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Well, in that specific instance, we put it in the crawl-space - we smeared it on the walls. But, if this is in your apartment, then maybe put it on a plate out in the open overnight or something?

9/3/2007 6:26:55 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"They fucking suck. "

9/3/2007 6:41:31 PM

6999 Posts
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Quote :
"think of it this way

free bait"

only response worth reading

9/3/2007 6:47:58 PM

All American
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well if someone wants to come catch them to use as bait feel free

9/3/2007 6:49:16 PM

6999 Posts
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shit i would

the only crickets i hate are the mole crickets because they are loud as shit, trust me you'd rather be up til 4 am tryna look for them than tryna sleep through that crap

but i say just scoop the crickets up and toss em outside

9/3/2007 6:50:53 PM

All American
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Camel crickets are EVIL

9/3/2007 6:51:13 PM

All American
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get a cat. they killed all of the camel crickets in the house I bought within a month, or at least pulled off their legs so that they wouldn't hop around and be annoying anymore.

[Edited on September 3, 2007 at 6:55 PM. Reason : camel crickets never bothered me at all. they don't make noise and they only come out at night]

9/3/2007 6:54:20 PM

All American
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You didn't have a bad infestation then. My friend lived in this shithole house not too far from campus and there would be swarms of camel crickets. The cat couldn't keep them under control, the dog couldn't, the exterminator they called in three times couldn't. They just kept coming.

I also maintain that house should have been condemned by the state long ago.

9/3/2007 6:57:37 PM

All American
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the entire downstairs of this house is below grade and poured on a concrete slab, so there were plenty of them. I threw them outside when I found them too, but the cats did the majority of the work. I didn't have an infestation of them in the sense that they were nesting outside and readily making their way into the house.

These cats love to tear insects apart, so they made quick work of them.

9/3/2007 7:01:23 PM

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they also eat themselves when they have no other ssource of food


9/3/2007 7:02:30 PM

All American
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what do they normally eat?

9/3/2007 7:04:12 PM

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no idea prolly shit one can find in caves

9/3/2007 7:11:14 PM

All American
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those little fuckers have been eating all my bat guano

9/3/2007 7:15:50 PM

All American
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ok bug people figure this one out....

i just went downstairs and found TWO more...both still alive, but they were both laying on their side with one leg detached from their body laying about an inch away.

im guessing they are laying on their side because they are dying from all the raid we sprayed in these areas (bathroom behind toilet, kitchen corner) but i can't figure out how one of their hind legs gets separated from their bodies? i found one like this the other day too! its freaky shit.

9/3/2007 7:16:17 PM

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legs fall off when insects get stressed maybe

[Edited on September 3, 2007 at 7:18 PM. Reason : s]

9/3/2007 7:17:51 PM

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they fall apart pretty easily

9/3/2007 7:18:25 PM

All American
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V crazy shit

[Edited on September 3, 2007 at 7:20 PM. Reason : ]

9/3/2007 7:18:41 PM

All American
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I thought raid caused their insides to dissolve.

Perhaps that has something to do with it.

They could've also thought they were under attack and done something freaky like discard the leg to escape. I know some insects can do that. They drop it, the leg twitches like crazy and hopefully distracts whatever is attacking it so the insect can get away.

9/3/2007 7:19:08 PM

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I've got some stuff here called Diazinon that you need to apply to the outside edges of your walls and stuff like that

it'll help keep them out

9/3/2007 7:24:15 PM

All American
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on a related note, cause i dont feel the need to create another thread, these things creep me the fuck out, and they are fast as hell:

house centipede from what ive found out

9/4/2007 1:55:50 AM

All American
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^Those are the worst insects that can infest a house. They are super fast, wayyyy faster than any other insect, and look way creepier. Plus, I've heard that they have a mean bite.

9/4/2007 3:09:28 PM

All American
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^^Yeah I have killed one of those in my abode, those things do look creepy because I had never seen one before and damn they can fly along the wall waaay faster than it looks like a bug that size should.

I've heard that they are mildly poisonous but you should be ok unless you have an allergy like to bee stings or things like that.

9/4/2007 3:12:56 PM

All American
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ugh!!! I was fine with this thread til that thing showed up. I had my hand resting on a door frame when out of the corner of my eye one of those huge fuckers flitters out of nowhere.

I shrieked like the biggest bitch ever.

Throwing shoes at bugs is the best response one can offer in a time of utter chaos and disorientation.

9/4/2007 3:28:55 PM

All American
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i have seen exactly one of those centipedes in my life. while i was on the toilet. i reached for the TP and that thing crawls across the wall.

