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 Message Boards » » I know I'm old...but I didn't want to think about Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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well...once i make a will, it will be willed over to my parents or my brother if i were to die, at which they could sell it or rent it or whatever they want to do with it...

but i don't expect them to have to pay the mortgage on it since it's my house....

besides....the policy i just got allows me to cash it in at 49 if i want....think about it...if i got married and had a kid this year that would be about the time they would go to college...if i needed that money to send them to college then no skin off my back...

it's just another investment tool for's not like it's a million dollar policy or anything


actually the real reason is that i hope it will be an incentive for some hot ass dude to marry me knowing if i die he'll get money...

even if he kills me...who cares...i got to bwn down with a hot ass dude for a while

[Edited on March 31, 2008 at 8:35 AM. Reason : asdfdd]

3/31/2008 8:33:07 AM

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3/31/2008 8:45:41 AM

All American
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3/31/2008 8:46:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"why would you have a life insurance policy if you dont have any dependants/spouse?


you still have bills/other debts/funeral costs that someone has to be pay for. the policy covers that plus may hook your family up with some $texas in the event of your untimely passing.

3/31/2008 8:49:19 AM

63151 Posts
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well im a dude, and so my parents wont be fronting a wedding, i'll just stick 'em with the funeral

3/31/2008 8:51:15 AM

All American
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^^you got it brother...

and i care enough about my family not to stick them with my financial issues...

^my parents are paying me $10,000 NOT to have a wedding...

they said "we'll put it toward a wedding or you can go to the court house and get the cash"


[Edited on March 31, 2008 at 8:53 AM. Reason : asdfsd]

3/31/2008 8:51:41 AM

63151 Posts
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that's the way to do it.

3/31/2008 8:55:00 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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yeah i mean, its only the first wedding... there's bound to be at least a couple more in a lifetime... so why not take the cash...

3/31/2008 8:55:42 AM

63151 Posts
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yeah, invest the 10k for the wedding that counts.

3/31/2008 8:56:22 AM

32613 Posts
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that's awesome... screw some overly expensive wedding

its not like ppl only marry once these days

3/31/2008 8:58:17 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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um nah

put it in a bank account, don't tell your husband about it...

so when he leaves, and you regret making the wrong decision (again) then at least you have 10,000 reasons to be happy again.

3/31/2008 8:58:34 AM

All American
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look have it all wrong about me apparently....

if i ever get married I hope to only do it once...if i wanted a failed marriage i would have gotten married at 24...i have remained unattached for that very reason....I'm not getting married until i'm confident it'll last, even if it doesn't for some reason, it's not going to be because i went blindly into it because it was the cool thing to do at the time and all my friends were doing it...

by that same token...i'm almost 30...i'm not 22, 23, 24...i have a much better grasp on the financial pitfall that is a big fancy wedding....that money can be used for much more important things anyway...

...i have been completely independent, financially and otherwise, of my parents anyway for 6 years so why should they be expected to pay for my wedding as an adult...

and finally...i fucking hate weddings...i've been to more funerals than i have weddings in my life...if you know me you definitely know that i'm not one for pomp and's not my thing...i don't give a shit if anybody knows that i'm married or not and neither does my family, so my wedding would be for everybody else...not me...

also...i don't have any gf's that's i'm trying to one up with a bigger and better wedding than they had...pretense and superficial impression have never been my strong point...

i'd rather go to the courthouse or to the preacher's house or have a small, casual affair in the yard and a cookout or something if i choose to invite people, than spend thousands on a headache that will only end up lasting for 15 minutes at the most....besides...there would be no alcohol involved in anything the majority of my family would go to it's not like i would have a killer reception or something

3/31/2008 9:25:51 AM

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