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 Message Boards » » Will the white race go quietly into the night? Page 1 [2], Prev  
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Quote :
"salisburyboy you're not pure're're a fucking sellout halfbreed...fuck you and your impure genes"

Do you know my ethnic heritage better than I do? Because last I checked I'm 100% nordic/Anglo/European.

8/24/2007 12:51:18 PM

148127 Posts
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last you checked? who'd you check with? everything is run by the jews...they'll give you whatever genealogy tests they want you to're not immune from their snake like're 100% indoctrinated by the jews you damn half-breed

8/24/2007 12:52:54 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18156 Posts
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It is absolutely impossible to know with any certainty that you are 100% white. I'm sorry.

8/24/2007 12:55:52 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Viva La Raza Blanco!"

8/24/2007 12:56:05 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18156 Posts
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If you're going to do that you could at least get the gender agreement right.

8/24/2007 12:57:05 PM

148127 Posts
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yeah seriously, but salisburyboy is a shapeshifter mason jew so masculine/feminine is irrelevant since (s)he isnt even technically human

8/24/2007 12:57:42 PM

9434 Posts
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8/24/2007 12:58:55 PM

All American
3344 Posts
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Why did you ignore my post salisburyboy? You always seem to do this when I refute your arguments.

8/24/2007 1:06:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"The ruling Jewish establishment is intent on destroying the white race, with white western nations everywhere under sophisticated attack on virtually every level - eg, massive non-white immigration into white countries, heavy taxation and other financial burdens making it difficult to afford children, general attack and break-down of society and the family, promotion of homosexuality and feminism (ie, reducing birthrates), promotion of miscegenation and race-mixing, pervasive propaganda in the Jewish-controlled media, Judeo-"Christian" churches, and from other establishment institutions discouraging & demonizing whites who stand up for the interests of their own people, etc."

Lower birth rates, increased taxation to fund social projects, societal apathy, acceptance of alternative life styles, etc are all part of the liberalization that is ubiquitous in developed nations as they continue towards the future. The fact that you don't realize that this is a historical social trend and instead have to attribute it to some shadowy edomite plot is just plain sad.

8/24/2007 1:14:11 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"How has Genocide been perpetrated on White "Gentile" Americans?

By the "disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

Genocide by disintegration of political and social institutions
.....Making life so hostile the most intelligent young White "Gentiles" question whether to have children
.....Separating White "Gentile" women and men by misinformation and disinformation
.....Stressing the family with 50% effective taxation
.....Mandatory education in school systems that are propaganda enforcement settings
.....Making the schools advocate homosexuality

Genocide by disintegration of culture
.....Tidal waves of Third World immigration destroy the culture of the U.S.A.
.....Mocking White "Gentile" Americans in the media; insisting upon collective guilt and the teaching of self-debasement to White "Gentile" Americans; Anti-White "Gentile"American propaganda

Genocide by disintegration of national feelings
.....Teaching that the founders of this nation were evil men
.....Mocking patriots as "right-wing extremists"
.....Blaming American citizens for all evil in the world

Genocide by disintegration of economic existence
.....From the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation in 30 years
.....Huge foreign trade imbalances weaken our nation
.....The Federal Reserve is not a government agency--private stockholders control the monetary system

Genocide by destruction of personal security
.....The never-ending campaign to take away our guns and the right of personal defense
.....Crime statistics reveal campaign of terror against White "Gentile" Americans
.....Property taxes mean you never, ever really own your own property.

Genocide by destruction of dignity
.....Forcing White "Gentile" Americans to endure the invasions of immigrants who have opposing heritage, culture and value systems by calling the White "Gentile" Americans who resist "racists" and "hate crime perpetrators""

Quote :
"How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide Against White "Gentile" Americans

4 - Please allow and acknowledge your natural feelings of rage and revulsion. We have been so propagandized into suicidal behavior that many White "Gentiles" identify rage and revulsion as forbidden emotions. Rage and revulsion are excellent indicators of life-threatening situations--especially when your race and your nation are being destroyed. Anger can be a valuable source of energy. Please utilize your anger in productive ways.

10 - Please desensitize yourself to insults and accusations such as "Racist!". If someone calls you a racist, you may want to smile and say "Thank you"--or "Bless you"--or "You Poor Dear".

38 - Please be partisan for yourself, your family, your nation and your race. White "Gentile" Americans have been politely committing suicide for decades so as not to offend others who may be envious of them. Please stop the insanity by refusing to speak the phrases of dishonor. Please refuse to be talked into the death wish."

8/24/2007 1:36:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
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You're just posting articles that repeat what you said earlier while adding no new information and creating no new credibility.

The fact that a few people share a belief does not make it true. Your tendency to paste similar articles and hope that it looks like a consensus when pressed for information reflects nothing but your inability to defend your ideas

8/24/2007 1:48:42 PM

9434 Posts
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Are you jewish joshua? I'd bet money you are. Either that or you are on the gov. payroll to troll forums.

8/24/2007 1:56:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Anyone who questions you is either jewish or works for the government? You really are wrapped up in your little fantasy world.

