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All American
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1/4/2008 8:41:22 AM

All American
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Say It Loud: I’m Running for President and I’m Proud!

1/4/2008 8:44:48 AM

Tom Joad
72861 Posts
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1/4/2008 8:45:51 AM

All American
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chuck motherfucking norris

1/4/2008 8:47:34 AM

Double Entendre
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Quote :
"yeah fuck guilanai he is an actor too"

I feel this is true for all the front runners (at least) that is why I am trying to understand the other runners' platforms. I am so tired of these people figuring out the consensus of the purple states of the country's opinion and then changing to that. Where is the belief and conviction anymore? ACTORS!

1/4/2008 8:52:02 AM

Tom Joad
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Quote :
"Ronald Reagan? The actor? Ha! Then who's Vice President, Jerry Lewis?"

1/4/2008 8:54:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"hate to say it, but i dont see him grabbing a single state in the southeast

this country isnt color-blind yet"

If Jesse Jackson can win SC twice in 84 and 88, Obama can do it too. Obama just won a 95% white state with no urban environments. He took a huge step to prove his viability last night.

1/4/2008 9:20:12 AM

All American
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so what if its 95 percent white

it was all the men and all the young women

1/4/2008 9:22:47 AM

All American
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1/4/2008 9:23:35 AM

All American
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nagger v. cunt

tough decision

1/4/2008 9:26:14 AM

45912 Posts
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i choose neither

1/4/2008 9:26:40 AM

All American
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I said "BROS BEFORE HOES" as a joke because of the t-shirt at

And It doesn't surprise me with all the

Quote :
"nagger v. cunt

tough decision


type posts, NC State just has so many backwards yokels that just don't know any better.

1/4/2008 9:32:04 AM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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Quote :
"but black people don't vote--really"

Well he just won an overwhelmingly white state.

1/4/2008 9:33:25 AM

All American
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haha, what does that have to do with black people voting?

1/4/2008 9:34:59 AM

All American
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This thread isn't about black people voting - if you want to go on a dumb-ass racist rant, make another thread

1/4/2008 9:40:28 AM

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1/4/2008 9:41:32 AM

All American
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or potentially post in soap box?

1/4/2008 9:41:36 AM

All American
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I'd like someone to explain why black people won't vote for the Democratic candidate because he isn't black enough.

He's Democratic, hell Gore got 92% of the black vote. Ninety fucking two. Kerry got 89%. Tell me black people won't vote for him, and won't vote for him en masse.

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 9:43 AM. Reason : if he's the nominee of course.]

1/4/2008 9:42:45 AM

All American
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it was just an offhand comment, but i didn't see any connection between what he said and what i said--and when have i ever gone on a "dumb-ass racist rant" terp

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 9:48 AM. Reason : oic]

1/4/2008 9:43:42 AM

All American
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^ sorry fecal, i wasn't really directing that to you - more to the direction of this thread

1/4/2008 9:46:50 AM

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1/4/2008 9:47:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd like someone to explain why black people won't vote for the Democratic candidate because he isn't black enough.

Blacks in the south usually vote for who their church leaders tell them to vote for - usually that vote has to do with moral issues, never race. Some people just can't get off the race issue though - especially you TWW people. Even the Iowans could, but you just can't.

1/4/2008 9:49:15 AM

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oh that's great. vote for whoever someone tells you to vote for. real genius

1/4/2008 9:51:09 AM

All American
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^^ Which promotes monolithic voting. The irony is that the Democratic party has been able to take the black vote for granted since the 1960s, effectively limiting the effect black voters will have on policy after the primaries. They won't go for the Republican party (which wrote them off after Nixon) and they can't form a viable third party at the national level. They would have to throw at least one presidential election for the Democrats before anyone would start to listen.

I think race is also a very valid topic when referring to Obama. If he were white, he wouldn't even be considered as a presidential candidate. Sure he's charismatic and intelligent, but there are hundreds of charismatic, intelligent, young democratic politicians.

1/4/2008 9:52:00 AM

All American
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Even the idiots on TV say blacks aren't voting for Obama because he isn't "black enough"

I haven't heard 1 black person ever say that, it's bullshit. It isn't about his race, they're voting on issues.

1/4/2008 9:55:40 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"He's Democratic, hell Gore got 92% of the black vote. Ninety fucking two. Kerry got 89%. Tell me black people won't vote for him, and won't vote for him en masse.

