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All American
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^^ You should think about what role you are playing in society, and how much better things would be without you

[Edited on March 12, 2008 at 12:14 PM. Reason : ]

3/12/2008 12:14:18 PM

All American
11036 Posts
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[Edited on March 12, 2008 at 12:15 PM. Reason : My point has the potential to be valid if A) you are on pg. 1 B) the gif is re-embedded.]

3/12/2008 12:14:21 PM

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page 2

3/12/2008 12:14:34 PM

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3/12/2008 12:16:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ You should think about what role you are playing in society, and how much better things would be without you"

i dont even know why you are talking to me.

you're the one who wants to get rid of the ghettos.

3/12/2008 12:18:25 PM

All American
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ok just think about this, do you see rich blacks or middle class blacks holding up gas stations or being violent? no

do you see poor whites from trailer parks always getting in trouble, on COPS? yes

so once again, let me repeat, is this a race issue or an economic issue.

we all know that richer people try to keep poorer people down, and it just so happens that white had blacks start out at the very bottom of the food chain, and its a miracle that they've gotten as far as they have, but then to turn around and start making this a racial issue when whites/rich people set it all up is rediculous.

3/12/2008 12:21:51 PM

All American
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3/12/2008 12:26:48 PM

5724 Posts
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blacks commit like 400% more crimes than whites. even if it's an economic issue.. (yes let's assume ALL blacks are poor to give you benefit of the doubt)

what kind of explanation do we have for chinese and mexicans, they tend to get prosperous very quickly and don't revolt thus not landing them in the ghettos.

what do you have to say about that?

3/12/2008 12:27:15 PM

All American
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negros please.

you dont even know what its like growing up ghetto.

ever stood in a line to buy cigarettes and bread and rice at a cheaper price ONCE A WEEK?
ever stood in line and had your 5 gallon jug tied to a string so other poor folk cant cut in line, JUST SO YOU CAN GET SOME DRINKING WATER?

ghetto folk grow up good. if anything, you need to get rid of the parents.

3/12/2008 12:27:45 PM

148860 Posts
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wait...mexicans dont live in ghettos?

3/12/2008 12:28:14 PM

All American
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by the way.

i dont even know what we are arguing.

3/12/2008 12:28:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"what kind of explanation do we have for chinese and mexicans, they tend to get prosperous very quickly and don't revolt thus not landing them in the ghettos.

They didn't create ghettos for chinese adn mexicans after they were freed from slavery

3/12/2008 12:32:19 PM

5724 Posts
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yeh, how the fuck did we appear in chit chat?

3/12/2008 12:32:59 PM

148860 Posts
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cause beardawg moved it here

but my "is it not obvious that whites are ruining sports." thread was moved to trash bin

what a bitch

3/12/2008 12:34:45 PM

5724 Posts
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go find your great great grand whatever and complain. he was the one that sold you

oh and they've gone through periods of slavery much longer than americans ever did.

OMG MY greatX20 grandfather was a slave to the pharoah of egypt WHERES MY FREE TICKET TO EVERYTHING

3/12/2008 12:34:58 PM

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is there a such thing as a black iranian?

3/12/2008 12:36:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"what kind of explanation do we have for chinese and mexicans, they tend to get prosperous very quickly and don't revolt thus not landing them in the ghettos."

where do chines & mexicans come from in contrast to black americans.

black american come out of enslavement, denied any education, mistreated for long periods of time, and that creates this ghetto environment where it is difficult for them to get out of

the problem is that will take a long time to unravel it,
chinese and mexicans come from places with history, a developed culture where people respect and lover thier country

the fact of the matter is black americans are from africa, and africans when they come here even if they only have $1 to thier name they bust their ass and make a living, so to say its a racial issue is ignorant, and if you're ignorant then i'll call you a nigger, even if you're white

but ghetto blacks dont have a respect for authority, and maybe rightfully so, who knows, so they just dont do the things it requires to make it in this society, unless they sell out and do what the man wants them to do,
thats a tough choice

3/12/2008 12:38:40 PM

New Recruit
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Quote :
"i mean what are they good for? peanut butter?"

