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Mr Scrumples
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went a little overboard here.

4/23/2008 12:26:55 AM

All American
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If you really think you got screwed, talk to the professor. Tell him or her that you will only accept the grade under strict protest and that you intend to appeal to the highest level. . .that is, if you really think you got screwed.

Well, did you?

4/23/2008 12:44:21 AM

343 Posts
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wow my final project counted for 20%
and I got a 50 on it...but still made a C+

4/23/2008 12:44:33 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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you're obviously not familiar with rodman

[Edited on April 23, 2008 at 12:45 AM. Reason : ^s]

4/23/2008 12:45:19 AM

343 Posts
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^nah I had Sills..

4/23/2008 12:46:01 AM

All American
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^^ No, I have been a TA, though.

And Rodman? Heh--are you serious? Oh, the irony.

4/23/2008 12:52:45 AM

Shitter Pilot
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Rodman = EPIC FAIL

Got my A- in FORTRAN back in '06. (Wanted to kill Rodman the entire time). Is it just me or could anyone else not stand to be in his lecture for more than 2 minutes?

4/23/2008 9:05:06 AM

All American
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Well there's your mistake

The first rule of fortran is you don't go to lecture

4/23/2008 9:10:45 AM

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I thought the first rule of fortran was you don't talk about fortran

4/23/2008 9:12:53 AM

All American
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^^He takes attendance now and has quizzes in lecture.

As a previous fortran TA, I can tell you one this... I wasn't that picky about people naming stuff properly because I didn't use the macros to grade the assignments, but I told each class, EVERY SINGLE LAB that if their code didn't compile, I wouldn't even look at it, I would give it a zero. In addition to that, it would say that at the top of every grade sheet in bold and all caps, and on the actual assignment statement. And despite that, I still had students turn in code that didn't compile and then they would come whining that they didn't know it had to compile.

So unless it doesn't say it anywhere in your assignment information and your TA didn't mention it a single time to you, you have nobody to blame but yourself. I do agree that it is fairly harsh that you get so many points taken off for it, but the TA's do NOT come up with the grading scale for the projects, Dr. Rodman does. EVERYTHING is outlined on the grading rubric.

[Edited on April 23, 2008 at 9:17 AM. Reason : ]

4/23/2008 9:17:26 AM

All American
542 Posts
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How do you manage to even consider turning in an assignment that doesnt compile? I mean, even with huge programs with crappy compiling errors, just find the line, and comment it out if you are running out of time. Hell, Ive had to comment out 85% of a file once because I had a deadline and it wouldnt compile. Just add a big note at the top of the file and mention it to the grader that you did the work, but had a bug at the last minute and just pray that he looks at your code to see your effort. ive gotten 70-80s on assignments that I did just that with. Hell, in Java 2, I once turned a program that not only didnt work, but was barely more than the bare-bones outline file that they gave to you.

4/23/2008 9:59:33 AM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"He takes attendance now and has quizzes in lecture."

haha, pwning all those freshman

if the class would have been at a different time and there werent 2000 people in it, i would have enjoyed it a lot more

4/23/2008 10:06:25 AM

All American
3583 Posts
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this Paul1984 guy sounds like a whiny little bitch, and I'm glad he didn't get credit for the assignment that he refused to follow directions on.

Mr. TA, I applaud your efforts.

4/23/2008 10:08:38 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Quote :
""He takes attendance now and has quizzes in lecture."

haha, pwning all those freshman

if the class would have been at a different time and there werent 2000 people in it, i would have enjoyed it a lot more"

He did the same to me, hence the A- in the class. I had a 41 quiz average and it was 15% of my grade. I think I went to the lecture 7 times out of the whole semester. I said, "Fuck it" after the first week. What he lectures about doesn't even matter.

WTF is sheep speak anyways?

4/23/2008 10:12:12 AM

All American
10000 Posts
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Quote :
"How'd you do on the SAT?"

1300 on the 1600 scale. not amazing but not terribad.

liek 1299 of that was math amirite?

4/23/2008 10:31:53 AM

All American
4519 Posts
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This is taken straight from the course website on the policies page
Quote :
"Automatic Failing Grades
An automatic F may be given for any week's lab assignment if:
(a) The student fails to turn in a gradesheet within a week of it's due date to his/her grader. (-100 points)
(b) The student is found to be violating the academic integrity policy or policies of the lab. (-100 points)
(c) The student fails to include their unity ID, unity ID number, lab section, and name on their gradesheets. (-50 points)
(d) The student fails to name his or her programs as noted on the course website. (-100 points)
If a student receives a zero for any of these, their grade will not be negotiated."

This is from the assignment page
Quote :
"Submit the files:
part2.f95 -> Program that uses Module.
module2.f95 -> Module containing 6 function and any necessary subroutines
to print menus to screen."

You named your file FUNCTIONS.F95

also at the begining of the semester you signed a sheet of paper saying that you agreeded to follow all the lab policies outlined on the website.

Its your fault you fucked up man. Now grow up and stop being such a whiney little ass fuck

4/23/2008 10:48:30 AM

All American
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A lot of my students fail to follow directions. Like, they'll write their student id number instead of their unity id (i had one kid who wrote his ss # lol) on things they turn in...and i'll make a note of it on their paper but I don't count off for it. And if they forgot to put their unityid in files they submit, then i take like 2 points off. its only a minor inconvenience to me...everything else works fine.

sounds like your TA was just having a rough day.

4/23/2008 5:22:42 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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Quote :
"also at the begining of the semester you signed a sheet of paper saying that you agreeded to follow all the lab policies outlined on the website.

i loled.

and i agree -- rodman is a terrible professor. he is rude to his students and incredibly pretentious. The TAs teach fortran, rodman just rambles about sheep and such.

4/23/2008 5:25:05 PM


15145 Posts
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Doesn't really have anything to do with the thread, i just wanted to post it.

But whoever you are, your life ain't shit. I know seniors in NC State engineering who have 5 kids at home, others who manage grocery stores and shit - while taking a full load, not watered down, full load. That kind of person doesn't spend 30 minutes arguing about a point or two with their TA and make a TWW thread after it. These are people who have to deal with real shit, and they're in the same damn classes as your whiny ass.

respect yo.

4/23/2008 5:50:54 PM

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