The only issue when comes to Obama and black people's votes is him versus Clinton. When the general election rolls around I doubt anyone will jump to Republican bandwagon because Obama isn't "black enough."

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 9:59 AM. Reason : .]

1/4/2008 9:56:51 AM

All American
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People underestimate the number of southern blacks who have been voting republican for the past few elections because of the moral issues and their churches.

That shit needs to stop!

1/4/2008 10:00:17 AM

45912 Posts
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no, democrats suck

1/4/2008 10:00:45 AM

All American
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Republicans are evil

1/4/2008 10:01:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"That shit needs to stop!"

1/4/2008 10:01:57 AM

45912 Posts
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ahahhahaha. that's the funniest bs i've heard in a while.

democrats are thieves, hypocritical, make no sense, have no common sense, etc, etc, etc

1/4/2008 10:02:07 AM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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Quote :
"haha, what does that have to do with black people voting?"

It means he doesnt need black people to vote for him if white people are already doing it.

And if he wins the New Hampshire primary next week, he is going to win South Carolina, and thus, he will probably be on his way to locking up the nomination.

1/4/2008 10:02:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Republicans are evil holding back the black man"

that's what you were trying to say, right?

1/4/2008 10:03:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I haven't heard 1 black person ever say that, it's bullshit. It isn't about his race, they're voting on issues."
I'll buy that to an extent, but there are voices out there who imply if not state that he isn't black enough. Is this representative of the majority of blacks? No, I don't think so.

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"People underestimate the number of southern blacks who have been voting republican for the past few elections because of the moral issues and their churches."
Not really. Again, blacks are consistently between 85 - 95% Democratic. Are you telling me that the 11% of blacks who voted for Bush in 2004 are going to significantly effect policy?

Quote :
"That shit needs to stop!"
Blacks voting Republican, or assuming all blacks will vote Democratic?

1/4/2008 10:04:58 AM

All American
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Republicans think they're slick, but they're just a bunch of Arab murderers, committing genocide under the cloak of "a war on terror"

Not only that, they act like they're so fiscally responsible - but they wasted billions of dollars on a war... much of which was funnelled back into corporations that THEY OWN to rebuild the countries that they destroy.

Quote :
"ahahhahaha. that's the funniest bs i've heard in a while.

democrats are thieves, hypocritical, make no sense, have no common sense, etc, etc, etc


and you say democrats are theives and hypocrites?


makes no sense, no common sense - sounds like YOU

1/4/2008 10:05:34 AM

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too bad its arabs who are killing innocent people. maybe that's why we waged war on some of them? it's not like we're going around shooting any arab. that is wrong. however, killing terrorists and dismantling their organizations and political/government allies is not wrong.

and if I remember correctly, DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR ALL OF THIS TOO.

spain bombings, london bombings, london terror plots, suicide bombers in middle eastern countries, wtc, pentagon, uss cole, etc, etc, etc. do these have any meaning to you?

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:10 AM. Reason : .]

1/4/2008 10:07:20 AM

All American
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^^ Democrats went along for political expediency, thats not really any better, and while Republicans are typically the bigger hawks, don't think that Democrates don't have their hands military-industrial complex pot-o-goodies.

^ If you don't think that large portions of the Right don't view Arabs as sub-human you're wrong. I don't think it is a deliberate racism, but its always easier to kill someone you can distance yourself from and race makes that easy. There was no real connection between Saddam and al Quaida, the invasion of Iraq had been in the works since 1993, September 11th was just a convenient excuse.

1/4/2008 10:07:32 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"People underestimate the number of southern blacks who have been voting republican for the past few elections because of the moral issues and their churches."

Sounds like mother. She listens every day to Focus on the Family and all the other religious nutjobs who talked like Clinton was the Antichrist and backed up every single policy Bush put out there. Went from being pro-choice to pro-life and for abstinence-only education when teenage pregnancy is a HUGE problem in our community back home.

1/4/2008 10:12:51 AM

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Sure some people view arabs as sub-human, but you can't call that a republican thing.

1/4/2008 10:12:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"spain bombings, london bombings, london terror plots, suicide bombers in middle eastern countries, wtc, pentagon, uss cole, etc, etc, etc. do these have any meaning to you?

Yeah, so lets just go murder a bunch or arabs, that'll make everything better right? No way this will piss them off even further!

you do know that the US has been carrying out all sorts of both military and private "contract" missions on all sorts of nations since before 9/11 right?

