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All American
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[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 8:55 AM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 8:45:43 AM

All American
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This shit is just stupid.

Nevermind if Obama is going to be good at running a country, all I care about is his faith/gender/race. If a person has a different religious view as me then by golly gee they can't run a country! If the person is half black then gee willikers he don't know how to run no damn country.

I mean I dunno, it doesn't matter who you support, but just support them for the right reasons. Obama isn't my first choice as of right now, but not because of his family or his race, just because there is someone else that seems to have the same views as I do.

Also, m2c. McCain, Obama, or Hillary, either of them will be better than what we have now.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 10:39 AM. Reason : ]

4/24/2008 10:38:35 AM

All American
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I also agree with the last thing that woman said in the video.

"It is freedom of speech, but I don't think he should do it in the name of God."

This is exactly what the seperation of church and state is there for. Too many people think that it only goes one way, but it goes both ways. The government will not stop you from practicing the religion you want (unless of course you're breaking laws) and the church should not get involved in politics.
Pastors who preach politics in the pulpit are no different than the tax collectors in the temple.

4/24/2008 11:10:14 AM

All American
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jeez that guy sounded really smart. especially the part about the names being the same except for one letter, therefore obama's "an islamic". hard to argue with that. which is why i think santa is actually satan, and i believe my mexican friend jesus is the son of god.

4/24/2008 11:46:04 AM

All American
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His vote counts as much as mine does.

4/24/2008 11:50:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Nevermind if Obama is going to be good at running a country, all I care about is his faith/gender/race. If a person has a different religious view as me then by golly gee they can't run a country! If the person is half black then gee willikers he don't know how to run no damn country."

I hate that I have to keep telling ignorant people that he's a Christian

especially when part of me just wants to go "BUT SO WHAT IF HE ACTUALLY WAS A FUCKING MUSLIM?"

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 12:23 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 12:22:45 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » OBAMA/OSAMA. HUMM. ARE THEY BROTHERS? Page 1 [2], Prev  
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