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All American
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If she doesn't have $1100 this month she probably won't have $1650 next month (to pay you back + pay her half of the rent.) She'd have to give me a good gameplan as to how and when she will pay me back and sign the contract as well. If anything seemed fishy it would be a no go. Money and friends are a bad combination most of the time.

12/10/2007 9:54:09 PM

76471 Posts
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a sam's club card and a check are two very different things.

1) don't look at it as a loan. Look at it as a gift - especially that amount
2) this all sounds incredibly sketchy
3) you'll help her the most by not giving her the money. If it's an addiction, that's less fuel for it. If it's idiocy or immaturity, helping her learn to stand on her own two feet = FTW

12/10/2007 9:55:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't know what someone would do with a stolen check that is not made out to them. People don't just take money out of your account."

it's actually a pretty common thing for people to snatch checks out of people's mailboxes

12/10/2007 9:57:09 PM

All American
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12/10/2007 9:59:24 PM

All American
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Watch any daytime court show and see what happens when friends loan friends money. It never ends up good.

12/10/2007 10:04:27 PM

All American
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How would the thief know that a check was inside, or would they just see a mailbox with the flag up and steal whatever is in there and hope to get lucky, and how do you cash a check not to you again?

[Edited on December 10, 2007 at 10:08 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2007 10:06:44 PM

All American
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in economics, this is what we call a "sunk cost"

12/10/2007 10:59:22 PM

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12/11/2007 9:38:12 AM

All American
5486 Posts
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Quote :
""I don't know what someone would do with a stolen check that is not made out to them. People don't just take money out of your account.""

Disreputable/lazy check cashing place? Also, your account number, routing number, name, drivers license number, and adress are sufficient to transfer funds for stuff like direct-draft payments aren't they? There's enough info on most people's checks to fuck them up.

Quote :
"How would the thief know that a check was inside, or would they just see a mailbox with the flag up and steal whatever is in there and hope to get lucky, and how do you cash a check not to you again?"

Could have been the mail carrier or someone who works at the place they send the checks to. Also, I'm pretty sure if you stole a bunch of mail people were sending out these days a LARGE percentage of it would be checks for bills and birthday cards w/ money. What else do people really send through the mail these days? Could just be someone going around stealing everyone's outgoing mail

[Edited on December 11, 2007 at 10:22 AM. Reason : ]

12/11/2007 10:17:12 AM

32613 Posts
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Not to mention the possibility of bleaching the check, putting whatever name they want on it and depositing it/cashing it in another persons name, assuming they have the resources. Friend of mine really did have this happen but it was with money orders. He'd put bills in the mailbox with money orders (redneck, Randolph county, no checking account) and they'd never get to where they were suppose to be going. Turns out somebody was stealing everybodys mail on that road, bleaching the money orders and depositing in to an account he had open in somebody else's name then cashing them out.

12/11/2007 10:20:45 AM

Agent 0
All American
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hey girl

money and blood friends dont mix

like two dicks and no bitch

find yourself in serious shit!

12/11/2007 10:32:25 AM

All American
1053 Posts
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edit post dad works for the USPS and he says that stolen checks happens more than you think...

One trick that he sees a lot is when all these people writing checks to the IRS, turn IRS to MRS and you got yourself a legit check for yourself...

but even then...i would never let a friend borrow money from me...turns friendships sour

[Edited on December 11, 2007 at 10:46 AM. Reason : .]

12/11/2007 10:45:06 AM

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12/11/2007 10:54:07 AM

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