Quote :
"Sounds like mother. She listens every day to Focus on the Family and all the other religious nutjobs who talked like Clinton was the Antichrist and backed up every single policy Bush put out there. Went from being pro-choice to pro-life and for abstinence-only education when teenage pregnancy is a HUGE problem in our community back home."


[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:15 AM. Reason : ]

1/4/2008 10:14:29 AM

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too bad the people we killed were not random arabs, but those involved in or directly supported the murdering of innocent people

and yes, i know what the u.s. has been doing, and I have no problem with it. If these people weren't killing innocent citizens of countries around the world then our OGA's wouldn't need to be in covert ops in their country

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:17 AM. Reason : .]

1/4/2008 10:16:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"too bad the people we killed were not random arabs, but those involved or directly support the murders "

yes, bombing arab countries results in mass arab casualties - many of these arabs had no beef with the US!

I'm sure their families do now, I wonder how these fatherless arab children will view the US as they grow up?

Only a retard would think the war is helping "terrorism" in any way - it's just making it worse, putting every American more and more in danger.


[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:19 AM. Reason : ]

1/4/2008 10:18:34 AM

45912 Posts
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sure there are civilian casualties. but not as many as you think. when these governments report that innocent people were killed in a U.S. bombing, many times they are not innocent, but the government is using their death as propaganda.

not to mention, many schools in this region are teaching children to hate the u.s. thus these children don't hate the u.s. for killing their father, who was probably supportive or a terrorist himself, but had it instilled in them as a child from their school

well i hate to run, but I have things to do. besides I don't think you'll ever smarten up and consider the details that you conveniently choose to forget. continue with your conspiracy theories and such garbage, just please keep your mouth shut so you don't convert others to your radical view

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:25 AM. Reason : .]

1/4/2008 10:21:12 AM

Zinc Saucier
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^there are so many dumb assumptions in that posts it's funny

1/4/2008 10:23:27 AM

All American
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Even though he was booed, Ron Paul got it right when he said American foreign policy played a big role in September 11th. That kind of thing doesn't happen just by accident and the problem is that, by nature of it being "foreign" policy, the majority of Americans aren't abreast of what really happens.

The heavy-handed policy of the cold-war works when engaged in an economic war with a nation-state and its satellites who are linked by a common (if forced) ideology. It doesn't work when dealing with a organization like al Quaida or a country like Iraq.

Quote :
"too bad the people we killed were not random arabs, but those involved in or directly supported the murdering of innocent people "
I take no joy in saying this, but thousands of largely innocent Arabs have been killed by our invasion of Iraq. The nature of war makes this inevitable and our desire to use stand-off weapons to minimize casualties magnifies this effect.

Our presence in foreign countries has been to further the interests of the United States economically. Period. I'm not sure why we shouldn't expect a reaction when those operations exploit people in their own country. Hell, I get pissed when I can't find sweet tea in the South any more . . . if someone invaded the US, even with the best of intentions, you're G-ddamned right I'd push back.

Let me be clear, Americans as a whole are good people, but we've come to feel that we're entitled to the prosperity that we currently enjoy, and there is no shortage of private companies who are willing to do what it takes to make a buck off that expectation. What we don't see, are the events that occur in the supply chain leading from where our goods originate to the package they're delivered to our door in.

The 21st century will not be as kind to us as the 20th was. That is something we need to expect and prepare ourselves for.

1/4/2008 10:25:17 AM

45912 Posts
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^^ there is one assumption

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:26 AM. Reason : ^]

1/4/2008 10:25:56 AM

All American
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Iraq was a largely moderate Arab nation with no particular ill will to the US, as evidence by the broad-based public support, or at least ambivalence, to the invasion in 03. There is a reason things have changed.

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:28 AM. Reason : I'm done going off on tangents unrelated to Obama though. ]

1/4/2008 10:27:27 AM

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^ except for the government


1/4/2008 10:28:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm done going off on tangents unrelated to Obama though."

so was I, which is why i posted that picture!

and wdprice3 - my views aren't radical. You are just stupid.

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"^ except for the government

oh my god, this guy really is one of the dumber ones. I guess he just has no idea what has been going on the past 30 years.

[Edited on January 4, 2008 at 10:32 AM. Reason : ]

1/4/2008 10:30:36 AM

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spoken like a true democrat. gg.

1/4/2008 10:32:18 AM

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