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 Message Boards » » Official ask BEUs Lady a question thread. Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Have you played Rock Band? If so, how would you rate on a scale of 90-100, with 90 being "it rocked my world" and 100 being "it gave me multiple geekasms"?

5/26/2008 12:09:41 AM

40981 Posts
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Quote :
"Me: /palmface"

it's pronounced carlface

5/26/2008 12:11:46 AM

BEUs Lady
All American
2414 Posts
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Quote :
"Who was your favorite guitarist in the yardbirds?"

From my choices, former member Eric Clapton.

Quote :
"Well TWW is all-knowing."


Quote :
"Have you played Rock Band?"

Yes, but I own GH2 so I've played that much more.
Any of the Guitar Hero or Rock Band games are <3

Please continue your questions, but unfortunately I will not be able to answer them until tomorrow.
I must retreat to the cave of sheets known as BEU's sex lair.

[Edited on May 26, 2008 at 12:13 AM. Reason : .]

5/26/2008 12:11:50 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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What TV channel do you watch most?

5/26/2008 12:13:40 AM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"What TV channel do you watch most?"

I rarely watch tv, but when I do, it's usually spike with the CSI marathon... or SciFi when BSG comes on

5/26/2008 5:36:29 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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bttt because I'm bored.

6/3/2008 8:19:51 PM

147487 Posts
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what was your gpa

6/3/2008 8:21:45 PM

All American
1882 Posts
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Would you ever bwn any of BEU's friends?

6/3/2008 8:27:22 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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What do you think is the most important factor in determining the direction of America's future? What is the direction?

6/3/2008 8:34:23 PM

147487 Posts
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are you going to answer my question first?

6/3/2008 8:34:57 PM

All American
12512 Posts
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Quote :
"Would you ever bwn any of BEU's friends? "

dude, I die saving the world or a puppy, you got first dibs.

6/3/2008 8:38:30 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"what was your gpa"


Quote :
"Would you ever bwn any of BEU's friends? "

only you babe haha

Quote :
"What do you think is the most important factor in determining the direction of America's future? What is the direction?"

Finding a president that doesnt suck, whoever that may be. Current direction I feel it making it till November. Then again, I dont follow politics, so what do I know?

Quote :
"are you going to answer my question first?"

Sorry for the delay, I was laughing at racist jokes in Trade Chat.

6/3/2008 8:39:41 PM

All American
2218 Posts
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What'd you guys eat at Hiro that one night?

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 8:40 PM. Reason : 'd]

6/3/2008 8:40:35 PM

All American
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Is there anything that you would consider yourself an elitist towards?

6/3/2008 8:41:28 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"What'd you guys eat at Hiro that one night?"

BEU got lots and lots of sushi. Half off before 7pm. I got steamed vegetables and rice. I was trying to stay within the guildlines of my diet

Quote :
"Is there anything that you would consider yourself an elitist towards?"

I dont think so... I mean, there's responsibilities at work that only I know how to do, people know it, and respect me for that.... but not sure really.

6/3/2008 8:45:42 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Can I get a w00t w00t?

6/3/2008 8:47:39 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"Can I get a w00t w00t?"


6/3/2008 8:51:37 PM

Scary Larry
644 Posts
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why are bitches crazy?

6/3/2008 8:52:17 PM

All American
2218 Posts
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why do we have an almost identical post count?

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 8:56 PM. Reason : almost]

6/3/2008 8:54:34 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"why are bitches crazy?"

to quote a buddy of mine's bulletin:

Just the bitches, not the dudes.

I've had problems upon problems with all you (explitive deleted) latetly..

first of all I want to know what gives you the right to lie to me.. you make plans, then you lie... or not pick up the phone, or ignore me... or just flat out forget me.

Why do you think this is something you can just do? Are your brains so small you cannot remember making plans or are you just getting off on making me feel like shit?

Would it kill you to fucking seal the deal? Would it kill you to give me 5 minutes of your time like you promised... Ever since I got back ive been dealing with this shit one after the fucking other..

Next one of you that lies to me, I'm going to punch you in the fucking cunt. No joke.

you have been warned.


Quote :
"why do we have an identical post count?"

OMG I RUINED IT! But I guess we're just meant to be!

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 8:57 PM. Reason : 2nd ?]

6/3/2008 8:56:22 PM

All American
12512 Posts
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she is crazy



6/3/2008 8:58:28 PM

All American
2218 Posts
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i'm about to start playing diablo 2 again... what class should I be and why?

6/3/2008 9:00:13 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"i'm about to start playing diablo 2 again... what class should I be and why?"

Sorceress or Necro... because I always end up playing caster classes

Also, if you intend on bringing cuteness to the thread, you must introduce our love child: Biscuit


6/3/2008 9:05:36 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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What part of your body do you like the least?

6/4/2008 5:48:40 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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If you were part of a soccer team that was stuck in the andes, would you eat biscuit or BEU.

6/4/2008 8:31:03 PM

147487 Posts
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you and katiencbabe look similar

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 8:36 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 8:35:38 PM

The Dude
All American
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You said before that you are a Tool fan.

