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All American
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Coming from someone who is half African American and half African American..Ill break it down for you guys....

1) The length at which African Americans hair grows is strictly based on genetics..., my grandfather who is half blk and half irish, lost all of his hair at age 13 due to lack of taking care of it, where my mother/grandmother (who are both African American/Native American) have jet black hair down to past their shoulders.

2). The majority of African Americans (I dont know about African hair, so someone else will have to answer)...have to condition their hair, scalp with various moisturizers, and hair oils to help keep our hair healthy. We're only suppose to wash our hair at most 2 or 3 times a week..NOT every day...b/c if we washed our hair every day then our hair would get brittle, break off, and we would have crazy ass split ends.

3). Some of us as babies are born with insanely curly hair, and some of us have hair whose curls grow out as we get older, others due not, and some use chemicals suck as relaxers to straighten their insanely curly hair....and some use relaxers due to help with the lack of taht wavy/curly structure some of us were born with.

4). Not all African American guys wear doo-rags...some that do wear them at night so when they wake up they have wavy hair in the morning.

5) those of us who are African American and another race typically have wavy or straight hair due to genetics

6) African American girls have their hair naturally braided b/c in some it helps grow out there hair if left in for a few weeks, while being washed/conditioned on a weekly basis

7) Yes, some white people look just as good in afros as blk people, hehe

8) Alot of African Americans, especially those with naturally wavy, straight, or relaxed hair have to tie there hair up in a bandana or scarves to hold in the hair oils to keep their hair from getting dry/brittle from the hair sweating over the course of the night

9) Jerry curls have not been cool since Micheal Jackson wore one

10) Not all African American females have short hair..all of the girls in my family have hair to their shoulders or longer....again-genetics

****The More You Know*****

5/13/2008 6:51:45 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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Quote :
"Coming from someone who is half African American and half African American"

5/13/2008 6:53:02 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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Leon Phelps with the private eye, why am I not surprised?

5/13/2008 6:56:56 PM

21958 Posts
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I have never touched a black person's hair, but I have always wanted to. Never known anyone well enough to ask them.

5/13/2008 6:58:32 PM

All American
2684 Posts
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Thanks Scrumples, ^^ I meant to say

"Coming from someone who is Half African American and Half Native American"

5/13/2008 6:58:46 PM

All American
14393 Posts
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Quote :
"The length at which African Americans hair grows is strictly based on genetics..., my grandfather who is half blk and half irish, lost all of his hair at age 13 due to lack of taking care of it,"

You just contradicted yourself.

5/14/2008 6:59:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » African American Hair Page 1 [2], Prev  
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