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 Message Boards » » Who said Obama wouldnt take NC!!???? Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
147487 Posts
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5/6/2008 9:53:38 PM

147487 Posts
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so lake county is being slow with their returns and is expected to go obama

i'm hoping hilldog makes a speech thinking she won but obama ends up winning...shes already late to her event as it is...haha how embarressing...she would lose both, AND make a speech saying she i wish that would happen

5/6/2008 10:20:12 PM

Starting Lineup
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I voted for Obama!!!

5/6/2008 10:21:04 PM


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5/6/2008 10:22:28 PM

All American
5613 Posts
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Seriously who said that Obama wouldn't take NC? It was pretty much a foregone conclusion.

5/6/2008 10:35:58 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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he took Morrisville ... people always told me Morrisville was racist ... guess not

5/6/2008 10:40:06 PM

Duh, Winning
62533 Posts
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she is talking now, it would be funny if she was doing that shit and suddenly Indy went to Obama

5/6/2008 10:41:06 PM

All American
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get the fuck out of the race

5/6/2008 10:41:40 PM

147487 Posts
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^^yeah thats what i was thinking

i dont get why people bash her on her clothes...i like the way she else would she dress as a female politician

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 10:42 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 10:41:59 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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in a bikini

5/6/2008 10:42:41 PM

Duh, Winning
62533 Posts
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damn, this is as bad as some of Herb Sendek's campout speeches

5/6/2008 10:42:48 PM


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5/6/2008 10:42:55 PM

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i like her in blue

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 10:43 PM. Reason : i name that color "liberal"]

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 10:44 PM. Reason : i wonder what she looks like without make up]

5/6/2008 10:43:28 PM


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5/6/2008 10:50:58 PM

395 Posts
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this is a great victory guys. to the handful of you who constantly talk shit about obama on this site, have fun crying in your circle jerk. if you think about it, you'd be a lot better off intelligently backing someone you want to win than barraging the candidate you don't want to win. it makes you sound like sore losers, and the 'elitist' comments (from a select few of you) make you sound like ignorant sheep who follow some combination of news conglomerate headlines designed for ad revenue, oreilly/limbaugh/coulter/etc. anti-propaganda, or other sheep. for those of us who had a big win tonight, let us enjoy this moment.

Obama '08!

5/6/2008 11:18:01 PM

All American
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5/6/2008 11:30:19 PM

All American
11084 Posts
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How do people still say that all Obama does is talk? First of all, his website has his proposals and plans for just about every possible issue. Split up by catagory and everything. People want healthcare reform, government policies, etc. - but want taxes CUT?? There's no free lunch people, everything costs and the money has to come from somewhere. You pay dues to your gym, frat, alumni association, country club, HOA, etc., but then all of a sudden paying to help your government is absurd? An interesting lack of logic. A sudden and significant drop in gas prices (tax holidays), will cause the amount of gas bought and consumed to skyrocket, thus increasing our dependence on foreign oil. Again, a lack of logic to support that. I won't even get started on what a waste the war is.

Please incorporate logic into your choice of our next leader. Leave the emotional and personality crap out of it.


5/6/2008 11:36:08 PM

All American
6195 Posts
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^ people are retarded.. especially on this site

5/6/2008 11:36:46 PM

5724 Posts
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i like how everybody is all in a tizzy about obamas win today.

to bad NC has never elected a democratic president

5/6/2008 11:38:12 PM

All American
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It has nothing to do with a "tizzy." It has everything to do with people making informed decisions based on logic and not on meaningless distractions and emotions. People who realize this tend to go with Obama. That's all.

There's nothing wrong, however, with celebrating a victory (no matter it's significance in the long run). If it plays out in his favor, fine. If not, a very strong statement was made anyway.

5/6/2008 11:42:27 PM

5724 Posts
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i guess New York / California / Ohio / Florida / PA etc etc etc didn't make logical choices eh?

5/6/2008 11:46:07 PM

1013 Posts
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who cares so long as gw is out next january.

5/6/2008 11:47:55 PM

147487 Posts
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man fuck that...that is the fucking white peoples fault^^

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 11:49 PM. Reason : and jews and mexicans]

5/6/2008 11:48:46 PM

All American
11084 Posts
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^^ truth.

But considering McCain is like Bush Part Deux ...

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 11:49 PM. Reason : def. not ^ that]

5/6/2008 11:49:20 PM

5724 Posts
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black man beating on a white woman. [no racism] i think i saw this in a parking lot last week. nothing new happened tonight in my book. (no but srsly, i saw a woman getting hit by a black dude, my brolly pulled out his .38 and i called the police)

the white girl told me it was OK, and that she didn't want him to get in trouble. we left when the cops arrived, and the chick was saying nothing happened

some serious :carlface:

5/6/2008 11:57:48 PM

147487 Posts
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seriously if the dumb ass whites of pa, ohio, and texas didnt vote obama woulda won those states

5/6/2008 11:59:17 PM

All American
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I will never encourage anyone to NOT vote. Rather, I perfer an INFORMED vote based on facts and logic. Not a vote based on media garbage and historic trends about race, etc.

