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All American
49373 Posts
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heck yes...

i drove the company car (old Ford Taurus) to Clemson a couple of weeks ago and some dude flipped me off after he had to drive behind me for 4 seconds while I got around a took me a second to realize I wasn't in my car because I would have run over his ass if I had been...

last weekend I rented a Ford Focus and I might as well have been riding a tricycle with the way people were driving around me and pretending like I wasn't even there....even though I was going 80+....

however....when I'm in my Tahoe and drive like an old lady because it's old and doesn't have the get up and go it used to I never have any issues....

5/9/2008 3:35:03 PM

All American
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you have to build for a larger traffic flow.

5/9/2008 3:35:19 PM

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You can build all the shit you can, fancy or simple; big or small.

It's completely worthless if 50% of the drivers using it are fucktards, especially when they keep things from being used properly - especially those things built to keep traffic moving. (The specific thing I'm thinking of here are assholes who treat the 'yield' signs at roundabouts as stop signs')

5/9/2008 3:36:59 PM

All American
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i don't have time to assess people's reactions, i'm usually flying by or maneuvering past them

5/9/2008 3:37:51 PM

All American
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I agree it's not all design, but it is a part of the solution.

5/9/2008 3:39:11 PM

All American
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You can just turn it around and say it's completely worthless to have the best divers if they don't have adequate roads to travel on

5/9/2008 3:45:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I didn't say it was worse than most places, I said the roads were poor. I am originally from the NE and wasn't crying, nor was I making any comparison to any other city. I was just saying the traffic here has gotten to a point where they need some new systems instead of continuing to build the same old style of roads (like 20' wide roundabouts and having every exit criss-cross another. that kinda shit doesn't exist in bigger areas.)"

Ah, well yes I agree 100%

5/9/2008 3:50:23 PM

Tom Joad
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5/9/2008 5:07:22 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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Quote :
"If someone's being a pansy about entering a roundabout (not saying you were, just related example) then I don't care what car they're driving they're gonna hear from me."

I completely agree. I don't care what anyone is driving, if they're driving like an idiot - I will honk. (Not that you were driving like an idiot, just a pansy as you said! ) Particularly on Nazareth pulling onto Western! THERE ARE 2 LANES THERE! Just because you need the left lane in 1/2 mile to turn onto Pullen does not mean that you have to wait for the far left lane to open. I promise someone will let you over - JUST PULL INTO THE FREAKING RIGHT LANE AND GTF ON!!!!

I do homwever, care how old they are. I understand thet old drivers get on my nerves, but I always show them some respect and just suck it up and let them drive how they want to.

5/9/2008 5:39:44 PM

All American
929 Posts
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My crown vic makes people think I'm either a cop or an old geezer, so they generally drive a little more carefully around me. Not always, but moreso that when I'm driving something else.

5/9/2008 8:22:33 PM

12937 Posts
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My hummer h2 let's women know right off the bat that my penis is huge.

5/9/2008 11:02:15 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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My car says:

"Man, this chick must be broke."

5/9/2008 11:21:11 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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i definitely command more respect from other drivers when I'm in my truck than when I am in other midsize cars

5/9/2008 11:32:09 PM

All American
1583 Posts
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My first car Said, "sensible nice car" (3y/o accord at the time)

My 2nd vehicle was an f150... it said "I tow a boat, and I'm bigger than your civic so get outa my way" I liked hoping curbs in that thing when I needed to make the turn lane light...

My 3rd vehicle was a A4... it said "I'm pretentious and money oriented and I like to pay for pretty things" very pretty car, but I didn't want to pay for the maintenance on it so I traded it in on the:

My 4th vehicle was an RSX-s... it said "I wanted a fast nice(ish) car but this was what I felt like affording"... (I totaled it being a stupid 16y/o at the age of 25)

My 5th and current car is a 2001 Civic... it says "I don't give a crap about owning a nice car anymore, I want something with really good gas mileage that I won't ever have to worry about"

I don't plan on buying another car until the civic dies in ~10years... a super air nautique is a different story though...(priorities have drastically shifted)

5/10/2008 10:04:16 AM

All American
3633 Posts
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some asshole (im from a small town so i GUESS he took the time to NOTICE such things) threw a fucking greasy chicken wing at my car... later i found out that he was mad b/c i had supposedly bought my car a week after him and it was "better" than his... uh.... i didnt even know the kid... ya

other than that nothin

5/10/2008 10:07:57 AM

All American
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people think i'm a soccer mom

5/10/2008 10:09:02 AM

Shitter Pilot
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This thread is the reason why I'm going to design a flame thrower attachment to the front of my 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport.

5/10/2008 10:17:19 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Man you guys are some ballers compared to me.

Car #1: 1984 Toyota Corolla
Car #2: 1991 Mazda Protege

And now I don't have a car

5/10/2008 10:25:44 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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I've noticed that people drove a lot more agressively around me when I owned a compact car as opposed to our company suburbans and the truck I have now. I think it's for a combination of reasons as to why that happens. Some people probably assume a small vehicle will stop quicker and not do as much damage if it hits you, and some people probably assume a small vehicle means a small person is driving it.

On one occasion when I owned the WRX, I had some jackass cut me off by passing me in spaces marked for parallel parking and then forcing me into the median when he cut over to avoid hitting the parked cars in front of him. When I honked at him at the light, he jumped out of his truck and started threatening to fight me. I got out of the car and told him I would gladly fuck him up for driving like that. I guess he was expecting someone about half my size to get out of the car, because he quickly jumped back in his truck and ran the red light to speed off down Glenwood.

I've always had people comment that I was way too big to be driving a WRX, but I thought it was comfortable. The only reason I switched to a bigger truck is so I could haul stuff for work and for home projects.

5/10/2008 10:26:56 AM

Arranging the blocks
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Until you get into a vehicle with a city logo of the city you're driving in, you don't know SHIT about stupid drivers.

5/10/2008 10:48:20 AM

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