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All American
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but we don't like yankees

12/13/2007 10:39:18 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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its the typical southern inferiority complex.

12/13/2007 10:39:34 AM

All American
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how about they fix 540 traffic first.

you know, that bit that leads onto 40.

then i wouldnt mind a toll

12/13/2007 10:39:37 AM

22518 Posts
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well you kids can just continue to sit in traffic then

the tolls work ok on 400

12/13/2007 10:41:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but we don't like yankees"

I know. I hear that all the time. I just never hear any good reasons why.

For the record, tolls do not equal parking lots. EZ pass is a solution to that, but, I hate how EZ pass tracks you. It is quite a "big brother" issue.

12/13/2007 10:57:49 AM

All American
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i object to being taxed more than once for the same thing...

I am taxed every time I fill up my tank for roads, etc.
Now they want to tax me every time I drive over a road that I should have ALREADY PAID FOR.

12/13/2007 11:11:36 AM

All American
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What gets me is that Raleigh gets all of the road money compared to Charlotte.

12/13/2007 11:15:35 AM

All American
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Toll the living fuck out of it and then put all of the profits into the budget for light rail

12/13/2007 11:30:32 AM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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fuck that

toll that road, I don't wanna pay for something I'm not going to use. Let the people who wanna get on it pay for it.

12/13/2007 11:38:25 AM

All American
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i dont mind. ill just write it off on my taxes.

12/13/2007 11:39:53 AM

All American
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Some of the problem with the backup at the 40 interchange and even on 40 itself would be fixed by extending 540 down to the south. To get the road built in a reasonable time frame . . . I'm in favor of tolls. But it seems stupid to have tolls on just part of 540, so if they have tolls there then they should have all of 540 be a toll road. It would be one thing if it were a through interstate, but it's a bypass . . . so let the people that use it pay for it.

12/13/2007 11:55:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The tolls are most likely going to be all electronic either you will have a transponder in your car or they will use video to capture license plate and send you a bill. It will cost you more if you don't have the transponder so they are hoping that will persuade people to get them."

They have actually made the decision that this will be the case - it will all be open road tolling (ORT) and all electronic (no cash plazas).

Quote :
"Tolling would only take place on new sections of 540."

The section of I-540 from NC 54 to NC 55 (actually signed as NC 540) will be tolled as part of the Triangle Expressway. If someone has already said this, then sorry.

Quote :
"What gets me is that Raleigh gets all of the road money compared to Charlotte."

How do you figure? - the loop around charlotte is almost complete - constant construction going on there.

Everyone is right about getting the roads built though - it pretty much won't happen without tolling (not for a long while anyways).

I plug this article anytime i get a chance - the way roads should have been built the last 50 years (great read if you have the time)

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 1:40 PM. Reason : .]

12/13/2007 1:37:35 PM

All American
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^oh really.

so anything from knightdale to 40 is open road?

12/13/2007 1:39:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The tolls on I-540 would only be on the part that has not been constructed yet."

if this is true, bring it on...i use the part of 540 that goes between 40 and 70, so i couldn't care less...i'm voting yes to the tolls

12/13/2007 1:40:04 PM

All American
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here's an idea: live near where you work.

12/13/2007 1:44:52 PM

All American
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12/13/2007 1:45:17 PM

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12/13/2007 1:47:07 PM

All American
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If they're gonna toll it, they need to toll the whole loop and not just us in Western Wake if that's the plan I remember.

12/13/2007 1:47:55 PM

All American
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^ yeah...sux2bu

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 1:48 PM. Reason : .]

12/13/2007 1:48:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"so anything from knightdale to 40 is open road?"

not sure i follow exactly what you mean

12/13/2007 1:50:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^have you ever been to the north? their toll roads have been built a long time ago, and they're still paying tolls."

WTF are you smoking. Most roads up north, at least around NYC were designed from the get-go as toll roads. For instance the NJ turnpike, the prototype model toll road that all others in the country followed.

Its fucking bullshit that they'd start construction of an interstate beltway without complete funding to finish the entire job without interruption. Yay government.

12/13/2007 1:50:33 PM

All American
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from the knightdale exit on 540 (like exit 16 or 17) all the way down to where 40 exit is (i think exit 1)

12/13/2007 1:51:15 PM

All American
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well, the triangle town center is around exit 16/17 and US 64 (near knightdale) is like exit 24 or something... either way, if you get on 540 there and go around north raleigh and down to I-40, you aren't paying any tolls (yet)... by open road tolling, i mean that the roads that are tolled are done so without slowing down... it's all cameras and EZ pass

12/13/2007 1:55:06 PM

All American
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oh i see, yeah i meant open road as in no tolls , didnt realize there was open road tolling.

well thats a good thing i guess. cant you just go around the tolls? the exits on the new 540 all have backways.

12/13/2007 1:56:51 PM

All American
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you can find other ways... the whole point is do you want to pay for a convenience? would you pay $1/day (or whatever) to not have to try and take those back roads

12/13/2007 1:58:09 PM

All American
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^ Nope, you get charged when you enter/exit the interstate via the ramps.

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 2:04 PM. Reason : I can't speak well apparently today.]

12/13/2007 1:59:13 PM

All American
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well for $1 yeah, someone said something about $5.

well if you get charged by the exit then yeah

12/13/2007 2:02:25 PM

All American
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^^ i meant other ways around it - not getting on 540 at all... you will obviously pay to ride - even it's getting on to go up one exit (you'd just pay less)

^ you'll be able to ride the triangle expressway for closer to $1 than $5... another note, some large tolled interstates charge semis close to $30 a pop

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 2:26 PM. Reason : .]

