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All American
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2/10/2008 8:43:33 PM

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2/10/2008 9:44:54 PM

All American
1486 Posts
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I grew up in upstate NY, lived in Cary, Raleigh, and Durham and I effing miss it. Upstate NY sucks. I also had health insurance down there... it was perfectly reasonable. Living there was a bit more expensive, but on average, you get paid more. I'd move back to Raleigh in a second.

A few things I did miss about upstate:
- not nearly as much of that fake politeness
- summers bearable
- less evangelism

Stuff that was better down south:
- job market
- winter
- food (i miss bojangles and REAL bbq)

[Edited on February 10, 2008 at 10:12 PM. Reason : oh, and I never saw a snake in the 5 years i was there. weird, I know. ]

2/10/2008 10:07:48 PM

All American
5835 Posts
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did you know that up north, when you go to a restaurant, they charge you for a whole drink every time you want a refill?

2/11/2008 12:21:11 AM

All American
9855 Posts
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I'm sick of all the fucking yankees in cary. Here's my message for the yankees, GTFO

2/11/2008 12:37:15 AM

All American
30652 Posts
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Seriously dude?

2/11/2008 12:55:05 AM

498 Posts
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Quote :
"did you know that up north, when you go to a restaurant, they charge you for a whole drink every time you want a refill?"

Not true, although I can remember when it used to be that way. Free refills are the standard in most places now up north, especially chain restaurants.

2/11/2008 1:04:12 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Soon they will come to know the greatness of sweet tea as well, and there will be harmony across the nation.

2/11/2008 1:05:12 AM

All American
22435 Posts
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Hey here's a thought

Don't drink a gallon of soda.

2/11/2008 1:06:26 AM

All American
3402 Posts
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this thread has me rollin

2/11/2008 1:11:51 AM

All American
1960 Posts
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Quote :
"Not true, although I can remember when it used to be that way. Free refills are the standard in most places now up north, especially chain restaurants."

in nyc they do this still today. chains and major sit down restaurants don't but most small owned ones do. I heard a theory that its because so many restaurants it takes the soda man a long time to hit them all so they have to conserve.

2/11/2008 1:13:21 AM

All American
11084 Posts
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I was born in Brooklyn, NY and lived in Newburgh (near West Point) until 2000 when I moved down here. It sucked pretty bad for me at first because I was used to being about an hour from New York City and all that it had to offer. I missed (and still do from time to time) being able to party at a club until 5 or 6AM and damn near everything was still open. I had to get used to how people down here speak, including finding out what the hell "That's a hump," "The hawk is out," "It's hot as all get out," etc. meant. I had to get used to a BBQ sandwich having no BBQ sauce on it, cole slaw as a topping and not a side dish, vinegar as a condiment, and putting hot dogs IN kraut - rather than kraut ON the hot dog, etc.

But I adjusted pretty quickly and have grown to like it a lot. I still get the "GTFO Yankee" vibe from some people and, to be honest, the confederate flag kind of creeps me out. I do still wish places stayed open past 2AM, hell, in Cary even Burger King closes at like 9PM... It is kind of cool that people will hold doors open for each other and say hello on occasion (something else I had to get used to).

Anyway, the original post was pretty damn stupid and I felt myself being a bit ashamed of a fellow New Yorker. I married a southern girl from Rowan County, so I guess I REALLY adjusted. I still want to move back to NY, but only because of the career I am pursuing in entertainment. The 200K, 2700 sq ft house I have now would probably be like 500K+ upstate NY and who knows what, closer to the city. I'm damn proud to be from NY, but not to the extent that I'll shit on NC. I really do like it down here (eventhough people flip the hell out over 1/2 in of snow, LOL) and would like to always keep a house down here.

Sorry for the [blog] and [words], but I wish more NY'ers would be more open-minded about the slower pace of life around here. And I also wish less southerners were all about a "GO HOME YANKEES" attitude. But whatever. To each their own.

The End.

2/11/2008 1:28:38 AM

All American
2126 Posts
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Rowan County chics are most of time pretty hot.....good job with that...ya fucking yankee

2/11/2008 2:00:11 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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Quote :
"owan County chics are most of time pretty hot.....good job with that...ya fucking yankee"

Rowan County chicks FTW

2/11/2008 2:57:37 AM

All American
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2/11/2008 3:27:28 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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haha, it's not one that's the problem; they just keep coming--like mexicans...

