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All American
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lets judge everyone. and lets judge them all on one action.

in other news...

i'm just saying.

5/4/2008 11:57:07 PM

Sup, B
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I think this is a perfect situation in which to judge her. the bitch has removed all doubt that she is worthy of life.

5/4/2008 11:58:28 PM

All American
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as I am a new member of the state bar, i seriously hope that you go into some field other that criminal. we as a people need less gun haters. of course i'm of the mind that we should exercise our rights, but that's another topic all together.

you may call me Seotaji esq.

too bad no one is allowed to call me DR. so silly.

5/5/2008 12:04:02 AM

All American
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no worries, the last thing i want to be is a lawyer

and yes, i agree about the Dr. part. what a rip off.

5/5/2008 12:11:22 AM

All American
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i cannot stand people who lack patience for old people on the road, children crying on airplanes, and shit like that. what do you want them to do? not function? sit at home and not do shit?

you motherfuckers are beneath me.

5/5/2008 12:13:22 AM

147487 Posts
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damn you are the coolest person on all the internet

5/5/2008 12:15:25 AM

All American
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agreed. but then you get people like my grandmother who drive on the highway (like 540) in the right lane going 30mph with her BRIGHTS on at all times. i don't want people to hurt her or yell mean things (although i'm sure they do), but obviously she is sort of dangerous and shouldn't be driving. once you pass a certain age you should definitely have to pass the drivers test WAY more freqently. i mean an older person's health can change substantially from year to year (and even less).

and i agree about the babies thing too. but then you get people who have crying babies and just let them cry. or annoying kids and just let them be annoying. like during church or a wedding, its nice to get up and take your baby out if they are crying, not just sit there and pretend like nothing is happening (granted on an airplane you honestly have no choice. but an effort to calm them definitely makes people more sympathetic). i just can't stand moms who take their kids out and just like let them run around stores knocking things down and don't even ATTEMPT to control them. but that is a tangent and completely different.

[Edited on May 5, 2008 at 12:17 AM. Reason : .]

5/5/2008 12:16:39 AM

Sup, B
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haha. my grandmother is legally blind and still has a valid driver's license

5/5/2008 12:19:44 AM

All American
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yea!!! same!!! not that grandmother ^^ but my other one who no longer drives has cataracts and she's had them for 20 years or something and the state didn't take her license away, it was my family that made her give up her car. really sad...but definitely necessary.

5/5/2008 12:32:30 AM

Arranging the blocks
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I would never want to be on a jury and condemn a man to death on accounts of others or circumstantial evidence. However, if I were personally involved in a situation where a person did commit a heinous crime where my most viable option were lethal (to save life and limb); I'd have no problem pulling the trigger.

My late grandfather's license expires this year. Heh, he always wanted to have a valid license to the end.

[Edited on May 5, 2008 at 12:34 AM. Reason : Grandpa died 81.]

5/5/2008 12:33:07 AM

All American
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and i totally understand and respect your view. i just like to question people and obviously as you can tell i'm sortof anti gun and somewhat of an idealist BUT believe it or not, we need each other in this big bad world

5/5/2008 12:37:20 AM

Sup, B
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I think we need less of each-other

5/5/2008 12:37:52 AM

All American
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the deal with self defense is like this. If the guy's gonna kill you, you gotta shoot first. If all the facts could be magically known, nobody would contest your ethical or legal right to defense. If he's just going to beat you, the ethical line is blurry; and moreover, when the situation is unclear, and you don't know WHAT the attacker is going to do, it's a real conundrum.

refusing to acknowledge the blurry ethical line leads to inane and stupid and partisan "pro-gun" / "anti-gun" arguments.

the fact is, self defense is a right; the degree to which it should be enforced is difficult to decide in an adrenaline-pumping situation.

5/5/2008 12:39:58 AM

All American
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nooooo...what fun would that be

5/5/2008 12:40:02 AM

Sup, B
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i think the degree of self-defense is simple. If someone is trying to harm you, then you are allowed to use any and all methods at your disposal to stop the harm, including using lethal force. the moment his attack stops, though, so should yours

5/5/2008 12:46:26 AM

All American
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Quote :
" simple"

too bad that word does not describe our justice system. maybe youuuuuu are the idealist

5/5/2008 12:48:54 AM

147487 Posts
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seriously...lawyers are pieces of shit

5/5/2008 12:49:42 AM

Sup, B
53284 Posts
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our justice system, however, fails to provide justice in practically every situation in which it is used

5/5/2008 12:56:04 AM

All American
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agreed. and agreed.

5/5/2008 1:06:20 AM

All American
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just carry something that they'll see and not want to hit you because they don't want to lose a limb...

if they still try to beat you, whip them with the back of it.

5/5/2008 1:27:45 AM

Morphine Boy
All American
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Needle to the arm.

I agree with whoever said that.

5/5/2008 2:49:32 AM

68205 Posts
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shit, just pull out the gun like ^^ said
maybe fire a warning shot in the ground
that would scare the piss out of me to the point i wouldnt want to fight anymore

5/5/2008 9:14:40 AM

5724 Posts
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i wouldn't fire a shot at her body. probably the fact that i had a loaded gun and whipped it out would do the trick, along with some yelling. if that didn't work firing a round or 2 in her direction would send her running.

that is all.

5/5/2008 9:19:27 AM

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