into a car accident (and I'd like to have a car, so no car accidents).

7/2/2008 3:29:00 PM

76471 Posts
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^, ^^, ^^^Yup

Especially at night, on an empty road, I'll change lanes, and still use turn signals, despite driving a stick, and sometimes being on the phone. I always feel a little bit like a dork, but dammit, it's a much better habit than the 'turn signals? bah' attitude that most fucksticks on the road have.

I got screwed over the other morning by using one: some limpdick thought it'd be cute to close off the opening I wanted into. But by and large, most people are pleased enough that someone is signalling that they'll let you in.

I, for one, will actively keep you from getting in front of me if I can tell you want over, but won't signal (like this fuel tanker on 40 last week, who was using that right lane that ends before Gorman as an expressway to pass people), but if I see you signal, I will create more room for you to work with.

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 3:32 PM. Reason : thx adam]

7/2/2008 3:32:07 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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I pretty much use them when its warranted, but like others said if I am cruising down the highway without many cars around I dont really bother.

7/2/2008 3:38:16 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Quote :
"I, for one, will actively keep you from getting in front of me if I can tell you want over, but won't signal"

I hope you die in a fiery auto crash for that shit

7/2/2008 3:40:43 PM

7284 Posts
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nothing like going out in a blaze of glory

7/2/2008 3:47:57 PM

All American
4270 Posts
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i use them all the time, except if i'm changing lanes on big empty highway.

i saw the new Scion (something) the other day and it has a single back-up light on the driver's side at the bottom of the bumper. i can see the point of this functionally (the driver's side is probably where the driver will be looking) and from a design perspective (scion is trying to be hip - but honestly this looks retarded), but these lights are very useful for other drivers. what if you're driving in a parking lot and this scion is parked on the right, getting ready to back up? you might not see that he's in reverse and BAM! wtf is wrong with using two back-up lights?

7/2/2008 3:48:19 PM

All American
3613 Posts
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I Do 99.9% of the time unless i am on the highway and i'm the only one around. which is extremely rare.

I HATE people who don't use their blinkers, i wish cops would pull people over more who don't use theirs and give them warnings!

7/2/2008 3:49:43 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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set em up

7/2/2008 3:53:32 PM

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