9/4/2007 3:38:50 PM

Symbolic Grunge
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I like camel crickets, but not a fan of house centipedes!

9/4/2007 3:51:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"get a cat"

Hahaha I gotta agree with that one. As much as it annoys me when my cat tries to chew on wires and stuff, she really enjoys destroying any insects that find there way into my apartment. I've only really come across a few spiders (the kinds that jump like maniacs) and rather than dealing with them I just throw one of her toys near it. The second it moves she goes nuts and rips all the legs off.

9/4/2007 3:52:34 PM

All American
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wait a second, did someone just say they LIKE camel crickets? those things are so gross, and at least house centipedes can't jump! but i am just as freaked out about house centipedes too.....see


anyway, i sprayed so much raid and some other insect in every corner of my apartment, and around the doors and outside, that any bug that has come near it has died without even making it across the floor. i come home to dead bugs in every corner. its awesome.

9/4/2007 5:38:50 PM

All American
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those poor critters

9/4/2007 5:41:03 PM

147487 Posts
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edit post i'm doing hw and clicking around on tww and i see one of these like 5 feet from me crawling around

needless to say the raid killed it

9/29/2007 11:43:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"crush them with your camel toe"

9/29/2007 11:44:16 PM

All American
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camel crickets and centipedes creep me the fuck out. especially the crickets.

9/29/2007 11:49:34 PM

All American
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the centipedes will eat the crickets

9/29/2007 11:51:10 PM

All American
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crickets are scary as fuck I can not stand those fucking things.

9/29/2007 11:53:30 PM

All American
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they're not going to attack you

[Edited on September 29, 2007 at 11:55 PM. Reason : the centipedes might]

9/29/2007 11:55:33 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah at least cockroaches stay on the ground(for the most least the ones at my apt do)...i hate them fucking camel crickets with their lanky legs and jumping abilities...i hate earwigs too...always get paranoid that one will go in my ear while i'm sleeping

9/29/2007 11:55:58 PM

294 Posts
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My roommate and I lived in Kensington Park our junior and senior years. We had what we THOUGHT was a small problem with camel crickets. We would find ~5 to 10 a day in our apartment. Finally, we decided to search our where they were coming in from. We found a small hole near the sliding glass door that faces Avent Ferry Road. So, genius that I am, decided to plug up the hole so they couldn't get in the apartment any more. I took an SOS pad and some steel wool and crammed it all into the hole so that they couldn't just chew through it and get back in. BIG MISTAKE!!! The next morning, our living room was absolutely covered in the damn things. Turns out, they were living WITHIN the walls of the apartment, and when I closed off their way out, they came in! And, when I say covered, I mean there were probably 400 to 500 jumping around the next morning! My roommate and I took brooms and tried sweeping most of them out, but there was simply too many! We called the apartment management and they sent the repair man out to "fix" the problem. He grabbed a few, then left.

He called back the next day and told us a way to collect most of them that came in again. Get a 5 gallon bucket (or something of approximate size) and a few boxes of cornmeal from the store. Fill the bottom of the bucket about 2 inches thick with the cornmeal. The crickets will jump into the cornmeal, eat for a while, and then not be able to get back out because of the looseness of the cornmeal within the bucket.

Turns out, this way worked pretty good. We caught about 200 the first day, and gradually fewer until we were down to about 3 or 4 a day. Using the vacuum cleaner worked alright to get the few straggling ones, but be sure to empty the bag once more than a couple are sucked up. When they die, they really stink up after a few days!

9/30/2007 12:23:46 AM

147487 Posts
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what in the FUCK...i find that so unbelieveable...i've lived here so far for about 9 full months and i've only killed maybe 20 cockroaches, 8 earwigs, like 2 camel crickets, and maybe 10 spiders

9/30/2007 12:26:45 AM

294 Posts
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We lived in KP from 01 - 03. In that time, we maybe killed 3 cockroaches on the porch, a few ants, a spider here and there, and those damn crickets! After we got all the crickets from within the walls to come out into the apartment, the problem went away and we never saw another one while we were there. My wife (girlfriend at the time) lived in the KP apartments near Gorman, and never had a single one in her place. At that time, only the apartments near the office and along Avent Ferry had the problem. Don't know about the present though, it was 4 years ago!

I still have flashbacks about those EVIL camel cricket bastards!

9/30/2007 12:36:08 AM

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man i cant imagine four to five hundred of the same type of bug in one small area...i cant imagine there being that much space between the walls to support that, along with a food source...i wouldnt be able to sleep....i would guess they'd jump over me and wake me up....thats some shit you would see on wral...