12/13/2007 2:23:41 PM

All American
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god... i guess you fucks LIKE being taxed. especially since WE HAVE ONE OF THE HIGHEST GAS TAXES IN THE FUCKING NATION ALREADY

12/13/2007 2:31:09 PM

All American
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well at least that's maxed out already

12/13/2007 2:32:37 PM

All American
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Oh tolls not trolls, right that makes more sense.

12/13/2007 2:36:09 PM

All American
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^^^you keep saying that but I haven't found our gas to be more expensive than surrounding states.

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 2:37 PM. Reason : ^]

12/13/2007 2:36:56 PM

All American
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^ agreed...though i was in st. louis over thanksgiving and it was a full 30 cents less per gallon

12/13/2007 2:40:08 PM

All American
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They either need to toll all of 540 or none.

Why should northern Wake County get a free part of the outer loop; while the souther part has to pay a toll.

Quote :
"Its fucking bullshit that they'd start construction of an interstate beltway without complete funding to finish the entire job without interruption. Yay government."

Nahh dude the 4 mile segment around RTP has been pretty clutch for alleviating rush hour traffic.

Look at 485 in Charlotte Pat; that thing has been under construction since like 1991 and still has like 10 more years till finish. Relatively 540 has been hauling ass.

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 2:44 PM. Reason : a]

12/13/2007 2:40:12 PM

All American
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We're not even in the top 10.

12/13/2007 2:41:02 PM

All American
5084 Posts
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who gives a damn

12/13/2007 3:17:29 PM

41759 Posts
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Here are all the parodies for future reference.

12/13/2007 3:23:58 PM

All American
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I wish you all would stop arguing like children
I hate tolls bla blah..
if you don't like the toll, then don't drive on the road. Most of you will probably never drive on that part of 540 anyways so why are you bitching?
and if you do drive on it (like to work everyday) then quit your bitching about a nice clean new HW that you WILL use everday. If you can't pay 100/year for an express highway, then I think the tolls are the least of your worries..
Texas has TONS of toll roads, and people don't complain out there

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 3:33 PM. Reason : 1]

12/13/2007 3:24:47 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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If you don't like the tolls, then don't use the roads.

12/13/2007 3:25:21 PM

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I think toll roads are un-american.

12/13/2007 3:26:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"though i was in st. louis over thanksgiving and it was a full 30 cents less per gallon"

just fyi... there's more to the total price than the local state tax

12/13/2007 3:35:14 PM

All American
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look at NC's gas tax compared to ALL of the surrounding states.

if the government would have used the money they had more efficiently, we wouldn't be in this mess. Throwing more money at the problem isn't the answer.

12/13/2007 3:38:07 PM

All American
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fyi, NC has the second most driveable paved miles roads in the US, second only to texas. so, that could be a reason our taxes are so high and we can't afford to finish this roadway. i think, for the most part, our DOT does a good job, so i'm not complaining.

12/13/2007 3:42:07 PM

All American
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12/13/2007 3:47:10 PM

Art Vandelay
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tolls on interstates are not new, Richmond has them on one of it's belt lines (though i admit a fast pass would definitely be the way to do it) If tolls will pay for new roads, then toll it the hell up, that or they can simply increase your Car Highway Tax if you'd prefer...

have you seen the roads in TX? good god. most of ours are pretty good. honestly i'd rather see more tax money put into roads than into a multitude of other stupid wasteful state projects.

like wtf is a bill drafting division? and why do they need 2.6 then 2.9 million per year? (07-08, 08-09)
Quote :
"1212 BILL DRAFTING DIVISION 2,690,192 2,905,631

1213 RESEARCH DIVISION 4,475,349 4,514,607

1214 FISCAL RESEARCH DIVISION 4,258,362 4,299,185"

Research division? the state government researches stuff?
fucking FISCAL research? wtf!
its not for bills and laws and isn't what the state government gets paid... it's a bunch of other retarded shit.

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 4:01 PM. Reason : d]

12/13/2007 3:47:14 PM

All American
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The problem with Toll's is that they don't go away so when they start tolling the road to RTP, it means Raleigh commuters will pay extra to get to work everyday for the rest of time.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if I can't get to Garner or the other side of Raleigh via 540. There's nothing there I or most anyone in RTP would care about. That being the case, they government can take forever to complete that road and I absolutely don't think I should specifically fund something I won't use so the rest of the county that won't be paying for it well get the benefit.

12/13/2007 3:55:50 PM

All American
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what pisses me off is that when i drive on interstates through other states, i pay for their roads. when i drive on local roads in my own city, i will pay for our roads. that means money is going OUT of the state when we could move the proposed toll booths to I-95 and have an out of state money source like all of those other states do.

12/13/2007 3:58:56 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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i definitely agree with that

12/13/2007 4:02:41 PM

All American
2390 Posts
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Quote :
"when we could move the proposed toll booths to I-95"

You can't toll an existing road.

12/13/2007 4:07:23 PM

All American
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^partly true... you can't toll an existing road, but you can toll an existing bridge (defined as more than 20' in length) if you rebuild it at the time, even if it's on a major interstate...

it's legislature though, and legislature can change

it honestly wouldn't suprise me to see all of I-540 tolled one day... revenue would be used to pay for other roads throughout the state

[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 4:24 PM. Reason : correct myself]

12/13/2007 4:15:17 PM

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