[Edited on February 11, 2008 at 4:03 AM. Reason : maybe we need a guest worker program]

2/11/2008 4:01:36 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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10/10, this thread made me lol.

to Rowan County chicks.

2/11/2008 4:21:39 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"joepeshi: The area is kinda going down the shitter though...Raleigh that is...maybe not all of nc. Just drive down Capital blvd. Its a conduit for the scum of america."

Quote :
"JQ Public: Its weird being born and raised in Raleigh. I'm now 25 and the area of N. Raleigh I grew up in has changed for the worse. I'm relatively close to capital blvd and it seems to be a conduit for the scum of america. Everything is spreading west from capital in N. raleigh and its a little sad to see. This is the first time I've noticed more crime moving this way as well."

You really thought "conduit for the scum of america" was good enough to be used on two different message boards?


Quote :
"Capital has always been shit."

2/11/2008 6:21:16 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Quote :
"It's just like living in New York only it's in North Carolina"

Well then why the fuck are you bitching and moaning about moving back??? Un-fucking-believable. If that is an actual post and not an attempt at trolling, they can take their illiteracy and their hatred for the South, and go far, far away. We'll be better off without them. I certainly don't mind yankees (my parents moved here from Jersey in the late 70's) but folks who choose to live here and then do nothing but bitch and moan just piss me off. Also, how about doing some fucking research before packing up and moving 600 miles away?

So go home. We'll be sure to put some 'THE Snakes Oh the snakes" in your car and in your moving van to keep you company on the drive back.

2/11/2008 10:09:14 AM

All American
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2/11/2008 10:26:14 AM

All American
6249 Posts
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i wish they'd all leave.

i miss how NC once was

2/11/2008 10:34:10 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm sick of all the fucking yankees in cary. Here's my message for the yankees, GTFO"

You're Asian

2/11/2008 10:35:57 AM

All American
7528 Posts
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Dear Losers, NC!


2/11/2008 10:40:06 AM

All American
8357 Posts
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Quote :
"including finding out what the hell "That's a hump," "The hawk is out," "It's hot as all get out," etc. meant."

I've lived here all my life & I'm quite certain I've never heard anyone say the first two, nor do I have any idea what they mean.

2/11/2008 10:59:30 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"I really do like it down here (eventhough people flip the hell out over 1/2 in of snow, LOL) and would like to always keep a house down here."

lol, spend a winter in western NC. It is seriously just as bad as up north (I've lived in both places), and people from there say the same thing about these piedmont dwellers.

2/11/2008 11:21:48 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"everyone should post a nc horror story there--maybe we can turn the tide..."

Agreed. I'm going to go on there when I have more time to make up some stories.

I'm thinking about saying all the women down here are fat and catty, but you can't do anything about it because they can sit on you and beat you up. That should turn off both the men and the women from wanting to come here.

[Edited on February 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM. Reason : l]

2/11/2008 11:29:27 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"If that is an actual post and not an attempt at trolling, they can take their illiteracy and their hatred for the South, and go far, far away."

What... what? This whole thread is stupid and ignorant on both sides but are you seriously insinuating there is more illiteracy in the Northeast than in the South?

[Edited on February 11, 2008 at 11:33 AM. Reason : x]

2/11/2008 11:32:30 AM

5724 Posts
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if she lived in cary...

she wasn't really in the south.

stupid yankee

2/11/2008 11:34:18 AM

All American
9855 Posts
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Quote :
"You're Asian"

I was born and raised in the South. I love my bbq,sweet tea, and other southern things.

[Edited on February 11, 2008 at 11:40 AM. Reason : .]

2/11/2008 11:39:52 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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That's great, hgtran, I just thought that maybe since you were of Asian descent, you wouldn't be so quick to sell out and tell someone to "GTFO" simply because they weren't born here.

You know, like "Go back to Asia, Chink" would be pretty similar to what you said.

2/11/2008 11:43:52 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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Quote :
""I really do like it down here (eventhough people flip the hell out over 1/2 in of snow, LOL) and would like to always keep a house down here.""

