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 Message Boards » » Joe#'s moves to Paris? Page 1 [2], Prev  
Double Entendre
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France is not a problem! That sounds like a phenomenal experience!!! Way to go Joe!
And even if you stay in the US a 50% salary increase is a dream.

YAY! I am so excited for ya!

3/11/2008 12:48:39 PM

All American
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It does sound like an awesome opportunity to not only live in a foreign country for a while, but also to advance my career.

Nothing is set in stone yet, and they are still in the early stages of determining the feasibility of developing some sort of a group. They want two people to lead the group, and want one of them to be an American, probably so it will look good politically as they push to jumpstart the nuclear power industry in the States.

If the whole thing does go through and an offer is extended, my primary concern is my girlfriend. She's in law school right now, and wants to go back to school even more after that, so realistically she's stuck in the US for a few years. Secondly, I owe my company three years of service for funding my education. The three years starts as soon as I get my PhD, which will probably be this year. If I were to quit, then I owe them for pretty much everything they've given me over the past three years which adds up to a lot of $texas.

3/12/2008 11:22:08 AM

All American
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Can you explain your situation to the potential new employer? Maybe, if they want you badly enough, they can arrange either to pay those costs or help you pay them.

The girlfriend, though, not sure there's an easy way around that one.

3/12/2008 11:26:20 AM

All American
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i just got back from Paris. i thought it would be formulic and cliche' as fuck, but it turned out to be unbelievable.

your situation is tough if you and the lady are in a serious relationship. if you can sort that out so that everything works ok, the other factors lead me to think you should jump on this.

3/12/2008 12:16:16 PM

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