9/30/2007 12:39:04 AM

All American
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If I saw that fucker in my house, I would leave my shit there and just move on to another place

9/30/2007 1:20:35 AM

All American
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House centipedes are harmless and eat insects. However, they are fucking nasty to see. I saw one that was about 3 inches long and had very long legs in my bathroom.

Needless to say, he was fucking fast as shit. He teleported across the bathroom before i was able to graze him with a broom and splay his body parts over the floor.

They are extremely fragile, and the slightest touch will kill them.

Quote :
"I was going pee and grabbed some toilet paper and it was on the toilet paper and started to crawl up my arm. Oh my god did I scream bloody murder..."

Quote :
"These things don't mess around. My roommates and I caught a fairly large one of these a few years ago and kept it in a small container. We weren't sure what it ate, but we put some water and bits of potato in. A few days later, we caught a wasp (this house had all sorts of insects in it) and put it in with it to see which would win. The centipede must not have liked the potato because it quickly attacked the wasp and made short work of it. We decided to let it go, partly because we were scared of it and partly to get it started on the cockroaches and crickets but in hindsight, they would actually make a decent pet."

That story above about the hundreds of camel crickets is unbelievable.

Don't read the following if you want to sleep comfortably

Quote :
"Yes, one really came out of my nose this morning. I thought I had a parasite or something, but after much research and a visit to two doctors today, I am almost positive that this thing was up my nose and it came out when I was in the shower. It stung me too. It was one of the most traumatic things that has happened to me, I think because I actually saw it coming out in a mirror. I'm kind of scared to go to sleep right now...

Happened to me when I was about twelve or so years old. I was sleeping on the floor, and awoke to an incessant itching in my nose. I promptly sneezed, and there were dismembered legs all over my face. Still moving, mind you. Heh, you'd think they'd have a support group for this kind of thing. -Etafly 07:34, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

Holy crap. I'm never sleeping on my floor again (something I do pretty often, actually). My dad had an experience where he was drinking wine and felt that he swallowed something. He immediately spit it back into the glass and sure enough, it was a huge one of these things.-Jaardon 08:37, 23 May 2007 (UTC)"

[Edited on September 30, 2007 at 1:47 AM. Reason : sdf]

9/30/2007 1:33:18 AM

All American
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Better than beer

Quote :
"I was talking to my roomate and I was sitting in a chair. I stood up and continued talking to her . She looked at my thigh area in terror , she said my name , and immediately I knew , nothing else needed to be said , I tore off my skirt and ran up stairs into my bathroom were I tore off the rest of my clothes and stood on my toilet naked screaming bloody murder while my heart was jumping out of my chest. WHY oh why are they so scary"

9/30/2007 1:54:06 AM

All American
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I keep wanting to see a cricket smoking a camel, man where's camel guy when you need him

9/30/2007 2:04:50 AM

All American
18758 Posts
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gawd damn.

some of these stories here are just whack.

i mean we've got a lot of spiders up here, but I don't have anything on this shit.

9/30/2007 2:05:00 AM

All American
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Those fuckers always seem to get into our crawl space every fall. We fog every year. Those things just love basements and crawl spaces. G'luck they are freakishly scary and hard to catch.

9/30/2007 3:32:39 AM

All American
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ok well i thought we had resolved the camel cricket problem, my roomates boyfriend came and sprayed some stuff all over our apartment. but two days ago im takin a shower, mindin my own business, i've been in the shower for about 10 minutes at this point, i look down, and the biggest camel cricket i've seen yet (i think it was about 3 inches from antenna to back feet) was just chillin right by my foot. now i know it sounds dumb but this is literally the one bug (other than cockroaches) that i am terrified of. but since i was in the shower i had nowhere to go and as soon as i saw it i jumped back but it started walking towards me (how was it walking in running water??). so i was pretty much hugging the wall frantically trying to figure out what to do, i threw open the shower curtain and leaped over the cricket. so now im standin outside of my shower covered in soap because of a stupid freakin cricket. i grabbed the showerhead and aimed though and since i have no drain cover it was bye bye cricket. by far the scariest encounter yet though.

another gross thing, i was peeing a few weeks ago and when i was done and about to leave my bathroom i look down and one is chillin on my toilet seat!!

9/30/2007 11:37:51 AM

All American
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i think we need pics of that event, to fully appreciate the magnitude.

perhaps you could recreate it with a rubber cricket?

9/30/2007 3:22:07 PM

All American
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they just wanted to help you out.

9/30/2007 3:28:05 PM

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just killed another one...

10/2/2007 10:14:48 AM

Mr Grace
All American
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there are few things i hate more than a camel cricket.

fuckers jump right at you

10/2/2007 10:16:58 AM

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