I don't want any black people near my peanut butter

3/12/2008 1:15:15 PM

All American
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george washington carver did NOT invent peanut butter.

3/12/2008 1:18:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"we all know that richer people try to keep poorer people down"


3/12/2008 1:24:39 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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Quote :

this is legit talk"

i translated this thread as:

i hate black people. who agrees?

3/12/2008 1:35:36 PM

All American
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well a lot of people agree.

and that is what is sad about this land of ours.

too much racism.

i think only two black people have posted. i am waiting on the boss to post. Zombcraw!

3/12/2008 1:36:51 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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Now 3 blacks have posted.

but i've been called an 'oreo' many a time. so you can reduce the oreo factor from the quantity of black posters

3/12/2008 1:41:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and then buried her bones under his house while wearing a clown suit"

Haha, a clown suit.

Suriously though, if everyone just had babies with everyone else, and all the races got mixed into a coffee-colored skin, would that end racism?

3/12/2008 1:41:42 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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Quote :
"well a lot of people agree."

actually no, a lot of people don't agree. in fact there is one running for POTUS if you watch the news.
I'd love to shove your 'i grew up ghetto so i can act like this' attitude down your throat cause you're not the only one who grew up poor - i grew up with no electricity, running water, no tv till i was 13, and I somehow managed not to hold a grudge against circumstances i couldn't control, but there's one thing i know, if you grew up ghetto you had a fucking tv cause there's no other way you learned to act so stupid - if anyone is ruining our society it's YOU for stirring the pot. TITS OR GTFO.

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"Suriously though, if everyone just had babies with everyone else, and all the races got mixed into a coffee-colored skin, would that end racism?"

if everyone was blind we would judge each other by the sound of our voices

3/12/2008 1:42:00 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I'm proud to be a black american

and I won't stand for this mockery of my people

3/12/2008 1:44:04 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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lol i take that back

3/12/2008 1:44:15 PM

All American
14181 Posts
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Quote :
"this is stupid, look at any society around the world,
who commits the crimes? is it always blacks? no its the poor.

so stop blaming blacks and start realising that its an economic issue, the poor in any society will have a good motive to steal, and that usually leads to violence

and why are blacks poor? we know why at first, then it was cause they just didnt know how to cope in a modern society, but now i think situations are alot better but there are stil ghettos and there will always be poor, and more than likely they will be black

that's certainly a factor but I just don't think you can explain all the extremely skewed statistics on income alone, I'm not sure they've done studies on a poor non black person vs a poor white person but I'm pretty sure the black would be more likely, or perhaps compare a poor black person in america to a group in europe with the same income level and I think the result would be the same, call it genetic or cultural or whatever, and let's not forget a large reason for the income disparity is black fathers not taking care of their kids and you definetly can't blame whitey for that

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"the fact of the matter is black americans are from africa, and africans when they come here even if they only have $1 to thier name they bust their ass and make a living, so to say its a racial issue is ignorant, and if you're ignorant then i'll call you a nigger, even if you're white"

are you referring to modern day immigrants from africa?

[Edited on March 12, 2008 at 2:20 PM. Reason : k]

3/12/2008 2:16:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but I'm pretty sure the black would be more likely"

more likely to get arrested and convicted, yes.

3/12/2008 2:22:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
actually no, a lot of people don't agree. in fact there is one running for POTUS if you watch the news.
I'd love to shove your 'i grew up ghetto so i can act like this' attitude down your throat cause you're not the only one who grew up poor - i grew up with no electricity, running water, no tv till i was 13, and I somehow managed not to hold a grudge against circumstances i couldn't control, but there's one thing i know, if you grew up ghetto you had a fucking tv cause there's no other way you learned to act so stupid - if anyone is ruining our society it's YOU for stirring the pot. TITS OR GTFO."

y0 holmes to bel air.

i never grew up in the ghetto.

but i know heaven's got one

3/12/2008 2:47:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i never grew up in the ghetto."

then what the fuck is all this? you certainly wanted us to believe you DID grow up in a ghetto

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"negros please.

you dont even know what its like growing up ghetto.

ever stood in a line to buy cigarettes and bread and rice at a cheaper price ONCE A WEEK?
ever stood in line and had your 5 gallon jug tied to a string so other poor folk cant cut in line, JUST SO YOU CAN GET SOME DRINKING WATER?

ghetto folk grow up good. if anything, you need to get rid of the parents."