And I'm sure people up north flip out when anything stronger than a tropical storm threatens to make landfall within 200 miles of them.

It's all in what you're used to. Southerners aren't used to snow so we freak out when it snows. If people in Nebraska started having to worry about mudslides they'd probably freak out too.

2/11/2008 11:45:48 AM

All American
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I wouldn't say we freak out when it snows. It's more like we shut down and have fun when it snows. It's rare and we don't have the tools to keep the roads cleared, so we might as well enjoy it.

2/11/2008 11:49:33 AM

All American
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You just compared 1/2" of snow to a hurricane, good job.

2/11/2008 11:51:43 AM

All American
12801 Posts
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Quote :
"(eventhough people flip the hell out over 1/2 in of snow, LOL) "

I never did understand why people tried to put snow in NC on the same plane as snow up north.

1) When it snows in NC the temperature typically hovers in and out of freezing, so the result is snow dump -> melt -> freeze -> melt -> refreeze etc. That leaves a sheet of ice on the road, not snow. The average driver isn't going to be able to drive on a sheet of ice.

When it snows up north it stays below freezing. Much easier to drive on when the snow stays as snow.

2) NC doesn't have a system in place to deal with snow. Why bother when it hardly ever snows - heck it hardly ever rains anymore. Getting precipitation and sub 50 degree temperatures here isn't common. Up north they have a good system in place because they need one.

So when it snows a 1/2" in NC there is panic (admittedly too much) because we all know that we'll be trying to drive on ice for the next few days. When there is 1/2" of snow up north it will probably be cleared off the road before anyone even makes it to their car.

That's not to say people here don't overreact. I'd love to see something on the local channels other than 24/7 coverage at the mere possibility of snow.

2/11/2008 11:53:06 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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I like it here in NC.

It has its problems like anywhere else, but it's home.

2/11/2008 11:54:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"No one is friendly NO ONE!!"


2/11/2008 11:54:35 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Quote :
"but are you seriously insinuating there is more illiteracy in the Northeast than in the South?"

Nope. I was attacking the illiteracy of whoever posted the OMG DONT MOVE HERE that was the first post of the tread. Not a comment on the prevailing illiteracy of either region.

2/11/2008 11:55:58 AM

Thots and Prayers
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maybe her social experiences in NC were limited to TWW?

2/11/2008 11:58:33 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"It's all in what you're used to. Southerners aren't used to snow so we freak out when it snows."
Lets be honest. We like panicing about the snow . . . it gives us an excuse to over-prepare, hunker down in our homes, and not worry about going to work the next day. For about 12 - 24 hours, you just get to pause and enjoy the scenery. Two days later it'll be 65 and you'll be back in the grind.

2/11/2008 12:02:07 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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Quote :
"Regional differences in average literacy proficiency are found on all three
scales. Adults living in the Northeast and those living in the
South performed similarly, on average. Further, the average proficiencies of
adults in the Midwest and those in the West are comparable. However, adults
in the Northeast and South demonstrated lower proficiencies, on average, than
adults living in the Midwest and West regions of the country."

just for the record

2/11/2008 12:03:14 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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Quote :
"You really thought "conduit for the scum of america" was good enough to be used on two different message boards?"


2/11/2008 11:32:52 PM

22518 Posts
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i like nc a hell of a lot more than georgia

2/11/2008 11:37:43 PM

All American
11084 Posts
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Wow, I wrote all of that... and the snow comment gets the biggest reaction. Interesting. I was just joking about it. I understand that snow in the two areas is not comparable. It was, however, quite a shock to me the first time they forecasted snow and schools closed, Food Lion ran out of bread and milk, etc. I was thinking to myself, "Damn, I used to have to go to school with 8+ inches on the ground... they close school the night before a forecast of 2?!?!" But I've seen what the snow to ice thing does to the cities around here and it sucks. So that wasn't really a jab to NC, just an honest observation. Like I said, I've adjusted pretty well (eventhough I still don't like the vinegar-based BBQ stuff ).

[Edited on February 11, 2008 at 11:48 PM. Reason : is]

2/11/2008 11:47:32 PM

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