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4/17/2008 1:30:16 PM

All American
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July 7th also has the UK subway bombing from a couple years ago

4/17/2008 1:31:19 PM

All American
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June 23rd

1611 - The mutinous crew of Henry Hudson's fourth voyage sets Henry, his son and seven loyal crew members adrift in an open boat in what is now Hudson Bay; they are never heard from again.

1940 - World War II: German leader Adolf Hitler surveys newly defeated Paris in now occupied France.

1942 - World War II: The first selections for the gas chamber at Auschwitz take place on a trainload of Jews from Paris.

1959 - Convicted Manhattan Project spy Klaus Fuchs is released after only nine years in prison and allowed to emigrate to Dresden, East Germany (where he resumed a scientific career).

1959 - A fire in a resort hotel in Stalheim, Norway kills 34 people.

1967 - Mohawk Airlines Flight 40 crashes due to an incorrectly installed valve, killing all 34 on board.

1968 - 74 are killed and 150 injured in a football stampede towards a closed exit in a Buenos Aires stadium.

1985 - A terrorist bomb aboard Air India flight 182 brings the Boeing 747 down off the coast of Ireland; killing all 329 people aboard.

4/17/2008 1:34:00 PM

All American
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1973 - A chartered Boeing 707 explodes in flames upon landing at Kano Airport, Nigeria killing 176.
Also, the Roe vs. Wade decision was handed down.

Rose Kennedy died on my birthday. the only weird thing about that is that JFK Jr. died on my wedding day.

Heath Ledger, LBJ, and the guy who built the Taj Majal died on my b-day.

That's about all that's important

4/17/2008 1:36:06 PM

All American
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2006 - Aaron Spelling, American television producer (b. 1923)

forgot one, the worst one

4/17/2008 1:39:19 PM

All American
1165 Posts
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Heath Ledger died on my birthday.
My brother was born on 9/11, and I also came to America on that date as well.

4/17/2008 2:01:31 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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holy fuck
Quote :
"1943 - World War II: the entire population of Khatyn in Belarus is burnt alive by German occupation forces."

4/17/2008 2:04:23 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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Nah its just a image placeholder that says (gay_xxx_stories)

4/17/2008 2:46:55 PM

All American
6195 Posts
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the titanic sunk

4/17/2008 2:47:18 PM

All American
8005 Posts
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Quote :
"1329 - Pope John XXII issues his 'In Agro Dominico' condemning some writings of Meister Eckhart as heretical.
1513 (not 1512 as often cited) - Explorer Juan Ponce de León sights North America (specifically Florida) for the first time, mistaking it for another island.
1613 - The first English child born in Canada at Cuper's Cove, Newfoundland to Nicholas Guy.
1625 - Charles I becomes King of England, Scotland and Ireland as well as claiming the title King of France.
1642 - The sixth Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Joseph takes office.
1782 - Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
1794 - The United States Government establishes a permanent navy and authorizes the building of six frigates.
1794 - Denmark and Sweden form a neutrality compact.
1814 - War of 1812: In central Alabama, U.S. forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the Creek at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
1834 - Andrew Jackson is censured by the U.S. Senate for his actions regarding the U.S. National Bank.
1836 - Texas Revolution: Goliad massacre - Antonio López de Santa Anna orders the Mexican army to kill about 400 Texans at Goliad, Texas.
1836 - Kirtland Temple in Ohio is dedicated in an 8 hour long service led by Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney Rigdon.
1846 - Mexican-American War: Siege of Fort Texas.
1851 - First reported case of Europeans seeing Yosemite Valley.
1854 - Crimean War: The United Kingdom declares war on Russia.
1868 - The Lake Ontario Shore Railroad Company is organized in Oswego, New York.
1871 - The first international rugby football match, England v. Scotland, is played in Edinburgh at Raeburn Place.
1881 - Rioting takes place in Basingstoke in protest against the daily vociferous promotion of rigid Temperence by the Salvation Army.
1890 - A tornado strikes Louisville, Kentucky, killing 76 and injuring 200.
1906 - Founding of the Alpine Club of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1918 - Moldova and Bessarabia join Romania.
1938 - The Battle of Taierzhuang takes place.
1941 - World War II: Yugoslavian Air Force officers topple the pro-axis government in a bloodless coup.
1942 - World War II: United Kingdom forces raid the U-boat base at St. Nazaire, France.
1943 - World War II: Battle of the Komandorski Islands - In the Aleutian Islands the battle begins when United States Navy forces intercept Japanese attempting to reinforce a garrison at Kiska.
1945 - World War II: Operation Starvation, the aerial mining of Japan's ports and waterways begins.
1948 - The Second Congress of the Workers Party of North Korea is convened.
1958 - Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier of the Soviet Union.
1963 - Beeching axe: Dr. Richard Beeching issues a report calling for huge cuts to the United Kingdom's rail network.
1964 - The Good Friday Earthquake, the most powerful earthquake in U.S. history at a magnitude of 9.2 strikes South Central Alaska, killing 125 people and inflicting massive damage to the city of Anchorage.
1968 - Yuri Gagarin, Soviet Cosmonaut, first human in space dies in aircraft training accident.
1969 - Mariner 7 is launched.
1970 - The Concorde makes its first supersonic flight.
1977 - Tenerife disaster: Two Boeing 747 airliners collide on a foggy runway on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, killing 583 (all 247 on KLM and 335 on PAN AM) and 61 survived on a PAN AM flight.
1980 - The Norwegian oil platform Alexander Kielland collapses in the North Sea, killing 123 of its crew of 212.
1986 - A car bomb explodes at Russell Street Police HQ in Melbourne, killing 1 police officer and injuring 21 people.
1990 - The United States begins broadcasting TV Martí to Cuba in an effort to bridge the information blackout imposed by the Castro regime.
1993 - Jiang Zemin is appointed President of the People's Republic of China.
1994 - One of the biggest tornado outbreaks in recent memory hits the Southeastern United States. One tornado slams into a church in Piedmont, Alabama during Palm Sunday services killing 20 and injuring 90.
1994 - The Eurofighter takes its first flight in Manching, Germany.
1998 - The Food and Drug Administration approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States.
2000 - Phillips explosion of 2000 kills 1 and injures 71 in Pasadena, Texas.
2002 - Passover Massacre: A suicide bomber kills 29 people in Netanya, Israel.
2004 - HMS Scylla, a decommissioned Leander frigate, is sunk as an artificial reef off Cornwall, the first of its kind in Europe.
2006 - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights holds its final meeting. "