3/12/2008 2:49:12 PM

All American
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oh im just saying. i know about the ghetto.

just never decided to live there.

3/12/2008 2:50:58 PM

All American
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i'll accept that

note: those that have lived in the ghetto don't exactly appreciate you talking like you are from around the way. Me for example, I used to live near raleigh blvd and milburnie rd. behind larry's for a couple years...not the worst part of town, but close enough for me to feel put out by fakers claiming ghetto cred(yes, i'm white, and no, the ghetto is not just black ppl.).

3/12/2008 2:56:13 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"where do chines & mexicans come from in contrast to black americans.

black american come out of enslavement, denied any education, mistreated for long periods of time, and that creates this ghetto environment where it is difficult for them to get out of

the problem is that will take a long time to unravel it,
chinese and mexicans come from places with history, a developed culture where people respect and lover thier country

the fact of the matter is black americans are from africa, and africans when they come here even if they only have $1 to thier name they bust their ass and make a living, so to say its a racial issue is ignorant, and if you're ignorant then i'll call you a nigger, even if you're white

but ghetto blacks dont have a respect for authority, and maybe rightfully so, who knows, so they just dont do the things it requires to make it in this society, unless they sell out and do what the man wants them to do,
thats a tough choice"

I think lafta hit the nail on the head.

You can't compare the American Black Man* to any other ethnic minority in the United States. Whereas every other group is or descended from people who chose to move here, the ABM is descended from people who had no choice in moving here. We, that is most of us under 35, often forget that the fathers, and at most, grandfathers of people our age grew up under Jim Crow. You don't wipe out 400 years of distrust for the white race in two generations. I'm not saying that Black America doesn't need to take responsibility for its own failings, failings that have largely erupted since the elimination of Jim Crow, but I'm not inclined to expect Black America to just "get over it."

That being said, no real progress will be made until a black man can tell a white man exactly what is on his mind while the white man actually listens and vice versa. I'm not sure what it is going to take for that to happen.

3/12/2008 6:07:10 PM

All American
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one of the top 10 dumbest threads of all time? i'm going to vote yes.

3/12/2008 7:04:53 PM

All American
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ive been training a new coworker for the past couple weeks. he's black. and he goes to work every day and earns his money. i'm pretty sure he doesn't kill people or do anything bad.

so that pretty much disproves the blacks are all terrible theory, and the theory that blacks are born at a disadvantage in america. both sides of that are full of shit.

sure, poverty can breed criminals (any race)... but those people dont have to resort to crime and selling drugs and shit. almost 100% of the people who steal or sell drugs to make a living and justify it by saying there is no other way are full of shit. they CAN go get a job at mcdonalds. i know selling dope pays more than working at mcdonalds. but its not the ONLY choice they have. people (of both races) are just too lazy to take the time to make something of their life, and they love to blame their socioeconomic status for their poor choices.

3/12/2008 7:12:20 PM

All American
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We need Bill Cosby in here

3/12/2008 7:21:20 PM

All American
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this thread has hit an all time low.

3/12/2008 7:32:45 PM

All American
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sigh not everyone can get a job at mcdonalds. that is just a cop out solution to poverty. but yes, i agree that selling drugs is probably not the route to go. but it probably, sadly, seems like a viable "way out" for a lot of people

3/12/2008 8:44:02 PM

All American
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if you don't have a job, you don't want a job. trust me, i know this first hand. there was a point in time where i was job hunting and wouldnt lower my standards to fast food, and blamed it on some pending charges. but it wasnt that i couldnt get a job, i just couldnt get a job that i WANTED at the time, and i refused to swallow my pride and work a shitty job.

the only exceptions are sick people.

some people just want instant gratification and have a pride issue, and they won't work at somewhere like mcdonalds. anyone with an able body can get a job in fast food and make money. anyone can get financial aid for at least community college.

this is even for people who have fucked up in the past and have criminal records or bad credit, etc. out of the gate, anyone can make something out of their life.

how is it a copout solution?

