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10/9/2007 1:54:47 PM

wear sumthin tight
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apply a tournakit at the neck area

10/9/2007 1:59:14 PM

All American
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I'm going to bet it's one of those fly larvae nom noming on the inside of your chin.

10/9/2007 4:38:40 PM

All American
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Quote :


10/9/2007 4:43:11 PM

All American
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like someone said earlier.....its cyst acne. I get them from time to time and my sister used to work at a Dermatologist place, and thats what she told me they were. It will go away...those things can get pretty big

10/9/2007 5:36:55 PM

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so my moms said the cervical cancer thing came up negative

10/12/2007 6:33:16 PM

All American
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had my abcess removed today. It was about the size of half a ping-pong ball. feels AWESOME now. Thing was hurting like crazy...

10/12/2007 7:27:03 PM

All American
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^no pix?

10/12/2007 7:35:49 PM

All American
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10/12/2007 7:36:57 PM

All American
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HAHA, no... The whole removal process was quite painful (way more than I expected when half a needle of numbing stuff in it). Anyway... what had happened was (apparently) there was a hair that got infected, oil gland went nuts, oil solidified and clogged everything up. From there the infection just did it thing until it was freaking huge and hurting like crazy. Numbed it up, cut a hole about 1-2cm in length and squeezed everything out. Looked a lot like those triangular sour cream packets - definitely solid/liquid mix coming out. After the first squeeze or two he noticed a part of it wasn't coming out like it should. This was where he squeezed so hard I felt like it was ripping a section of skin off my body. When it gave way he stuck the little needle pliers in and pulled out the lump of congealed oil. It honestly looked like you chewed up a jumbo piece of bubble gum, covered it with blood and shoved it into my chest. Few more painful squeezes and it was all done for. Stuck in a stint looking tube to keep it draining for 2-3 days and bandaged it up.

Looked almost exactly like this: (except mine was 2-3x that size)

10/12/2007 7:53:04 PM

All American
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lemme say this again:

10/12/2007 7:55:08 PM

All American
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^^that was AWESOME. But you do realize that I'm now REALLY upset that you didn't video yours I actually went with my friend's husband (I begged and pleaded and the doctor let me stand right there while he did it) to have a small cyst removed from his head a couple of months ago. It was hard though, almost like a tiny tiny golf ball looking thing. And yeah, they had to use the 'pliers' at some point...he was numbed up but it wasn't pain free.

My question about that vid you linked to, and I'm not sure you know the answer, but a) they were talking like the one guy was a doctor, but wtf? and b) it was attached to a 'stem'? a stem of what?

10/12/2007 8:46:31 PM

All American
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^The video was of a cyst. cyst is where the infection gets trapped in like a pocket of flesh, and the pocket of flesh has like roots and stuff (the stem). I had an abcess, which is mostly like an inverted boil (grow into you, not out). However, the body fights them the same way, and they're both based on some kind of staff infection (i think). The results are that the pocket (in both cases) fills up with pus, dead skin, and white blood cells fightin' the good fight. Unfortunately the only REAL way to get rid of them at this point is (in my case) drain all the junk out, or in cyst case remove the whole thing.

Abcesses are quickie surgery - i was fully awake and in a regular doctor office. For my mom's cyst she was put to sleep in a hospital.

I've had these things before... my body usually gets rid of them in 3-5 days. They feel almost like a pimple, but they're under the skin where you can't get to them. Few days later they either come to the surface and you pop it like a blister/boil or they just go away. Very little pain, just an annoyance (nothing ever more than like 1cm across before.) This one, however, got golfball sized, turned red, and for the last 2 nights when I went to roll over or shift the pillow around it felt a bit like a bee sting on my chest where this freaking thing was. I was originally scheduled for removal on monday, but i called and told 'em to do it today or I was doing SOMETHING myself (maybe just get a little out for some relief.)

So now I have this shoe-string looking piece of cotton hanging out of my chest letting it drain for the next 3 days, then I'll yank that out, it will bleed more (cause the skin will have attached by then) and then I should be all set!

The only problem with this setup so far was I was talking with my parents about my room mate pissing all over his stuff (he did it again, i suspect, and the laptop didn't survive this time) and when i started laughing I started bleeding all over the place. Oh, and the hydrogen peroxide I'm supposed to squirt INTO the wound burns nicely. Its weird to have surgery and feel SO much better instead of being in pain from the surgery.

10/13/2007 12:20:06 AM

45912 Posts
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It's lupus. no shut up and go home.

10/13/2007 7:48:44 AM

All American
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What the hell is her lump? I just know it ain't no baby...

10/13/2007 9:02:19 AM

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