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Yankee Cowboy
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Quote :
"Can eat/live healthy, live to a hundred but not know your name or who you are for your last 20 years."

this guy says otherwise

Frank Buckles, last American combat veteran of World War I

oh, and

[Edited on April 12, 2008 at 3:07 PM. Reason : 2]

4/12/2008 3:07:24 PM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"Drinking heavily is never good for your health."


Quote :
"we're all going to die.. Some of us just choose to ENJOY life."

you're saying that it's not only adding years to one's life that's important, but also adding "life" to "one's years"

I agree, but excessive drinking robs you of enjoying most other things in life

even if you die happy at age 50, a better life would include many other things than just drinking every day

it's fun, yeah, but too much ends up limiting your fun -- get it?

that said, you'll do whatever you want, and that's fine

I'm just sayin'

PSA from 392:

if being trashed all the time is what you're after, consider smoking a mostly harmless joint, instead of drinking another 40

4/12/2008 3:16:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"mostly harmless joint"

does not compute

4/12/2008 3:19:46 PM

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But DUDE!!!1 It is HARMLESS11111 its natural man.. ALL things from the earth are good for you man!!!111

4/12/2008 3:22:07 PM

All American
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it begins...

4/12/2008 3:22:57 PM

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Quote :
"his guy says otherwise

Frank Buckles, last American combat veteran of World War I

oh, and"

yeea.. because ONE! guy lived over 100 and was sane is PROOF!!!!!! that ALL MEN/WOMEN can live 100+ and not lose their mind!!!!1111

4/12/2008 3:54:35 PM

All American
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also wikipedia has the credibility of hillary clinton

4/12/2008 4:03:25 PM

All American
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update for the day

0400 he stopped following simple commands seized again, got a stat CT, he re-bled.

he is on a cocktail of antiseizure meds and has seized off and on throughout the day. for a while he was seizing every ten minutes.

he is getting 25mg of midazolam(versed) a cousin of ativan continously per hour plus bolus doses as needed.

gave him 10 bags of plasma trying to correct his "coags" (measures how long it takes the blood to clot)

we cant correct them

as for the seizures, it would take a barbituate (pentobarbitol) coma to stop them. But his liver is so shot he might not be able to metabolize the he might not wake up.

if he keeps bleeding and his hematoma keeps getting larger...he will die

his liver is so swollen and scarred you can feel it if you press on his abdomen. he looks pregnant from all of the fluid collecting in his abdomen (ascites).

one of the valves of his heart is regurgitating blood.

his potassium is critically low despite the large amounts of pure iv potassium he is getting and it(the low potassium) is making his heart beat erratically. potassium is important for electrical conduction

his kidneys are trying to fail. so all of the plasma he is getting is making him fluid overloaded, and his kidneys cant flush it out, so he is really at risk of pulmonary edema(especially since his heart isnt pumping efficiently)

he is retaining ammonia(which is toxic) this is probably why he fell down in the first place.

all of this from drinking a fifth a day...

if he were conscious, i dont think he would be enjoying life very much right now.

and his poor family, they are completely shell shocked.

its a sad situation

4/12/2008 11:34:27 PM

All American
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holy shit.

i had NO idea alcohol caused liver problems.
holy shit. there should be a thing that freshman have to take to as a precautionary warning. i wouldn't want new students succumbing to peer pressure without knowing all of the risks.

TWW this is our chance, we must get the word out.

4/12/2008 11:40:55 PM

All American
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how old is he?

4/13/2008 12:06:53 AM

All American
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versed aint no fucking joke

wonder why he wont wake up

4/13/2008 12:09:11 AM

All American
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pretty young, less than 60

time to go see what his CT shows this morning...

he has 5mm of Right to left shift, in a young person with very little atrophy(due to age) 5mm is a lot.

eldery people have more room inside of their skulls...5mm of shift is nothing to them.

4/13/2008 5:59:34 AM

All American
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has he not herniated from that hematoma?

4/13/2008 7:55:39 AM

All American
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a) a fifth/day is a shitload
b) someone go to the hospital and get this guy a is the family shell shocked? guy drinks a fifth/day then ends up fucked up in the hospital = family is astonished? dumbasses

4/13/2008 9:45:12 AM

All American
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benz: on friday he had subfalcine herniation.

the good news: the hematoma is stable, the midline shift is resolving somewhat, and for benz and dave and anyone else who is knowledgeable about what im about to say: has slightly less sulcal effacement and mass effect

bad news: we arent gonna be able to correct his coags....

prognosis: poor

but he did open his eyes this morning when i yelled in his ear

4/13/2008 11:18:20 AM

37776 Posts
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yeea.. no way I could drink a fifth EVERYDAY for 20+ years...

I mean.. the handful of times I actually drank a fifth by myself.. I didn't want to drink any alcohol for 6 months.. So I'm going out on a limb and say this guy is the EXCEPTION to the rule..

4/13/2008 12:55:59 PM

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