theDuke866 All American 52916 Posts user info edit post |
^^ they wouldn't make you do basic twice in the same service. i doubt they'd make you do it cross-service, either, unless you went in the USMC the second time.
^ bonuses in the Marine Corps are relatively hard to come by, especially just to join (there are a few more to get you to stay, but nothing compared to, say, the Army). 5/29/2008 9:29:57 PM
theDuke866 All American 52916 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, broken the sound barrier. landed on a carrier. gotten launched off of a carrier. fired the M-16, M-9, M249, M240G, M2, Mk-19, M-203, rigged C4, rigged TNT, rigged claymores, thrown grenades, flown inverted over mountain ridgelines at 500' and 550+ mph. you can drop me off in the middle of the woods with a map and a compass, and I could find, say, a shoebox in the middle of the woods a mile away if you just gave me grid coordinates for it--day or night. learned a lot of cool shit. gotten a secret clearance, and about to get my top secret clearance (learn a lot more even cooler shit. also lucrative to have in the civilian world). travelled a lot, and about to travel a whole lot more. worked with a lot of really, really incredible people. i can hop a ride in a military jet more or less anywhere in the country if I can just find some training to do on the way and the time to do it. i've played with night vision and thermal imagery. i've flown in helicopters. I've called in mortar fire, artillery fire, and directed a pair of AH-1 Cobras on strafing runs (training, not actually in combat). I've gotten laid and I've had drinks bought for me just because of what I do for a living. something like a quarter or a third of Fortune 500 CEOs are former USMC officers...don't remember the exact number, but it's a mind-blowing percentage. I've lived within walking distance of the beach in FL with the Blue Angels practicing literally in my backyard a few days per week...I've lived 2 hours from the mountains where I skiied almost every weekend in WA (with my house overlooking the ocean from the top of a hill). I've gone parasailing behind a pickup truck, I've swam a mile in a flight suit, I've gotten flipped upside down in the water, blindfolded, strapped into a simulated helicopter fuselage. I've gotten hypoxic out of my brain in a hypobaric chamber. I've been hoisted out of a sound by a helicopter.
I mean, I've also been tear-gassed numerous times, severely sleep deprived on numerous occassions, almost knocked unconscious in a centrifuge, beaten and subjected to "coercive" interrogation techniques and starved for a solid week in SERE school, spent a good number of nights in a sleeping bag in the snow, water, or mud, slept outside in 30 degree weather with nothing but a light jacket and one of those little silver survival "blankets", dug holes big enough to stand in with nothing but an e-tool, and been on my fair share of 6 miles ruck runs and 10-20 mile hikes with 100 lbs of gear.
and here's the thing: I've done all of this (and probably some more that I'm not thinking of right now), but have yet to even go to a single operational unit. This has all been just in training. Now that I'm finally going to the operational forces in another month or two, God only knows what kind of neat stuff I'll do.
There have been some things that have really, really, really sucked, but I've already gotten to do all kinds of stuff that I'd never get to experience otherwise. The people who work with me, for me, and over me are generally awesome. I get the satisfaction of doing a job that I know really has an impact (both in terms of my job in combat and my job in terms of leading Marines).
[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 10:10 PM. Reason : asfd]
[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 10:11 PM. Reason : ^^ basically, yeah. people want to join and stay in the USMC anyway. don't need bonuses.] 5/29/2008 10:08:52 PM