Now check this out:

25 Rules of Disinformation

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as "kooks", "right-wing", "liberal", "left-wing", "terrorists", "conspiracy buffs", "radicals", "militia", "racists", "religious fanatics", "sexual deviates", and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.

7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.

If you ever want to discuss issues with the big kids we'll be waiting.

8/24/2007 2:06:04 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Anyone who questions you is either jewish or works for the government?"

Of course not. I'm talking about one specific individual who has trolled and harassed me relentlessly for years on end -- you.

You are majoring in psychology right? I think we all know what kind of people are disproportionately involved in that industry.

8/24/2007 2:08:57 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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As far as I know, I'm about as white as you can get. English, Welsh, Scottish, German, and perhaps Irish and Swiss.

I still think your damn nuts, salisbury. I don't hate white people or being white. Folks aren't going to forgot the accomplishments of white men because of mixed blood.

A mestizo or mulatto still has plenty of claim to his or her European ancestry.

In general, nonwhites don't hate whites. We're not in danger. We're not going to be wiped out or forgotten.

8/24/2007 2:09:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
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All I've done is question your assertions more doggedly than others. You can attempt to slander me and brush me aside with name calling, but everyone here sees through your pathetic attempts to avoid discussing your theories.

Quote :
"You are majoring in psychology right? I think we all know what kind of people are disproportionately involved in that industry."

Its one of several degrees that I have, although it doesn't directly relate to what I do for a living. Do tell, what kind of people are disproportionately involved in that industry?

8/24/2007 2:13:38 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"In general, nonwhites don't hate whites."

Well it depends on which non-whites you are talking about, but generally speaking most are envious of and have enmity towards Europeans/whites because of their accomplishments, status, & even physical beauty. East Asians (eg, chinese and japanese) are generally not hostile to whites...but blacks, mestizo hispanics, and others are. If you don't think this is so...then by all means, visit South Africa or Zimbabwe...or take a walk through the barrios/ghettos of East L.A. or Detroit some time.

8/24/2007 2:17:35 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"but blacks, mestizo hispanics, and others are."

Sometimes, sure. Not as a general rule. Whites interact amicably with blacks and mestizos all the time.

Quote :
"If you don't think this is so...then by all means, visit South Africa or Zimbabwe...or take a walk through the barrios/ghettos of East L.A. or Detroit some time."

That's more of a class issue, though race or ethnicity can because politically important in some cases.

8/24/2007 2:23:49 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"If you don't think this is so...then by all means, visit South Africa or Zimbabwe...or take a walk through the barrios/ghettos of East L.A. or Detroit some time."

You haven't done any of those things, little buddy. What authority do you have to pass judgement on people that you're too afraid to meet in person - or should we just assume that you're repeating someone else's rhetoric again?

By the way, what kind of people are disproportionately involved in psychology?

8/24/2007 2:26:26 PM

All American
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As far as violence goes, my white ancestors were just as sanguinary as anyone.

The murder rate in parts of medieval Germany got as high as 100 per 100,000.

8/24/2007 2:31:56 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
" Folks aren't going to forgot the accomplishments of white men because of mixed blood."

If the white race were destroyed via race-mixing and no whites were left -- eg, all whites intermixed to produce half-breed mulatto blacks or half-breed meztizo hispanics -- not only would Nordic whites with blonde/brunette hair and blue/green eyes be virtually gone forever...but society would suffer greatly as a result. Europeans/whites are responsible for Western civilization as we know it. Without whites, in a few short generations, the western world would degenerate into something akin to the Third World. Over time, the achievements of the white man WOULD be forgotten...because they would disappear.

Quote :
"You can attempt to slander me and brush me aside with name calling, but everyone here sees through your pathetic attempts to avoid discussing your theories."

And all I did was ask a question.

Seriously, joshua, are you jewish? I'm curious.

8/24/2007 3:59:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"And all I did was ask a question."

Always the victim, aren't you? Calling someone a troll for the simple act of questioning you and then trying to divert discussion away from the topic isn't a question. Grow up, kid.

Quote :
"Seriously, joshua, are you jewish? I'm curious."


Seriously, little buddy, what kind of people are disproportionately involved in psychology? Are you trying to suggest that psychology is another jewish run phenomenon? Is that why you are so deathly afraid of mental health professionals?

8/24/2007 4:10:33 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"Without whites, in a few short generations, the western world would degenerate into something akin to the Third World."

That's ridiculous. Even assuming white genes are required for success, which of course they aren't, why couldn't mixed bloods get the job done? Why should a few Amerindian or black genes make the white half worthless?

Quote :
"Over time, the achievements of the white man WOULD be forgotten...because they would disappear."

Many Asian countries have Western standards of living. Many Asians love Western culture and have adopted many Western customs.

8/24/2007 4:20:59 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you trying to suggest that psychology is another jewish run phenomenon?"

It's a fact that modern psychology has Jewish origins, and is Jewish-dominated.