3/12/2008 8:54:05 PM

All American
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i just think its a lot easier said than done and the assertion sortof dehumanizes the actual experiences people are going through. like...its so easy to say "oh you are poor, just work" but its different when you find out that specific person's situation. i mean not all people are good, i get that. and just because your life is rough doesn't mean you have to sell drugs...i get that as well. but if i was some 16 year old kid whose mom was a crackhead and didn't give a fuck about me and i was trying to help my little siblings and go to highschool etc, i feel like maybe i'd be looking for an easy way out too. and ok that is wrong but i know if everything was going against me i probably wouldn't be super optimistic. and i don't think anyone can get financial aid for college etc. if you have parents that are so uninvolved in your life, who is going to help you? who is going to point you in the right direction and make you aware? and i guess that just goes to the education system. i guess i just feel like there are too many factors to make such a generalization. if that makes sense. i'm sure you are going to say it doesn't, though

and, as a side note, i also don't like when people make the job argument for homeless people. poor people, i get. homeless are you going to walk into a fast food place as a homeless person and get a job. where will you shower? how will they call you? how will you get there? money for uniforms? i think in reality it is harder than we'd like to think. it seems easy---you are homeless, get a job. but i think it may be hard to break the cycle. and you can throw homeless shelter out there, but if you look up statistics on shelters you will see a lot of shelters have to turn people away for overcrowding etc. i think there is just a disparity between the idea and reality.

that is all.

3/12/2008 9:24:11 PM

All American
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you do realize there are homeless shelters right. and job help organizations. here in greensboro, i can think of 2 such places off the top of my head:

greensboro urban ministry

the urban ministry will feed you, give you somewhere to shower, and put clean clothes on your back. they will also arrange free public transportation for you to get to mcdonalds to apply.

joblinks actually works directly with places like fast food joints to help people with the exact problems you mention for the homeless person. they allow people to make calls and faxes, they'll take messages for you, they'll do fucking anything to help people. they give out gas vouchers to people who claim they cant come in cause they cant afford gas. they'll buy bus passes for you as well

for every excuse out there, there is already a solution. there's no excuse. i know its hard, especially for homeless people. but not many people were born homeless. at all.

so basically if they're homeless they likely made a series of bad choices to begin with... and even if they are homeless, there's nothing holding them back from getting a minimum wage job. which is enough money to get off the street. people just dont want any part of it if its not instant.

i spend a couple hours a week working with people who are just entering rehab... and a lot of them are the same way, they WON'T get a job... and its because theres no instant money. its amazing how many of them stay working if they can make it a week or 2 till the first payday. but most of them only last a day or 2, if they even get a job to begin with.

its a real problem. people straight up refuse the help, but still make excuses. "OHHH I DONT HAVE MONEY FOR GAS." "but joblinks will buy you gas" - "well i dont have any good clothes" - "goodwill has decent enough clothes to go into mcd's" - "well i cant work day shift"

etc etc

3/12/2008 9:33:13 PM

All American
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Why are we talking about homeless?

You can be poor and still have a job and be working.

Also, there have been countless studies that show that blacks have a harder time getting a job, despite the same credentials, as whites. So even if they are trying to get a job, they ARE at a disadvantage because of skin color. I don't know how you can say blacks aren't at a disadvantage in the US, because this is what the research has shown. People are negatively prejudiced against black people.

And you can't say black people brought this on themselves, because anyone can look back at history and see this is how it's always been. Blacks are successfully working against the grain, when it comes to equal rights.

The problems entirely stem from the Jim Crow days, as a result of slavery. You can say it's the culture, but how did the culture develop? Blacks were forced by the government to be poor and uneducated for a good hundred years after being "freed," what do you think that's going to do to a culture? Make them happy and motivated? But, as a community, they are making tons of progress.

