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All American
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Quote :
"ill have to say ive never been notified that i talk in my sleep. my girlfriend on the other hand does...a lot. and i make it a point to wake myself up completely and see how long i can carry on a conversation with her before i laugh loud enough to wake her up."
Lol, I did the same thing, only he was always worried about some stupid shit from work so I'd just soothe him with whatever information seemed fitting until he dropped off into a deeper sleep without worrying about coordinating details. That shit will frustrate me so much it has waken me up in the past.

[Edited on February 27, 2008 at 3:37 PM. Reason : 2]

2/27/2008 3:37:08 PM

63151 Posts
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one of my ex's has the exact same expression if you wake her up and for an o-face

it's this intense "wtf are you doin" stare with furled eyebrows

just stare at you, pierce your soul

fucking weird

2/27/2008 3:40:30 PM

All American
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ok, so this seems like a good place for a roommate story.

When I was in college, I shared a room with three other guys, Bryce, Frank, and Mark. Bryce and I were the two lowest-key members of the room (anyone who knows me should already be scared). Frank and Mark, while avowedly heterosexual, had a weird back and forth between them that bordered on a platonic homosexual relationship.

Well one night I'm at my desk doing something or another, when Frank walks in with a DVD and tells Mark they're going to watch it. This was the fall of 00 mind you, so DVD players on computers were still new. Anyway, Mark gets all upset because he's busy (either looking at porn, visiting the RCMP kids website, or drawing bullet holes and flames on pictures of WWII aircraft -- I'm not making any of this up) and starts yelling at Frank. Frank gets angry and says,

"I just thought we could do something together."

to which Mark replies, "well don't you ever think of what I might want to do?"

They proceed to get into a shouting match, I put on my headphones like the child in an abusive marriage, and sunk back into whatever I was doing. Frank and Mark storm out and go their seperate ways.

About 30 minutes later, they both come in, about the same time, bearing DVDs (again) as peace offerings. I still have my headphones on but they yell some more and get into a wrestling match. The match ends with Frank straddling Mark, Mark's head in Frank's crotch, and Frank smiling down saying, "you can never stay mad at me."

I moved out the next month.


2/27/2008 3:40:38 PM

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2/27/2008 3:42:40 PM

All American
20699 Posts
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Holy shit, that was funny.

2/27/2008 3:46:01 PM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"Frank and Mark, while avowedly heterosexual, had a weird back and forth between them that bordered on a platonic homosexual relationship."

I can't stand dudes that are like this.

2/27/2008 3:49:23 PM

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2/27/2008 3:51:03 PM

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drawing bullet holes


2/27/2008 3:56:48 PM

All American
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Seriously! I'd walk past his desk and there would be a Spitfire with MS paint bullet holes and flames with a stick-figure pilot parachuting away . . .

Ok, so another story:

I was the only roommate with a printer, and I got tired of being handed 3.5" floppies to print off their papers every time they needed to make a revision, so I just put my computer on the network and let them link to it. Well Mark (MS Paint boy) doesn't know how to do this, so I offer to do it for him. Of course, I give myself full read-write access to his laptop when I do.

About a week or so later, I can tell he's looking at porn because he's only typing with one hand, slouching down in his chair and has this glazed look in his eyes he only gets when he's staring at titties. What the fuck, I figure, I'll hide all of his porn from him in a subfolder that I created on his hard-drive.

This does not go over well.

First, I see both hands shoot up to the keyboard as he frantically searches for his beloved "Daisy" (internet porn star back in the day). After about 30 seconds he jumps up, fly still undone, and starts flipping out, screaming about how his porn is gone, that's stealing, and how he's going to report it to the honor board for investigation. Frank yells at him to shut up and sit down, and by the time he has . . . I've restored all his porn.

After he settles down again I wash, rinse, and repeat.

This time, Bryce and Frank both go over to see what the fuck he's talking about, but everything is there. I've succeeded in convincing Mark that he's lost his mind and he runs out to smoke a cigarette.

By the time he came back his porn collection had been restored. By me. With copious amounts of gay porn.

He didn't say anything.

2/27/2008 4:05:59 PM

All American
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Your stories are getting better and better each time dude, keep 'em coming.

2/27/2008 4:10:21 PM

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10/10, B

2/27/2008 4:10:40 PM

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i get glossy eyed too

2/27/2008 4:10:44 PM

63151 Posts
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i think you're embelishing.

there's no way you were transferring files fast enough like 7 years ago that you wouldnt get caught in the hook mid trasnfer

2/27/2008 4:12:07 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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Quote :
"By the time he came back his porn collection had been restored. By me. With copious amounts of gay porn.

He didn't say anything."

Judging from the way you say he and Frank interacted, the gay porn was a welcome addition.

2/27/2008 4:12:08 PM

All American
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Actually, he wasn't transferring, he was switching files from one folder to the other on the roommate's computer.

Wouldn't that be faster?

2/27/2008 4:13:11 PM

All American
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^^^ It was on his desktop, so I was just moving it from one folder to the next, not between computers. He wasn't smart enogh to figure out the search function. Besides, he had a habit of overreacting to things, so I had plenty of time and he really didn't have that much prawn.

Anyway, I figure this is a good idea for a thread so:


[Edited on February 27, 2008 at 4:15 PM. Reason : ^]

2/27/2008 4:14:31 PM

All American
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a couple times I apparently laughed in my sleep

my bf would wake me up and say "what are you laughing at." I'd get irritated because I knew he wouldn't get it, whatever was funny in my dream

2/27/2008 4:16:47 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"By the time he came back his porn collection had been restored. By me. With copious amounts of gay porn."

that's a great story and all, i lolled and everything, but i have a few questions.....

where did you get the gay porn from?

this is back in '00 and i'm pretty sure free streaming porn wasn't as readily available as it is now.... so how did you get copious amounts of gay porn on his computer while he was out for a cigarette break?

2/27/2008 4:18:21 PM

All American
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^^^ I like how your post was a back door pilot for a spinoff thread.

2/27/2008 4:20:45 PM

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2/27/2008 4:21:19 PM

All American
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^^^ gay porn site, right click, save, done. This wasn't video, strictly stills. We had a pretty fast connection in our rooms, so it wasn't that hard. Yes, by extention I visited gay porn sites. It wasn't any more disturbing than what I witnessed in the room. One website in paritcular has a veritable smorgasboard of sexual links, all free, which is still up and running today. PM me if you don't believe me.

Mark also never went out for "a" cigarette break, it was usually "half a pack of" cigarettes break, at which point he would wander around the walkways talking to whoever was hanging out.

His GPA was not impressive.

[Edited on February 27, 2008 at 4:26 PM. Reason : ^]

2/27/2008 4:24:55 PM

9388 Posts
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ahhh, ok stills..... makes alot more sense.

validity confirmed,

carry on.

2/27/2008 4:26:08 PM

All American
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yeah, no, we didn't know people moved when they had sex back then, we figured it was a static act.

Alright folks, I'm out for the day. Contribute to my other thread! I know there are better stories out there.

2/27/2008 4:27:17 PM

All American
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"of course, you never step on anybody. thats... thats... he had no clue how not to step on that guy"

3/4/2008 3:41:25 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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Quote :
"One website in paritcular has a veritable smorgasboard of sexual links, all free, which is still up and running today. PM me if you don't believe me." ?

that site's been around for years...i remember the dial-up days and this site

i always wanted a free t-shirt from them

3/4/2008 10:09:29 AM

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