What do you think Sigmund Freud was?
Quote :
"Sigmund Freud was born on 6 May 1856 to Galician Jewish [2] parents in Príbor (German: Freiberg in Mähren), Moravia, Austrian Empire, now Czech Republic. "
Quote :
""After all, Jews invented psychiatry to help other Jews become Gentiles."
Morton Feldman, composer "

8/24/2007 4:27:00 PM

All American
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By the time whites are a minority here or in Europe, I'll mostly be able to become black or Asian whenever I feel like it.

All that Bell Curve shit will be ancient history. Posthumans will be vastly smarter than simple humans, regardless of race. And the posts will wear many different forms.

8/24/2007 4:32:19 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"It's a fact that modern psychology has Jewish origins, and is Jewish-dominated."

If its a fact you should be able to find some sort of statistic regarding the percentage of jews involved in psychology. Otherwise I'll just chalk this up to another case of you labeling your stereotypes as "facts" after your position has eroded significantly.

Quote :
"What do you think Sigmund Freud was?"

A psychoanalyst, which is actually quite different than a psychologist. Aside from a passing discussion of his theories, most students of psychology don't pay him any attention, nor do his theories have any bearing on modern psychology.

You're really doing nothing here but showcasing your desperation and ignorance.

Quote :
""After all, Jews invented psychiatry to help other Jews become Gentiles."
Morton Feldman, composer"

That sounds like satire from an avant garde 1950s artist, not a factual history lesson. Feel free to prove me wrong.

8/24/2007 8:31:16 PM

All American
2638 Posts
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8/25/2007 5:05:27 AM

All American
2588 Posts
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Quote :
"By the time whites are a minority here or in Europe, I'll mostly be able to become black or Asian whenever I feel like it.

All that Bell Curve shit will be ancient history. Posthumans will be vastly smarter than simple humans, regardless of race. And the posts will wear many different forms."

what the?

[Edited on August 25, 2007 at 5:51 AM. Reason : .]

8/25/2007 5:49:19 AM

All American
16957 Posts
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Quote :
"Genocidal birthrates"


8/25/2007 8:39:03 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10994 Posts
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Quote :
"Europeans/whites are responsible for Western civilization as we know it. Without whites, in a few short generations, the western world would degenerate into something akin to the Third World. Over time, the achievements of the white man WOULD be forgotten...because they would disappear."

I suggest you read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond ( He explains fairly well why the dominance of Western civilization has absolutely nothing to do with race.

On a side note, I also recommend his Collapse ( It's a pretty good examination of the ecological consequences of society's actions without the "ZOMG THE WORLD IS GOING TO END TOMORROW" Al Gore-esque hysteria that plagues modern environmental movements. He inlcudes multiple examples of past societies who have exploited their environments to the point that the society collapsed and, in some cases, everyone died--usually within a surprisingly short period of time.

8/25/2007 11:19:36 AM

41752 Posts
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I missed where I should give a shit that 5 generations from now whites will be a minority. Where does it say I should give a shit?

By then I will be rotten.

8/25/2007 11:54:39 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
25505 Posts
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We back:

8/25/2007 11:59:33 AM

148127 Posts
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Quote :
"Either that or you are on the gov. payroll to troll forums"

are you on prisonplanet's payroll to troll forums?

no on second thought you're just on one of your usual yayrolls

[Edited on August 25, 2007 at 12:42 PM. Reason : .]

8/25/2007 12:42:05 PM

All American
34019 Posts
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I'm starting to agree with Guth on this... this thread at least should be locked. It's complete nonsense.

8/25/2007 2:06:36 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"what the?"

The Singularity is coming.

8/25/2007 2:39:03 PM

41752 Posts
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8/25/2007 2:39:19 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"Rockwell led the American Nazi Party in assisting the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups during the Civil Rights Movement, by countering the Freedom Riders and the March on Washington. But he soon came to believe the Klan was stuck in the past and ineffective for helping him wage a modern race struggle. After hearing the slogan "Black Power" during a debate in 1966 with Black Panther Stokely Carmichael, Rockwell altered the phrase and started a call for "White Power." White Power would later become the name of the party's newspaper and the title of a book authored by Rockwell.

Rockwell's principal message was racial separation and attempted to form friendly associations with the Nation of Islam. He praised Elijah Muhammad as the "Black people's Hitler," and for doing the best job in promoting integrity and pride among his people. Rockwell also admired Malcolm X and saw him as the next true leader for Black America.

If separation was not achieved, Rockwell believed America faced long-term racial problems and predicted a great race war, where "the uniform would be skin color." Rockwell believed the conflict was approaching with whites eventually becoming America's new racial minority.

[Edited on August 25, 2007 at 6:22 PM. Reason : .]

8/25/2007 6:21:55 PM

All American
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8/26/2007 9:04:52 PM

All American
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9/10/2007 12:15:31 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18156 Posts
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Dammit, we finally got rid of the son of a bitch, don't post anything in his threads

9/10/2007 2:16:55 PM

All American
34019 Posts
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You just posted in this thread.

(and i did too...)

9/10/2007 2:57:35 PM

All American
30098 Posts
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sorry, didn't know where else to put it

9/10/2007 4:55:29 PM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » Will the white race go quietly into the night? Page 1 [2], Prev  
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