5/7/2008 12:01:50 AM

5724 Posts
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i know because historic trends are like so the 90's and stuff

5/7/2008 12:02:42 AM

147487 Posts
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^^exactly...u take out all those poor working class dumbfucks of oh, pa, and texas and obama wins those states...that goes for pretty much all 50 states

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 12:02:45 AM


10410 Posts
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I just love that Obama's tax proposal will raise taxes, and pay credit card debt for those who were too stupid not to screw themselves over.

Because that is exactly what I want to do, pay other people's debt for them.

5/7/2008 12:09:43 AM

All American
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^^^ I meant more like southern whites that would refuse to vote for a minority, without regard for his or her actual policies. But thanks for your sarcasm anyway.

^ if you pay HOA dues, you pay to keep neighborhood grounds clean and groomed, even if someone else is messing it up. Same principal. It should be about helping each other out. If you've never made a mistake in your life and needed help from someone other than yourself... then your point is valid.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 12:13 AM. Reason : logic, people... not that hard]

5/7/2008 12:10:36 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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i hope all the whiners on both sides actually voted. however, i'm sure they didn't. statistically speaking.

5/7/2008 12:11:28 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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i voted

wanna go to ice cream and a movie

5/7/2008 12:12:32 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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i would but...i actually have plans to commit suicide to avoid finals

5/7/2008 12:13:20 AM

5724 Posts
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well i got the i voted sticker. and also, i noticed when i submitted my ballot that the count number didn't increase, so they ran it through again so that it counted.

5/7/2008 12:14:12 AM

All American
22489 Posts
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Obama's about to win Indiana... possibly

5/7/2008 12:14:52 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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well i definitely wouldn't wanna spoil your plans. but how about you let me know if everything goes ok and we go celebrate your survival (and my vote)

^you get a new number? i tried to call you this morning on the way to work. thought about you after i voted haha

5/7/2008 12:15:22 AM

12937 Posts
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Don't be queer.

5/7/2008 12:17:11 AM

All American
2684 Posts
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Obama's policies and his connection to the American people spoke to alot of North Carolinians. The right candidate won today in NC and Im glad that the bulk of the voting public is not as ass backwards as some of the folks here on the Wolf Web!!

Obama in '08!!

5/7/2008 12:29:47 AM

All American
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Bottom line is this, if you don't support a candidate...fine. But to all of a sudden change the realm of reality to make it fit your agena is just crazy. Gov't programs cost money. We should be willing to help each other out. We're all AMERICANS, remember? The economy is so fucked right now, many people have taken on much more selfish behavior. They're worried about where there money is going to come from and where it's going to go. If the overall economy was in better shape, I don't think this would be as significant. Hell, even Ameriprise commercials advertise helping you "manage your finances in an unstable economy." Sorry Bush/McCain supporters, the state of the union is NOT good. And to vote in favor of more of the same? I just can't wrap my educated mind around that.

Also, regardless of who you "support," if you didn't or don't vote - shut the fuck up. Your opinion is worthless. Period.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 12:30 AM. Reason : addendum]

5/7/2008 12:29:52 AM

All American
34479 Posts
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Quote :
"Obama's about to win Indiana... possibly


Where are you getting this? Hillary was up by like 9 points or so earlier.

5/7/2008 12:33:16 AM

All American
7481 Posts
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^turn on the news. they're saying it's a coin flip now

5/7/2008 12:33:46 AM

All American
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It looks like there's 1 county left, and Obama needs 20,000 votes, that doesn't seem likely to me.,_Indiana their population is like 7000 people.

But, that's still huge for Obama to recover by such a large number.

But Lake County has a population of 400k with only 56% reporting.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 12:40 AM. Reason : ]

5/7/2008 12:36:27 AM

12937 Posts
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They haven't counted the absentee ballots yet.

5/7/2008 1:04:01 AM

2940 Posts
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thread question hasn't been answered yet, but i'm pretty sure everyone though obama would take nc

5/7/2008 1:27:09 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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Once again I gave too much credit to the voters of NC.

5/7/2008 1:29:30 AM

All American
1857 Posts
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i wish i was registered as an independent.

5/7/2008 1:36:32 AM

All American
2684 Posts
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Yes-TKE, you know the voters of NC voted for the candidate to block McCain from getting in office in Nov.!

5/7/2008 2:07:40 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 2:17:17 AM

All American
2684 Posts
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^That's a GREAT is my new Wall Paper now..someone has to put that image on a tee-shirt b/c I sure as hell would buy it!!!!!! Seriously!! Obama in 2008!!

5/7/2008 2:34:46 AM

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