Also, expectations play a HUGE role too. When people and society (and threads like this) tell blacks that they are a certain way, or that they are being judged, it causes them to almost subconsciously live up to the stereotype. There was a study at Stanford where 2 groups of blacks were given a test where one group was told it correlated to actual ability relative to other students, and another told it was just a study. The blacks that thought they were being judged did much worse, where the other ones did just as good as the whites:
Quote :
" He and colleagues gave equal numbers of African-American and white Stanford sophomores a 30-minute standardized test composed of some of the more challenging items from the advanced Graduate Record Examination in literature. Steele notes that all the students were highly successful students and test-takers since all Stanford students must earn SAT scores well above the national average in order to be admitted to the university.

The researchers told half the students that the test did not assess ability, but that the research was aimed at "understanding the psychological factors involved in solving verbal problems." The others were told that the test was a valid measure of academic ability and capacity. African-American students who were told that the test was a true measure of ability scored significantly lower than the white students. The other African-American students' scores were equal to the white students'. Whites performed the same in both situations."

It's a complex issue, but blaming it as an inherent trait of skin color is clearly wrong.

And WRT violence, world-wide, white Americans probably come off as the most aggressive, thanks to Bush. Who other single entitiy has invaded 2 countries, killing 10s of thousands of innocent civilians in the process? It's America that's doing this, but the non-American non-whites surely attribute it to just white people.

3/12/2008 10:28:52 PM

All American
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Chit chat is growing up

3/12/2008 10:36:14 PM

All American
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Another interesting theory that's not directly link to race is the flynn effect:
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"In the 1980s the psychologist and philosopher James Flynn noticed one of the most striking trends of the 20th Century: that IQ scores have increased by about three points per decade, across the globe, for as long as we’ve had recorded tests.

In his latest book, “What is Intelligence?” Flynn continues to refine reasons for the increase – and in doing so debunks the idea that IQ measures a genetically controlled quality and that any racial differences are deterministic.

Flynn notes that the very fact that there are significant generational gains in IQ means that the scores cannot be ruled by genetics.

So if your parents had an IQ of let's say 120 when they were in school, and your IQ was 120, that actually means compared to your parents, you'd be like a 126 or so. Compared to your grandparents, you'd be a good 135-140 if they were tested as the same IQ. Not that IQ is the end all of tests, but it's an intriguing observation.

3/12/2008 10:49:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why are we talking about homeless?"

cause she brought it up when i said that anyone with an able body can get a job. maybe not the best job ever.

also, people are a lot more likely to help you and give you breaks when you're actually trying to help yourself.

i heard the funniest shit on the radio the other morning. "WILL WORK FOR FOOD"

..... SINCE WHEN???

3/12/2008 11:01:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"where do chines & mexicans come from in contrast to black americans.

black american come out of enslavement, denied any education, mistreated for long periods of time, and that creates this ghetto environment where it is difficult for them to get out of

the problem is that will take a long time to unravel it,
chinese and mexicans come from places with history, a developed culture where people respect and lover thier country

the fact of the matter is black americans are from africa, and africans when they come here even if they only have $1 to thier name they bust their ass and make a living, so to say its a racial issue is ignorant, and if you're ignorant then i'll call you a nigger, even if you're white

but ghetto blacks dont have a respect for authority, and maybe rightfully so, who knows, so they just dont do the things it requires to make it in this society, unless they sell out and do what the man wants them to do,
thats a tough choice"

i wrote that? whoa, i was all hopped up on caffeen, but i do agree with like 80% of it

3/12/2008 11:07:27 PM

All American
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^ I've always had this crazy theory that if someone like Bill Gates or whoever picked a ghetto or inner city somewhere, and fixed people's houses up for them, inside and outside,and planted flowers and stuff, that it would have a domino effect throughout the society. The reason being that it would force them to actually have pride in their neighborhood and homes, instead of just resigning to live in a ghetto, and this feeling of pride would carry over to other areas too. Same thing for trailer parks and stuff.

3/12/2008 11:16:25 PM

6999 Posts
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[quote]the fear of a black man's dick[quote]


3/12/2008 11:34:56 PM

All American
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^^fact is it takes not material things but something inside to go right for them to do better
the way i see the black before civil rights were alot more disciplined and had respect for themselves and others

something along the way went wrong, im not sure hwat though

3/12/2008 11:40:40 PM

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