My favorite: "1998 - The Food and Drug Administration approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States. "

4/17/2008 3:18:36 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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July 23

Quote :
"1840 - The Province of Canada is created by the Act of Union.
1903 - Ford Motor Company sells its first car.
1914 - Austria-Hungary issues an ultimatum to Serbia allowing the Austrians to find out who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand. When Serbia denies Austria-Hungary their demands World War I is sparked on July 28, 1914.
1926 - Fox Film buys the patents of the Movietone sound system for recording sound onto film.
1929 - Fascist government in Italy bans the use of foreign words.
1942 - The Holocaust: The Treblinka extermination camp is opened.
1962 - Telstar relays the first live trans-Atlantic television signal.
1967 - 12th Street Riot: In Detroit, Michigan, one of the worst riots in United States history begins on 12th Street in the predominantly African American inner city (43 killed, 342 injured and ~1,400 buildings burned).
1979 - George Brett gets his 1,000th hit
1992 - A Vatican commission, led by Joseph Ratzinger, establishes it is necessary to limit rights of homosexual people and non-married couples."

4/17/2008 4:39:40 PM

All American
11177 Posts
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June 17

1631: The lady for whom the Taj Mahal is built died.
1901: The first standardized test is introduced (tragic to other people, me not so much)
1972: Watergate arrests made
1986: Kate Smith (the "God Bless America" lady) dies
1987: Dusky Seaside Sparrow becomes extinct
1994: O.J. Simpson arrested

** I share a birthday with Harry Browne (Libertarian candidate for President in 2000), Joe Piscopo, Jon Gries (Uncle Rico), Krayzie Bone, Venus Williams, Kyle Boller, and John Gallagher Jr.

4/17/2008 8:23:31 PM

147487 Posts
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i think jodie foster and marissa tomei(sp?) are near my bday...pimp c died the day after my bday

4/17/2008 8:29:44 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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Quote :
"September 10th in History
1919: The Austrian Empire ends with the signing of the Treaty of Saint Germain
1979: London talks on the Zimbabwe Rhodesian constitution open
1989: Hungary opens its borders to the West, allowing thousands to leave East Germany
1993: Further agreements reached between the PLO and Israel about self rule in the Gaza Strip

But what REALLY sucked was that for my 21st birthday, we were planning on going out on the day after my bday (since it was a Thursday and more conducive to drinking). Guess what Thursday, September 11th that was?!

[Edited on April 23, 2008 at 3:23 PM. Reason : ]

4/23/2008 3:23:07 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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evan was born on my birthday.

4/23/2008 3:24:26 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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october 8

the chicago fire

4/23/2008 3:26:19 PM

All American
1857 Posts
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my biggest is jfk's assassination

but wikipedia says that the xbox 360 was released on my birthday. hahah, never knew that

4/23/2008 7:05:46 PM

7062 Posts
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three mile island

(march 28th, 1979)

4/23/2008 7:10:28 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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January 26th

1340 - King Edward III of England is declared King of France.
1531 - Lisbon, Portugal hit by an earthquake--thousands die.
1837 - Michigan is admitted as the 26th U.S. state.
1838 - Tennessee enacts the first prohibition law in the United States
1911 - Glenn H. Curtiss flies the first successful seaplane.
1934 - The Apollo Theater reopens in Harlem, New York City.
1942 - World War II: The first United States forces arrive in Europe landing in Northern Ireland.
2000 - Rap-metal band Rage Against the Machine plays in front of Wall Street, prompting an early closing of trading due to the crowds.
2004 - A whale explodes in the town of Tainan, Taiwan. A build-up of gas in the decomposing Sperm whale is suspected of causing the explosion.
2005 - Condoleezza Rice is sworn in as U.S. Secretary of State, becoming the first African American woman to hold the post.
2006 - Western Union discontinues use of its telegram service.

4/23/2008 7:15:41 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
Anyone born on 9/11?

my dad was actually. he was across the country when it happened yea, bad birthday for him

4/23/2008 7:16:51 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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i remember that whale explosion in the news

4/23/2008 7:28:52 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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VA tech shootings

6/19/2008 12:02:01 AM

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