What is your favorite Tool album and song?

6/4/2008 8:36:33 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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so staying with priests for wotlk or rollin a deathknight?
do you think any classes (in wow) are overpowered/underpowered/balanced and why?
do you prefer console gaming or pc gaming?
you got a crew of sorts to game with (the tdub/bragaw lan crew has dispersed )

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 9:32 PM. Reason : have you preordered mgs4?]

6/4/2008 9:29:32 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"What part of your body do you like the least?"

My hair annoys me a lot. I have really really thick hair, and it's a pain to manage.

Quote :
"If you were part of a soccer team that was stuck in the andes, would you eat biscuit or BEU."

This was not a question, I do not have to answer

Quote :
"What is your favorite Tool album and song?"

Favorite song of ALL TIME is Schism, hands down. I really like 10,000 Days lately.

Quote :
"so staying with priests for wotlk or rollin a deathknight?
do you think any classes (in wow) are overpowered/underpowered/balanced and why?
do you prefer console gaming or pc gaming?
you got a crew of sorts to game with (the tdub/bragaw lan crew has dispersed )
[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 9:32 PM. Reason : have you preordered mgs4?]"

- I really love my priests <3 but I'll probably roll a deathknight to try.
- Resto druids are stupid overpowered, and spriest need more buffs
- I prefer the PC to consoles, it seems more easier to control. /shrug
- In WoW at least, I had a group of people, but the guild disbanded, sad sad day. I ended up talking to a lot of the horde on my server. Once they transferred, I followed them and rerolled to hang out with them.
- Never played MGS 1, 2, or 3... so probably not.

6/4/2008 10:40:10 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"you and katiencbabe look similar"


I'm not seeing it...

6/5/2008 1:29:32 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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Did you have a teeny bopper crush on a band or celebrity when you were younger?

6/5/2008 1:32:32 AM

balls deep
89892 Posts
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I know that you think that I'm the hottest piece of ass that you've ever seen. That's understandable, and I commend you for sticking to your guns and choosing BEU despite the tremendous odds stacked against him. But despite my devilish good looks, perfect body, sparkling personality, award winning sense of humor, and abnormally high level of intelligence....
what exact was it that made you choose BEU over me?

also, do you play sports? if so, what's your favorite one and why?

do you enjoy movies? if so, what's your favorite genre and why?

what do you see as being your biggest fault?

and lastly, what was a big mistake that you've made in your past, and how did you correct it?

6/5/2008 1:35:11 AM

147487 Posts
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that doesnt really look like she does

quick review most accurate to her imo imagine those with a little more meat on them

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 1:46 AM. Reason : sensitive]

6/5/2008 1:36:23 AM

All American
34244 Posts
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If you were part of a soccer team that was stuck in the andes, would you eat biscuit or BEU?

6/5/2008 1:41:38 AM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"Did you have a teeny bopper crush on a band or celebrity when you were younger?"

I was a HUUUUGE Backstreet Boys Fan-- totally <3 Nick Carter

Quote :
"what exact was it that made you choose BEU over me?

also, do you play sports? if so, what's your favorite one and why?

do you enjoy movies? if so, what's your favorite genre and why?

what do you see as being your biggest fault?

and lastly, what was a big mistake that you've made in your past, and how did you correct it?"

- BEU has a great personality (despite how retarded he is on tww) and he can always make me laugh. I've always looked for personality over looks, but I got lucky and got both
- I used to play softball, every position besides short stop and 2nd base. I also played soccer and basketball for 1 year back in 8th grade. As far as sports I follow, I dont really watch anything on my own, but I'll watch whatever if someone else is. Baseball I've always rooted for the Yankees, born and raised. Dont really have a team for anything else, just what everyone else is rooting for
- I love all kinds of movies. I like movies that make you think, constantly keep you wondering. I like romantic comedies, action and blowing shit up, horror flicks, suspense... I watch movies for entertainment, not to analyze character development.
- I'm sure I have plenty of faults. I tend to be very impatient sometimes. I tend to be short tempered. It's all situational stuff really, because other times I'm really really patient. /shrug
- A big mistake was trying to get back with an ex that cheated on me. It never would've worked out in the end, we've become two totally different people... and I'm happier with BEU

Btw, <3 Spontaneous
She's really nice
and gives good advice
She answers everything you ask
And would never think twice

It's BEU-U-U's (lady)
That's BEU-U-U's (lady)
And she posts agaaaaaaaaaaaain!

{Piano plays out}

6/5/2008 2:01:21 AM

147487 Posts
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can u pass a drug test tomorrow?

6/5/2008 2:03:21 AM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"can u pass a drug test tomorrow?"

yup, smoked weed once in my life. never did anything else.

6/5/2008 2:06:07 AM

All American
10000 Posts
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the correct answer to that question is ALWAYS

"is it oral?"

6/5/2008 6:57:07 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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Quote :


gonna have to agree sir. well played. she has the potential to be REAL crazy, but it seems to not bother you, gg.

6/7/2008 10:52:06 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Official ask BEUs Lady a question thread. Page 1 [2], Prev  
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